Напишите сочинение на английском на тему-Мои соседи.

I live in a block of flat on the 2nd floor( это к примеру). My neighbourhood is noisy and crowded. But my neighbours are very good. They are helpful, caring, a little nosy and sociable. For example, my next-door neighbour, Kara, is very sociabe. She often visits me to say about last news or interesting information. David is also my neighbour, he is very helpful man. David helps us to bring heavy things and he gives useful advicе. I love my neighbours.
Ну вот это мой уровень)
Могу перевести, нужно?

Как будет по английски
Автор: Братья Гримм
Год издания сказки: 1812
Сказка Гримм «Белоснежка и семь гномов», была издана в 1812 году в Германии. Позже подвергалась дополнениям и корректировке. Эта сказка

... одна из самых любимых сказок братьев Гримм во всем мире, ее сюжет часто служит основой театральных постановок и экранизаций. Впервые сказка вышла на экраны, как немое кино, в 1916 году в Америке, а позже Уолт Дисней выпустил мультфильм, который сделал эту сказку всемирно известной.

The brothers Grimm edition of the tale: 1812 Grimm fairy Tale "Snow white and the seven dwarfs", was published in 1812 in Germany.

Author: The Brothers Grimm
Year tales: 1812
The Grimm tale "Snow white and the seven dwarfs", was published in 1812 in Germany. Later it was subjected to additions and corrections. This story is one of the most beloved brothers Grimm fairy tales in the world, her story often serves as a basis for theatrical productions and film adaptations. The first tale was released as a silent film in 1916 in America, and later Walt Disney released the cartoon, which made this story known worldwide.

Опишите любой музей Америки на английском. В вашем тексте должно быть 1. Название музея 2. Когда он был основан 3. Что вы можете увидеть в этом музее 4. Что ты можешь

... сделать в этом музее 5. И зачем его стоит посетить

The National  Automobile Museum.
  Reno, Nevada, USA
This museum is devoted to automotive history. It was opened in 1989. The basis for the collection was the collection of Bill Harrah, the famous collector from Nevada. The building of the museum covers about one thousand square feet and contains more than two hundred cars from 1892 to present.
There are some legendary cars, race cars, cabriolets, minivans, sports wagons and pickup trucks. Overall, the museum is worth seeing. Here children and adults will spend a marvelous time.

Написать сочинение про животных, которые обитают в Америке. на английском

America has different climates. There are thousand year old forests and deserts. The jaguar, the largest cat in America, lives in South and Central America. In this area, there are also scorpions that are dangerous for animals. They bite their attackers with their tail where the poison is. A person can die from his bite. In the North, close to Canada, there are Grizzly bears. These bears like to eat salmon that they usually catch in rivers. In Florida, there are a lot of alligators. They can be very aggressive and attack people that live there. They usually live in freshwater such as river or lake. These type of alligators have very powerful tail and jaw. Raccoons became very popular in North America. People have them as pets. However, they are wild animals. It lives in forests. Although, nowadays you can see a raccoon in urban areas. They come into cities for the food, as it is much easier to get food in towns than in forests. It preys on aquatic animals, but also it can eat fruits and berries. One of the most important birds for United Stats is bald eagle. It is a national symbol of US since 1782. They are mostly seen in Florida, close to Canada and California. It used to be an endangered species. Scientists made an effort to increase bald eagle population. Therefore it is no longer endangered. 

Напишите сочинение по английскому языку тема: я поехал к другу в америку/кананаду и что я там делал или не делал

Hello! My name is (Ваше имя). Today I will tell you a story about how I visited my friend in America. Firstly, my friend is very crazy. As soon as I came to my friend, he was ecstatic. My friend lives in America for a very long time and knows very well English. And my English is bad. He often joked about this. We spent a lot of time with my friend on the street. You know. America is beautiful country. There are many big houses, shops, big streets, cars. On the first day we visited the roller coaster. It was fantastic! We walked a lot, and I remember the time spent in America.

Составьте рассказ про USA на английском. Вопросы
1. Кто открыл Америку? Как он это сделал?
2. Что ты знаешь о географическом положении USA
3. Кем были первые американцы?
4. Какой самый

... большой город в USA? Что ты знаешь о нем?
Для тех кто не знает USA- это СОЕДИНЁНЫЕ ШТАТЫ АМЕРИКИ

Hristopher Kolymb-испанский is a navigator, in 1492 opening America for Europeans. Columbus crossed the Atlantic ocean first from for certain well-known travellers in the subtropical and tropical stripe of north hemisphere and first from Europeans went about in вКарибском sea. He opened and put beginning of исследованиюЮжной and Central America, including their continental parts. Geographical положениеСША: east is washed the Atlantic ocean, from a south - by waters of the Caribbean sea, if more exactly, then by waters of his Mexican bay. Within the limits of the state there is the largest city, economic and political center of country is New York. In the complement of the state a large island Лонг-Айленд enters also. Area of the state 141 000 apt. kilometre, from them more than 18 000 apt. kilometres are busy at internal waters. A population is 19 465 197 persons (third place after California and Texas, given after 2011г. ), including municipal about 85%, more than 60% live in city New York.

Сочинение по английскому на тему: «В какой стране ты бы хотел провести Новый год?»
Данная страна: Америка
Нужно написать, почему именно в этой стране, какая там атмосфера во время Нового Года

... и тд. Все писать на английском.

I have never been in the US but i wish to celebrate New Year there. I often watched american movies and i liked that atmosphere. It seems to be so family to be around your relatives and close friends. I would like to walk with my friends just outside. i heard it’s so beautiful there when its christmas holidays. There are a lot of decorated trees and a lot of lights on buildings and windows, especially if its night you really feel mystery. I would like to see their gorgeous fireworks being on the top of high building. Also I would like to see Santa there I already know that he doesn’t exist, but anyway it reminds you about childhood, when you belived in different characters. All this makes you feel carelessness, sometimes it’s what you need just to rest of daily rutin. 

Составить рассказ о любом Американском штате (название, где расположен, размер, главные города, чем знаменит )

Калифорния вытянута вдоль берега Тихого океана между 32 и 42 градусами северной широты и 114 и 124 западной долготы. Она граничит со штатом Орегон на севере, штатами Невада и Аризона на востоке; южная граница штата также является частью государственной границы с Мексикой. С мексиканской стороны к ней примыкает штат Северная Нижняя Калифорния. Длина Калифорнии с северана юг — около 1 240 км, ширина с западана восток — около 400 км.
Калифорния — крупнейший тихоокеанский штат. Она также является третьим по площади штатом США (423 970 км²), уступая только Аляске и Техасу и опережая Монтану.