The drama of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" I read only this year. The film, based on its motives, looked much earlier. And the fact that "there is no sadder story in the world than the tale of Romeo and Juliet", I knew from the very childhood. And I am sure that many people, not yet opening the volume of Shakespeare, already knew about the heroes of this drama, because all lovers, happy or unhappy, are the same Romeo and Juliet, capable of faithful and passionate love, and all love, as you know, Its tragic.
Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are children from warring families, who are at war so that even the servants of the warring parties do not tolerate each other. Romeo is in love with a certain Rosaline. But, having penetrated with friends at the ball into the house of enemies of his family, he meets Juliet. Rosalina is forgotten. Romeo understands "that caught in the network." Juliet also at first sight fell in love with the young Montague. Later in the garden of the Capulet Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other. Soon they secretly get married. On the same day, Romeo kills Tybalt, the nephew of Lady Capulet, in a duel. He is being punished. "Romeo is banished," repeats and repeats Juliet, unable to believe that she will never see her lover again. Meanwhile, Juliet wins the young Earl of Paris, and her parents consent to this marriage. The unfortunate girl rushes for help to her brother Lorenzo, who crowned the lovers, and he comes up with such a plan: Juliette drinks a special drink and falls asleep with a strange dream similar to death, and himself The monk summons Romeo. The plan was a success. Relatives and relatives cry over the "dead" Juliet and take her to the family crypt of Capulets. Meanwhile the messenger from his brother Lorenzo did not manage to deliver Romeo a letter. The unhappy young man believed that his fiancee had died. He buys poison and goes to the cemetery where he kills Paris, who happened to be there accidentally. Then he enters the tomb, lies next to Juliet and drinks poison. His death was instantaneous. Waking up and seeing beside him dead Romeo, the girl stabs herself with a dagger.

"Romeo and Juliet" is a play about young love. There is no other work so well captured impetuous, idealistic passion of young hearts. The hero and heroine - not great except by an overwhelming force of their mutual love. Readers who have been in love, may be found in the play of an idealized view of their feelings, and those who are not familiar with love, will want her appearance. The general expectation of the perfect romantic love, physical desire union with selfless devotion, finds full expression in the play, and in the words of Georg Brandes, "creates a great love tragedy of the world."
Appeal to everyone’s expectation in human nature is the true secret of success play that witnessed popular balcony scene in the second act, which is not a culmination of the dramatic moment the play is remembered most vividly. In the past, the Library of the University of Oxford has a copy folio Shakespeare, chained to a table where students could stand to read a book.

I loved this book!

Напишите мини-сочинение на английском языке о повести "Ромео и Джульетта"

Shakespeare’s tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is very sad and beautiful love story in world literature. Two young men, passionate and pure heart can not connect their lives because their families are old enmity. Two lovers who are ready for their incredible love in deeds and tragic finale - a fatal coincidence, causing tears and readers understand how prejudices can destroy human life. In addition, a great light composition plays appropriate humor, vivid secondary characters make the work so favorite a century after writing.

Пьеса У. Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта» - это повесть о любви и смерти. Гениальный автор соединил в ней великие понятия жизни любого человека : жизнь и смерть.  
Главные герои произведения – Ромео и Джульетта – молодые, страстные, влюбленные. На пути их чувств стоят семейные распри двух кланов: Монтекки и Капулетти. Любовь вспыхнула вопреки обстоятельствам, но крепла благодаря противостоянию семей. Опасность разоблачений, которая грозила влюбленным, заставила их наслаждаться каждой секундой совместного времяпрепровождения.  
Помощь кормилицы и отца Лоренцо запутала ситуацию до невозможности. Решение проблемы предполагало лишь разрубить ее как «гордиев узел». 
Эпидемия чумы усложнила возвращение Ромео в Верону. Дальнейшие события, которые развернулись в семье Капулетти, заставили Джульетту пойти по ложному пути: обратиться к отцу Лоренцо. Как священник, он должен был найти разумный выход.  
Ряд недоразумений во временных отрезках привел к трагической развязке любовь Ромео и Джульетты. Примирение семей Монтекки и Капулетти произошло над телами детей. Конец подчеркнул несоответствие действительного и желаемого в жизни.

