Напишите сочинение по английскому "Мой первый поход в театр". Я никогда не была в театре.

A week ago mom came home from work and said that bought tickets to the theatre and on the weekends we go there whole family. I was very happy, because for a long time we did not go anywhere, but sit at home on the weekend bored. I wish the weekend came quickly and the whole week I lived a pleasant expectation. Finally week is over and the next day we had to visit the theatre.
This morning I woke up early, ironed my favorite dress and came up with hair. Mom said that the theater is expected to be dressy and jeans are not suitable for it. Dad wore a suit and my mother a beautiful dress and had my hair done a little different than every day. We were all so beautiful that I didn’t want to move away from the mirror, so I liked to enjoy themselves. But dad said we may be late, and I went to put on shoes.
Outside the theatre seemed larger and majestic, like an ancient castle on the pictures. We went inside, undressed in the wardrobe, straightened hair and went down the corridor to the hall, where he gave a performance. Inside the theater is also very nice and until the lights went out, I admiringly looked around. From dad I learned that in the room there are the stalls (where we sat), loggia and balconies, and installed on the stage objects are called sets.
Together we watched the puppet play "an Ordinary concert", which brought Sergei Obraztsov. In the hall there were many children and their parents, and they all laughed and applauded dolls, which I thought was very funny. They are so funny copying people that refrain from laughing was impossible. The time of the first act flew by imperceptibly, I’m not even tired and even a little bit sorry that such an interesting spectacle interrupted.
Dad suggested not just to sit in the hall, waiting for the next part and go to the theater bar. There we really had a great time tasting the delicious ice cream, which pleased me no less than the performance itself. We then walked down the hall, around were all such smart, funny and beautiful that it seemed today a holiday. After the call we took their seats, and mom explained that to pass on some must face to the already seated people.
The second part of the play with funny dolls for me flew by, I’d even looked yet. But the audience began to applaud the artists in appreciation for a speech, and dad said we should go down to the closet. It was even a bit sorry to leave such a lovely place with fun people and delicious ice cream. But mom promised that we will now go more often on the weekends to different shows.
After a family trip to the theater I realized, as interesting and useful. After that day I learned a lot not only from view, but also from parents, for example, about behavior in the theatre. Now I’m sure that each of our going to the theatre will bring me new knowledge and good experiences

Написать сочинение по английскому языку на тему: Мой первый поход в театр. Я ни разу не была в театре.

Somehow my parents met in the theatre. This trip was organized by my father, and he was indifferent to the theater. We used to argue about who will put in how much to drive, what to take and so on. Those fees we are a bit exhausted. but dad told me that the theatre is his dream, as a child, he did not miss a single play. mom was with him agreed and we went. in the lobby was dazzling, bright and very beautiful, we were surrounded by very smart men and their companions, all were in anticipation of something unusual and smiled. In the theater I was for the first time, and I’m all surprised. But it was all so wonderful. The bell rang, then another. The performance began. Room was quiet and I heard the ticking of my mother’s hours. the actors were so important and gallant, they amused the audience, saying different phrases and the hall laughed. It was a Comedy. Dad was beaming with joy. Mother also smiled and sometimes looked at me. I liked the show, this cozy and beautiful hall, soft seats, and the public. And acting, their workmanship was at the highest level. When the Comedy was over, all rose and applauded the troupe. The performance was a success! In the evening we discussed it and went to sleep only after midnight, joyful and soulful.

