. Сочинение на тему: мой вес к примеру вот -
(меня зовут галя. Мне 16 лет. Я учусь в 10 классе. Мой рост 161, а вес 58. Но при этом
Меня зовут Наташа. Я высокая симпатичная брюнетка с большими серыми глазами и, как мне кажется, очаровательной улыбкой. Когда я улыбаюсь, на моих щеках появляются глубокие ямочки. Я очень веселая, общительная и жизнерадостная девушки. Правда, некоторые считают, что я немного полновата. Все мои мои подруги ведут полуголодный образ жизни, ничего толком не едят и вечно сидят на диетах. Только не я.
Да, я понимаю, что имею несколько лишних килограммов, но я не собираюсь морить себя голодом ради сомнительных идеальных габаритов. Кто и когда сказал, что девушка должна быть тощей, как доска или палка. Я очень хорошо чувствую себя в своем теле и дружу с моей фигурой. У меня достаточно поклонников, и я всегда могу позволить себе съесть что-нибудь вкусненькое.
Я считаю, что важно в жизни совершенно другое, и, если ты добродушная и никому не делаешь зла, люди будут любить тебя независимо от твоего веса.
My best friends сочинения есть друзья можете дать?
Best friend is a kind of person who will help you solve any problem, do not leave you in trouble and you will be able to support in difficult times! necessary to protect his friend, keep him faithful, if one supports you, helps not advise him to give up. Helping him he repaid loyalty. Best friend never run after the other if he has a better character or has a lot of money. He does not throw you into the fire is not any water, if necessary, it will follow you. Only with your best friend, you can remember how you omechali birthday, or to speak to him and he will understand. Even according to the proverb "An old friend is better than two new ones" clear that one is the person who will understand you at all times. Do not throw your friends and they will tell you in return.
First of all I want to tell you that my best friend’s name is Irina and she is 15. She is the best person I have ever met. A few words about her appearance. Her height is nearly 149 cm. But she’d like to be a bit taller. Well, she is not slim but she is not fat either. Irina has a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerful grey eyes. Her skin is a bit pale but she likes this fact, she doesn’t like ruddy faces. She has no freckles as my friend Nina has. Her forehead is open. I think Irina has a charming smile. Her hair isn’t very short but it’s not long either. It is straight and black. Iuina has rich hair. I think that she looks like her father. Irina is very active and creative, cheerful and curious. But the best thing is that she is reliable. We spend much time together. We go for a walk, we play tennis, watch TV, do things which we like. I love my friend.
Прежде всего, я хочу сказать вам, что мою подруг зовут Ирина и ей 15. Она самый лучший чeловек, которого я когда-либо встречала. Несколько слов об ее внешности. Её рост около 149 см. Но она хотела бы быть немного выше. Ну, она не худенькая, но и не толстая.
У Ирины круглое лицо, как и у всех, немного длинный нос и большие радостные серые глаза. Ее кожа немного бледная, но ей это нравится, она не любит румяные лица. У нее нет веснушек как у моей подруги Нины. Ee лоб открытый. Я думаю, у Ирины очаровательная улыбка. Ее волосы не очень короткие, но это не длинные. Они прямые и черные. У нее густые волосы.
Я думаю, что она похожа на своего отца. Ирина очень активная и творческая, жизнерадостная и любознательная. Но самое главное - она надежная. Мы проводим много времени вместе. Мы ходим гулять, играем в теннис, смотрим телевизор, делаем вещи, которые нам нравятся. Я люблю мою подругу.
. Нужно составить сочинение на английском языке по теме "ЭКОЛОГИЯ". Небольшое где-то . Что бы можно было выучить. Выручайте, друзья. Можно написать об охране природы или что захотите но
with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises. Environmental protection is of a universal concern. As many as 159 countries — members of the UNO — have set up environmental protection agencies. The international organisation Greenpeace is also doing much to preserve the environment.
Кем вы собираетесь быть? Можете ли вы сейчас ответить на этот вопрос? Написать сочинение (120-140 слов).