Romeo and Juliet is one of a group of lyrical plays usually dated at 1594-95. The earliest date that has been proposed for first performance of Romeo and Juliet is 1591. The play might have begun in about 1591, then laid aside, and only completed a year or two later. The allusions to Daniel and Eliot indicate 1953 as the earliest possible date for Romeo and Juliet, the Bad Quatro makes 1596 the latest. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was almost certainly first performed by Shakespeare’s company - the Chamberlain’s Men - in or around 1596, most likely in the Burbage’s Theatre (it may be then on stage in the Curtain theatre where the company performed in 1597). It has been suggested that Richard Burbage (1568-1619), the company’s leading man, took the role of Romeo (he would then have been about 28) and that Juliet was taken by Master Robert Gough, or Goffe (d. 1624), who seems to have been allocated leading female roles in Shakespeare’s earlier plays. The famous clown William Kemp (d. 1603) probably played the part of Peter. The text of the play is complex. It first appeared in print in the short (Bad) Quatro of 1597 with the following title-page: " AN EXCELLENT conceited Tragedie of Romeo anf Juliet,  As it hath been often (with great applause) plaid publiquely, by the right Honourable the L. of Hunsdon his Seruants. LONDON, Printed by Iohn Danter. 1597." This text, though traditionally maligned as an "unauthoritative" memorial reconstruction of the play by actors in the company, derived from a version adapted for acting - stage directions probably record details of the first staging of the play. The text contains anticipations, recollections, transpositions, paraphrases, summaries, repetitions and omissions of words, phrases or lines correctly presented in the next edition. The First Quatro (Q1), piratical and dependent on an especially unreliable means of transmission for the text, was succeeded by a second (Good) version. This Second Quatro (Q2) appeared two years later, evidently intended to supplant the Bad Quatro. Its title page reads: " THE MOST EXCELLENT AND LAMENTABLE Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended: As it hath bene sundry times publiquely acted, by the right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. LONDON. Printed by Thomas Creede, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop neare the Exchange. 1599." This statement means that Q2 is a replacement of the first edition, not a revision of an earlier version of the play. Q2 is one-third as long again as the first, and traditionally assumed to have been derived in large part from Shakespeare’s "foul papers"or original draft of the play. All subsequent early editions - including the version that appares in the 1623 First Folio of Shakespeare’s plays - derive more or less directly from Q2, which is also the basis of all modern editions of the play.

Написать сочинение по книге Шекспира "Ромео и Джульетта"

Шекспир "Ромео и Джульетта" - сочинение "Вечные проблемы в трагедии У. Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта»" 
Произведения, написанные великим английским драматургом Уильямом Шекспиром, известны читателям всего мира. И знают их не только по книгам, но и по фильмам, театральным постановкам. «Ромео и Джульетта» — одна из наиболее известных трагедий Шекспира, потому что в ней затрагиваются вопросы и проблемы, которые близки людям разных эпох. Один из них — о любви. Нет человека, которому это чувство было бы незнакомо, но что это такое — не рискнет объяснить никто. Ясно одно — это чувство никогда не спрашивает человека, прежде чем возникнуть, даже если приносит с собой уйму проблем, как это произошло, например, с юными героями трагедии Шекспира.  
Да, вместе с огромным счастьем любовь одарила Ромео и Джульетту сомнениями и страхом, потому что была связана с неразрешимыми противоречиями: влюбленные должны были быть кровными врагами. Так за них решила традиция, по которой две самых уважаемых семьи Вероны вели жестокую вражду.  
Казалось, никто и ничто не в силах разрешить эту проблему: ни потери родных и близких, ни запреты и штрафы властей. И никто не предполагал, что примирить врагов сможет любовь самых младших членов семейств и, к сожалению, их смерть.  
Автор называет историю любви Ромео и Джульетты «самой печальной повестью на свете». Смерть героев спасла, на мой взгляд, еще ого жизней их сестер и братьев, замешанных в «междоусобных боях». В этой смерти я вижу трагедию и торжество любви героев.  
Стремление быть вместе в радости и беде сделало Ромео и Джульетту неразлучными, хоть и после смерти. Так печально разрешились «вечные вопросы», терзавшие Монтекки и Капулетти на протяжении долгих лет.

The first act begins with a brawl servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the feud apparently only that it is a long and uncompromising, is drawn into the maelstrom of passion and young and old. By the servants quickly joined by representatives of two noble houses, and then do their heads. On July sun-drenched square boils real battle. Citizens who are tired of hatred, barely manages to separate the fighters. Finally comes the supreme ruler of Verona - Prince, who orders to stop the clash on pain of death, and angrily removed.