Оуу. Театр это просто прекрасно! Обязательно сходи хотя бы на детскую постановку. Телепузики, которые иногда переигрывают, а иногда тупят прям на выступлении такие милые! *0*
Я, конечно, сама редко хожу по театрам и не составляю готовых сочинений, но помогаю лучше понять суть поставленной задачи.
У нас это театр.
Театр бывает большим, а бывает маленьким. В основном дети ходят в цирки и в кукольные театры (опишем эдакое воспоминание детства).
Напишем про второе.
Если у тебя все ок с литературой и формулировкой мысли, то труда описать чувства не составит. Если что, иди от клише ниже:
You know, I was in theatre many years ago. I don’t remember that exactly, but I am really sure that I had fun then.
Это у нас начальные такие фразы. Первое впечатление от новостиобъявления, что ты идешь в театр. В основном это радость, но можешь и написать, как не хотела идти, а потом уже тебя и от кресла в зале не оторвать было.
После можно описать театр и спектакль в целом:
The theatre was huge, but it looked like a cuty doll’s house. The play, to where I was, is called "название любого спектакля, проверять, был ли такой спектакль, никто не будет". I was excited and very impressive of it: I cried with the characters, I laughed with another watchers.
Мысль можно дополнять и дополнять, главное просто знать структуру построения своего театра.
В конце можно высказаться насчет театра и отношения к нему сейчас:
I really want to turn back time to this day and watch this play again.

Сочинение про театр.
Classmates, we agreed to go to the theatre. This was my first visit to the theatre. Had to go away, so I left early in the morning. On

... the way I thought looks like the theater building, what he is inside. When we were at the threshold of the theater, I saw that he was much prettier than I had imagined. Then we went inside, inside he was just amazing, the interior struck me. After some time the show started. They put me in a joyful mood, i am so involved in the action that i forget that i am watching a play. This view teaches us to find your way in life. it performance makes you laugh and happy. After the first trip to the theater I can say that I liked the theatre.

Among my cassmates, we agreed to go to the theatre. This was my first visit to the theatre. It was a long way from my house, so I left early in the morning. On the way I thought what the theater building looked like inside. When we were at the threshold of the theater, I saw that it was much prettier than I had imagined. Then we went inside. It was just amazing, the interior struck me. After some time the show started. I was in a joyful mood, I was so involved in the action that I forgot that I am watching a play. That play teaches us to find your way in life. The performance makes you laugh and feel happy. After my first visit to the theater I can say that I like it.

Сочинение по английскому языку на тему: < В Театре>

ТеатрIt is called a "school for adults." It teaches people to live, to love, to suffer. It is the Theatre. World of theatre is not for everyone. But those who understand get a great pleasure visiting it.
Theatre is like another Universe. Coming here you forget about all the problems and hardships. Quite different, but elusive, mysterious atmosphere surrounds us. We can see only what they want to show. We would hardly go to the backstage, dressing room for actors or other rooms of the theatre. People can see only bright and beautiful side of theatre, and they don’t want to see another one.
Some people come here to showherself or himself, the others - to look at the others. But no one can resist the professional performance of actors. At all times going to theatre was like a holiday. Women had been preparing for this event for some days very carefully. According to a wise man’s words: “There’re no women, who go to the theatre and don’t expect that they will be themselves the subject of the show”. Each woman is a real actress, who is always ready to open herself. But men also like theatre may be not so much, but still. Sometimes they do it only for women.

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Theatre is one of the best means of art and entertainment, which brings cultural enrichment. it uses live performers on stage to express different plays. From the times of its appearance theater has changed a lot. there were especially many transformations in modern times. the only genres seen in the theater of ancient times were tragedy and comedy, whereas nowadays there are lots of contemporary genres and styles. Even the types of theaters vary from classical to musical lines. people have always liked visiting theaters for relaxing, entertaining and just having a good time. People who like dramas go to drama theatres, those who like musical plays can visit opera theaters, so there is always a choice where to go. the theatre can be divided into two parts: one is the stage where actors perform their roles, the other is the hall where spectators sit.