Не забудьте упомянуть:
• какие навыки/качества, которые вы имеете;
• каковы ваши друзья/родственники/учителей проконсультировать вас о вашем будущем.
Medicine is a career that evokes respect and high esteem from people. A doctor saves lives, helps new life to come into the world, and gives hope to the ill. Medicine is one of the most prestigious professions in the world, so that I want to be a doctor.
A good doctor must love people because they trust him their health and life. Also he must be courageous and well educated. He must have a great restraint and composure because a patient, looking at him, begins to think that he is well. A good doctor must be hard-working in order to be ready at any moment to help people.
To my mind, I have such qualities and my relatives support me and my decision to be a doctor.
Сочинение на тему: "Мои проблемы"
1 Проблемы в школе
2 Проблемы со взрослыми
3 Проблемы с друзьями
Первое предложение должно начинаться "У каждого человека есть проблемы"
Последнее "I hope problems will be solved soow"
У каждого человека есть проблемы.
у нас часто много проблем в школе. Нам много задают уроков, непонятные, сложные темы, у нас конфликты с друзьями.
также у нас много проблем со взрослыми. Взрослые часто нас не понимают. Заставляют нас делать то чего мы не хотим.
у нас часто есть недопонимания с друзьями. Иногда мы ссоримся. Но если друг настоящий он всегда поможет в трудную минуту.
Написать сочинение на тему: мои друзья)
Friendship is like the sun, " released by each droplet, more precisely, in all fairness, more precisely, by as much as you can take " (V. Solouhin ).
In all ages and times poets sing holy brotherhood close shower, sacred bond of friendship. Friendship - a great gift to man, the symbol of eternal harmony.
In the name of friendship - so in the name of God on earth. First my friends - my classmates. When I grow up and become a great and an adult, I will always remember my school friends and always smile and cry. Only once in life you can experience what we begin to understand to be able to start, begin to live. And the beginning - this is youth, this " school years wonderful." Only then, in old age, I can truly appreciate my school friends.
And now. We are all so different, we all are not yet able to present, large and deep feeling. We often can not, and sometimes do not want to understand each other, quarrel. We all seem big and serious, weighty causes quarrels, and yet all this will pass away like smoke, and remain cherished memories.
I had a lot of friends, no enemies, and hopefully will not just have people who have lost a friend to me the price, and thus died in my soul.
Strange is man : all the good he takes for granted as a matter of course (I do not want to say that he does not appreciate all the good ), and any pathology met with hostility, it dramatically evident, comes to the fore.
The worst thing is the fact that I have met in my friends - it’s insincerity, lies, jealousy and spiritual weakness. I can not be close to chat with people they do not understand I always blamed largely.
My friends at school - it’s not just my classmates. My school friends - it is my favorite teacher.
My first teacher. The first is not on the account, but by how much she has done for me and how much given. She is so naturally came into my life and completely took my soul. My favorite teacher I can not speak words, do not know how and I’m afraid I can only write about it and I am glad that at least a small slice of my feelings she finds in this essay. This is my only chance to express all that I feel for my spiritual mother. Until the end of my days I will remember you with great appreciation. How beautiful and what a pity that such people are found in life only once!
My friends ! How many were there and how many more will be in life! I want to write about the man who helped me to become its own self, that what I have actually. This " my first friend, my friend priceless." Why her, I do not know, but I believe it always and everywhere, but she can not trust all their big and little secrets. She always understands and is never afraid to express their opinions. And very often one and the same we judge differently, often do not agree, but it is natural and it must be so.
What a pity that not all his schoolmates can write. They are all very different, I love them all. I love our good 8-A, I’m happy that most of us will not give up and will live together as one big family, three more years in school. My friends who are moving from our school to other schools, I wish only happiness and great achievements in life, I want to never and none of us had sold the old school friendship, do not forget our fun stormy life, our class, but among us no such and can not be.
Ends childhood and school years pass, we become adults, serious people. But none of us will ever forget his school, each in his heart save friends and most precious memories - about school friendship.
