Написать сочинение про узбекские спортивные игры (на английском)
National games and fun is an integral part of the culture of the peoples of Uzbekistan. Long ago, during the main holidays, weddings, celebrations, people, fun, fun, organized competitions in force, dexterity, speed, wit. Today the national game in Uzbekistan are not forgotten, and even experiencing a rebirth. Some of them like wrestling Kurash, Ulak-Kupkari came to the world level as an individual sports.
Principal of national games and amusements in Uzbekistan.
Ulak-Kupkari (goat)
Ulak-Kupkari is one of the most ancient equestrian games of the peoples of Central Asia. It’s an incredibly exciting spectacle can be compared to inflame the passions, except that with the Spanish bullfight. Traditionally, Ulak-Kupkari is held at holidays, weddings, in spring, before the beginning of the agricultural works and in the fall after harvest. This game is so popular that it has become a separate sport with its own rules, clubs, federations. Are even international competitions. Read more.
Wrestling Kurash
Uzbek national wrestling Kurash is one of the world’s oldest martial arts and is perhaps the most popular in Uzbekistan, form of entertainment. Without it there is no holiday or festivities. For Kurash don’t need a Playground or a sports hall. Before fighting on the ground, sometimes rolling carpets. The wrestling rules are simple and democratic. Kurash is available and the young men and the elderly. Often on holidays you can see coming into the fray the gray-bearded elders. In Kurash strength and strength endurance prevail over technology sophistication and flexibility of tactical actions. In Kurash prohibited conduct the struggle in a prone position. You can fight only in the front and only allowed throws and sweeps. The use of any shock, painful, suffocating receptions, and grips below the belt is strictly prohibited. All this makes Kurash a simple, clear, entertaining, dynamic and safe sport. Read more.
RAM fights
RAM fights of old were an integral part of the traditions of the peoples of Uzbekistan. No holiday is complete without it. Fighting sheep and even a fascinating spectacle. The audience hoot, whistle, stomp their feet, cheering the fighters To fight animals being prepared as a true athlete: special diet, Jogging and exercises. It is also very important to keep the animal clean and to comply with all rules of hygiene. Read more.
Cock fighting is no less popular than RAM fights and even more interesting. Involved in the fighting roosters are a special breed, which are specially prepared for threat fights. No wonder people roosters are the most cocky and proud bird
Мини-Сочинение на английском языке на тему: Почему люди занимаються спортом.
6-8 Предложений
Sport - this is an interesting, exciting experience that not only strengthens the muscles and the will of man, but also gives him the excitement, the spirit of fair competition and confident pursuit of victory. These feelings are very helpful not only in the sporting achievements, but also in everyday life. Used to winning in sports, people wisely brings the same approach to their studies, career, daily work. Constantly engaging in sports, people change for the better, his character is strengthened, it becomes more purposeful and solid.
Сочинение на английском языке на тему: Спорт в маей жызни. Желатильна про плаванье
My hobby is swimming. I can’t even imagine something being better than swimming. I love swimming, so I go to the swimming pool three times a week which brings me great joy. Swimming boosts my spirits, strengthens my immune system and makes me healthier.
Мое хобби плавание. Я даже не могу себе представить, что-то существо лучше, чем плавание. Я люблю плавать, поэтому я хожу в бассейн три раза в неделю, которая приносит мне большую радость. Плавание повышает мое настроение, укрепляет мою иммунную систему и делает меня более здоровым.
Написать сочинение на тему: " мой любимый вид спорта " "акробатика "
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Мой любимый вид спорта акробатика потому что.
Сегодня очень популярны занятия спортом. У каждого человека есть свои предпочтения в спорте, мне нравится акробатика.
Акробатика - это не только завораживающее своей красотой зрелище, но ещё и всестороннее развитие. Она помогает лучше чувствовать своё тело, координироваться в пространстве, дарит желаемую гибкость и подвижность.
Акробатика бывает: спортивная, цирковая и на батуте.
Лично мне, больше всего нравится цирковая акробатика. И каждый раз, когда я приходил в цирк, меня завораживают акробаты, выполняющие различные трюки. Не смотря на то, что этот вид спорта сложный в исполнении, я бы хотел научиться некоторым трюкам.
Для меня акробатика всегда будет любимым видом спорта.
Написать короткое сочинение-рассказ о популярном русском спортивном мероприятии. 50-60 слов на английском. Очень
Football is a very popular kind of sport in Russia. Many people enjoy watching international matches on TV. But some people prefer seeing them at the stadium in their home towns. A football match can be held in big cities between world famous teams. But almost every small town has a football team of its own. And matches between small local teams can also become a big event in a small town. On the day of the match supporters of each team gather near the stadium. Many of them wear sweaters, jackets or scarfs with the name of the team. Some can shout slogans cheering their team and wave with flags which have the name of their team on them. Some popular football teams have their own anthems and their fans sing them during the match to encourage their team. In our country there is seldom violence after matches. Most fans go home and discuss the match with their family or friends.
Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта
Мой любимый вид спорта – это фигурное катание. Мне этот вид спорта нравится с детства. Я очень люблю танцы, поэтому, наверное, он мне и нравится. Фигурное катание – это очень сложный вид спорта. Люди этому виду спорта учатся по пятнадцать лет, потом только выходят на большой каток. Фигурное катание требует большой отдачи сил, времени от человека. Человек должен этим заниматься каждый день по несколько часов. Этот вид спорта требует и материальных затрат, чтобы заниматься спортом нужно нанимать тренера за определенную сумму денег. Занимаясь этим видом спорта, рискуешь своим здоровьем. Есть случаи, когда человек оставался на всю жизнь инвалидом.
