Напишите сочинение на английском на тему: "моя любимая музыкальная группа"

My favorite music style is alternative rock. I can listen to it as loud as the background. This music makes me cheerful, but sometimes sad. I used to think that alternative rock includes only heavy and loud music, but it was not quite true. Alternative rock can be a slow and very beautiful.
My favorite band is one direction. I think it is fantastic. This popular British band. She plays an original and interesting alternative rock. One direction - a very successful group. Their concerts are always visited by many people, and concert halls almost no space. Her songs are touching and meaningful. The guitar player sometimes plays a very strong and complicated stuff on the guitar
I’ve never been to a concert of this group, Poteau that she never came to my town. But I really want to see her. And I hope that soon I’ll go to a concert one direction, the best band in the world

Проект -народная музыка. Сочинение на английском

 Almost all American composers of note belong to the 20th century, and include such names as Charles Ives, Aaron Copland, Samuel Barber, Roger Sessions and Virgil Thomson. Edgard Varese and John Cage have gained fame as experimental composers.
   It is through the development of popular music in the 20th century that the USA has dominated the western world. Jazz, a style of music created at the end of the 19th century by black Americans out of their gospel and blues songs, was being played all over the USA by both black and white musicians by the 1920s, and influenced the development of both dance music and popular songs in the 1930s and 1940s.
   After the Second World War jazz and popular music developed in separate directions. Black musicians created a more sophisticated style called bebop. The rhythm and blues music that derived from jazz, combined with aspects of country and western music, developed into rock-n-roll in the 1950s with the music of Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and others.
   In the 1960s some British groups, especially the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, became internationally famous and for a brief period popular music was dominated by developments in Britain. Since that time, rock has incorporated folk music, soul music has developed, and many social phenomena, such as drug culture, the civil rights movement and the peace movement, have found their expression in rock music.
   The musical has also made an important contribution to popular music. Developing from the British music hall and American vaudeville early in the 20th century, composers such as George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Stephen Sondheim and Leonard Bernstein on Broadway, and Ivor Novello, Noel Coward and more recently Andrew Lloyd Webber in Britain, have made the musical into one of the most important forms of popular music.

Составьте Сочинение по %Английски% про свою любимою группу музыки

In my world a lot of musical groups. they sing rock, metal, pop, I also have a lot of lovely performers, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, romshtayn nerves.
here I just want to tell you about nerves. Nerves great band because all their songs are based on real events. Music group from Ukraine. The group has toured in cities of Russia and Ukraine. Several of the band’s songs used as soundtracks for the youth the series "Physics or chemistry", "Champion", "angel or demon", "Teacher", "Angelica", "Univer"
Date основания2010 Current composition
Mil Eugene (b. May 19, 1991) — vocals, rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar.
Roman Bulakhov (b. August 24, 1992) — lead guitar, backing vocals.
Evgeny Trukhin (b. August 22, 1988) — bass guitar.
Alexey Bochkarev (b. March 23, 1996) - drums.

Написать сочинение на тему: работа мечты P. s я хочу работать в оркестре, музыкантом играю на скрипке"

Работа мечты
Я уже давно определилась в своей будущей профессии, по скольку я люблю, просто обожаю музыку, я давно уже хочу играть на скрипке, причем не где-то, а в оркестре.
Ведь это так приятно слушать прекрасные мелодии знаменитых музыкантов, а еще приятнее самой(самому) создавать ее, исполнять произведения, ведь музыка-это моя жизнь.
P. S. Сходу, старалась от Души, ответь понравилось или нет

Сочинение на тему: мои музыкальные предпочтения на английском языке 120-150 слов

Classical music is beautiful. It evokes wonderful feelings, improves mood. This music will be played forever. So, like most young people of my age, I prefer dance music. It has a fast rhythm, and it can be wonderful to dance. Unfortunately, there are many singers who have a bad voice, or not have it at all. On the other hand, today there are many beautiful singers. I often listen to music, even when doing homework. When this music is not very loud, it does not prevent me. Of course, there are the musical direction that I don’t like, such as Opera music. But tastes differ.

Напишите сочинение на английском языке.
Спорт, музыка, школа

Nice shape, great stamina, bulging muscles are the dreams of most people. These dreams may come true thanks to sport. Practice showed that strenuous activity is the most important stimulant of all the physiological functions of a man’s organism. This is a pledge of a successful development of mind and body. Regular exercises strengthen central nervous system, contribute to health and temper, making people strong-willed, purposeful, and active.

