Сочинение на английском на тему: "мой поход в зоопарк"

My visit to the zoo
I’m sure many people like to go to the zoo. As for me, I like to go there too, but unfortunately I go to the zoo once a year. I usually go to the zoo in spring.
I think in spring the weather is fine. It’s not very hot. That’s why it’s the best time for going to the zoo.
When we come to the zoo my brother and I run to the giraffe and give him bread. It’s very interesting to look at him, his behaviour.
You can see in the zoo: lions, tigers, panthers, monkeys and other animals. Monkeys are very funny and clever animals.
There are different kinds of fishes in the zoo. But most of all I was surprised to see a very big fish.
I hope I’ll to go to the zoo soon.
Я уверена, многие люди любят ходить в зоопарк. Что касается меня, я тоже люблю ходить в зоопарк, но к сожалению я хожу туда один раз в год.
Обычно я хожу в зоопарк весной. Я думаю весной хорошая погода и не очень жарко. Поэтому это самое лучшее время, чтобы пойти в зоопарк.
Когда мы приходим в зоопарк, мы с братом бежим к жирафу и кормим его хлебом. Очень интересно смотреть на него, наблюдать за его поведением.
В зоопарке вы можете увидеть: львов, тигров, пантер, обезьян и других животных. Обезьяны очень смешные и умные животные.
В зоопарке есть разные виды рыб. Но больше всего я была удивлена увидеть очень большую рыбу.
Я надеюсь скоро пойти в зоопарк.

Сочинение New year на английском

In many countries, the new year’s celebration begin in the evening of December 31 and continue till the early hours of January 1. As pigs represent progress and prosperity in some cultures, pork appears on the new year’s eve table in Cuba, Australia, Hungary, Portugal and other countries. In the United States, the most interesting new years tradition is the dropping of a giant ball in New York city ’s times Square at midnight. Millions of people around the world watch the event on TV. Other customs that are common worldwide include watching fireworks and singing songs to welcome the new year.
С праздником! Надеюсь поможет

Сочинение по английскому языку 5 причин почему стоит закрыть зоопарки

In fact, we all live in big cities very often without thinking about ecology. We always walk the streets and squares where it is always very dusty from passing cars. Also we will affect zoos, because children often ask their parents to take them there. This is my personal opinion, but I think that zoos should be closed. There are five important reasons for this: 1. Mockery of animals. 2. Conservation of wild nature. 3. Development of diseases. 4. Danger to humans in the event that the animal escapes. 5. Wild animals should not sit in cages as they will lose their instincts

написать сочинение на английском на тему: Мое мнение о зоопарках.

OoЗоопаркA zoo is a place where various animals, reptiles, mammals, insects and birds are kept. Sometimes you can see rare species of animals there. Usually zoos don’t contain domestic or farm animals, but sometimes there are children’s areas with such creatures, as donkeys, mini-horses, sheep, geese, pigs, rabbits and even pheasants. These are secluded areas where children can pet and feed animals. A visit to the zoo can be both entertaining and educational. There we can learn new facts about animals’ lives. Due to quick urbanization and deforestation many species cannot live in their natural habitat anymore. That’s why zoos and reservations exist. Opinions on advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in the zoos differ. Some people think that zoo is a perfect place for animals, as they are always fed, well-treated and live in good conditions there. Besides, people are happy to have a chance to see wild, beautiful and exotic animals in live, to learn more about their behavior and lifestyle. From the other hand, animals have to live as close to their natural habitat as possible, for example, near forests, rivers, savannahs, jungles, safari, etc. in this respect, open zoos or wildlife reserves are much better. They usually occupy vast expanses of land and let the animals move around instead of sitting in a cage. These areas are protected and supervised by the government. Thus, animal preservation, as well as pros and cons of the zoo are a frequent topic of discussion. Зоопарк является местом, где живут различные животные, рептилии, млекопитающие, насекомые и птицы. Иногда там можно увидеть редких животных. Обычно зоопарки не содержат домашних или сельскохозяйственных животных, но иногда встречаются детские площадки с такими существами, как ослики, мини- лошади, овечки, гуси, свиньи, кролики и даже фазаны. Это отдельные территории, где дети могут погладить животных и покормить их. Посещение зоопарка может быть как развлекательным, так и поучительным. Там можно узнать новые факты о жизни животных. В связи с быстрой урбанизацией и обезлесением многие представители больше не могут жить в своей естественной среде обитания. Вот для чего существуют зоопарки и заповедники. Мнения о преимуществах и недостатках содержания животных в зоопарках расходятся. Некоторые люди думают, что зоопарк является идеальным местом для животных, так как они всегда накормлены, ухожены и живут в хороших условиях. Кроме того, люди рады возможности увидеть вживую диких, красивых и экзотических животных, узнать больше об их поведении и образе жизни. С другой стороны, животные должны жить как можно ближе к своей естественной среде обитания, например, возле леса, реки, саванны, джунглей, сафари и т. Д. В этом отношении, открытые зоопарки или заповедники намного лучше. Как правило, они занимают обширные территории земли, что позволяет животным передвигаться, вместо того чтобы сидеть в клетке. Эти территории находятся под защитой и контролем правительства. Таким образом, сохранение животных, а также плюсы и минусы зоопарков являются частым предметом обсуждения.