When someone is called Romeo, we understand that it is a person whose main thing is love. The exalting love brings to heaven and at the same time darkens everything around. It is unlikely that Romeo could soberly assess and perceive the surrounding world. Both he and Juliet lived alone - love. Love was for them the air and the meaning of being. their tragic finale broke their lives, but not the love that humankind has inspired for hundreds of years. In another tragedy of Shakespeare, we find a completely different eternal image. This is a deeply tragic image of Hamlet. He understands reality and is steadfast on the good side. He is irreconcilable to evil, brave and determined, but how to be when evil is in his family? How to give a worthy repulse to theft, if, in order to punish the father’s killer, one should destroy the mother’s life? Hamlet deeply contemplates the nature of evil, he believes revenge is also evil. Because murder is a murder, even if you kill a scoundrel. The image of Hamlet is an image of a responsible, thinking person who realizes that the transition to decisive action in the conflict of good and evil can give rise to new evil. One can probably cite many examples of eternal images in the literature. But there is one thing in common: they all reveal eternal human feelings and aspirations, try to solve the eternal problems that torture people of any generation.

Напишите краткое содержание на английском языке "Ромео и Джульетта" по плану: какой конфликт описывает эта знаменитая пьеса? Имя писателя; расскажите о сюжете пьесы.

Eternal" theme of love in Shakespeare tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" was first staged in 1595. Last century, but today, as in Shakespeare’s time, this "sad story" makes the heart tremble, as continues to excite us this eternal theme - the theme of love tragically interrupted. Shakespeare’s first tragedy - the tragedy of the great human emotions, faced with a brutal world. The plot of "Romeo and Juliet" takes us to an old Italian folk legend, according to which the events described by Shakespeare, had taken place at the beginning of XIV century in Verona. Even now in this city’s legendary show "Juliet’s tomb." Shakespeare was not the first, to process this story, but he was able to make the first of his brilliant work of art. The main theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy - the guise of endless internecine strife. These feuds killed two fine young men. None of the elders of the clan Montagues and Capulets did not remember, because of what started this feud, but it captures and youth, preventing her from living. In the family, the Capulets a daughter. Juliet is only thirteen years old, she is obedient, honoring parents. But her resignation has a boundary. And her name - Romeo Montague. Light feeling son enemies of his family inevitably comes into conflict with the traditions, to the will of love for him is stronger than death. Against lovers around the world. Romeo in a fight with Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, kills him, and under threat of execution to leave the city. But the holy wedding ceremony has taken place. Separation more bitter than death. Tragic end is nearing. Juliet drinks a sleeping potion. Learning about the "death" of the beloved, Romeo drinks the poison. After recovering from sleep, Juliet sees what happened irreparable and drew his dagger from its sheath Romeo stabs herself. "Romeo and Juliet" glorifies loyalty feelings. Shakespeare more convincing Juliet tells of loyalty that he describes her fiancé, Paris, not a freak or a villain. Paris - a handsome and devoted Juliet ("Please enter me into the vault to Juliet" - the last words of the dying of Paris), but he does not understand her feelings. Romeo and Juliet die, but not separated. They die together, their love conquers death, as the death of young people forever eliminates the age-old enmity. Their death raises the Montagues and Capulets, the rulers of Verona and all those who survived. Is it time to put an end to the bloody strife? Two well respected family in Verona, where we meet the events lead internecine fighting and do not want to calm the bloodshed, children love each other leaders, but the fate of their tunes intrigues, and the death of the coffin at the door ends the implacable hatred. Erected over the grave of the dead golden monument for future generations. His tragedy Shakespeare turned to the future generations. The great humanist never lost faith in life, and a monument to the faith until we heard his "Romeo and Juliet" - one of the finest!

In the town of Verona there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families. One day Capulet made a great supper. At that supper Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her at once. 
Juliet had the same feelings. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. She agreed, but nobody knew about their plan. The next day Romeo and Juliet came to a friar and he married them. 
Some days passed and Juliet’s father told her that she was to marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet didn’t know what to do. But the friar helped her. He gave her medicine and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But when she drank that medicine she would sleep for forty — two hours. 
Juliet did as the friar had told her. Juliet’s parents thought that she was dead and put her into the family tomb. When Romeo heard that Juliet was dead he bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capulets. Paris was there and Romeo killed him. 
Then Romeo kissed Juliet on the lips and drank his poison. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw that the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.

