Текст (8 класс): Career in Law
То есть профессия, карьера юриста или профессии связанные с правом
In the UK and the USA, law degree programmes usually take three years to complete. In the UK, these programmes typically include core subjects such as criminal law, contract law, tort law, landlaw, equity and trusts, administrative law and constitutional law. In addition, students are often required to take courses covering skills such as legal writing and legal research. There is also a variety of optional (elective) courses available. Since many law students go on to become lawyers, students often take courses that will be useful to them during their future careers. Someon ewishing to run a small partnership or to work alone as a sole practitioner in a small town may decide to take subjects such as family law, employment law and housing law. Those wishing to work in a large law practice will consider subjects such as company law, commercial law and litigation and arbitration. Many universities also offer courses on legal practice. Courses like this give students the opportunity to experience the work of a lawyer before deciding on a career in the law. Another way of finding out more about law in practice is to get involved with a voluntary advice centre or law clinic. These clinics offer free legal assistance to the local community and provide a useful introduction to some of the day-to-day work of a lawyer. For students wishing to work in a commercial practice, knowledge of foreign languages is essential. When law firms hi renew recruits, they generally look at four things: education, personality, work experience and language ability. Since English is the language of the international legal community, law firms increasingly expect graduates to have a good command of English.
Нужно составить текст про профессию мамы на английском
There are many interesting and noble (1) professions. I want to be a doctor. It is an interesting profession.
I understand that it is necessary (2) to study a lot to become a doctor. I also understand that this profession requires (3) great responsibility (4) because it deals with the most precious thing one has — with his health.
My grandfather is a doctor and he works as a surgeon (6) in hospital. I have been several times at the hospital and spent some time watching him working.
His main task is to operate on people. After each operation he takes care of the patients until they recover (7). He examines people and gives them professional advice. After operation people should follow his instructions. My grandfather says, if your health is good, you are always in good mood. It is very important for everybody.
He is always kind and attentive to his patients. People feel that and trust him. That is why it is easier to treat them.
I know that he wants to see all his patients able-bodie notice that he is happy when his patients recover.
My grandfather can also help if somebody has caught a cold or has got a fever. He told me a lot of true stories about doctors and their profession:
I love and respect my grandfather and I want to become a doctor as well. I’ll do my best to help people who have problems with their health.
Написать текст на английском про описание профессии учителя.
Surely, everyone keeps in mind the image of the first teacher, remembers his first lesson. And this is his explanation, as a teacher does not only education, but also education. It is known that pedagogy is translated from Greek means "driving with children." Even in ancient times for the training of the younger generation were elected by people with any craft. These days are the selection of experts for education remained the same. The main value remains the professional level and knowledge of the teacher.
Написать короткий текст на английском про профессию Например доктор, учитель, офицант, ветеринар, почтальон (короче лёгкие проффессии)- выберите и одну
I want to be a doctor
I’ve always wanted to be a doctor like me granny. She works it is a hospital. I often go to her hospital to watch how my granny treats people.
I went to this hospital for the first time when i was 8. I liked everything and understood that i wanted to become a doctor. i want to help people. i know that i need to learn and work a lot to be a good doctor. i am not afraid of hard work.
Soon i shall start to learn chemistry. now i learn Maths and i am fond of it. i like learning English. i think english will be every important for my future profession.
when i’m sixteen i’ll ask my granny to let me work at the hospital as a nurse boy.
Написать текст на англ. языке на тему:
Как вы думаете, тяжело ли выбирать профессию? Тяжело ли делать то, что вам нравится?
Profession is very important for humans. In my opinion, many people go to doctors, police officers, economists only to just get a higher education. Now, in our country, it is practically impossible to find a decent, well-paid job without a certificate of higher education. I think we should work hours in the specialty kotoroyj to you "is the soul"In advance, it is desirable to begin to choose a profession of choice. For example, you can start with the 9th grade, because at that time the most important topics prepozhayutsya world science and economics. It’s hard enough to work, but in our world differently is simply impossible!
Написать текст, с 10-18 предложениями. Про любую профессию, кроме ветеринара и телохранителя(а лучше по английски)
It’s really hard to be a firefighter. It’s also extremelly dangerous. The emergency alarm can ring at any moment. It means that you have to dress up quickly and drive with other firefighters to the place where the fire has started. When you’ll arrive the battle between you and fire beggins. You need to survive in it and also save other people if it’s nessesary. Then you need to drive back to the fire station and have a short rest.
