Текст на английском языке на тему: волонтерская работа в школе

Volunteering not only helps and benefits one’s community but, in a way, it benefits the volunteers themselves. For instance, I believe volunteering makes a person feel worthy, as if they’ve accomplished something because they made someone else’s life better or they made a change in their community somehow. Volunteering also shows that that person is generous, compassionate, and good-hearted, because he/she is kind enough to give up a few hours of their time and put it into their community. It also serves others without expecting to get anything out of their service. I believe that everyone should give back to their community because volunteering will make your community a more comforting and pleasing place to live in.
Park Terrace at Radisson is where I’ve been volunteering since March of 2003. Park Terrace was established in 2002, and is a Residential Care Community that includes a memory-impaired neighborhood. As a Residential Care Community, Park Terrace is not allowed to provide medical services. It is not a "nursing home? Park Terrace exists expressly to provide a protected living environment for those adults requiring such care and supervision.
As a volunteer, my duties were to basically entertain the elderly. For example, I would take them for walks, or play ping pong/pool with them, whichever they preferred. In addition, I would read the newspaper for them if they asked. I would also hold? coffee club’ every Sunday at 10:00 A. M. where they got their choice of coffee or tea and some treats to go along with their hot drink. Sometimes, I even gave them manicures. Other times, I would just simply talk to them and they would tell me their life stories, and about when they were younger. It was interesting to hear about their life and how different things were back then.

Нужен текст на тему: Благотворительность в разных странах (Можно про одну). Нужно написать текст о том как люди жертвуют на благотворительность в одной из стран. Маленький и простой текст, можно

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Благотворительность — деятельность, посредством которой частные ресурсы добровольно распределяются их обладателями в целях содействия нуждающимся людям, решения общественных проблем, а также усовершенствования условий общественной жизни. Под нуждающимися в данном случае понимаются не только живущие в нужде, но и те люди (гражданские активисты, специалисты, лица творческих профессий, учащиеся) и общественные (т. Е. Некоммерческие и неполитические) организации, которые испытывают недостаток в дополнительных средствах для решения индивидуальных, профессиональных, культурных и гражданских задач. В качестве частных ресурсов могут выступать как финансовые и материальные средства, так способности и энергия людей. В последние десятилетия (по крайней мере, начиная с шестидесятых годов, когда получили особенное развитие так называемые неправительственные организации) сложилось устойчивое представление о благотворительности не только как о денежных и имущественных пожертвованиях, но и как о безвозмездной (добровольной, «волонтерской») деятельности — как об общественной (т. Е. Некоммерческой и неполитической) деятельности в собственном смысле этого слова.

написать мне текст на тему: "Моя волонтёрская работа". Хотя бы что нибудь.

Добровольческая работа в детских домах в Камбодже – беднейшей азиатской стране – может быть не простой, но чрезвычайно полезной. Находитесь ли Вы в академическом отпуске, каникулах или в данный момент Вы не заняты карьерой и решили заняться этой работой в качестве старшего волонтера – Вы будете играть важную роль, а затраченные усилия оценены. Несмотря на то, что гражданская война в Камбодже уже давно закончилась, её наследие продолжает преследовать эту прекрасную страну. Собирание милостыни на улицах людьми, лишенными рук или ног, стало обычным явлением, и является напоминанием об опустошении, которой оставили после себя мины. ВИЧ и СПИД - растущая проблема,  и тоже вносит свой вклад в переполненность детских домов Пномпеня (Phnom Penh). Дети являются особенно уязвимыми, но посредством работы и взаимодействия с ними в детских домах,  интернатах и центрах для детей с физическими недостатками, Вы можете помочь укрепить их веру в себя и будущие перспективы. Наши волонтеры работают не только с детьми, которым посчастливилось находится в этих учреждениях, но и теми, кто остался на улицах.

