Сочинение про страшную историю

Иногда бывает, что я сижу вечером дома один. Так вот однажды как раз был такой вечер. Я проводил время за компьютером, когда услышал шорохи на кухне. Сначала я подумал что мне показалось, и не обратил внимания. Но вскоре шорохи повторились. Дело в том, что я люблю смотреть фильмы ужасов, и в тот момент я не на шутку испугался. Я взял первое, что мне попалось под руку (а это была моя любимая железная кружка) и пошел на звук. Когда я шел по коридору, наполненному тьмой, страх нагонялся все больше и больше! Наконец, я дошел до кухни. В окне я увидел нечто мохнатое, дергающееся. И услышал звуки наподобие "Тьфу-Тьфу". Первая моя мысль была о домовом или чертике. Быстро метнувшись ко включателю я ударил по кнопке рукой! И. Моим глазам открылась удивительная картина - моль любимый кот(-кошка, затем написать имя питомца), жевал цветок и отплевывался! Позже, когда пришли родитель они объяснили мне, что кошки подобным образом всего лишь чистят себе желудок, поедая домашние цветы, а затем отрыгивая их. Вот в такой необычной истории, мне довелось поучаствовать.

сочинение на английском языке о том, как я увидела привидение. Также там должно быть: где я была в то время, как я его увидела, была ли я одна или с подругой, привидение

... потом пропало, я была очень напугана и т.д.

Однажды мы с подругами гуляли возле заброшенного здания. Арина(подставь имя подруги) решила зайти. Она долго просила нас пойти с ней, мы не соглашались. Но она уговорила. После того как мы поднялись на второй этаж, в соседней комнате что-то упало.   Ангелина(имя твоей подруги) и я насторожились. Но Арине было всё равно. Мы попросили её пойти отсюда. После того как спустились, лестница начала трещать. Мы убежали. Бежали куда глаза глядят. Позади были слышны чьи-то крики. Я не уверена что это был призрак, но и не могло быть это все совпадением.
One day we were walking near an abandoned building. Arina decided to go. She begged us to go with her, we didn’t agree. But she persuaded. After we climbed to the second floor in the next room dropped something. Angelina and I cringed. But Arina didn’t care. We asked her to come here. Once descended, the stairs began to crack. We ran. Ran aimlessly. Behind was heard someone screaming. I’m not sure it was a Ghost, but couldn’t this all be a coincidence.
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When i was ten me and my best mate use to sleepover at each others houses on the weekends. It was my turn to sleepover at hers. In her room she had a bunk bed facing the window and i was sleeping on the top. We were watching tv and from her window you can see a row of houses and a row of trees. It was quite dark and for some reason i just looked out of the window and stared at the nearest tree, felt like someone was watching me. All of a sudden I saw this long black leg stick out from the tree and disappear! I told my mate and when she looked nothing was there. It gave me chills whenever we played near them trees. (как то так)

Сочинение про страшную историю на английском языке

It was saturday, the weather was nice, and i was riding with my friend and her sister the whole day. When it became dark we were going home, but when we stopped for taking a nice photo of night-city we felt that something was pushing our car we were really scaried so we went away as fast as possible. Then when we were rather near from our house we saw a strange man standing on the roud, it was really very dark so we decided to ask him if he was ok, we stopped and asked, but he didn’t answer anything, we were scaried again and went away fastly and through 10 min we saw him again he was standing on another part of the roud, but we didnt stop and tried to ride home calmly without any predicting and supposting. I will never forget this story

Сочинение страшную историю на английском языке Очень надо Не короткую, но и не слишком длинную

It was a dark, misty evening. Lamp posts barely illuminated the street with dim, glimmering light.
Kate was hurrying to come back home after her extracurricular classes, which had place far away from the place where she lived. She had her mobile phone discharged, and was trying to walk as fast as she could. She found the atmosphere around as very frightening, because this quarter of the city was known as the most criminal and mysterious. Kate was quite sensitive and even paranoid, so she anxiously looked at all the dark spots between houses and out of the posts’ light.
She was nearly at the corner of her house’s street, when she suddenly felt cold. She saw a moving shadow on her right, and heard strange, horrifying sounds. She hadn’t even realised what is happening - just screamed and started to run as fast as she could. She ran up the stairs to her flat, opened the door with her trembling hands and locked it behind her. IT was coming. She needed to hide.