В городе Вероне были два богатые семьи, Капулетти и Монтекки. Был старый спор между ними. Однажды Капулетти сделали большой ужин. И тогда Ромео увидел Джульетту и влюбился в нее сразу.
У Джульетты были те же самые чувства. Ромео спросил Джульетту выйдет ли она за него замуж. Она согласилась, но никто не знал об их плане. На следующий день Ромео и Джульетта пришли к монаху, и он женил их.
Прошло несколько дней, и отец Джульетты сказал, что она должна была выйти замуж за молодого человека, которого звали Париж. Она не знала, что делать. Но монах помог ей. Он дал ей лекарство и сказал ей идти домой и быть готовым выйти замуж за Парижа.  Джульетта сделала, как монах сказал ей. Она выпила лекарство и уснула на 42 часа. Родители Джульетты думали, что она умерла и положили ее в семейной гробнице. Когда Ромео услышал, что Джульетта мертва, он купил яд и пошел к могиле Капулетти. Париж был там, и Ромео убил его.
Тогда Ромео поцеловал Джульетту в губы и выпил яд. В этот момент Джульетта проснулась и увидела, что молодой человек был мертв. Джульетта взяла кинжал, который был на полу, и покончила с собой.

he first act begins with a brawl servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the feud, but obviously it is a long and uncompromising, is drawn into the maelstrom of passion and young and old alike. By the servants quickly joined by representatives of the two noble houses, and then their own chapter. On July sun-drenched area real fight begins to boil. The citizens who are tired of hatred, are struggling to separate the fighters. Finally comes the supreme ruler of Verona - Prince, who orders to stop collision on pain of death, and angrily deleted.

In the square there Romeo, son of Montague. He already knows about the recent strike, but his thoughts are occupied by another. As befits his age, he is in love and suffering. The object of his unrequited passion - a kind of unapproachable beauty of Vera. In a conversation with a friend Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio suggests paying a good-natured look at other girls and chuckling over the objections of another.

At this time, the Capulet makes the visit a relative of Prince Count Paris, who asks his hands only daughter of the owners. Juliet are not even fourteen, but her father agrees to the proposal. Paris noble, rich, handsome and a better husband can not dream of. Capulet invites Paris to the annual ball, they give this evening. The landlady’s daughter is sent to the chamber to warn Juliet about the match. Threesomes - Juliet’s nurse and mother who raised a girl - they vividly discussing the news. Juliet yet serene and obedient to the will of the parent.

On the magnificent ball-carnival in the house of Capulet penetrate the masks of several young people from the enemy camp - including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo. All of them are hot, sharp tongue and looking for adventure. Particularly sarcastic and eloquent Mercutio - Romeo’s closest friend. Romeo himself seized on the doorstep of the Capulets strange anxiety. "Goodness is not waiting. Unknown that is / What is hidden is still in darkness, / But the foundation for establishing a current ball, / Dearly shorten the life of me / Blame some strange circumstances. / But the one who directs my ship / Oh the sail. "

In the crush of the ball, with casual phrases that are exchanged between hosts, guests and servants, the views of Romeo and Juliet was first crossed, and, like the blinding lightning strikes their love.

The world for both instantly transformed. For Romeo From this moment there is no past affections: "I loved once until then? / Oh no, it was a false goddess. / I did not know the true beauty now. "When he says these words, his voice finds Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, immediately clutching his sword. Hosts beg him not to make a fuss at the festival. They note that Romeo is known for generosity and there is no trouble, even if he had been at the ball. Stung by Tybalt harbors resentment.

Meanwhile Romeo and Juliet failed to exchange a few remarks. He dressed as a monk, and a hood for it does not see his face. When she slips out of the room to the call of the mother, the nurse from Romeo learns that she - the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later Juliet made the same discovery - through the same nurse she discovers that Romeo - son of arch-enemy! "I hated incarnation force / Inopportunely unknowingly fell in love."

Benvolio and Mercutio walk away with the ball, without waiting for the other. Romeo at this time quietly climbed over the wall and hiding in the dense garden of the Capulets. His instinct leads him to the balcony of Juliet, and he, dying, hear how she pronounces his name. Unable to stand, the boy responds. The conversation begins with two lovers timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath of love and the decision immediately unite their destinies. "It is not subject to what I own. / My love is without a bottom, and kindness - a wide expanse of sea. / What do I spend more, the getting richer and the Boundless "- so says Juliet about her feelings blights. "O Holy Night, Holy Night. / So prohibitive Wait

