Написать сообщение другу о книге или рассказе на английском

Письмо другу о любимой книге -
Дорогой Том!
Спасибо за твое письмо. Я счастлива, что
получила его.
Я согласна с тобой, что приятно перелистывать
страницы книги в книжном магазине, когда
выбираешь ее. Кроме того, ты можешь читать
фрагменты книги и смотреть в ней
Что касается моего любимого романа, это
"Сто лет одиночества’’ Габриэль Гарсия
Маркес. Речь идет о семье Буэндиа, которые
живут в Южной Америке. Роман полон
таинственных событий и персонажей, у
которых есть магические способности. Я
думаю, что самым главным в романе
является сюжет, потому что он помогает нам
следовать за персонажами и анализировать их
Итак, вы собираетесь принять участие в
викторине-шоу? Какие задачи будут в этом
шоу? Где она будет проходить?
Берегите себя!
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to get it.
I agree with you that it’s a pleasure to turn
over the pages of a book in a bookshop when
choosing it. Besides you can read the
fragments and look at the pictures.
As for my favorite novel, it is "One Hundred
Years of Solitude’’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
It’s about the Buendia family who lives in
South America. The novel is full of
mysterious events and the characters have
magical abilities. I think that the most
important thing in a novel is its plot because
it helps us to follow the characters and
analyze their behavior.
Well, are you going to take part in the quiz
show? What tasks will there be in the show?
Where will it take place?
Take care!
Best wishes,

Завтра нужно сдать
проект, где должно быть 12 слайдов и к нему текст, так вот написать текст на тему"любимый писатель и книга " )

 Мой любимый писатель Николай Николаевич Носов. Я очень люблю читать его книги.   Он пишет   очень легко. Эти книги всегда поднимают настроение.

  Николай Николаевич Носов пишет о детях. Хоть   он высмеивает  какие то  качества, но делает  это по-доброму.    Он пишет поучительные книги, но в тоже время  веселые, смешные и   приключенческие.

    Первый раз я узнала об этом авторе, когда  разбирала книжный  шкаф. Я увидела книгу, на которой было написано  Николай Николаевич носов рассказы. Мне очень захотелось ее прочитать.    Прочитав, эту  книгу, я захотела прочитать еще.

   С того момента как я нашла эту книгу прошло очень много времени но я все равно читаю Николая Носов  с тем же удовольствием. Я надеюсь что многие другие ребята поддерживают меня и с таким же удовольствием читают эти книги.

Написать доклад на английском языке про любимую книгу

I’ve recently read a book, which has made a very deep impression on me. It is named "Gone with the Wind" The author of the book is Margaret Mitchell. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in a family of the president of the Atlanta Historical Society.

All the family was interested in American history and she grew up in an atmosphere of stones about the Civil War.

After graduating from the college Margaret Mitchell worked for a time for the Atlanta Journal. In 1925 she got married. In the following ten years she put on paper all the stories she had heard about the Civil War.

The result was Gone with the Wind. It was first published in 1936 and became the talking point of all America.

In 1939 the book was made into a highly successful film. Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable played the leading roles. Vivien Leigh won the Oscar. Everyone loved her high-spirited and beautiful heroine, Scarlett O’Hara.

The story is set around the time of the American Civil War (1861-1865), when the Southern states went to war with the North to defend their way of life.

It was a way of life in which rich gentry lived in large houses and owned huge areas of land, cultivated by black slaves. Scarlett O’Hara was born in one of those rich houses.

But "Gone with the Wind" is also about a love triangle. While Scarlett loves the quiet, gentlemanly Ashley Wilkes, the wild and decidedly ungentlemanly Rhett Butler is in love with her.

Not so long ago, in 1991, a publishing company asked Alexandra Ripley, a historical novelist, to write the continuation of the story. Her novel "Scarlett" was not in the same class as the original. Critics have been writing very bad reviews of "Scarlett" but the book is popular with the public.

На английский язык задали доклад на тему: Любимая книга

The book is written very much and there is no one in replacement, who would read them all. Books - a history and tastes of each era. Some are hopelessly lost their bait, others - actual and read with interest today. Every writer wanted to write for ages, but got it or not, it turns into the next generation.

I can not say I love any one book. I have a lot of them, they are diverse, some art, and other cognitive. For example, "Glass Bead Game" Hesse opened me a completely different world, filled with a taste for knowledge, joy, selfless work, reverent attitude toward culture. A novel V. Krapivina evoked sadness because I will not go back to childhood, do not dream of unselfish one, because we grew up and began to fall in love, we are entering a phase of adult relationships. And here, the change Krapivin me comes Bulgakov. In the novel "Master and Margarita" I find sarcasm and irony, which he filled with love, which dreams of everyone, and yet - the inexpressible Pushkin note in dialogue Woland and Matthew Levi:

"Why do not you take him in, in the world? He does not deserve the light, he deserves peace. " This resonates with the words: "In the light of happiness, but there are peace and freedom." If you say about cherished names, this Chesterton, mash-ene, Wodehouse. I do not love some specific works of these authors, and the outlook on life that deep moral and joyful philosophy, which increased their worlds.