As any phenomenon of our life, sport has its reverse. It can do much harm to your health if using a wrong method. If a boy does exhaustive exercises every day trying to build up his muscles he just undermines his health, but not strengthens it. If a girl spares no effort to be fit doing everyday exercises she will hardly accomplish the purpose. Improper training will ruin your health.

To sum it up, there is no doubt that sport is healthy if reasonably done. If exercises are too much for you to bear they just kill you. But working out under instruction of a good coach is very wholesome. Перевод:  Хорошая форма, выносливость, выпуклые мускулы мечтает большинство людей. Эти мечты могут стать реальностью благодаря спорту. Практика показала, что напряженная работа является важнейшим стимулятором всех физиологических функций в организме человека. Это залог успешного развития ума и тела. Регулярные упражнения укрепляют центральную нервную систему, способствуют здоровью и нрав, что делает человек волевой, целеустремленный и активный.

Как любое явление нашей жизни, спорт имеет свою обратную. Он может сделать много вреда для вашего здоровья, если вы используете неправильный метод. Если мальчик делает каждый день исчерпывающие упражнения. Пытаясь найти его мышц, он только подрывает его здоровье, а не укрепляет ее. Если девушка не жалеет усилий, чтобы быть нужным делать каждый день упражнения, она вряд ли достигнет цели. Неправильное воспитание будут гробить свое здоровье.

Подводя итог, нет сомнений в том, что спорт является здоровой, если разумно сделано. Если упражнения для вас слишком много, чтобы нести, они просто убьют тебя. Но, работая под руководством хорошего тренера очень полезный.  

Сочинение на англ. Почему я люблю музыку и какую "предложения 3-5" не больше

Я очень люблю слушать музыку, но у меня нет на неё времени. Музыка меня успокаивает или поднимает настроение. Я люблю слушать рок музыку. Она очень громкая и тяжелая, но мне нравится.
I love listening to music, but I don’t have any time. Music calms me down or lifts your spirits. I like to listen to rock music. It is very loud and heavy, but I like it.

I love pop musik. This very modern and stylishalhly. I go to pop concer every year. This is fun.

нужно сочинить сочинение на тему: "Когда я вырасту я буду музыкантом" На английском языке (С переводом) 99 Баллов

Dream of all my life is to become a musician. I go to musical school and play the piano. I’m really fond of music, when I play piano I feel like I communicate with people through melody. I believe that music helps to express myself. And when I will grow up I’m sure that my life will be connected with music. I don’t know maybe I will become professional pianist or singer or even play a guitar, but I strongly believe that I will dedicate all my life to music. Мечта всей моей жизни-это стать музыкантом. Я хожу в музыкальную школу и играю на пианино. Мне очень нравится музыка, когда я играю на пианино я чувствую что я общаюсь с людьми через мелодию. Я верю, что музыка помогает мне само выражаться. И когда я вырасту я уверена что моя жизнь будет связана с музыкой. Я не знаю может быть я буду професиональной пианисткой или певицей или даже играть на гитаре но я верю в то что я посвячу всю мою жизнь музыке

Сочинение по теме" Три причины почему играть на музыкальном инструменте это хорошо" .

Playing a music instument is a good thing because it trains our memory. In order to memorise a melody, we should repeat it day by day. As well, playing an instument helps to impove our listening skills. A melody or a song has a specific tone, rhythm and tonality. A person, who combines all these three components in his music is very powerful. By the time, the musician can play or repeat a song or a melody he just heard much faster than he could do so before. Another, the last reason why playing a music instument is good is that the person who plays any kind of instument will be more knowledgeable because he or she will learn notes as well as the songs from classic musicians. Thus, to play a music instument is a good thing because it trains our memory, our listening skills and makes us more knowledgeable. 

Составьте небольшое сочинение про любой музыкальный инструмент на английском

My hobby is playing the piano. It is very interesting ang cool. I have been playing for 6 years old.  I can play others songs. Sometimes I don’t wont to play, becouse i am very tired of my school lessons, of musical school. So I love my hobby!

At musical school we have 4 subjects: Solfeggio, Choir, Music Literature, and Occupation. Of course, I choose the piano. For the first few years I don’t experience any learning difficulties.  I attended the piano classes with pleasure. As for the chorus, I love to sing, and be also happy to do it.
I still love listening to music; it is always with me, moving in the street, I always listen to music using the headset. When I’m sad, I raise the mood with the help of music. In general, I can’t live without music. I will say that music is the best friend, who always accompanies me.