The drama of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" I read only this year. The film, based on its motives, looked much earlier. And the fact that "there is no sadder story in the world than the tale of Romeo and Juliet", I knew from the very childhood. And I am sure that many people, not yet opening the volume of Shakespeare, already knew about the heroes of this drama, because all lovers, happy or unhappy, are the same Romeo and Juliet, capable of faithful and passionate love, and all love, as you know, Its tragic.
Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are children from warring families, who are at war so that even the servants of the warring parties do not tolerate each other. Romeo is in love with a certain Rosaline. But, having penetrated with friends at the ball into the house of enemies of his family, he meets Juliet. Rosalina is forgotten. Romeo understands "that caught in the network." Juliet also at first sight fell in love with the young Montague. Later in the garden of the Capulet Romeo and Juliet swear allegiance to each other. Soon they secretly get married. On the same day, Romeo kills Tybalt, the nephew of Lady Capulet, in a duel. He is being punished. "Romeo is banished," repeats and repeats Juliet, unable to believe that she will never see her lover again. Meanwhile, Juliet wins the young Earl of Paris, and her parents consent to this marriage. The unfortunate girl rushes for help to her brother Lorenzo, who crowned the lovers, and he comes up with such a plan: Juliette drinks a special drink and falls asleep with a strange dream similar to death, and himself The monk summons Romeo. The plan was a success. Relatives and relatives cry over the "dead" Juliet and take her to the family crypt of Capulets. Meanwhile the messenger from his brother Lorenzo did not manage to deliver Romeo a letter. The unhappy young man believed that his fiancee had died. He buys poison and goes to the cemetery where he kills Paris, who happened to be there accidentally. Then he enters the tomb, lies next to Juliet and drinks poison. His death was instantaneous. Waking up and seeing beside him dead Romeo, the girl stabs herself with a dagger.

"Romeo and Juliet" is a play about young love. There is no other work so well captured impetuous, idealistic passion of young hearts. The hero and heroine - not great except by an overwhelming force of their mutual love. Readers who have been in love, may be found in the play of an idealized view of their feelings, and those who are not familiar with love, will want her appearance. The general expectation of the perfect romantic love, physical desire union with selfless devotion, finds full expression in the play, and in the words of Georg Brandes, "creates a great love tragedy of the world."
Appeal to everyone’s expectation in human nature is the true secret of success play that witnessed popular balcony scene in the second act, which is not a culmination of the dramatic moment the play is remembered most vividly. In the past, the Library of the University of Oxford has a copy folio Shakespeare, chained to a table where students could stand to read a book.

I loved this book!

Напишите мини-сочинение на английском языке о повести "Ромео и Джульетта"

Shakespeare’s tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" is very sad and beautiful love story in world literature. Two young men, passionate and pure heart can not connect their lives because their families are old enmity. Two lovers who are ready for their incredible love in deeds and tragic finale - a fatal coincidence, causing tears and readers understand how prejudices can destroy human life. In addition, a great light composition plays appropriate humor, vivid secondary characters make the work so favorite a century after writing.

Пьеса У. Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта» - это повесть о любви и смерти. Гениальный автор соединил в ней великие понятия жизни любого человека : жизнь и смерть.  
Главные герои произведения – Ромео и Джульетта – молодые, страстные, влюбленные. На пути их чувств стоят семейные распри двух кланов: Монтекки и Капулетти. Любовь вспыхнула вопреки обстоятельствам, но крепла благодаря противостоянию семей. Опасность разоблачений, которая грозила влюбленным, заставила их наслаждаться каждой секундой совместного времяпрепровождения.  
Помощь кормилицы и отца Лоренцо запутала ситуацию до невозможности. Решение проблемы предполагало лишь разрубить ее как «гордиев узел». 
Эпидемия чумы усложнила возвращение Ромео в Верону. Дальнейшие события, которые развернулись в семье Капулетти, заставили Джульетту пойти по ложному пути: обратиться к отцу Лоренцо. Как священник, он должен был найти разумный выход.  
Ряд недоразумений во временных отрезках привел к трагической развязке любовь Ромео и Джульетты. Примирение семей Монтекки и Капулетти произошло над телами детей. Конец подчеркнул несоответствие действительного и желаемого в жизни.