A good storyteller Tolkien, finishing their "Keepers" tragic truth: "I must die to Hobbitaniya lived."

Chesterton, who knew that true social "as unable to steal diamonds, like the Pyramids of Egypt," but "is a person who believes that your own soot, not yours." Chesterton life, like the plague, who fled the glory and grandeur, but history was the stone that is being initially rejected by the architects, who later became the cornerstone.

Woodhouse, every word given its UK and mortally offended her. He went to the U. S. lived there all his life, refusing to even come to accept the title of knight. But in each of his book - the bright sun of English spring favorite naively-evil characters that fight. no, not with thieves, and grim, calculating, cold and heartless "adult world." Eternal Kids, Uncle Fred, who adores "waste joy and light."

Yuri Olesha said that the whole history of literature is on the same shelf. This means that the book - not competitors with each other - they are facets of one world. But everyone has a crystal through which refracted the rest. I is Pushkin. All sought by the development of the human soul and mind, mentioned or scheduled it. Pushkin - a comprehensive objectivity and wisdom, but it warmed my heart. This is the sharpest minds and most sublime poetic feeling. Most of all I love the prose of Pushkin, his journalism and his writing. Funny and embarrassing after reading some writers who hide behind verbosity poverty thoughts and feelings poverty.

I’m growing myself and my growing library. Each read my book takes its rightful place in my mind and soul. I honestly can not say which book I particularly loved. Everything is so diverse, interesting and uninteresting that remains to wish yourself long life to learn and explore at least a tiny part of the world.

написать проект по английскому про свою любимую книгу(4 класс) только отправлено себя. Учитель проверяет с интернета или нет!

Книг может быть много, но есть та книга которая понравится тебе и тебе будет казаться что самая лучшая книга на свете ты будешь перечитывать её снова и снова

“A boy and Karlsson-on-the-Roof” is a children’s book. It was written by the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. This book was very popular in the Soviet Union and now it is popular too.  Main  characters  are a boy and Karlsson. Karlsson is a very short man who lives in a small house on the roof of a building in Stockholm. When Karlsson pushes a button on his stomach, it starts motor with a propeller on his back, and he can fly.  A boy is the best friend of Karlsson. He is 7.  I like this book. I like Karlsson because  of his sense of humour, energy, and good nature.

Как правильно сделать проект по английскому языку на тему моя любимая книга 5 класс

Начни так: Я хочу рассказать вам о своей любимой книге.
Далее ее название, автора обязательно, краткий сюжет (пересказ), где ее можно приобрести/купить, посоветуй другим ее прочитать, и в конце скажи, что книга очень интересная и тебе она понравилась. Безусловно все на английском языке.

Проект на тему"моя любимая книга" 8 предложений, несложных с переводом, если можно

Моя любимая книга (1)Моя любимая книга — "Робинзон Крузо", написанная Даниэлем Дефо. Д. Дефо (1660 — 1731) был великим мастером реализма. Роман "Робинзон Крузо" был написан в 1719 году. Роман — хвала человеку труда и торжеству человека над природой. Дефо показывает развитие своего героя. В начале повествования мы видим неопытного юношу, довольно легкомысленного парня, который затем становится мужчиной с сильным характером. Наиболее характерной чертой характера Робинзона Крузо является его оптимизм. Ведущий принцип его жизни — "никогда не думать о гибели" и "беспокоиться в беде — означает, что твоя беда удваивается". Он уверен в себе и в человеке. Он верит, что во власти человека преодолеть трудности. Крузо был энтузиастом-трудягой и всегда надеялся на лучшее. Дефо — писатель эпохи Просвещения. Он учит людей как жить, он старается научить тому, что такое хорошо и что такое плохо. Его роман "Робинзон Крузо" — это не только художественное произведение, описание приключений, биография и поучительная книга. Это — исследование человека, величайший труд, показывающий как его взаимоотношения с природой и обществом, так и его отношение к труду и частной собственности.
 My Favourite Book (1)My favorite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe (1660—1731) was a great master of realistic detail. The novel "Robinson Crusoe" was written in 1719. The novel is praise to human labour and the triumph of man over nature. Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man. Robinson Crusoe’s most characteristic trait is his optimism. His guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled". He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped for the best. Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to live, he tries to teach what’s good and what’s bad. His novel "Robinson Crusoe" is not only a work of fiction, an account of adventures, a biography and an educational pamphlet. It is a study of man, a great work showing man in relation to nature and civilization as well as in relation to labour and private property. 

