Написать историю, которая случилась со мной в последнее время. Например, поход в кино. Сочинение не должно быть меньше 100 слов. Дам много баллов

где-то около месяца назад Я шла в кино с подругой и хотела посмотреть фильм Алиса в Зазеркалье. Мы купили билеты они стоили недорого, после этого купили поесть и попить. А потом мы ждали пока нас не пригласят в зал просмотр фильма. Кино длилось очень много целых 2 часа. Чесно говоря, моя подруга чуть не уснула, но нам очень понравилось. Там говорилось о девочке Алисе которая попала в Зазеркалье, там же и шляпник и заяц и много-много-много кто и они любили устраивать чаепития с разными сладостями например с печеньем и зефиром. Но на чаепития опаздывать нельзя было. Мне понравилась Алиса, а моей подруги очень сильно понравился шляпник. Всё что смогла, с тем помогла

Мини сочинение на английском языке Мой поход в кино

My favorite way to watch a movie is at the cinema. I like the experience of being in a cinema, sitting in those nice comfy chairs, but especially the big screen. I think that’s the most important thing as well as the sound in a cinema which is a lot nicer than the one in my home, but an epic or a good action film on a big screen is quite the experience and I’m willing to go take the time and see it at the cinema rather than at home. There’s a special magic at the cinema. You’re sitting there with your friends getting their reactions and talking before the movie starts and then the lights go down and you’ve got your popcorn and your soft drinks and everything.

We last went to the cinema to watch Toy Story 3 which is an American 3D animated film. It is the third installment in the Toy Story series and since we liked the previous two immensely, we decided to have a go.

It was fantastic. In one scene, a horde of small children at the day care center burst through a door and within seconds absolutely overtake our toy heroes. It was one of the best chaos scenes ever!

On one level the story of a group of toys trying to live up to their responsibilities and deal with change, on another a treatise on the end of childhood and the importance of love and meaning in life, «Toy 3» continues to do the impossible by making us believe that toys are people too, with lives and minds of their own.

Сочинение по английскому о походе в кино 5 класс

I really enjoy going to the cinema; it is one
of the favorite pastimes even though I don’t
really go that often. Fortunately, the cinema
isn’t too far away from where I live and I
can get there by bus within ten minutes. I
am very lucky to live in a big town because
it means that I have a choice of cinemas and
a wider choice of films.
Watching films is always very relaxing and
entertaining. The convenience of the cinema
is that you can choose what time you want
to go because there are usually a number of
You know, it is popular to go out
somewhere first and then go on to a late-
night film. The cinema is particularly
popular among students because they don’t
have to pay full price for some films and is
therefore a reasonably cheap form of
There are a variety of films available today.
I especially like comedies or love stories.
Detective stories with a lot of action and
suspense grab my attention also. I
particularly enjoy films where you become
so involved with the story that you forget
you are sitting in a cinema.
The last film I went to see was an American
comedy (Thriller called «Who’s Watching
the Baby-sitter? »). I really enjoyed it
because it was funny, it had a lot of action
in it and the end was so unexpected.
Nowadays cinemas are so comfortable that
it is almost like being at home so it is a
luxury to go to the cinema.

Сочинение с переводом на английский как я была в кино

Yesterday I went to the movies. It was very interesting! It was about a Princess, but she was locked in the castle three evil sorcerer, but the Prince saved her! I was there and was happy and sad ! Great movie! Coming soon second part and I’ll go through it a few months out! I will wait! Вчера я ходила в кино. Он был  очень интересный! Он был про принцессу, но её заперли в замке три злых колдуна, но принц спас её! Я там и радовалась и грустила ! Кино  прекрасное! Скоро выйдет вторая часть и я на неё пойду, она через несколько месяцев выйдет! Буду ждать!