Romeo and Juliet is one of a group of lyrical plays usually dated at 1594-95. The earliest date that has been proposed for first performance of Romeo and Juliet is 1591. The play might have begun in about 1591, then laid aside, and only completed a year or two later. The allusions to Daniel and Eliot indicate 1953 as the earliest possible date for Romeo and Juliet, the Bad Quatro makes 1596 the latest. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet was almost certainly first performed by Shakespeare’s company - the Chamberlain’s Men - in or around 1596, most likely in the Burbage’s Theatre (it may be then on stage in the Curtain theatre where the company performed in 1597). It has been suggested that Richard Burbage (1568-1619), the company’s leading man, took the role of Romeo (he would then have been about 28) and that Juliet was taken by Master Robert Gough, or Goffe (d. 1624), who seems to have been allocated leading female roles in Shakespeare’s earlier plays. The famous clown William Kemp (d. 1603) probably played the part of Peter. The text of the play is complex. It first appeared in print in the short (Bad) Quatro of 1597 with the following title-page: " AN EXCELLENT conceited Tragedie of Romeo anf Juliet,  As it hath been often (with great applause) plaid publiquely, by the right Honourable the L. of Hunsdon his Seruants. LONDON, Printed by Iohn Danter. 1597." This text, though traditionally maligned as an "unauthoritative" memorial reconstruction of the play by actors in the company, derived from a version adapted for acting - stage directions probably record details of the first staging of the play. The text contains anticipations, recollections, transpositions, paraphrases, summaries, repetitions and omissions of words, phrases or lines correctly presented in the next edition. The First Quatro (Q1), piratical and dependent on an especially unreliable means of transmission for the text, was succeeded by a second (Good) version. This Second Quatro (Q2) appeared two years later, evidently intended to supplant the Bad Quatro. Its title page reads: " THE MOST EXCELLENT AND LAMENTABLE Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended: As it hath bene sundry times publiquely acted, by the right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine his Seruants. LONDON. Printed by Thomas Creede, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop neare the Exchange. 1599." This statement means that Q2 is a replacement of the first edition, not a revision of an earlier version of the play. Q2 is one-third as long again as the first, and traditionally assumed to have been derived in large part from Shakespeare’s "foul papers"or original draft of the play. All subsequent early editions - including the version that appares in the 1623 First Folio of Shakespeare’s plays - derive more or less directly from Q2, which is also the basis of all modern editions of the play.

Написать сочинение по книге Шекспира "Ромео и Джульетта"

Шекспир "Ромео и Джульетта" - сочинение "Вечные проблемы в трагедии У. Шекспира «Ромео и Джульетта»" 
Произведения, написанные великим английским драматургом Уильямом Шекспиром, известны читателям всего мира. И знают их не только по книгам, но и по фильмам, театральным постановкам. «Ромео и Джульетта» — одна из наиболее известных трагедий Шекспира, потому что в ней затрагиваются вопросы и проблемы, которые близки людям разных эпох. Один из них — о любви. Нет человека, которому это чувство было бы незнакомо, но что это такое — не рискнет объяснить никто. Ясно одно — это чувство никогда не спрашивает человека, прежде чем возникнуть, даже если приносит с собой уйму проблем, как это произошло, например, с юными героями трагедии Шекспира.  
Да, вместе с огромным счастьем любовь одарила Ромео и Джульетту сомнениями и страхом, потому что была связана с неразрешимыми противоречиями: влюбленные должны были быть кровными врагами. Так за них решила традиция, по которой две самых уважаемых семьи Вероны вели жестокую вражду.  
Казалось, никто и ничто не в силах разрешить эту проблему: ни потери родных и близких, ни запреты и штрафы властей. И никто не предполагал, что примирить врагов сможет любовь самых младших членов семейств и, к сожалению, их смерть.  
Автор называет историю любви Ромео и Джульетты «самой печальной повестью на свете». Смерть героев спасла, на мой взгляд, еще ого жизней их сестер и братьев, замешанных в «междоусобных боях». В этой смерти я вижу трагедию и торжество любви героев.  
Стремление быть вместе в радости и беде сделало Ромео и Джульетту неразлучными, хоть и после смерти. Так печально разрешились «вечные вопросы», терзавшие Монтекки и Капулетти на протяжении долгих лет.

The first act begins with a brawl servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the feud apparently only that it is a long and uncompromising, is drawn into the maelstrom of passion and young and old. By the servants quickly joined by representatives of two noble houses, and then do their heads. On July sun-drenched square boils real battle. Citizens who are tired of hatred, barely manages to separate the fighters. Finally comes the supreme ruler of Verona - Prince, who orders to stop the clash on pain of death, and angrily removed.