Помогите по английскому проект подготовить на тему: Моя любимая книга. .

So many interesting books can be found in the library that sometimes do not even know what to read now and then. I love to go to the library and find a book out there that interest me when I notice from afar on a shelf; but my most favorite book I found not in the library - I brought her mother.
It was large, with a dark blue cover, the book Veniamin Kaverin «Two captains», book of which I had heard nothing, and never heard anything about the author. From the very first pages I’m interested in this book and began to read in one breath. Tear me from reading was probably impossible. Probably all so read your favorite books. It was the first book I read completely, never missing pages, no stitches. The contents of the book I was impressed. The history of human life, that had just endured, survived the Great Patriotic War, retained his love only one girl, revealed the history of the expedition. I believe that this book teaches: how to survive the pain, disappointment, betrayal and not lose hope for the best.
The book is a source of knowledge, it is our friend. Favorite book is that we will remember and never forget, unless you find a book you love more than that first favorite book, read in childhood. Favorite book is only that we read from cover to cover, the one we know almost by heart. For someone reading books is boring, and for someone - the hobby. But, anyway, rea

Проект на тему моя любимая книга по английскому языку

Home Night", published in 2000, is one of my favorite novels. It was written by remarkable authors, Filin Kristina and her daughter Kristin Kast. They are outstanding, creative, imaginative writers, who use their imagination to write "Home Night". The book is full of mystery and suspense.
It is set in a city school. This story is about sixteen- year-old Zoi Redberd. Zoi's father died and her mother married John. He did not like Zoi. Only one person in her family liked her. It was her grandmother. She helped Zoi.
When Zoi studied in nine classes she was made a vampire. She movedto Home Night, a school for vampires. Stivi Rey, Dem'en, Shoni, Erin were her new friends. They endured many dangerous and sad events together. But book has a happy end.
"Home Night" is an outstanding teenager's fantasy story. Once I picked up this book.

небольшой проект на тему моя любимая книга на английском

Меня зовут. Мне. Лет. Одно из моих любимых видов времяпрепровождения это чтение. Я читаю различные виды книг и журналов. Мой любимый жанр книг – это повествовательные рассказы. Я прочитала большое количество книг, но на данный момент моей любимой книгой является реальная история, написанная известным русским писателем и режиссером Павлом Санаевым. Книга называется "Похороните меня за плинтусом". Это современный автобиографический роман, который повествует о жизни 8-летнего мальчика Саши, который живет со своей бабушкой и дедушкой. Действие происходит в России 80-х годов. Мать мальчика женщина легкого поведения, которой нельзя доверить воспитание ребенка. В противовес его матери, бабушка и дедушка Саши являются надежными и заботливыми людьми. Однако их чрезмерно опекающий стиль воспитания постепенно превращается в домашнюю тиранию, что заставляет мальчика чувствовать себя несчастным. Эта книга была также экранизирована в 2009 году. Сюжет остался изначальным, без каких-либо изменений, поэтому фильм был столь же успешным, как и книга. На мой взгляд, эта история учит измерять ценность наших чувств. Любовь, конечно, хорошее чувство, но превышение любого чувства может привести к негативным последствиям. Еще одна причина, по которой мне понравилась эта книга – это стиль написания автора. Он очень искусный, тонкий и захватывающий, так что я была заинтересован в событиях до последней страницы.

My name is. I’m. years old. One of my favorite pastimes is reading. I read different types of books and magazines. My favorite genre of books is narrative stories. I’ve read a great number of books but at the moment my favorite book is the real-life story written by a famous Russian writer and film director Pavel Sanaev. The book is called “Bury me behind the baseboard”. It’s a modern autobiographical novel, which narrates about the life of the 8-year-old boy Sasha, who lives with his grandparents. The action takes place in Russia of the 80s. The mother of the boy is a frivolous woman, who can’t be trusted to raise the child. Opposed to his mother, Sasha’s grandparents are trustworthy and caring people. However, their overprotective style of upbringing gradually turns into a domestic tyranny, which makes the boy feel miserable. The book was also filmed in 2009. The plot remained original, without any changes, which is why the film was as successful as the book. In my opinion, this story teaches to measure the value of our feelings. Love is of course a good feeling, but the excess of any feeling can lead to negative effect. Another reason, why I liked the book is the author’s style of writing. It’s very neat, subtle and engaging, so I was interested in the events till the last page.

я может не сильно подскаже скорре посоветую пиши про СВОЮ любимую книгу тогда будет и интерес и работа легче пойдет без напряга не бери сложное что нибудь легкое Желаю удачи =)