Сочинение на английском мой любимый музыкальный инструмент
Each instrument is interesting and good, but in its own way and in different ways. And in the hands of these artists, he turns into a miracle. Each of them has its own individual only, and therefore unique timbre, and the feature attraction. I have graduated from music school, piano, so with great confidence I can say that it is better tool than this, you will not find. Maybe it’s my personal opinion. No tool pales in comparison with the piano on different definitions: it is the breadth and variety of features and versatility of use. No other musical instrument as a piano, there is such a vast and rich solo literature. Therefore, we can speak of it as an independent soloist under the "strict guidance of" pianist. Perfect to use this tool together with the whole ensemble with other musical instruments and voice soloist. In this area, a lot of music masterpieces. Acting as a member of the orchestra or favorite music-making tool in the home, the piano has always attracted people who wanted to study music seriously. Musicians of all specialties without exception, are able to play this wonderful instrument, it is mandatory. I really like this and graceful at the same time elegant tool. He has quite a long history, since he was already three hundred years. It is unique, and it has no replacement. It may not be out of date, out of fashion or become unnecessary. The modern world of music, the right tool also does not stand still: for example, already has a different electromusical keyboards, computer music programs, but it seems to me that they can not surpass the piano for many qualities. He for many years is the most popular and versatile. My peers are unanimous in their opinion that piano belongs to the most popular and beloved by many tool. Now music schools are lots of different competitions. Their goal - to promote piano music. Many children who are not in school music and playing instruments, come to these concerts with their parents. Everyone likes to play the young pianists. There’s also talk about the famous composer who wrote his enchanting music specifically for this tool. This is Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and many other great, world-famous names. I really like the game, Denis Matsuev, it is required to listen to everything. Then you will understand what I love most of all instruments Piano
Напишите сочинение по английскому, на тему: мои музыкальные предпочтения
Hardly we will challenge that fact that music has enormous influence on mood and health of the person, his character, and, perhaps, and on all his life. But how many was various music styles as modern tastes and preferences would seem many-sided to us, there is a music eternal, indisputable. It submits the grandeur and extraordinary harmony, any hearts, and time powerlessly before this unknown power are subject to it.
This music – classics, unfading and not obeying whimsical styles, natural, as life, and comprehensive. And it isn’t casual, listening to Mozart and Liszt, Tchaikovsky and Puccini’s immortal works, we feel beauty and attractiveness of the sounds which are smoothly flowing and washing our soul the tender and exciting stream.
Music is capable of a lot of things: it consoles and wounded heart treats, blood heats, amuses and fills with the raging pleasure each section of our body. Its kind power is really immense, it bears love and updating, it charms and carries away to other, fantastic worlds, leaving in the distance all vanity and ordinary meanness of daily occurrence.
And let prompt years leave, let centuries be replaced new eyelids, is eternal and unshakable by value time among which music – magic and reverence of soul, true good and secret, to solve which is given only to the person with heart open for beauty and original art. Also the one who the life feels every moment magic influence and tender force of music as salutary cure for all grieves is happy.
Ребята спасайте нужно написать сочинение на тему: Любимый стиль музыки спасайте
Music is a meaningful part of my life. I like to listen to music. It makes me feel happy and joyful. Music cheers me up.
I like defferent music, but my favorite kind of music is alternative rock. It is serious music. And my favorite rock band is "Muse". They are really cool! My best friend likes this band too. Also we listen to the "Green Day", "Linkin Park", "Thirty Seconds to Mars", etc.
Sometimes I listen to classical music. It gets me relaxed. I prefer the music of Claude Debussy. His compositions are slow, melodious, light and pleasant. When I feeling stressed I listen to this music.
Every day after school I listen to my stereo at high volume. It’s so exciting! I want to dance and sing and listen over and over again.
I think that music isn’t just songs, it’s so much more!
People have always found music significant in their lives. Music set a mood and can change it. It causes laughter and tears, happiness and sorrow. Music allows us to feel all emotions that we experience in our lifes.
Music fits into my life. I can honostly say I all genres of music. But I prefer pop music. Pop music has absorbed influences from most other forms of popular music, but as a genre is practicularly associated with the rock and roll and later rock style. However, pop music exists, and its popularity increases, which means there are many who need it.
Music is something we can all relate to, no matter what type it is. It is a universal hobby that brings out the best in all of us.
Напишите сочинение тема: музыка моей жизни ( какую предпочитаю, певец отношение к музыке и тд)
У меня 2 варианта.
Музыка. Она важный элемент в жизни каждого. И это действительно так.
