Напишите текст о вашем путешествии(любом).
Желательно сначала на русском, а потом на английском.
Завтра нужно. Помогите.

Я с папой отправился в путешествие. Мы решили забраться на вершину горы Фудзияма. Мы очень долго забирались и вдруг нам встретилась пещерка. В ней было очень темно но у нас с собой были спички и свечи. Когда мы зажгли свечу стало светло. Мы решили переночевать. И на следующий день мы взобрались на гору. Нам очень понравился вид с горы.
My father and I went on a trip. We decided to climb to the top of mount Fuji. We have a very long climb, and suddenly we met a cave. It was very dark but we had matches and candles. When we lit the candle was light. We decided to spend the night. And the next day we climbed the mountain. We loved the view from the mountain.
Вроде бы так

У меня завтра устный экзамен по английскому. Напишите кто-нибудь хоть бы 1 тему.
Всего 5 тем: 1. Talented people,2. Travelling,3. Films,4. Teenager's problems,5. Books in my life.
Запрещенные слова :good,bad,interesting,boring.(Синонимы можно,

... конечно же)
Текст должен быть объемным, с понятными словами и что бы легко было прочитать.

5)Books in my life
A book is one of the greatest wonders of world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. Together with the characters of books you can find yourself in different and countries, have a lot of adventures. The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and characters. We try to look like the characters of your favorite books: to be brave, honest, not to be silly and greedy, to be real friends. We enjoyed the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales and fables when we were babies and Granny read them. They taught us to be kind, clever, hardworking, to understand other people and help them. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, take care of it, to love our motherland. Books have been with us since childhood. Who hasn’t read «Alice in the wonderland», «Mowgli»? Who hasn’t travelled with Marry Poppins to her imaginary world? Who hasn’t imagined himself to be Robinson Crusoe on the deserted island? I have read a lot of interesting books, but my favorite book is «The adventures of Tom Sawyer» by Mark Twain. This well-known book is popular with the children all over the world. The main character of the book is Tom Sawyer, who lived in a small town on the Mississippi River. He was a boy with a wild imagination. He and his friends often dreamed of different adventures. Tom was naughty, kind and brave. Besides he was noble. I like this boy because he teaches us to be true friends. If you are not fond of reading, take a book to your liking or borrow it from the library and read it. Books are worth reading. They are our good friends. 

Напишите мне небольшой
текст на английском языке на одну из тем:
1. Путешествие
2. Известные путешественники
3. Украина
4. Защити свою планету.

  для того что бы наша планета была защищена, надо:1. Прекратить строить заводы, которые портят воздух и загрязняют окружающую среду. 2. Прекратить вырубку лесов. И всё в этом роде. Это очень поможет природе, а природа поможет планете.
  in order that our planet was protected, it is necessary:1. to stop building plants which cut the cheese and pollute environment.2. to stop deforestation. and all something like that. it very much will help the nature, and the nature will help a planet.

напишите по английски текст что ваш однокласник делал вчера. Используйте слова: have lunch, read a book, watch TW, do his / her homework, draw the picture, ski in the park, play

... chess, listen to music, play the piano, take photos, play puzzles, make a toy. Спасибо

My classmate came home yesterday after a school dinner. Then he went to ride in the park. I came home and did my homework. Watching TV. Played puzzles together with her sister. Painted. Playing chess with his mother. Playing the piano. Playing with toys, and took photos with them.

My frend Jack went home after lessons. He hadn’t lunch at school, so he made some sundwiches for lunch. After lunch he did his homework. Then he phoned me and we skied in the park. After we went to my home. There we watched TV. We watched horror film. But it wasn’t interesting so we decided  to listen the music. He played on piano wonderful composition. I didn’t know that he can play on piano. Then we played puzzle. But it was dark so he had to stay for night in mine home. We played chess and drawed the picture. After that we tried so went to the bed, after some minutes we was asleep.

Составить текст на английском на 7-8 предложений, о знаменитом здание мира, может также быть (єльфевая башня, статуя свободы, пизанская башня и тд. )
Find information about a famous building on the

... internet or in a travel guide. Write a short text about the building and present it to your class.