You see that profession of firefighter is very importaint as well as dangerous.
Ну, как-то так.
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Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what your requirements are from a career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already may have suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training will equip you to do new things. A further point to consider is how far you will be willing to do for a time things which you do not like knowing that they are necessary to achieve your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirements. In particular, you can answer to important questions. First: what sort of life do you want to lead? For example, do you want to live in the country or in the town? Is leisure time of great importance to you? Is the size of your salary important? Do you want to put down roots or travel widely? Second: what sort of work do you want to do? For example, do you like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to you? Do you want to be an organizer of other people’s activities? Do you want to develop new ideas and initiate changes. As for me, I have made up my mind to be an engineer. As my parents are an engineers they have made a great influence on my choice and I can say that this profession runs the family. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. I think that nowadays this profession is of great need and importance to our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country. To be a well prepared engineer I should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages. In spite of these arguments we mustn’t forget about everybody’s vacation. I think that my facilities combined with the knowledge would be quiet enough to succeed in my work.
Nowadays the profession of an account is very important. Every office, every organization has got centralized accounting.
In every organization there is a specialist, who should be able to maintain the accounting, inventory, make accounting reports and settlements with suppliers and consumers, calculate profit or anticipate losses, calculated salaries of the stuff and so on. That is why we need qualified specialists, who are able to carry out necessary and very serious documentation, know the law and many other materials. Therefore, a person who works as an accountant must be a very clever, responsible and serious.
Nowadays many institutions and universities in all countries prepare specialists we call as accountants.
В настоящее время профессия счета очень важно. Каждое ведомство, каждая организация имеет централизованной бухгалтерии. В каждой организации есть специалист, который должен уметь вести бухгалтерский учет, учет материальных ценностей, сделать бухгалтерский отчет, произвести расчеты с поставщиками и потребителями, рассчитать прибыль или предвидеть убытки, рассчитать заработную плату сотрудникам и так далее. Бухгалтер должен уметь вести необходимую и очень серьезную документацию, знать законодательство и многие другие материалы. Поэтому человек, работающий бухгалтером, должен быть очень грамотным, ответственный и серьезным. В настоящее время многие институты и университеты во всех странах подготовка специалистов мы называем бухгалтерами.
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In my understanding, the "teacher" is a person conveying their experience and knowledge. However, if we consider this concept broader, it becomes clear that it consists not only in training certain knowledge, but also in the education of its students. The teacher must always remain an example. That is why I believe that not everyone can become a teacher, this is not given to everyone. Teacher’s work does not end when he leaves the school building after school, he must constantly improve and grow, only in this way he will be able to cultivate high moral qualities and teach the same children. Of course, our mother becomes our first teacher, she teaches us everything she knows herself. Soon, this is not enough for us, and our caregivers.
Напишите текст по английскому языку"Профессия мамы" профессия мамы бухгалтер
Моя мама работает бухгалтером. Ей это работа очень нравится. На работе она со всеми разговаривает. Конечно она иногда устает но все равно обожает эту работу. После работы она всегда заходит в магазин и покупает мне конфетки. Мне тоже нравится ее работа. Когда я выросту я возможно буду работать бухгалтером.
My mother works as an accountant. Her work very much. At work she’s with all razgovarivaesh she sometimes gets tired but still loves the job. After work she always comes into the store and buy me candy. I also like her work. When I grow up I’ll probably be working as an accountant.
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Проблемы выбора профессии и роль иностранного языка. Это все в одной теме
I think it is very difficult to choose a job because it is one of the most important decisions that you make in your life. When you finish school you must have a clear idea of what you want to do in future and what job you want to get. You must know that some of the occupations are already overcrowded. Also you must think how your job can make the best use of your personal talents. You must know your own interests and talents. It is important also to ask yourself: - do you like dealing with people; - do you like to work in the office ; - do you enjoy solving problems; - do you enjoy working with your hands; - do you enjoy being creative. You must also remember that you should learn English if you want to get a good job. English is the most widely spoken language in the world. You will be able to communicate with other people from other countries, f. ex. business clients. Many books and information are written in English now. If we do not learn English, then it means you are keeping away from half of the world’s knowledge. As for me, I have made up my mind to be an lawyer I like studying law. I like dealing with people and thinking about problems. I enjoy helping people.