Музыка -это наша душа. Она помогает нам вприйти в себя, расслабиться. Нередко, послушав хорошую музыку, мы можем решить какую-то проблему. Красивые мелодии задевают струнки нашей души и влияют на наше восприятие мира, на наше настроение. Благодаря музыке в нас развивается чувство прекрасного.
Музыка сближает людей. В походах, у жаркого костра, под гитару поются песни. Все впитывают в себя звуки гитары и своих голосов, ощущают, что находятся среди друзей. И не важно, что, возможно, со многими они встретились впервые. И всё это благодаря музыке.
Я не могу представить свою жизнь без музыки. Она помогает нам жить, а не просто существовать.
написать сочинение по английскому на тему: рассказ о себе )
( Немного обо мне : меня зовут Настя, я из Москвы, люблю читать и смотреть сериалы, и просто жить не могу без
First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Nastya and i live in the biggest city of Russia and its capital - Moscow. And now I would like to describe my daily routine. Usually i wake up at 8 o’clock because i go at school. After the lessons i return at home, i eat and i start to do my homework. When i finish to study i like watching TV. I can say that i am a fan of different serials and especially i like to watch. Besides i like to go to the cinema with my friends. We go there near 3 times in a mounth to see the new movies. Another thing that i like to do after studying is listnening to the music. I like different kinds of it but my favorite are rock, indi-rock and hardcore. In the evening before to go to sleep i prefer to read some books or comics - another my hobby. I have a really large collection of them.
I hope that it was intresting for you to know a little about me, my hobbies and interests.
Сочинение на тему: Музыка в нашей жизни. , желательно незамысловатых.
Возможно есть пара ошибок
music it is a fantastik feel in our life. my favorit singer is EminEm. Hi is RAP singer, but rap is one of milion style in a music. rock became known in 50th. rap became known later than rock I think in 70th. the oldest style is classic music. Дальше чего нибудь про разные стили понапиши, а в конце напиши так: I can’t life without music. music is my life.
Music is different hip-hop, classical music. Music helps people to relax, get some pleasure. Some people love music and some do not.
Напишите краткое сочинение на русском и с переводом на английский на тему: моё хобби ( я люблю слушать музыку, гулять, смотреть телевзор и играть в компьютер
Музыка - это мое все. Я думаю, что это - одна из самых важных вещей в моей жизни. Вы знаете - человек не может жить без музыки так же, как цветок без солнца. Еще мне очень нравится проводить время на свежем воздухе, на природе ведь она так прекрасна.
Music is my everything. I think this is one of the most important things in my life. You know-people can not live without music just like a flower without sun. I really like spending time outdoors, in nature because it is so beautiful.
Напишите сочинение на английском про любимого музыканта(зарубежного) .
Demetria Devonne "Demi" Lovato (born August 20, 1992) is an American recording artist, actress, and philanthropist. She made her debut as a child actress in Barney & Friends. In 2008, she came to prominence as a starring cast member in the television film Camp Rock. She signed to Hollywood Records the same year, and released her debut studio album, Don’t Forget, in September 2008. The album sold 89,000 copies in its first week, debuting at number 2 on the Billboard 200. It has since been certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America for sales of over 530,000. In 2009, Lovato was commissioned her own television series, Sonny with a Chance. That July, her second album, Here We Go Again, became her first to debut atop the U. S. Billboard 200, selling 108,000 copies in its first week and spawning the single of the same name which became her first to break the top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number 15.
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I like my winter holidays, because I celebrated New Year very well. The weather outside was very cold every days, but was sunny. This winter holiday I went to the country side.
We went to the forest and saw many animals : rabbits, squirrels and birds.
In nits we could see many stars and planets.
It was not very cold and snowy winter but my holidays were very interesting.
I and my best friend. Went to the city to buy some food and presents for new year
In the city we went to the cinema to watch some comedy films.
After new year we went to Europe there was very hot so we could swim in sea.
My holidays were very interesting!
Написать небольшое сочинение на тему: музыка либо спорт. Небольшое где-то предложений 10. На завтра его выучить надо и рассказывать.
Can you imagine a day without music? I bet, you can’t. There is music everywhere around us It is difficult to live without music. We can’t live without music. I like to listen to the songs by our Russian popular singers. My friends and I buy tickets beforehand and often take flowers for our favorite singers.
Sport is very important to us. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning or train in different clubs. Other people like sports too but they only watch sports games and listen to sports news. But they don’t go in for sports. Among the sports popular in our country are football, basketball, swimming, volleyball, tennis, gymnastic. A person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste.