напишите сочинение про The UKБуду очень блогодарна
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island is situated on the British Isles not far from Europe. It consists of the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of Ireland and a great number of small islands. Such as: the Orkney, the Hebrides, the Isle of White and many others.
If you look at the map of Europe you will see that Great Britain is not large. It takes 6 hours to travel in a fast train, from London, the capital of England, to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. And the June from London to Plymouth takes a little over 4 hours by train.
There are 4 part of Great Britain England, the capital is London, Scotland the capital is Edinburgh, Wales the capital is Cardiff and Northern Island the capital is Belfast. Great Britain lies not far from continent. It is separated from Europe by the North Sea and England Channel. The channel in it’s narrowest part The Strait of Dover is only 32 kilometers.
Great Britain has a very good geographical position, as it lies on the crossways of the sea routes from Europe to other parts of the World.
The sea connects Britain with most European countries such as: Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Russia and some other countries. The main sea route from Europe to America also passed thought the channel. British climate is mild and damp. It often rains frogs are quit frequent especially in the West and south-west. The Gulf Stream a warm ocean current warms to seas around the British coast moderating the climate, giving it cold Summers mild winters. The temperature in winter seldom falls below zero and the field and meadow are green all year round.
Написать сочинение на английском - каким будет в будущем автомобиль
In my opinion, the future is going to change the present cars. I think, that the cars will fly, because there will be too many of them on the roads. Also, cars will less pollute the enviroment, or won’t at all. And, of course, they will be less dangerouse to drive, because they will be driven by auto-pilot.
По моему мнению, будущее изменит машины настоящего. Я думаю, что машины будут летать, так как их будет слишком много на дорогах. Также, машины будут меньше загрязнять окружающую среду или не будут вовсе. И, конечно же, они будут гораздо безопаснее, потому что будут управляться авто пилотом.
Напишите сочинение на английском: я никогда не забуду этот день.
Я не фантазер но попробую)
Hello. My name is (напиши свое имя). I’m(свой возраст на английском). I’m a versatile person. I love to sing and dancing. A lot of time i spend doing this.
Once mom and dad enrolled me in the singing section. For a long time I visited this section, until the day that I shall tell. One day in our school held school activities in which I had to sing a very beautiful song. But at the moment when I started to practice, I lost my voice! I did not know what should I do, because my performance was to begin in 10 minutes. I was afraid to come up and tell the teacher on what happened. In the end, I still took the stage, and I do not know how, but my voice came! And I began to sing more beautifully than in rehearsal. At the end of his speech, everybody stood up from their chairs and started clapping me, as if I had a real singer.
A few months later, I threw my section because of learning problems. But that day I have not forgotten, and will never forget!
Как то так получилось, на что фантазии хватило)Советую перевести если хочешь переписать его.
Сочинение на Английском языке. На тему: Написать своим будущим внукам как надо правильно себя вести. ( Этикет) Заранеее спасибо большое
The writing on the topic: How to behave in traffic.