Являясь самым высоким сооружением в мире, Эйфелева башня вероятно самая узнаваемая достопримечательность в Европе и самый известный символ Парижа.
Невозможно побывать в Париже, не посетив Эйфелеву башню.
Даже если Вы не хотите посетить это всемирно известное сооружение, Вы увидите ее вершину с любой точки Парижа. Высота башни составляет 300 метров. Когда в конце 19 века ее строительство было закончено, она была в два раза выше, чем Монумент Вашингтона, в то время самого высокого сооружения в мире.
Being the tallest building in the world, the Eiffel tower is probably the most recognizable landmark in Europe and the most famous symbol of Paris.
It is impossible to visit Paris without visiting the Eiffel tower.
Even if You don’t want to visit this world famous structure, You will see its top from any point of Paris.
The tower height is 300 meters. When in the late 19th century, its construction was finished, it was two times higher than the Washington Monument, at that time the tallest structure in the world.

составьте текст на подобе этого с глаголами прошедшего времени.

My Trip
I’d like to tell you about my trip to Moscow. My parents and I travelled to Moscow

... last summer. We went to Moscow from Kemerovo by plane. It took us 4 hours and a half to get there. We stayed at a hotel in Moscow. The hotel was expensive but the room was very comfortable. We went to different places and visited some really famous sights. I saw Red Square and the Kremlin. I liked it there very much. The trip was fantastic
That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

My journey. Once we went to the Black Sea. I liked it there. We were staying with my girl friend. There was a golden beach. Babina’s friend kept the hotel at home. There was a dog. I caught crabs and fish. I liked the beach. There was a water slide. We flew for 5 hours, but it was worth it. Now I dream again to go there.

my journey
I want to tell you about my trip to St. Petersburg. My parents and my friend summer went to Peter. We went to St. Petersburg by train. we stayed in the hospitality house. This house was large and comfortable, We went to museums and looked at different attractions. I saw Ishevsky Cathedral. I sailed on the boat floor many bridges! I loved the trip, bvlo a lot of fun and zapominaya moments. I would like to take her there again.
that’s all I wanted to tell you thank you for listening.

Биография знаменитого путешественника на английском

Neil Armstrong (05.08.1930 - 25.08.2012) - American astronaut. Neil Alden Armstrong was born on 5 August 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. There were three children in a family of Viola Louise Engel and Stephen Koenig Armstrong. His father, Stephen Koenig Armstrong, worked as an auditor for the Ohio state government. Neil had younger brother Dean and younger sister June. Because of Stephen Armstrong’s service the family moved from one town to another and after Neil’s birth they lived in twenty different towns. When Neil was two years old his father took him to the Cleveland Air Races. At that time Neil grew fond of flying. The first airplane flight in Neil’s life was in July 1936 when Neil was six years old. It was in Warren, Ohio, when his father took him to go for a ride in a Ford Trimotor. The final moving of the family was to Wapakoneta in 1944. Neil Armstrong entered Blume High School there. He started to attend flying lessons at the county airport and received the flight certificate at the age of fifteen. It should be noted that Neil Armstrong earned his driver’s license later than the flight certificate. He also was a member of the Boy Scouts and in the end he received the rank of Eagle Scout. From 1947 to 1955 Neil studied at Purdue University. Personal life The first wife of Neil Armstrong was Janet Shearon. He married her on 28 January 1956. They had two children. Son Eric was born in 1957 and daughter Karen was born in 1959, but she died in 1962. In a year son Mark was born. In 1994 their marriage broke down. In 1992 Neil Armstrong met Carol Held Knight who became his second wife. He married her on 12 June 1994 in Ohio. Career Neil Armstrong went down in history as an American astronaut, test-pilot and aerospace engineer. He was a United States Navy officer. Neil Armstrong began making a career in aviation and astronautics after serving in the Korean War. Then he served as a test pilot at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics High-Speed Flight Station where he logged over 900 flights. Neil Armstrong was also university professor. Neil Armstrong’s first spaceflight was in 1966. He was the command pilot of the NASA Gemini 8 mission. Neil Armstrong and pilot David Scott accomplished the first manned docking of two spacecraft. The greatest achievement of Neil Armstrong was his second spaceflight in July 1969. On this mission he and Buzz Aldrin descended to the lunar surface where they spent 2.5 hours. Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. After his greatest and last spaceflight Neil Armstrong began to work at the University of Cincinnati as a teacher. In 1979 he resigned. In the next years Neil Armstrong took part in different projects and went into business. Death Neil Armstrong underwent surgery on August 7, 2012, to relieve blocked coronary arteries. He died on August 25, in Cincinnati, Ohio, following complications resulting from these cardiovascular procedures. Может подойдёт

