Сочинения на тему: "К нам в город приезжает музыкалиная группа"
К нам в город приезжает моя любимая музыкальная группа. Я много вложил(а) сил, чтобы попасть на этот концерт. Во-первых я занялась учёбой, т. К. Многое время она была у меня не на первом месте. Поэтому мои родители вознаградили меня билетами на этот концерт. Я очень рад(а)!
Я пойду на него с моими друзьями и мы хорошо проведём время!
Go to our city comes my favorite musical group. I put a lot of the strength to get to the concert. First I took up studies, because Many times it was not me in the first place. So my parents rewarded me tickets to this concert. I am very happy! I’ll go at it with my friends and we have a good time!
с сочинением по английскому языку на тему: моя любимая музыка. Спасибо
Music plays an important role in my life. I simply can’t live without music. When I’m sad I listen to alternative music or rock. When I’m in good mood I listen to either hip-hop or dance music. At the moment my favorite band is “Linkin Park”. I love their songs and listen to them every time I get a spare minute. The reason why I like them is the unusual melody and intelligent texts. The band was formed in 1996 and was named after one of Californian parks. There are six people in the band. The most talented of all is Chester Bennington. Although I like all their songs and albums, my favorite one if “Skin to Bone”. Their songs follow different styles. Some songs refer to rock, some – to alternative style, others – to metal. Speaking of British music, I enjoy one of the oldest and non-existent now bands – “The Beatles”. I think their music will never die as it’s legendary. To sum up, I’d like to say that music can influence people. It can inspire and enrich them. It can remind of some places and times. Music is not only another art form but a powerful force, which helps us to live.
Небольшое сочинение на тему: моё хобби. Увлекаюсь музыкой и футболом Пожаййлуста. Напишите
Аниматься спортом-мое увлечение. В спорте есть много разных видов. Больше всего мне нравится футбол, баскетбол, хоккей и настольный теннис. Эти виды спорта самые интересные и подвижные, но есть и множество других подвижных видов. Спорт-это эмоции, радость и огорчение, мышление и общение, спорт разносторонен. Спорт для всех! Спорт для худых, толстых, низких, высоких. Также большое внимание уделяется людям "инвалидам" в спорте. Спорт-это моя жизнь. Узыка-мое увлечение. Музыка-мое все. Она задает мне ритм жизни. Я живу, танцуя. Живу, слушая любимые мелодии и песни. В каждой песни есть смысл всей жизни человека. Автор песни или мелодии вкладывает всю душу в свое произведение, передает свой характер, дает слушателю испытать те же чувства. Для меня музыка началась с самого рождения. Я услышал музыку прекрасного городка, в котором я родился, музыку голоса моей мамы, музыку всего мира. И оп сей день я продолжаю заниматься музыкой. Везде и во всем я могу услышатмузыку.
I very much like to practise music and play soccer. After all soccer is my life, and I in the future I want to devote the life to soccer. As, I practise music, but soccer is necessary me closer to liking. My idols in soccer such as Christian Ronaldo or Andrey Arshavin, they are examples for me, examples for imitation. But also without music it is impossible to live too! Classical music calms, and modern loads me with energy. I don’t regret that chose two of these directions, after all they will help me to decide on mine future.
Напишите сочинение на английском языке про музыку(10-12предложений)
Music is one of the most important part of our life. We can hear it everywhere: on streets, in cafe and etc. There are many kinds of music: rock, pop, rap, jazz, folk, classical and others. I prefer.(и пиши, какие тебе виды музыки нравятся). I chose this kinds because there are.(выбери, что тебе нужно: interesting, beautiful, rhythmic, had a nice melody). Music have many elements. There are: rhythm, melody, tempo and others. It affects on the composition of work or song. Music influence on the character of man. In my opinion every man must listen to music because it is one parts of cultural life of humanity.
напишите мини-сочинение на тему: моя любимая музыка, только не скопированная с интернета
У меня очень много менялся мой музыкальный вкус. С самого детства мы слушаем музыку. Всю жизнь мы слушаем музыку. Сейчас в моем возрасте я люблю рок. Рок представляет из себя бес башенный накал эмоций, и позитивного настроения. Моя любимая музыка описывает мой стиль жизни. Я люблю рок.
мне написать мини-сочинение по английскому языку на тему: "Моё хобби". Размер примерно . Люблюрисовать, слушать музыку и общаться с друзьями)
Almost every person has a hobby - a favorite hobby, something for everyone, who devote almost all his leisure time. This can be anything: knitting, cooking, carving, molding, collectables. My hobby of philately.