The person must comply with the rules of etiquette. This makes us different from animals. Public transport - this is the place where many people forget about the rules of conduct and decency. Let’s fix this serious nedostatok. Pravilo 1. When entering the trucks have to pass in front of the elderly, children, the disabled, women. Moreover, before you go to, you need to come out the other passazhiram. Pravilo 2. Sometimes when entering or leaving the vehicle is required to help someone. For example, if you see a woman stroller, help her. You do not need to do so suddenly and silently. If you want someone to help or shake hands, then quietly ask their pomosch. Pravilo 3 gives way to the elderly, the disabled, children and women. You do not need to rise sharply. Make it clear to man that you give him a place. You have to say "Sit down please." Some people react strongly to the word "Sit down," citing the fact that "sit" in prison and have to say, "Sit down." Of course, you can say what will count necessary. In response, you must say the words blagodarnosti. Pravilo 4. Expresses its gratitude. If the driver "hold back" transport, seeing as you run to a stop, be sure to say "thank you" to the driver. Do not need no transmissions to the individual, such as "Thank you, bro." If you have helped to leave / enter the transport is too say, "Thank you." You do not need to talk too much. No need to grovel and say thank tirade, using a simple "thank you". Pravilo 5. Generally, the bus should be healthy men and women, disabled and elderly people should sit. But sometimes it happens that some do not give way, breaking the rules of etiquette. If you see a healthy teenager who gives way to an elderly woman, ask him to give up her seat. You do not need to threaten or raise his voice. Suffice it to say politely, "Young man, give in, please place an elderly woman." As a rule, even the real hooligans give way, because they will be watching the whole bus / transportation / etc, when you ask to cede mesto. Pravilo 6. Do not express negative emotions. If someone is severely violates the rules of etiquette (do not want to pay the conductor, is not inferior to the place), there is no need to shout at him. Needless to say that the use of force in public transport is not just immoral but also punishable (administrative fine for disorderly conduct). Pravilo 7. Do not eat or drink anything in the public transport. Firstly, you can choke themselves. Second, you can stain the other. By the way, in addition to this strictly prohibited inducing makeup in public transport (strange that all anyone thought of this before). Pravilo 8. settle conflicts. Very often, people on public transport are starting to swear. Usually this happens in three cases. If the driver was not going very carefully, all begin to growl, "Do not vezёsh wood!". Sometimes they quarrel with the conductor. But most of the conflicts are caused by the elderly and too "bold" young. Then the elderly begin to remember the happy Soviet years, and the young are trying to show their ambition. Your task is so easy to tell people to calm down.
Сочинение на тему: мое будущее не из инетаа
Я думаю, что будущее нашей планеты в наших руках.
Главное, чтобы на нашей планете был мир и спокойствие.
Всем людям ясно и понятно, что технический прогресс достигнет совершенства. Появятся роботы, которые полностью смогут заменять человека в работе. Новые гаджеты будут неотъемлемой частью будущего.
Я надеюсь, что люди начнут уважать природу.
Возможно. Учёные смогут изобрести эликсир вечной жизни, а у нас будет возможность летать на другие планеты.
Главное беречь планету сейчас, иначе будущего не будет.
сочинение на тему: предсказание в будущие по англ. яз.
I can imagine there will be houses in which everything is controlled by computer, like the heating, the fridge, the oven. no doubt you’ll be able to control these functions from your own internet site so if you are at work, you’ll be able to switch on the oven to cook your dinner simply by connecting to the internet. i believe that information technology will continue to drive change in the next century. i think there will be more than 100 computers per person, mostly combined with other things, each computer a million times more powerful than today’s pc. and all of them interconnected( перевод- я могу себе представить дома, где всем управляет компьютер, как холодильником, отоплением и печью. Без соинения вы ссможете управлять этими функциями с вашего собственного интернет-сайта, так что, если вы будите находитесь на работе, вы сможете включить духовку, чтобы приготовить ужин, просто подключившись к интернету. Я верю, что информационные технологии будут продолжать способствовать изменениям в селедующем столетии. Я думаю, что будет свыше 100 компьютеров на человека, в основном в сочетании с другими вещами, каждый компьютер в миллион раз мощнее и все они между собой взаимосвязаны).
Нужно написать сочинение на английском про будующее.
