Напишите эссе на тему:"Многие люди считают, что иностранный язык нужно изучать с детства" 190 слов

Многие люди считают, что иностранный язык нужно изучать с детства. Так ли это? Давайте порассуждаем.

Иностранный язык несомненно важно знать. Он очень нужен в жизни: тем, кто путешествует, тем, кто занимается бизнесом, да и вообще всем людям. И, если ребенку изучать иностранный язык с детства, то когда он вырастет, ему точно будет легче в изучении чего-либо. Это плюсы изучения языка в раннем возрасте. А теперь рассмотрим минусы.  

Представьте себя на  месте ребенка, к примеру,6 лет. Он еще м ало чего понимает в жизни, а тут дет. Сад с новой программой развития для дошкольников, наверняка этот ребенок еще и в подготовительную школу ходит. Представляете, каково ему? Ведь это не взрослый, это шестилетний РЕБЕНОК!

А тут еще иностранный язык! Да, и не нужно забывать про секции и кружки, вкоторые родители отдали ребенка. Такое плотное расписание даже не каждый подросток выдержит, а тут дошкольник! А детство, детсьво где?

 Вобщем, стоит ли ребенку изучать иностранный язык с детства, личное дело каждого. Но хотели бы Вы такого детства себе или своему ребенку?



The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world.

It is situated on the North American continent and is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic.

The USA  borders only on two countries — Canada and Mexico.

This great country has a lot of mountains, rivers, lakes. The main mountains are the Appalachians and the Cordilleras. The longest rivers are the Mississippi and the Missouri.

The climate of the country is varied. In the southern part it is subtropical while the northern part has very cold weather in winter.

America has fifty states and one federal District of Columbia where the capital of the country is situated.

The capital of the USA is Washington. It stands on the Potomac river in the eastern part of the country.

The main cities are located on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. New-York is the largest city of the country. Other large cities are San-Francisco, Los-Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Phoenix and Dallas.

The USA is a country of highly developed industry and agriculture. The main industrial centres are Chicago and Detroit, with their greatest automobile company “General Motors”. There are many farms with various agricultural products. Grain, fruit and vegetables are grown on numerous fields especially in the South.

The USA is a country with great holidays, customs and traditions. It is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries in the world.

А теперь перевод:


Соединенные Штаты Америки является одной из величайших стран мира.

Страна расположена на Северо-Американском континенте и омывается морями трех океанов: Тихого, Атлантического и Арктического.

США граничит только с двумя странами - Канадой и Мексикой.

Эта великая страна имеет много гор, рек, озер. Основные горы - Аппалачи и Кордильеры. Самые длинные реки - Миссисипи и Миссури.

Климат в стране разнообразный. В южной части - субтропический, а северная часть имеет очень холодную погоду зимой.

Америка состоит из пятидесяти штатов и одного федерального округа Колумбия, где расположена столица страны.

Столица США - Вашингтон. Она стоит на реке Потомак в восточной части страны.

Основные города расположены на тихоокеанском и атлантическом побережьях. Нью-Йорк является крупнейшим городом страны. Другие крупные города - Сан-Франциско, Лос-Анджелес, Детройт, Чикаго, Феникс и Даллас.

США является страной с развитой промышленностью и сельским хозяйством. Основные промышленные центры - Чикаго и Детройт, с самой большой автомобильной компанией "Дженерал Моторс". Есть много хозяйств производящих различную сельскохозяйственную продукцию. Зерно, фрукты и овощи выращиваются во многих областях, особенно на юге страны.

США является страной с великими праздниками, обычаями и традициями. Это одна из самых красивых и интересных стран в мире.

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Выдающиеся люди родной страны и стран изучаемого языка. Их вклад в науку мировую культуру. Это все в одной теме

Great Britain, America and Russia are great countries. In these countries a lot of people live or lived which made  great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting.

One famous British writer is  A. Conan Doyle. He invented Sherlock Holmes, one of the most famous characters and detectives. He became popular because of his love for people. William Shakespeare is also famous English writer. Everybody know his novels. Sir Isaac Newton is a  British scientist who invented calculus and formulated the theory of universal.

There are a lot of famous people in the USA. Among them, the most beautiful woman in the world - Marilyn Monroe, the king of rock-n-roll - Elvis Presley, one of the best known human rights activist - Martin Luther King, the father of Disney cartoons - Walt Disney, the creator of electric lamps - Thomas Edison, a well-known writer of short stories – O. Henry and many others. 

