1. Напишите рассказ об любимом месте в своем городе (Новосибирск )
  2. Напишите пожалайста рассказ о городе Шумерле по английски с переводом
  3. напишите рассказ про город Ноябрьск по английски.
  4. Напишите рассказ о городе новоалтайск на английском и перевод обязательно
  5. Напишите письмо другу на английском языке, в этом письме нужно пригласить его к себе в город(екатеринбург) рассказать что интересного...
  6. Напишите письмо своему англоговорящего друга. Скажите ей об одном из наиболее известных исторических городов УкраиныНачали так:Уважаемые. Благодарю вас за...
  7. Напишите письмо Алексу. Рассказать ему о городе в котором ты живешь
  8. Напишите рассказ из 10-ти предложений (небольших)почему люди не хотят жить в больших городахи перевод тоже напишитеИ напишите ещё один рассказ...
  9. Напишите краткий рассказ (4-6 предложений) о Нижнем Новгороде 100 лет назад на английском языке !
  10. составить небольшой рассказ (10-12 предложений) о самом большом городе Шотландии НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ

Напишите рассказ об любимом месте в своем городе (Новосибирск )

Часами могу наблюдать за белыми медведями, особенно теперь, когда появился маленький медвежонок. Большое количество кафе очень радует, можно всегда найти свободный столик, чтобы отдохнуть. Лучше приезжать на весь день, чтобы успеть посмотреть всех животных.

Напишите пожалайста рассказ о городе Шумерле по английски с переводом

Шу́мерля — город в Чувашской Республике Российской Федерации, административный центр Шумерлинского городского округа и Шумерлинского района (в состав Шумерлинского района г. Шумерля не входит).
В 1916 году при строительстве железной дороги Москва—Казань была создана железнодорожная станция Шумерля, названная по близлежащей деревне Шумерля. До 7 июля 1924 года посёлок при железнодорожной станции Шумерля входил в состав Нижегородской губернии, в 1930 году преобразован в рабочий посёлок, в 1937 году — в город.
Находится в 110 км от столицы Чувашской Республики г. Чебоксары, на берегу реки Суры. Занимает выгодное географическое положение, которое определяется:
расположением на железнодорожной магистрали «Москва—Арзамас—Казань»;
наличием развитой автодорожной сети и прочной связи со столицей Чувашии, а также с городами Канашом, Алатырем и Ядрином.
Shumerlya is a town in the Chuvash Republic of the Russian Federation, the administrative center of the city district Kugar and Kugar district (part of Shumerlinskiy rayon, Shumerlya not included). In 1916 the construction of the railway from Moscow to Kazan was created a railway station Shumerlya, named after the nearby village Shumerlya. Until July 7, 1924, the village at the railway station Shumerlya was part of Nizhny Novgorod province, in 1930, converted to a settlement in 1937. Is located 110 km from the capital of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, on the Bank of the Sura river. Has a favorable geographical position, which is determined by: situated on the railway line "Moscow—Arzamas—Kazan"; well developed road network and strong ties with the capital of Chuvashia, and also with the cities of Kanash, Alatyr, and Yadrin.

напишите рассказ про город Ноябрьск по английски.

Noyabrsk - the second largest city in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District-largest population, is significantly ahead of the center of the district of Yamal Salekhard. Noyabrsk very young city. The official date of foundation of the city is considered to be 1975, when the search for oil and gas fields were first planted Troopers explorers. The development of rich deposits Holmogorovskoe required the construction of the railway, motorway and the rapid construction of the city of oil and gas industry. Now Noyabrsk population exceeds 110 thousand people. At the same time according to the statistics there is an annual population growth of about 500 per year, and the average age of residents is a little more than 31 years. Leaders of the city lay on the shoulders of women Head of Administration of the city -Belotskuyu Zhanna Alexandrovna.