Theatre - the oldest form of art. We learned about the beginning of its existence, from books, from historical manuscripts. This art form originated in ancient Greece. It manifests itself in the form of different genres. When I first visited the theater, I realized how much it differs from other forms of art. It does not compare to the movies, museums. He has his own, incomparable specificity. everything looks different, more natural, natural with a theatrical stage. Actors put his heart and soul into the role laid out completely.
It is very beautiful, but also very difficult kind of art, because, unlike television filming, the actor is no room for error. He is in front of the audience, at a glance. And the audience always feels how sincerely the actor behaves on stage. If, during the shooting of the film has the ability to shoot a new take, the performing arts there is no such possibility.
Modern theatrical scenes are striking in their beauty. Come up with special tools that make the scenery appear and disappear, as if by magic. Force of color and light can be felt only after visiting the theater. Many misleading if someone thinks that the sacrament of theatrical performance - it is an achievement of only one actor. This is a great team of professionals: and decorators, and directors, and musicians, and technicians and costume designers. Thanks to these people, we have the opportunity to enjoy this ancient art.

Составить мини-сочинение на тему: Мой первый визит в театр. (70-80 слов)

My first visit to the theatre

First of all, I’d like to say that there are different types of theatre: opera, puppet theatre, drama theatre, variety theatre. I do remember my first visit to the theatre. It was a comedy, because I like them very much. We booked the tickets in advance via the Internet. As it was in summer, we didn’t leave any things in the cloakroom. But we bought the programe to read the cast and the plot. Before the performance we saw the photos of the leading actors and actresses on the walls. After the bell rung we took our seats and enjoy the performance. The performance was very interesting.

Сочинение на тему: поход в театр или кино с классом

    В пятницу у нас в классе был необычный день, потому что три последних урока отменили из-за намеченного похода в театр. За несколько дней до этого учительница предупредила нас, что спектакль, который мы увидим, называется «Пигмалион». Она  рассказала нам древнегреческий миф о легендарном скульпторе, влюбившемся в созданную им статую Галатею. Сила любви Пигмалиона  была так велика, что статуя ожила.   Драматический театр встретил нас приглушенным гулом собирающихся зрителей, ярким светом многоламповых люстр и ощущением праздника. С волнением ожидали мы начала действия. Спектакль оказался очень поучительным. В роли Пигмалиона перед нами предстал ученый-лингвист, который за месяц обещал превратить бедную девушку цветочницу в светскую даму. Его задумка удалась, однако, будучи грубым и самоуверенным, он не испытывал никакой привязанности к своему «творению», не ощущал ответственности за коренные изменения в жизни девушки. Спектакль показал, как важно быть серьезным и неравнодушным при совершении важных поступков, особенно  если они касаются судеб других людей.     Нам всем очень понравился поход в театр. Мне бы хотелось чаще бывать здесь и видеть постановки всех жанров. Еще я удивлялся, неужели можно так замечательно играть—совсем как в жизни. Этот таинственный и завораживающий мир высокого искусства никого не сможет оставить равнодушным.

At the Theatre. В театре. (1)
The 20th century brought great changes into the theatre. Cinema, radio, television, video altered the course of the major performing arts and created the new ones. But still there are hundreds of puppet theatres, conservatoires and philharmonics, musical comedy theatres, drama theatres and opera houses where the audiences are excited at the prospect of seeing a play and the actors are most encouraged by the warm reception. But before going to a theatre you should book a ticket at a box-office.
The most expensive seats are in the stalls, boxes and dress-circle. The seats in the balcony, pit and the upper circle are less expensive, they are cheap. Then at the entrance to the theatre the attendant tears your theatre ticket in half. He gives you your half back so that you can find your seat by its number. Another attendant shows you to your seat and sells a programme that will tell you which parts the actors are playing and how many acts there are in the play. Then you take your seat and may enjoy the play.
I have always envied the dwellers of large cities. They have so many opportunities to enjoy themselves. Theatres, cinemas, variety shows, circus, conservatoire, concert halls, etc. are at their desposal. In provincial towns like mine is we have only amateur dramatics. That’s why I always take the smallest chance to go to a theatre when in a city.
В театре (1).
XX столетие принесло в театр большие изменения. Кино, радио, телевидение изменило направление основных видов сценического искусства и создало новые. Но все равно существуют еще сотни кукольных театров, консерваторий филармоний, театров оперетты, драматических и оперных театров, где зрители волнуются в ожидании просмотра пьесы, а актеры воодушевляются их теплым приемом. Но перед тем, как пойти в театр, следует купить билет в кассе.
Самые дорогие места — в партере, ложе и бельэтаже. Места на балконе, в амфитеатре и в верхнем ярусе дешевле. У входа в театр служащий отрывает часть вашего билета. Остальную часть он отдает вам, чтобы вы могли найти место по номеру. Другой служащий показывает вам ваше место и продает программу, в которой написано, какие роли играют актеры и сколько актов в пьесе. Затем вы занимаете место и можете наслаждаться пьесой.
Я всегда завидовал жителям больших городов. У них есть так много возможностей хорошо провести время. Те- атры, кинотеатры, эстрадные концерты, цирки, консерватории, концертные залы — все в их распоряжении. В провинциальных городах, таких как мой, есть только театральная самодеятельность. Вот почему я всегда пользуюсь малейшей возможностью сходить в театр, когда нахожусь в большом городе.
вставляете туда названия театра и спектакля, можно вставить про буфет или стоимость билетов или про антракт и про авторов спектакля.