Сочинение на английском "преимущества и недостатки зоопарков"

To begin with wild animals are suffering from a variety of different negative features, which is why so many species are kept in zoos. But it is good for animals to live in such limited conditions?
In the first place people keep wild animals in zoos all, to rescue them from the merciless killing. For example, there are some kinds of Sokolov, which are very rare. This means that a lot of poachers want to get rich by selling them. Secondly, people who care for animals, feed them, while in the wild, they have to find food themselves. What it is one of the advantages of zoos. In addition, living in zoos gives a real possibility for the animals to be protected from other animals. To be more exact, you do not have to defend their territory, to fight against his enemies, fear of sudden attack. Their lives in zoos quite peaceful.
In addition to the advantages of keeping animals in zoos, there are some downsides. Firstly, zoos are in public places, so many of the visitors to disturb the animals. People take pictures of five of them, feed them, even cause their anger. All of these things, no doubt, affect adversely animal waste. In addition, wild animals do not have enough space in the cell, how to run and jump. Their life is not so significant and interesting comparisons with life in the forests, plains and jungles. The worst of animals in zoos, in my view, lies in the fact that they may lose their natural instincts, and then they become dapendent people. If we send the wild animals back to the wild life, it will be very difficult for them to survive, and, moreover, there is little chance to stay alive for a long time.
In general, the content of wild animals in zoos is a good opportunity to preserve them for future generations, but zoos do wild animals, and domestic and tame, which is not good for them. In general, I think it would be better to make more natural reserves than in zoos, because they have much more in common with the wild life.

Сочинение на тему: "Russian new year"

Russians, there is no holiday more important than the New Year. It is the first on the calendar and in popularity. People see the New Year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the New Year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o’clock. Russian Holiday tradition includes a decorated New Year’s tree - fir tree. Children always wait for Grandfather Frost, to come and bring them a present. Grandfather Frost’s residence is situated in Velikii Ustug, the town on the north of Russia. Grandfather Frost is always accompanied by his granddaughter Snowmaiden who helps him distribute the gifts. For the Russians, the New Year is a family holiday; people think about friends and relatives. But young people prefer to have the New Year parties of their own.