Mikhail Venyukov (1832-1901) - Russian explorer and geographer military, Major-General.
He was born on June 23, 1832 in the village of Nikitinsky, education in the Noble shelf. According to the officer Venyukov a course of St. Petersburg University in 1856 and graduated from the Imperial Military Academy. All further his work was devoted to travel for scientific purposes. In the 1857-1863 years. Venyukov traveled the Amur, Ussuri, Trans-Baikal region, Issyk -Kul, the Tien - Shan, Altai and Caucasus, in 1861, promoted to the majors. Then he served in Poland, Chairman of the peasant question. In the 1868-1869 years. He embarked on a world tour, with those treated with special attention to China and Japan. 1874 Venyukov held in Asiatic Turkey, in 1876, promoted to major general in the 80 ’s. He visited Algeria, Tunisia, Senegal and the Gambia, the coast of Brazil, and Uruguay, as well as the islands of the Antilles archipelago. The result of these trips were numerous published works geographical and military- geographical nature. In addition, Venyukov put a lot of articles in the " Military Collection," " Russian Invalid ", " Proceedings of the Imperial Geographical Society," " Russian Thought" and other Russian and foreign publications. Venyukov died a retired Major General July 16, 1901                                                                                                                                                                 Михаил Иванович Венюков (1832—1901) — русский путешественник и военный географ, генерал-майор.
Родился 23 июня 1832 г. В селе Никитинском, образование получил в Дворянском полку. По производстве в офицеры Венюков прослушал курс Санкт-Петербургского университета и в 1856 г. Окончил Императорскую военную академию. Вся дальнейшая его деятельность была посвящена путешествиям с научными целями. В 1857—1863 гг. Венюков объехал Амур, Уссури, Забайкалье, Иссык-Куль, Тянь-Шань, Алтай и Кавказ, в 1861 г. Произведён в майоры. Затем служил в Польше председателем комиссии по крестьянскому делу. В 1868—1869 гг. Он предпринял кругосветное путешествие, при чем с особенным вниманием отнесся к Китаю и Японии. 1874 г. Венюков провёл в азиатской Турции, в 1876 г. Произведён в генерал-майоры, в 80-х гг. Он посетил Алжир, Тунис, Сенегал и Гамбию, побережья Бразилии и Уругвая, а также острова Антильского архипелага. Результатом этих путешествий явились многочисленные печатные труды географического и военно- географического характера. Кроме того, Венюков поместил много статей в «Военном сборнике», «Русском инвалиде», «Известиях Императорского географического общества», «Русской мысли» и в других русских и заграничных изданиях. Венюков умер отставным генерал-майором 16 июля 1901 г.

написать ответы на английском where you were in summer
what places you visited
with whom you travelled
how many photos you took
where you lived /stayed
how many books

... you read
how many interesting films you saw
what games you played или написать на английском что я сочинил Летом я был на даче. Еще я с родителями ездил на юг. Фотографий мы сделали много. Книгу я прочитал одну про войну Мы с друзьями играли в игру монополия

1. I was at my country house and I traveled to sea.
(Ведь ты был на море? Не против, если я вместо "юг" впишу сюда "море"?)
2. I traveled with my parents.
3. We took a lot of pictures.
4. I lived in my country house.
5. I read one book about the war.
6. I saw a lot of interesting films.
7. I played monopoly with my friends.