Из российских фигуристов мне больше всего нравится Ирина Слуцкая. Для меня она самая достойная фигуристка России. Она очень стойкая, умная, смелая женщина. Ведь не каждый сможет выйти в большой спорт и добиться таких успехов, как она, тем более после таких слов тренеров, которые могли запросто оскорбить и унизить. Увидя ее, тренер сказал ей, что она не сможет заниматься фигурным катанием, что этот спорт вообще не для нее. Вопреки всему она стала достойной фигуристкой России.
На Олимпиаде Ирина Слуцкая завоевала бронзовую медаль. Я следила за всеми ее выступлениями. Мне очень-очень понравилось. Ее тонкость движений, изящество рук, ног очень хорошо были заметны. Она выполняла очень сложные движения без всяких ошибок. Она просто молодчина! Побольше бы таких людей в нашей стране, как Ирина Слуцкая.
Например баскетбол
Мне нравятся все виды спорта. У каждого вида свое направление. Я люблю баскетбол. У меня хорошо получается играть. Каждый человек обязан заниматься спортом. Я предлагаю всем начать заниматься баскетболом, с помощью баскетбола можно поддержать форму тела, и вытянуться в росте. Я люблю спорт!
сочинение по английскому на тему: мой любимый вид спорта (бадминтон) 4 предложение и перевод
I have a favorite sport-badminton. This is a very interesting and exciting! To learn how to play take a lot of time and endurance, as this is a sport for strong people. I suggest all to learn to play badminton because it is very fun
У меня есть любимый вид спорта-бадминтон. Это очень интересно и захватывающе! Чтобы научиться играть потребуеться много времени и выносливость, так как этот спорт для сильных людей. Я советую всем научиться играть в бадминтон, поскольку это очень весело
Я вообще не знаю ничего про бадминтон, поэтому как-то так
Написать сочинение на английском. Тема - мой любимый вид спорта
I love outdoor games, including ball. And my most favorite sport is volleyball. We often play it in physical education classes in school. Still my friends and we stretch the grid in the yard, gather the two teams and throw a ball. This lesson I like it much more than to sit on the bench and talking down of boredom. On the beach or in the countryside, we also love to play volleyball. However, without a grid it is not convenient.
I like this game because it has enough simple rules. It is necessary to ground the ball on the half of the opponent team. This is not to kick the ball with your foot, you can only fight off his hands. No wonder the word "volleyball" means "flying ball". Win on points, so there’s always a chance to change the score in their favor.
Volleyball develops dexterity and hand strength, reaction time and accuracy of eye, and attentiveness. Those who plays a lot of volleyball, and well-developed coordination.
Because to beat the ball down is impossible, do not need to run around the court at breakneck speed, like in football. But his legs still training, when hop up like on springs. Motion volleyball player light, elegant and beautiful. And this game is not one of those that take a lot of effort.
So I like to play volleyball itself/(themselves), than to watch events on TV, for example. Although there are interesting and follow others, because the volleyball part of the Olympic sports.
Volleyball is really a game of chance, it firmly unites the players of one team. Here we have to fight for the team to worry about luck all. And the victory brings me a lot of pleasure that you can share with your team!
Сочинение на английском языке или хотя бы на русском
Тема - польза и вред спорта
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle is well known and has been for many years is not subject to doubt. High-quality and balanced diet, good sleep, feasible physical work, frequent walks in the fresh air - all these aspects greatly help strengthen the body, contribute to youth and longevity. However, it is a sport in human life becomes the most powerful and effective factor in the preservation of health. Sports strongly contributes to the harmonious development of man, and this is especially important at a young age. That is why boys and girls are recommended regular exercise from a very young age, so he was able to exert their beneficial effects, and laid a good foundation of health for many, many years. Sports - is an integral part of human life, providing the necessary activity. Physical education and sport give cheerfulness and optimism, strengthen the immune system and thereby shield the people from various diseases. Sport is inextricably linked to hardening, and this point is extremely important, since human resistance to all kinds of external factors, such as low temperatures, dampness or heat, it provides good health throughout life. Catching up on sports, you can also be happy and happy to celebrate the ease and flexibility of the body, muscle strength, joint flexibility, because great physical shape - a worthy reward to those who readily overcome laziness and confidently strives toward his own perfection. However, the benefits of physical training is not limited to health functions. Sport - it’s also a good mood, high vitality and an extraordinary elation, and it is the perfect base for a commitment to success, new achievements and fruitful work.
Почему люди занимаются спортом на английском сочинение.
To my mimd, people do sports be cause. My favorite king of sports is. because.
Пожставить что нужно и концовку
To my mind, people do sports because active exercises can improve your health, physical and mental well-being. My favorite kind of sports is swimming because I like water very much. I think swimming is the best activity for me. Swimming helps people with different diseases. First of all, it improves muscles, bone strength and tone in general. It is a great opportunity to control your weight. Everybody can say a lot of benefits from swimming, especially concerning the lugs, breath and heart. Swimming can decrease the blood pressure. In conclusion I’d like to say that swimming is a great way both to relax and to improve your brain.