Напишите рассказ о городе новоалтайск на английском и перевод обязательно

История города Новоалтайск начинается в 18 веке. Именно в это время русское население устремилось в золотой край Сибири. Первые поселения, возникшие в 18 веке на месте, где сегодня раскинулся город Новоалтайск, были выстроены для обороны от степняков-кочевников. В те времена для защиты от нападений была построена легендарная Белоярская крепость. Удивительно, но точного места ее нахождения до сей поры, ни историкам, ни археологам отыскать не удалось. Загадка? Исследователи желают прояснить этот вопрос, поиски крепости продолжаются и сейчас. Остается отметить, что, как поселение, современный Новоалтайск возник в 1717. В те годы это было небольшое селение с укреплением, защищавших его жителей от набегов кочевых племен Алтая. В 1942 это поселение было преобразовано в городок Чесноковка, а с 1962 Чесноковке дано новое наименование – Новоалтайск. History of city Новоалтайск begins in 18 century. Exactly atthis time the Russian population was directed in the goldedge of Siberia. The first settlements arising up in 18 centuryin place, where a city Новоалтайск was today stretched, were lined up for a defensive from степняков-кочевников.  Inthose times for protecting from attacks the legendaryБелоярская fortress was built. Surprisingly, but exact placeof her being to this pore, finding neither historians norarchaeologists was not succeeded. Riddle? Researcherswish to make clear this question, the searches of fortressproceed and now. Remains to mark that, as a settlement, modern Новоалтайск arose up in 1717. In those years it wassmall settlement with strengthening, protecting him habitantsfrom the raids of nomadic tribes of Altai. In 1942 thissettlement was regenerate in a small town Чесноковка, andfrom 1962 Чесноковке is given the new name -

Напишите письмо другу на английском языке, в этом письме нужно пригласить его к себе в город(екатеринбург) рассказать что интересного в городе, какие места можно посетить)

The largest city in the Urals and one of the top five in Russia, Yekaterinburg has a number of consulates of major countries. 
The city has several dozen libraries, including the V. G. Belinsky Scientific Library, which is the largest public library in Sverdlovsk Oblast. 
The Kharitonov Palace (built 1794-1820). 
Yekaterinburg is famous for its theaters, among which are some very popular theater companies: the Yekaterinburg Academic Ballet and Opera Company, the Sverdlovsk Academic Theater of Musical Comedy (a notable company known in Russia and in ex-Soviet republics as Свердловская музкомедия - Sverdlovskaya muzkomedia), the Yekaterinburg Academic Dramatic Theater, the Yekaterinburg Theater for Young Spectators, the Volkhonka (a popular chamber theater), and the Kolyada Theater (a chamber theater founded by Russian playwright, producer and actor Nikolai Kolyada). Yekaterinburg is the center of New Drama, a movement of the contemporary Russian playwrights Nikolai Kolyada, Vasily Sigarev, Konstantin Kostenko, the Presnyakov brothers, and Oleg Bogayev. Yekaterinburg is also often called the capital of contemporary dance for a number of famous contemporary dance companies residing in the city: the Kipling, the Provincial Dances, the Tantstrest, and a special department of contemporary dance at the Yekaterinburg University of Humanities. Вот

А в каком объеме нужно писать?

Напишите письмо своему англоговорящего друга. Скажите ей об одном из наиболее известных исторических городов Украины
Начали так:
Благодарю вас за ваше письмо. В этом письме я хочу рассказать вам об одном

... из наиболее известных исторических городов Украины.
Закончили так:
Напиши мне в ближайшее время и сообщить мне об этом.
С уважением,
молю (я вам рис тогда нарисую :3)

Dear Mrs. and Mr. Smith.
Thank you for your letter. In this letter, I want to tell you about one of the most famous historical cities of Ukraine. About Kiev Kiev is considered one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, annually attracting millions of guests arriving from different countries of the world. The capital of Ukraine is rich not only historical monuments, interesting museums, unique architectural objects, but also boasts an abundance of scenic parks, green gardens and the wonderful natural landsafturi occupies 839 square km, with a population of approximately 3 million people. On the territory of Kyiv dominates the climate is temperate continental, with mild winter and warm summer sun. From December to February temperatures are often drop to below -5 C, and from June to September, the temperature regularly rises higher than +20, periodically Paskaleva of +30. Rainfall is distributed more or less evenly, but their total number is not as much. You can come here throughout godalgots purchases in Kiev, too, is where to turn. The number of large shopping centres and a nice, small boutiques able to impress even the most seasoned shopper. The most common places for the implementation of the plans embezzlement of funds, are the Central Department store on the street Khmelnitsky, as well as Andreevsky Spusk and Khreshchatyk street, with its many souvenir shops and shops. Write me soon and tell me about this wonderful city.
Sincerely, Anka