When someone is called Romeo, we understand that it is a person whose main thing is love. The exalting love brings to heaven and at the same time darkens everything around. It is unlikely that Romeo could soberly assess and perceive the surrounding world. Both he and Juliet lived alone - love. Love was for them the air and the meaning of being. their tragic finale broke their lives, but not the love that humankind has inspired for hundreds of years. In another tragedy of Shakespeare, we find a completely different eternal image. This is a deeply tragic image of Hamlet. He understands reality and is steadfast on the good side. He is irreconcilable to evil, brave and determined, but how to be when evil is in his family? How to give a worthy repulse to theft, if, in order to punish the father’s killer, one should destroy the mother’s life? Hamlet deeply contemplates the nature of evil, he believes revenge is also evil. Because murder is a murder, even if you kill a scoundrel. The image of Hamlet is an image of a responsible, thinking person who realizes that the transition to decisive action in the conflict of good and evil can give rise to new evil. One can probably cite many examples of eternal images in the literature. But there is one thing in common: they all reveal eternal human feelings and aspirations, try to solve the eternal problems that torture people of any generation.

Напишите краткое содержание на английском языке "Ромео и Джульетта" по плану: какой конфликт описывает эта знаменитая пьеса? Имя писателя; расскажите о сюжете пьесы.

Eternal" theme of love in Shakespeare tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s famous tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" was first staged in 1595. Last century, but today, as in Shakespeare’s time, this "sad story" makes the heart tremble, as continues to excite us this eternal theme - the theme of love tragically interrupted. Shakespeare’s first tragedy - the tragedy of the great human emotions, faced with a brutal world. The plot of "Romeo and Juliet" takes us to an old Italian folk legend, according to which the events described by Shakespeare, had taken place at the beginning of XIV century in Verona. Even now in this city’s legendary show "Juliet’s tomb." Shakespeare was not the first, to process this story, but he was able to make the first of his brilliant work of art. The main theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy - the guise of endless internecine strife. These feuds killed two fine young men. None of the elders of the clan Montagues and Capulets did not remember, because of what started this feud, but it captures and youth, preventing her from living. In the family, the Capulets a daughter. Juliet is only thirteen years old, she is obedient, honoring parents. But her resignation has a boundary. And her name - Romeo Montague. Light feeling son enemies of his family inevitably comes into conflict with the traditions, to the will of love for him is stronger than death. Against lovers around the world. Romeo in a fight with Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, kills him, and under threat of execution to leave the city. But the holy wedding ceremony has taken place. Separation more bitter than death. Tragic end is nearing. Juliet drinks a sleeping potion. Learning about the "death" of the beloved, Romeo drinks the poison. After recovering from sleep, Juliet sees what happened irreparable and drew his dagger from its sheath Romeo stabs herself. "Romeo and Juliet" glorifies loyalty feelings. Shakespeare more convincing Juliet tells of loyalty that he describes her fiancé, Paris, not a freak or a villain. Paris - a handsome and devoted Juliet ("Please enter me into the vault to Juliet" - the last words of the dying of Paris), but he does not understand her feelings. Romeo and Juliet die, but not separated. They die together, their love conquers death, as the death of young people forever eliminates the age-old enmity. Their death raises the Montagues and Capulets, the rulers of Verona and all those who survived. Is it time to put an end to the bloody strife? Two well respected family in Verona, where we meet the events lead internecine fighting and do not want to calm the bloodshed, children love each other leaders, but the fate of their tunes intrigues, and the death of the coffin at the door ends the implacable hatred. Erected over the grave of the dead golden monument for future generations. His tragedy Shakespeare turned to the future generations. The great humanist never lost faith in life, and a monument to the faith until we heard his "Romeo and Juliet" - one of the finest!

In the town of Verona there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families. One day Capulet made a great supper. At that supper Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her at once. 
Juliet had the same feelings. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. She agreed, but nobody knew about their plan. The next day Romeo and Juliet came to a friar and he married them. 
Some days passed and Juliet’s father told her that she was to marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet didn’t know what to do. But the friar helped her. He gave her medicine and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But when she drank that medicine she would sleep for forty — two hours. 
Juliet did as the friar had told her. Juliet’s parents thought that she was dead and put her into the family tomb. When Romeo heard that Juliet was dead he bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capulets. Paris was there and Romeo killed him. 
Then Romeo kissed Juliet on the lips and drank his poison. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw that the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.

