Надо написать сочинение на тему: о известном деятеле Беларуси(писатель, музыкант, спортсмен).5

Анжелика Анатольевна Агурбаш родилась 17 мая 1970 года в Минске.

Обучалась она в обычной школе, но уже с малых лет проявляла незаурядность и талант.

Все время учебы в школе Лика параллельно посещала театральную студию, брала уроки музыки и выступала в танцевальном ансамбле Вязанка. В 2002 году певица победила в конкурсе Миссис Россия-2002. В этом же году вышел сборник Лучшие песни, который возымел большую популярность среди критиков и публики.

В 2003 году Анжелика выпустила два сингла, посвященные своей Родине – Белая Русь и Посвящение Евфросинье Полоцкой. Вторая была благословлена Митрополитом всея Белоруссии Филаретом.

3 июля 2004 года Анжелика участвовала в концерте, посвященному 60-летию освобождения Белоруссии.

Сочинение на тему: "Спортивные традиции Беларуси"

Развитию спорта в Беларуси уделяется особое внимание. Государство поделживает десятки видов, в первую очередь, входящие в программу Олимпийских игр. Наиболее популярными является
футбол, хоккей, биатлон и теннис.
Самой большой любовью в Беларуси пользуется хоккей.
Белорусские спортсмены традиционно сильны в биатлоне.

На английском написать мини-сочинение про Беларусскую Масленицу,

Pancake Day celebrated mainly in the eastern regions of Belarus among Orthodox Christians (Catholics it starts in the last week of February). On the Saturday before Carnival commemorate the dead, to have their support and assistance in the future of agricultural work. Of great importance during this holiday was ritual food - pancakes. There was a ritual "Tsyagats kalodu". It was attended by all married women of the village. Festivities went on throughout the night. Women walked with songs, shouts, aukanem the village with the stump of a tree (a pack). If the road met a man, especially unmarried, throws him a rope and forced to pull the deck, and themselves clung to it to make it heavier. When a man wanted to get rid of the deck, he paid a ransom for women. In some villages, "spraўlyalі Ulas." The sleigh, adorned with flowers, sat the mistress of a yard, and the rest of the songs carried her through the village. All the men who met on the way, grabbed and started to throw up, while they did not pay a ransom. Member processions often dressed in costumes, "men", "elders", "Gypsy." To disguise joined musician (male). Entering the house, they turned the dishes, bed spreads, clothing, brawled until then, have not yet received a ransom from the owners. Going round the village, dressed went to someone’s house and a spacious walk there all night, singing, dancing. The elderly, the relatives, the friends, the two men traveled this week to visit each other on decorated carts. The children had their fun: sledging. Young people going when it was getting dark outside: singing, dancing. During a visit to the Pancake midwife were women and young men. After refreshments solemnly taken out of her home, they put into the sleigh, and themselves, vpryagshis them, drove through the village grandmother with jokes, songs. At last, on Sunday, the day of Carnival’s relatives went to visit each other, to the mother-in "pancakes" in-law came with his wife. In the evening in full family I had dinner together, as Monday was advancing Lent. We ate mostly milk. This evening was held extremely interesting and solemn ritual in many parts of Belarus. After dinner, the owner sat in a strict and pious mood. To him came the brothers and sons in turn, after the women bowed down to the ground and said, "Give, But father Rodney kalі Chym sagrashyў (-la) Peyrade taboy spravay tsі language." After listening to all the host, in turn, bowed to the ground before the whole family, so asking for forgiveness for all the sins and errors. In parting with Carnival usually fired effigy - a straw man or a woman. Ashes are scattered across the field for greater productivity. After the revolution and during the war did not officially celebrated Shrove Tuesday. In 1970-1980 gg. holiday celebrated "Farewell to winter". Since the 1990s. We began to revive the tradition of celebrating Pancake mostly in the villages, and in each locality, this holiday has its own characteristics. In the Belarusian city hosts farewell to winter holidays: march fairy-tale characters, attractions, sports, horseback riding, an entertainment pancakes. Children spend theater festivals in the street, riding a rollercoaster. In schools, many teachers spend talking about relationships in the classroom, where children ask each other for forgiveness, a teacher, and he in them.

Написать сочинение на тему: как празднуют купалле в Беларуси, какие традиции есть на этот праздник

Kupalle is traditional Belarusian holiday. This holiday is favorite event of many people. This holiday is old Belarusian tradition. And it has deep roots in the past. Kupalle usually is celebrated on the night of 6-7 July. People have a big fire on this holiday and they hand in hand must jump it over. It is very funny and interesting, people can spend their time in a fun way. But the main part of this event is searching for the Paparats Kvetka. People who find it will be happy for a whole life. 

Волонтёрская работа в Беларуси написать об этом 10 предложений можно больше на английском языке

What is volunteering? The widest range of activities that depends only on what goals you or your organization pursue. For example, the same subbotniks are a real volunteer activity. Employees are engaged. Of course, we have a number of organizations, which we will talk about in our next articles, but now here is the list of organizations that we will talk about today:
League of Voluntary Work of Youth
Association of UNESCO Clubs
Belarusian Red Cross Society
Good here
Search and rescue team "Angel"
Belarusian Children’s Hospice

Написать про достопримечательности Беларуси

Самые интересные достопримечательности Беларуси – удивительные замки и родовые усадьбы, прекрасные храмы и монастыри, уникальные уголки нетронутой природы, старинные инженерные сооружения, увлекательные музеи и этнографические деревни, родные места знаменитых художников, писателей и учёных…