Буду очень признателен
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Future Of Our Planet Будущее нашей планеты
The future of our planet is vague. At the same there are many down-to-earth predictions, which seem to work. At the moment we live in the new era - the 21st century. Many centuries before people have lived in harmony with nature and its riches. Today, we are facing lots of global problems, which should be approached seriously. Otherwise, our planet can turn into an uninhabited space. Most of these problems are the result of technological progress and rapid scientific development. On the one hand, it’s good to have modern advances, such as newer computers, house robots, and office equipment. On the other hand, to launch and maintain all these machines, we need lots of natural resources. Besides, the growing number of plants is extremely harmful for the surrounding nature. As I see the future of our planet, we’ll have an over-polluted environment. That’s why we’ll have to spend most of the time locked in our flats and houses. These are my personal speculations, which might be right or wrong. I see lots of mighty skyscrapers in the future. They will be equipped with all the necessary facilities, for example, with grocery stores, kindergartens and schools, fitness centers and hairdressing saloons. They will remind a city of full value in one building. Speaking about transport, I think that with such technological progress we will soon have flying cars and taxis, which will pick up the passengers from their own flats. Moreover, I think that vehicles will be computerized and self-operated, which will leave the drivers unemployed. There will be lots of new professions in the future, for example, a telesurgeon, a robot counselor, a space tourist guide, a cloning regulator etc. It sounds bizarre, but this can be our nearest future, and we should think about it today. Будущее нашей планеты немного расплывчато. В то же время есть много реалистичных прогнозов, которые сбываются. На данный момент мы живем в новой эре - 21-м веке. Много веков назад люди жили в гармонии с природой и ее богатствами. Сегодня мы сталкиваемся со многими глобальными проблемами, к которым нужно подходить серьезно. В противном случае, наша планета может превратиться в необитаемое пространство. Большинство из этих проблем являются результатом технического прогресса и быстрого развития науки. С одной стороны, современные достижения, такие как новейшие компьютеры, домашние роботы и офисная оргтехника, это хорошо. С другой стороны, для создания и поддержания всех этих машин требуется много природных ресурсов. Помимо этого, возрастающее число заводов чрезвычайно вредно для окружающей природы. Я вижу, что в будущем наша планета станет загрязненной. Вот почему мы будем проводить большую часть времени в своих квартирах и домах. Это мои личные догадки, которые могут быть правильными или нет. Я вижу в будущем множество могучих небоскребов. Они будут оснащены всеми необходимыми удобствами, например, продуктовыми магазинами, детскими садами и школами, фитнес-центрами и парикмахерскими. Они будут напоминать полноценный город в одном здании. Говоря о транспорте, я думаю, что с таким техническим прогрессом у нас скоро будут летающие автомобили и такси, которые будут забирать пассажиров из собственных квартир. Более того, я думаю, что транспортные средства будут компьютеризированы и самоуправляемы, что оставит водителей без работы. В будущем будет много новых профессий, таких как удаленный хирург, советник по роботам, космический гид, регулятор клонирование и т. Д. Возможно, это звучит странно, но это может быть наше ближайшее будущее, и мы должны подумать об этом сегодня.
Написать сочинение на тему: "Роботы в будущем". Нужно написать предсказание где используют и почему. За хорошее сочинение поставлю "спасибо" и отмечу лучшим. Сочинение должно быть на уровне 9 класса
The future of robots is looking bright, with the technology advancing day by day. A new medical robot, called the Da Vinci Surgical Robot, is making its way to hospitals around the world, with its price high as much as 1.4 million dollars. The stocks of the company that made these robots skyrocketed on the day they announced this robot, showing how many people are actually looking forward to the ever-growing robot technologies. This robot, which has cameras and sockets for the surgeons to put their hands in, allows for precise surgeries and some magnification of the patient. This robot already performed many surgeries in 2007, and the company is looking at about a 55% increase in its use in 2008.
“Green” robots are also being made and used for environmental purposes. The glider, a seagoing robot that uses heat energy has recently crossed the 12,000 ft deep Virgin Islands on its own, making its developers and scientists able to use information such as the underwater life and etc. This battery powered robot gets energy from different water temperatures under water, so the engineers say that “We are tapping a virtually unlimited energy source for propulsion”.
There is also a Dutch robot called the “TankPitstop” that fills the gas in people’s cars without any help. Samsung, an electronics company, is making a security robot that detects danger and shoots at them. Armies around the globe are thinking of using robots for scouting, fighting, or spying methods, so it is proven that the Robotic industry is growing faster and faster.