Напишите сочинение
на тему: мнение моих родителей по поводу моих друзей) Ну так как вы моих друзей не знаете, напишите про своих не большое
Есть ли друзья, какие они, знает ли
Сочинение-рассуждение с элементами описания Я - девятиклассник, и проблема выбора профессии сейчас достаточно важная для меня. Конечно, я долго размышлял над этим вопросом. У моих родителей по этому поводу своя мысль. А поскольку окончание школы все ближе, мои тревоги становятся более сильными. Но впереди еще 3 года. Как и большинство моих друзей, я собираюсь после окончания школы потупить в университет или другое высшего учебное заведение. Я надеюсь, что получу аттестат с хорошими оценками. Но я понимаю, как много молодых людей принесет свои аттестаты с отличными оценками в приемочную комиссии университета. Составление вступительных экзаменов - серьезное испытание для тех, кто хочет продолжать свое образование.
напишите сочинение на тему: я и мои друзья
Я и мои друзья. Обычно мы ходим гулять с друзьями мне очень нравится гулять с ними потому что нам интересно и весело, но иногда мы соримся. Но это пустяки потому что потом мы всё равно подружимся и будим опять веселится. Мне нравиться гулять летом потому что свежо и полезно мы можем поиграть в баскетбол, волейбол и т. Д.
Если на улице идёт дождь или снег то мы можем сходить к друг другу в гости - это тоже хорошо, а когда дождь закончился мы снова выйдем на улицу и будем снова гулять!
Сочинение на английском языке на тему: in the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends, переводится: В конце концов мы будем помнить
This is a quotation from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The meaning of the statement is that while the ugly things your enemies may say about you may hurt at the time, you will eventually forget the person along with what they said. But if your Friends are silent when you need their help, need someone to stand by you and speak up in your support that is a hurt that you can’t forget.
An application of this is in bullying. Friends will stand together against bullying, a false friend will remain silent.
написать мини- сочинение Мои школьные друзья.
Our class. Nearly eight years we have studied together, only some have moved to other schools, and some have come to us, joined in our big bitty -4 team. Forty pairs of curious eyes and ears. Forty pairs of fast feet. Forty pairs of hands always busy with something. Forty questions forty responses. We are so similar and yet so different from each other. Know who better to learn from and with whom - to rest, whom you can admire, but someone - tease. Together, we form a large, irrepressible, vociferous creature - 8 -B class. It has its own habits and even the tradition and the teachers never make a mistake, that it is us, even if you will drop a class with your eyes closed. Teachers and parents tell us that the school years are not forgotten. And when you see how happy my mother met with his high school girlfriend on the street, and my dad talks about his school fun and frolic, believe me - they’re right. Ten years we spend together in the walls of our school. We will read the same books, answer the same questions. Who can forget the period, which is more than half your life? Now it seems to me that the difference in us still more than the similarities. Not all of his classmates I can call friends or even friends. There are guys whose behavior I do not approve, whose society I hate. Seems to me to be really interested in the fate of this man after the release? But it is often bad behavior - it’s just a defensive reaction, and when you talk with someone face to face, it appears that it is very different than it looked before: kind, smart, capable [ empathy. He’s just - different, not like you. Do we have guys in the class of interest and respect for its seriousness, development, versatility hobbies. Many of them - the leaders of our class. Sometimes one wonders how they manage so much to know, to be able, to keep pace? These guys all love, they often forgiven, " sins ", and the teachers treat them not as the others, and the more loyal and tolerant. These guys - also others. There are in our class a few guys that I distinguish among all people in the world. They are my friends. We not only learn together (in the broadest sense of the word), but the rest together, visiting clubs and sports clubs. Even we live close by. Our friendship - honest, faithful, and the test of time. I can always rely on my friends and I know that after graduation, our relationship does not become weaker, even if we act in different educational institutions. Here they are, my friends at school. People, meeting with them many years after high school graduation will cause me a happy smile and a flood of memories and questions : " Do you remember me? And where is Luda? And what does Sasha? You know, I have not heard about Vadim - how is he now? "Who are we - ordinary boys and girls, blatant, restless, touchy, sometimes - cruel, but still - the best, most fun, most amicable.