Напишите письмо Алексу. Рассказать ему о городе в котором ты живешь

Dear Alex,
Thanks for your last letter. I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. As you know my native county is Russia. My home city is Moscow. Moscow is the heart of our country. People in my city are helpful and friendly. There are a lot of places of interest in Moscow. It is a very modern and civilized city. There are also many cars, tall buildings, shopping centeres in Moscow. My town is very beautiful and it is comfortable to live here. I invite you to visit my home town ! I am sure, you will get unforgettable impressions! Alex, and what about you? Write me about your town (city ). I’ve got to go now because my dad asked me to help him in the garage.
Write back soon!
Best wishes,

Напишите рассказ из 10-ти предложений (небольших)
почему люди не хотят жить в больших городах
и перевод тоже напишите
И напишите ещё один рассказ почему людям нравяться большие города
тоже из 10 предлож. Небольших
и перевод

... тоже

The desire of young, smart, brash ( in a good way ), dreaming of people in the city - this is normal, and it happens all over the world. It is true in the developed countries of Europe and America, such a move is a bilateral, young - are leaving in large metropolitan areas, and elderly people who have earned a pension or some capital that enables live comfortably - go live in small towns where the air is cleaner, quieter life, and lower prices. Health and quality of life, in all countries, depends on the thickness of the purse, not the place of residence. Our seniors also have nothing to leave the large cities, they have no savings and pensions can not hire an assistant on the farm. And we in the CIS very large number of young people do not go to the city for work, salary, career, and leave the village to work, worries on the farm, etc. She heard as a young girl, which occupies the " prestigious position " seller second-hand market, said his partner, "Sure well here in the city, came home from work, took a shower and went to the TV and went home, took a hoe - and vegetable garden. " Just forget the young lady that she is watching TV while she does not have a family, children, and their own homes, and when you see it all, then it will not until the TV and sofa. But many people still live, for many years already, renting a house and not having a family. Ето 2-ое

Напишите краткий рассказ (4-6 предложений) о Нижнем Новгороде 100 лет назад на английском языке !

The city was founded in 1221 by Prince Yuri II of Vladimir. In 1612 Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky organized an army for the liberation of Moscow from the Poles. In 1817 Nizhny Novgorod became a great trade center of the Russian Empire. In 1896 at a fair, an All-Russia Exhibition was organized. During the Soviet period, the city turned into an important industrial center. In particular, the Gorky Automobile Plant was constructed in this period. Then the city was given the nickname "Russian Detroit". During World War II, Gorky became the biggest provider of military equipment to the front. Due to this, the Luftwaffe constantly bombed the cityfrom the air. The majority of the German bombs fell in the area of the Gorky Automobile Plant. Although almost all the production sites of the plant were completely destroyed, the citizens of Gorky reconstructed the factory after 100 days.

составить небольшой рассказ (10-12 предложений) о самом большом городе Шотландии НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ

The largest city in Scotland is Glasgow. Glasgow (eng. Glasgow, Galsk. Glaschu) is Scotland’s largest city and the third most populous city in the UK (after London and Birmingham). Glasgow hosts a variety of festivals all year round: Celtic music festival, international jazz festival, West End festival and others, bringing together tourists and visitors from around the world. During festivals, it’s probably pretty noisy.  But still the most bustling city of Scotland-it is probably the Scottish capital-Edinburgh, especially during a variety of festivals. In August the city hosts the world’s largest annual Edinburgh festival, which takes place at the same time or several thematic festivals. During this period, the city’s population doubles because of the influx of tourists. In General, Edinburgh attracts about 13 million tourists annually, thus being the second most popular (after London) tourist destination in the UK. Festivals Edinburgh international arts festival Edinburgh international film festival-held annually since 1946. The Edinburgh international festival of jazz and Blues Edinburgh international book festival-held in the second half of August every year since 1983. Edinburgh international science festival Edinburgh Fringe-from August 9 to 31, the fringe festival takes place-it is the largest and most famous art festival in the world. On him intends to the public from around the world. This festival of music and theater, by tradition, a parade carnival-on the main street of the city, "Royal mile", a costume procession. For three weeks, the city has become a complete enchanting sight-more than 1,500 performances, concerts, shows and performances are played in theaters, clubs, pubs, schools and on the streets. The Edinburgh interactive entertainment festival The Edinburgh military tattoo is held during the first three weeks of August every year since 1950 In this grandiose musical-theatrical presentation attended by military bands from different countries, drummers, pipers, the procession of acrobats and cheerleaders. Hogmanay