Robotic surgeries – not like the surgical robots, but for limb replacements – is getting popular too, with people without some body parts buying the corresponding robot, connecting them to his/her body, and using them. These robots use signals from your brains to move, allowing the users to use the robotic limbs like real body parts.
Although the robots seem to give benefits to the world by allowing for easy jobs, people also say negative elements about them. For example, the Da Vinci surgical robot, which allows doctors to conduct precise operations, might have malfunctions that could do fatal damage on the patients. The TankPitstop and the pro-environment underwater robot could make people lose jobs by getting rid of jobs such as gas station workers or underwater-exploring divers. The Security robot, that detects and shoots interrupters, maybe harmful in that it might shoot innocent people. With the robotic limbs, some people believe that they might cause electrical shocks in the body that could possibly kill people.
Although the problem with the losing jobs may seem very negative, it can be solved. Even though people will be losing jobs because of the robots, they could get new jobs such as engineers that check and fix the robots like TankPitstop. With the diving robots, people can study the robots so that they could utilize them to see what’s happening underwater, since the robot only explores the ocean. The security robots that are being made could be armed with special bullets that don’t harm or damage anybody, instead capturing people. Also with the Da Vinci surgical robot, doctors don’t really have to use them, so they could make some consent forms – like they do for many treatments that could potentially kill the patients – so that people could sign and agree whether or not they would like to use the robots to aid their surgeries. The robotic limbs, that people are worried that they might give electrical shocks, are actually connected to body with electricity – resistant material to prevent those kinds of accidents.
Even though many of these robots possess these problems, as they say, there’s an answer to everything. Just like how the robots were made with the people’s imaginations, the robots’ problems can be fixed with the imaginations of both the consumer and the producers. People are protesting on how the government or major corporations shouldn’t invest in robot-tech because these robots will only bring negative impacts to the society because of their flaws, but the irony about this is that as robotic technology advances with further support from major businesses, these flaws will not only get fixed, but removed all together allowing for a more positive future for both robots and humans.
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Электроника в доме в будущем сочинение
The Future of Telecommunications I would like to tell you about telecommunications and their future. We can not deny the role of telecommunications in our life. The Internet, phones, telegraph, cell phones, radio, television, satellite television, video cell phones are all the means of communication or telecommunication. Nowadays we live in information era, when information is the key and engine of progress. Our society needs to develop means of information exchange for its future developing and growth that is why all types of telecommunication are under the permanent developing» Future is speed and power. New technologies in electronics continue to develop. Computers become more compact, faster and inexpensive. Technology exerts revolutionary influence on society only when it is universal. Real revolution in manufacture, accumulation, treatment of matter began when first universal machines appeared and telecommunication systems were created. In ancient machines energy source was combined with machine itself, but in process of development, division of manufacture, new means of transmission and consumption of energy took place. Revolutionary modifications in use of energy connected with appearance of universal electric machines and power grids, social changes to informational society are observed in all the countries. On base of analogy between matter, energy and information we can have ideas about future. Earlier, for example, number of manufactured metal played the strategic role and was the description of development. Now we save metal, energy and we think about energy saving technologies. It is very difficult to predict many steps of telecommunication development. Telecommunications change world very much and probably will change the human being.
Напишите сочинение на тему: * Моё будущие * на английском, употреблять won't или will
1. In this essay I’d like to tell you about my plans for the future. 2. I’m 16 and soon I’m finishing school. 3. It’s very important to choose my future profession. 4. But it’s not easy. 5. I like foreign languages very much, and I want to become an interpreter. 6. So, I’m preparing to my future exams in order to enter a university. 7. But I think not only about my future profession. 8. I want to travel around the world and to practice my knowledge of English with foreigners. 9. I also want to realize myself in my hobby. 10. I like to shoot photos very much. 11. One of my dreams is to be a photographer and to make an exhibition with my works. 12. If I manage to travel, I’ll be able to take very many good photos for my exhibition. 13. I hope this will come true.