Напишите сочинение на английском на тему: мой день в зоопарке 6 класс

Our autumn holidays have been a lot of fun, however, as usual! We went to school, preparing for the 100th anniversary of our Lyceum. But the number 1, we decided to get out into nature, or rather, we have won a certificate for a free trip to the zoo, it turned out we only really when we tried to intellectual marathon. In his Lyceum, we have a winner-class, so we have awarded this certificate. Zoo we have a very large, and since it was cool outside, then all the animals we could not see. We saw a variety of birds and hear them singing, admired the king of all animals - a lion, a number had tigers, polar bears reached after went to the pavilion with tropical animals seen and tropical fish. After many already frozen, so we decided to go with the girls in the cafe to warm up, to talk, etc. In general, a campaign like we walked a bit and relax from the bustle of the city. Наши осенние каникулы прошли очень весело, в прочем, как обычно! Мы ходили в школе, готовились к 100-летию нашего лицея. Но 1 числа мы решили выбраться на природу, точнее мы выиграли сертификат на бесплатный поход в зоопарк, это получилось у нас только когда мы очень постарались на интеллектуальном марафоне. В своем лицее мы стали классом-победителем, поэтому нас наградили этим сертификатом. Зоопарк у нас очень большой, а так как на улице было прохладно, то на всех зверей нам не удалось посмотреть. Мы увидели различных птиц, послушали их пение, восхищались царем всех зверей - львом, рядом были тигры, дошли до белых медведей, после отправились в павильон с тропическими животными, увидели и тропических рыб. После многие уже замерзли, вот мы и решили сходить с девчонками в кафе, чтобы погреться, поговорить и т. Д.  В общем, поход понравился, мы погуляли и немного расслабились от городской суеты.

напишите сочинение на тему: зоопарк

Я сегодня иду в первый раз в зооопарк, а я так долго маму упрашивал и спрашивал:"Что это такое за место?".
И наконец мамы начался отпуск и в первый эе день мы пошли в зоопарк.
Когда я уже из далека увидел красивую вывеску зоопарк и услышал рев животных, так обрадовался!
Мы с мамочкой зашди в парк и как будто мы попали в рай, все так было необычно и красиво. В этом зоопарке были все самый необыкновенные животные: слон, тигр, пантера и т. Д.
Я безумно рад, то что я посетил такое замечательное место!

Мне нужен сочинения на тему: New year in USA/UK

                                        New Year in USA
In the United States, New Year’s Eve is a time for entertaining. Many people go to parties and masquerade balls, where, according to an old tradition, guests unmask at midnight. Thousands of Americans gather in Times Square in the heart of New York City, This is probably the noisiest and the most crowded New Year’s Eve celebration in the world! At one minute before midnight, a lighted ball drops slowly from the top of a pole on one of the buildings. People count down at the same time as the ball drops. When it reaches the bottom, bells ring, sirens sound, firecrackers explode, people hug and kiss, and shout "Happy New Year!" Everyone drinks a toast to the New Year and sings "Auld Lang Syne"It is believed that everything done or not done on the opening day of the year would influence the succeeding twelve months. Nothing is allowed to be taken out of the house on New Year’s Day. Thus, normally generous people would flatly refuse to lend anything on this day.

Сочинение (небольшое) на тему: My last New year

New Year is the principal winter holiday, as opposed to Christmas. It is universally recognized as such by both secular and religious people. Whereas New Year is mostly an occasion merely for parties and drinking in the West, most of the traditions associated with Christmas fall on New Year in Russia. The welcoming of the new year is considered the most significant occasion of the winter.
The New Year’s tree is identical to a Christmas tree in the West. It is decorated in the same way, with ornaments, lights and garland. Stars are usually perched atop the tree rather than angels, and ornaments of a religious nature as well as nativity scenes are notably absent.
Folklore holds that Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost") is charged with the responsibility for delivering presents on New Year’s Eve. He is a large, bearded and grandfatherly man resembling Santa Claus, although he has no saintly identity, nor sleigh nor reindeer. He is sometimes said to be dressed in blue rather than red - this is a point of contention. Either way, he emerges on New Year’s Eve with a gargantuan, overflowing sack of gifts and dispenses them to each family. The actual procedure of doing this is not a significant component of the mythology; he doesn’t come down the chimney, but it doesn’t really matter how he gets into your dwelling. Perhaps through the front door, perhaps through the window - who knows?
Instead of elves to help him, Ded Moroz has his grand-daughter Snegurochka ("Snowy"), with whom he lives somewhere in the northern forest. Snegurochka is generally portrayed as an attractive young blonde girl, often dressed in light winter attire and sometimes a red cap. Presents are also given on New Year. There is no requirement of waiting until the morning of New Year’s Day to open them; instead, they are usually presented and opened shortly after greeting the New Year at midnight.