The names of Russian scientists and writers, poets, composers and painters are world-famous-Pushkin, Lermontov, Chehov, Levitan.  Russian scientists are. Lomonosov, the founder of the Moscow, Mendeleev’s greatest discovery was the Periodic System of Elements, Popov invented radio. People in many countries admire paintings, portraits and landscapes Surikov, Levitan, Repin works of our Russian writers and poets are translated into many languages.

Write an essay "If I could choose, I would live in a big modern city / in the country
200-250 слов
+ лучшее решение тому, кто сделает хорошо и быстро.

If I could choose, I would definitely prefer to live in the countryside, and the number of reasons is countless. First of all the rushing pace of the city is somethig that I’m getting tired of. Social anxiety is the worst consequence of this constant stress; it leads to isolation and loneliness. But stress doesn’t go anywhere. I’m not saying that living in the countryside allows you to become a completely laid-back person; you still need to work hard to make a living, but at least you can enjoy the air which is not poluted with traffic fumes, you can admire the views and just feel the long lost unity with nature. 
Moreover, as the towns and villages of the countryside are usually very small, the feeling of community is much stronger. Living in the city we often don’t even know the names of our neighbours, while in the countryside your neighbours can become your close friends who will be happy to help you in need.
Another thing that matters a lot to me is the possibility of getting fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the ground. Instead of buying processed or genetically modified fod from the supernarket, you can grow your own greens or ask your neighbouring farmers for some goods. 
All in all, the countryside living seems much more appealing to me. Maybe my opinion is a bit idealistc and will change with time, but for now I would really enjoy spending a moth or two in a remote village somewhere by the lake surrounded by green hills.

Write an essay if i could choose i would live in a big modern city/ in the country. write up to 200 words

Big city is where you can see many vehicles, many skyscrapers, many peple with a hurry pace of life. That place can fascinate us very much due to its light and luxury. Nowadays, more and more pople want to live there because they see many advantages. Indeed, in a big city, people can have the best chances to work as well as can enjoy the best service and entertaiment.
In a big city, people can take the chaces to study and work best. There are many good University for u to choose in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like. Moreover, when you graduate, you also find it easier to find chances to get a good job with good salary, that is quite difficult in small cities or countrysides; because there concentrates many big companies and groups. Hence, many graduate students choose big cities to live and work. In short, it is where you can take advantages f yourself.
In addition, in a big city you can enjoy the best service and entertainment. Because there are many rich people here, they can invest much money to get the best for them. Lives in a big city are quite luxurius but you don’t have to be worried when you are sick or suffer a disease because there you can find good doctors for you, as long as you have muich money. What’s more, in a big city you can enjoy new entertainment such as new games or luxury games.
Many people can argue that living in a big city makes them tired with noise and dash. They like the slow pace of life in a countryside. But I think that you can live there for a long ime because the young always like to enjoy new things and want to have much money, which is very difficult to do in a countryside. However, when you get older, especially when you retire, a countryside wll the best choice to live.
In summary, living in a big city has many advantages. However, you have to try your best to overcome all difficulties such as hard competition in workplace or polluted environment. you shuold not complain when face up to disadvantages of it.

Essay about which country i would like to visit?

I would like to visit the beautiful country italy. I dream to walk through the narrow streets of Rome and enjoy the beauty of the "eternal city." Dreaming to go to a pizza and taste the real Italian pizza, which I so often hear.
Also, I would like to visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Roman Catholic hrams. My dream also visit the famous beauty fountain De Trevie. Arrive to Rome is complete absorption in the art arhetekturs. big St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, the stories of an incredible sight! if I got the opportunity to visit not only consider, I would still like to visit a legendary city Vinece. sometimes, before going to sleep, I imagine I’m floating in a gondola through the channels, and look at the Venetian arhitekturs. next town which I wish to visit it this verona. verona city in the north - east of Italy, which I learned from the story of Romeo and Juliet. i reread several times and it is a sad product of it each time more and more I liked. imbued with spirit of Montague and kapuleti, see the balcony from which Juliet listened to fiery speeches Romeo, there’s nothing more beautiful! recently released film "Letters to Juliet."it takes place in Verona, the city finds a letter of the people who was inlove. a woman has left letter to "Juliet" many years ago, and decides to track down the girl (now aged woman in years) and her Romeo. I took not so much plot, exchange captured views of the city verona. so every city in Italy has its own feature, so if any turned up case, I would have traveled throughout Italy, from Rome to the Alps mountains.