В городе Вероне были два богатые семьи, Капулетти и Монтекки. Был старый спор между ними. Однажды Капулетти сделали большой ужин. И тогда Ромео увидел Джульетту и влюбился в нее сразу.
У Джульетты были те же самые чувства. Ромео спросил Джульетту выйдет ли она за него замуж. Она согласилась, но никто не знал об их плане. На следующий день Ромео и Джульетта пришли к монаху, и он женил их.
Прошло несколько дней, и отец Джульетты сказал, что она должна была выйти замуж за молодого человека, которого звали Париж. Она не знала, что делать. Но монах помог ей. Он дал ей лекарство и сказал ей идти домой и быть готовым выйти замуж за Парижа.  Джульетта сделала, как монах сказал ей. Она выпила лекарство и уснула на 42 часа. Родители Джульетты думали, что она умерла и положили ее в семейной гробнице. Когда Ромео услышал, что Джульетта мертва, он купил яд и пошел к могиле Капулетти. Париж был там, и Ромео убил его.
Тогда Ромео поцеловал Джульетту в губы и выпил яд. В этот момент Джульетта проснулась и увидела, что молодой человек был мертв. Джульетта взяла кинжал, который был на полу, и покончила с собой.

he first act begins with a brawl servants who belong to two warring families - the Montagues and the Capulets. It is unclear what caused the feud, but obviously it is a long and uncompromising, is drawn into the maelstrom of passion and young and old alike. By the servants quickly joined by representatives of the two noble houses, and then their own chapter. On July sun-drenched area real fight begins to boil. The citizens who are tired of hatred, are struggling to separate the fighters. Finally comes the supreme ruler of Verona - Prince, who orders to stop collision on pain of death, and angrily deleted.

In the square there Romeo, son of Montague. He already knows about the recent strike, but his thoughts are occupied by another. As befits his age, he is in love and suffering. The object of his unrequited passion - a kind of unapproachable beauty of Vera. In a conversation with a friend Benvolio, he shares his experiences. Benvolio suggests paying a good-natured look at other girls and chuckling over the objections of another.

At this time, the Capulet makes the visit a relative of Prince Count Paris, who asks his hands only daughter of the owners. Juliet are not even fourteen, but her father agrees to the proposal. Paris noble, rich, handsome and a better husband can not dream of. Capulet invites Paris to the annual ball, they give this evening. The landlady’s daughter is sent to the chamber to warn Juliet about the match. Threesomes - Juliet’s nurse and mother who raised a girl - they vividly discussing the news. Juliet yet serene and obedient to the will of the parent.

On the magnificent ball-carnival in the house of Capulet penetrate the masks of several young people from the enemy camp - including Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo. All of them are hot, sharp tongue and looking for adventure. Particularly sarcastic and eloquent Mercutio - Romeo’s closest friend. Romeo himself seized on the doorstep of the Capulets strange anxiety. "Goodness is not waiting. Unknown that is / What is hidden is still in darkness, / But the foundation for establishing a current ball, / Dearly shorten the life of me / Blame some strange circumstances. / But the one who directs my ship / Oh the sail. "

In the crush of the ball, with casual phrases that are exchanged between hosts, guests and servants, the views of Romeo and Juliet was first crossed, and, like the blinding lightning strikes their love.

The world for both instantly transformed. For Romeo From this moment there is no past affections: "I loved once until then? / Oh no, it was a false goddess. / I did not know the true beauty now. "When he says these words, his voice finds Juliet’s cousin Tybalt, immediately clutching his sword. Hosts beg him not to make a fuss at the festival. They note that Romeo is known for generosity and there is no trouble, even if he had been at the ball. Stung by Tybalt harbors resentment.

Meanwhile Romeo and Juliet failed to exchange a few remarks. He dressed as a monk, and a hood for it does not see his face. When she slips out of the room to the call of the mother, the nurse from Romeo learns that she - the daughter of the owners. A few minutes later Juliet made the same discovery - through the same nurse she discovers that Romeo - son of arch-enemy! "I hated incarnation force / Inopportunely unknowingly fell in love."

Benvolio and Mercutio walk away with the ball, without waiting for the other. Romeo at this time quietly climbed over the wall and hiding in the dense garden of the Capulets. His instinct leads him to the balcony of Juliet, and he, dying, hear how she pronounces his name. Unable to stand, the boy responds. The conversation begins with two lovers timid exclamations and questions, and ends with an oath of love and the decision immediately unite their destinies. "It is not subject to what I own. / My love is without a bottom, and kindness - a wide expanse of sea. / What do I spend more, the getting richer and the Boundless "- so says Juliet about her feelings blights. "O Holy Night, Holy Night. / So prohibitive Wait