Сочинение на тему: How often I go to the theatres and museums/

Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun. You can do whatever you like, you don’t have to get up too early, and do your homework. You get enough time to travel, play your favorite sports and practice your hobbies. Some people like to spend their holidays in cities, visiting theatres, museums and going sightseeing. But a great number of people go to the seaside in summer But I had a wonderful summer holidays in my country house. i have got a lot of friends in country and all the summer we had fun. we went to the river or lake to swim. My Granny often cooked cakes and we ate them with my friends. It was wonderful day when we celebrate the birtday of my friend Kate. there were a lot of sweets, presents and we had fun all day long. I helped my parents to picked up apples from the trees. i like this my summer holidays and want to come back again next summer

Сочинение на тему: "Some people think, that it is better to see the film at the cinema, but there are people, who prefer watching the film on TV". 200 слов -

... минимум.
1)Refrase the statement.
2)Give your point of view.
3)2-3 arguments for your point of view.
4)Express the opposite point of view.
5)1-2 arguments for the opposite point of view.
6)Why I don't agree with the opposite point of view.
P.S. Пишите про телевизор, а кинотеатр - оппозиционная точка зрения. Нужно

I’m a cinema goer. And also I like watching films on TV or video. But I think, that watching a good film is the best relaxation. It is thought-provoking and entertaining. Now a growing number of people prefer watching films on TV to attending cinemas. There are wonderful comedies, love stories, science fiction, horror films, detective stories, and historical films on. There’s a variety of films available today. It is difficult to live without cinema. One fact is clear for everyone: cinema makes our life better. Cinema helps us to forget different problems. When people watch films, they have a rest. Some films take people into another world. I think it is a pure world, where usual problems do not even exist. Cinema is a great power, it helps us to understand our complex well. Cinema can leave nobody indifferent. It is so powerful that it provokes complex feelings. We meet a lot of people. Everyone has his own opinion about something and like most of us I have my own opinion too, for example, about cinema. Cinema is a necessary and important part of my life. It is my essence, my mode of life and my happiness. Cinema helps me to cope with difficulties and with incorrigible problems.

Краткое сочинение на английском о первом походе в театр, с переводом

I’ve never been to the theatre before. So last Sunday my mum decided to take me there with her. I was very exited about this. We decided to visit Opera house. I was really impressed by the theatre itself, there were beautiful columns and high ceiling with huge sparkling chandeliers. I enjoyed the play, actors sang the songs and their voices were amazing. The atmosphere was wonderful. I hope that we will go there again.
Я никогда раньше не была в театре. Так что в то воскресенье моя мама решила взять меня с собой. Я была очень взволнована этим. Мы решили пойти в Дом оперы. Я была под впечатлением от самого здания театра, там были красивые колонны и высокие потолки с огромными сверкающими люстрами. Я получила наслаждение от спектакля, актеры пели песни, а их голоса были изумительны. Атмосфера была волшебная. Надеюсь, что мы пойдем туда снова.