Написать небольшой текст про то что дети в россии серьёздно относятся к благотворительности

What is charity? Charity is care provided to the poor people, which does not require anything in return. In my memory there were cases when teenagers senior and middle classes in the school offered their small clothes, children’s book and then this things were taken to orphanages, to somehow help orphans. It is very important. Because of their location can be anyone, these children dream to get at least 10% of what we have. And each of us, looking into the eyes of these children, trying to help. But not only teenagers engage in charity, but children of Junior classes. Though they are  children but they still bring their toys and handmade goods for orphans. They understand that these children have no mom and dad, and they want to share what they have. I think we can be proud of this guys, because they do not remain indifferent towards the poor. And they help not only  children, but also elderly people in their work, and families with many children. The guys are very serious about charity and always happy to help.

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100-120 слов
Cathy, my friend's family doesn't have any money and her mum gets all her stuff from charity shops. She's so

... embarrassed and upset about it and although I feel sorry for her I don't know how I can help. Please tell me what I can do.
. Перевод текста.
Кэти, семья моего друга не было никаких денег, и ее мама получает все вещи ее от благотворительных магазинов. Она так смутилась и расстроилась по этому поводу, и, хотя мне жаль ее, я не знаю, как я могу помочь. Скажите мне, что я могу сделать.

Не совсем понял вначале. Мне кажется, что в начале должно быть My friend Cathy’s family и далее как есть.  

You can talk to her and say that there’s nothing wrong with buying things from charity shops. She should feel free to use this option as long as her family is in need. Once they find better jobs and make some more money on their own, they are going to stand on their own two feet and be independent. You can tell her that buying things from charity or as they’re also called "thrift shops" help charity organisations raise money to help homeless people and children with health problems. I’d call it "killing two birds with one stone".

Составьте текст про благотворительность 100 слов надо((

1. Wealth must find time to spend on good deeds. Ashamed to die rich - must find time during the life spend money on good deeds - thought American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and multimillionaire. This view is shared by many in the West - private charity there something common and honorable, wealthy people are often a significant part of the capital transferred to charities and heirs leaving only the necessary "living wage." In the U. S. and Western Europe created more than 10,000 private foundations. Two-thirds of them are created with funds left by will.
In Russia, for charity are yet wary: most citizens know little about real assistance provided by charities, and do not believe that they sent the money will reach those who need them. In addition, the charity on a large scale - it awkward and sometimes even dangerous: first, we have to pay additional taxes, and, secondly, such generosity can cause an unhealthy interest in the state and the tax authorities. So if we have a corporate charity has already become usual phenomenon and even almost mandatory, the private - is much less prevalent than in the West, and it is often anonymous. However, in our country, individuals and even entire families accept any problems so close to the heart, even decided on the creation of special funds for their solution.

CHARITY - assistance provided to indigent haves. Caring for persons deprived of their due SUCCESSION reasons livelihoods and unable to produce their own strength, in principle peculiar to some extent any human. society at any stage of its evolution. B. Therefore tradition in Russia ( as well as in other countries) have their roots in antiquity. Already in the early stages of development otech. statehood - in the era of Kievan Rus in the specific period - help the needy is an integral part of life on the islands then. Social progress. bundle, ext. War and Knyaz. strife, natural disasters - all these factors adversely affected the broader drug. masses on the one hand, open space for charitable. activities and with others - have determined the urgent need to maintain it in the name of companies. stability. Important role in this regard played Baptism of Russia (988). Christ. creed, calling to love our neighbor as ourselves, considered one of the B. Cont. duties of a true Christian. A special role in the development of BV naturally assigned soc. tops, especially princes. Caring for the needy, nischelyubie considered continuous. signs of a "good book. ". Book themselves. BA also considered as one of its most important functions.

Волонтёрская работа в Беларуси написать об этом 10 предложений можно больше на английском языке

What is volunteering? The widest range of activities that depends only on what goals you or your organization pursue. For example, the same subbotniks are a real volunteer activity. Employees are engaged. Of course, we have a number of organizations, which we will talk about in our next articles, but now here is the list of organizations that we will talk about today:
League of Voluntary Work of Youth
Association of UNESCO Clubs
Belarusian Red Cross Society
Good here
Search and rescue team "Angel"
Belarusian Children’s Hospice