For collecting stamps I was addicted in early childhood because of the father. He believed that the life of his son must be something else interesting to do and that my irrepressible energy should be channeled. I was so caught his enthusiasm, his fascinating stories about brands that decided: this is exactly what I shall do.
Сочинение на тему: моё отношение к музыке, на английском языке
Music plays a very important role in my life, as I am always listening to my favorite singers and bands in order to relax and have some fun. Beautiful songs really help me to release my mind and to calm my spirit. Energetic songs give me a lot of energy, inspire me and enrich my spirit with positive emotions. Music has always helped people to escape from the cruel reality, to find the right ideas and support in lyrics, to please their soul with precious tones. The whole population, youth and adults are visiting live concerts or operas because they want to have music present in their existence. Music is a powerful form of art that is supposed to be respected and appreciated.
+ ti mojeshi dobaviti svoih liubimih artistov
Напишите сочинение на английском про музыку*
Music plays a very important role in our life. We can almost hear music anywhere. Different music serves different functions in our life. Why is music important to many people? The reasons are presented below.
Music is a very important form of art. Like other arts, music is ubiquitous and has become a part of our life. The whole lifetime of most people is accompanied by music. A baby falls in sleep in the music of a lullaby; a young student may learn to play a musical instrument and listen to music from the radio, TV and a Walkman. There is music for birthdays, for weddings, for Christmas, and for New Year"s Day. There is music for every single occasion in our life.
We are surrounded by various kinds of music since we were born and music has become an integral part of our life. Interesting enough, music often serves as an important part to other art forms, such as music in dancing, drama and movies. As a matter of fact, many famous music pieces come from dancing and movies, such as the theme from "Love Story".
Music is part of the history. The history of music is almost as long as the history of human civilizations. Music from old times has become the great culture heritage to us. One of the examples is classic music of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. People enjoy their music from generation to generation.
Listening to music is one of the most popular forms of entertainment. There are so many kinds of music that can suit tastes of different people. Young people like pop music and Rock-and-Roll and older people may enjoy classical music and opera. Whether we are happy or sad, there will always be music that we can listen to.
People can express their feelings and emotions through music. Lovers often play soft love songs to show their love and devotion to each other.
For the reasons presented above, we can see how important music is to our life. It is hard to imagine a history without music, and a life without music.
, напиши сочинение 7 предложении о хобби, у меня оно такое люблю гулять на свежим воздухе, слушать музыку танцывать)* *по английски с переводом
A hobby is something you enjoy doing in your free time, such as reading, listening to music, making something, growing, collecting different things. As about me I like to walk on the fresh air. Fresh air is give too much help for our organism. More than walking I like to sing and dance. From little child to teenager I dance4 and sing a lot. So now this hobbie makes my life new colors.
хобби это то, чем мы увлекаемся в наше свободное время, такое как чтение, слушание музыки, созданием чего-либо, садоводство, коллекционирование. На счёт меня, я люблю гулять на свежем воздухе. Свежий воздух дает дает столько пользы нашему организму. Больше чем, прогулки, я люблю танцевать и петь. С детсва до юношеского возраста я танцую и пою. Сейчас это хобби привнесло в мою жизнь новые краски
I like to walk, to listen music and dance. I dance very nice! I like to listen music very much! And I like to go for a walk. I like to walk with my friends. It’s very funny to me with my friends. I often go to my friend’s parties and dance with them! I like to invite them to my parties too. This is my hobby!
Я люблю гулять, слушать музыку и танцевать. Я очень красиво танцую! Я очень люблю слушать музыку! И я люблю ходить на прогулку. Я люблю гулять со своими друзьями. Мне очень весело с моими друзьями. Я часто хожу на вечеринки моих друзей и танцую с ними! Я люблю приглашать их на мои вечеринки тоже. Это моё хобби!
Думаю так пойдёт) Если нет то можно чего нибудь там подбавить еще*
Сочинение на английском, на тему"почему многие люди считают что в школе нужно больше изучать музыку?"
Modern Russia faced a huge problem which is concluded first of all in decrease in level of culture of society. The reason for that is misunderstanding of value and huge value of these subjects. And after all music, reflecting life and carrying out an informative role, influences the person, cultivates his feelings, forms tastes. It finds echoes of that worried in music, felt. Having the wide range of the contents, music enriches the emotional world of the listener. So one of the main tasks of musical education – formation of the identity of the child, so, and the person and, respectively, proceeding from education of an individual, society as a whole comes to light.