It was a night. I woke up because of noise in my kitchen. When I came into the kitchen I understood from were this noise coming. At random I opened the refrigerator and what I saw! All my food was making fun. The laugh and danced. When they saw me they lost and just looked at me. After some seconds banana started talk with me:
-khe, khe. Kmmm. My name is Banana Fresh Yellow junior. I’m a spy under cover. In order to explain to you we need. to make a fiends!
All the food was so excited. They started to laugh and the music started to play. 
I was so scared and open my eyes and understood that it was just a dream! However I kept in my mind this strange situation, because I face to face met with a talking banana.

требуется сочинение по английскому на тему: "реальная страшная история" ( только не хардкор) про приведения, оборотней, и всякой нечисти( 120-180) слов

"A Ghost from the book"

I was alone in the house, reading a scary ghost story as snow fell silently outside. The only sound was the ticking of my old grandmother clock. The dying fire cast an orange glow onto the walls of my study. 
I was absorbed in the story when suddenly I began to feel that someone was watching me. The clock stopped ticking. I looked around but I could see no one. Was my mind playing with my?
Trying to ignore my intense fears, I returned to my book. After a few seconds, though, the book was knocked to the floor by an unseen hand. "Who’s there?" I cried. I saw something standing in front of me that made my blood run cold. A shadow white ghost pointed a pale finger at me. Its mouth moved. "Come on, come on with me! It’s time!" it said.
"What do you want?"  I managed to ask, shaking with fear. The ghost took me by the hand and led me to the window. Just as we reached it, the clock struck twelve.
Mysteriously, I found myself back in my armchair, my book beside me. I looked around but only Samantha, my cat, was in the room, trying to make herself comfortable on my lap. "Where’s the ghost?" I wondered, then laughed at myself. "I’d better stop reading ghost stories," I thought. But then I felt a cold wind blowing in through the now open window.

Напишите сочинение (страшную историю на Английском языке) заранее спасиибо)

An Ugly Doll. There was a boy named Peter. He had a sister who had a lot of dolls. Most her dolls were nice and beautiful but one of them was strange and ugly. The girl was frightened of this doll and was frightened even to throw it out. Peter decided to help his sister, he said: - Don’t worry, I’ll throw it out, relax, it’s just a silly doll, nothing more. Ok, said his little sister - but you must destroy it, burn it, please. I’m so scared of this doll. He only laughed at her little sister. What was said was done. But Peter didn’t want to spend his time on burning the doll, he just dropped it into the river and said good bye to it. He came home late and went to sleep at once. At night he woke up. Somebody was breathing near him. Somebody was climbing up his sheet. He couldn’t see anything - it was a very dark starless night and he was terrified. Then he felt something wet on his legs. He moved to the very corner of the bed, hoping it was a nightmare. It wasn’t. Some minutes passed and then he could recognize in that heavily breathing and slowly creeping thing the ugly doll which he had sent to a floating trip. Peter couldn’t speak or do anything. The doll now was not only ugly, it was the ugliest creature he had ever seen or could have even imagined something like that. Hello, darling - said the Doll in a deep dry voice. I don’t like good byes. You know, I wasn’t going to leave this family. I love this family. I want to be here and to live in this house forever. And now you will help me. But. how. sorry. I was. I thought. Peter tried to explain - You are just a doll. How can you. Oh, shut up, just a boy. I’m not a doll now. Now I’m you. And the doll tore off Peter’s legs and put them on. Then it tore off Peter’s arms and put them on. Then it tore Peter’s head off and put it on too. And the Doll turned into Peter. And Peter became the ugly doll. When next day Peter’s sister saw the ugly doll on the same place on the shelf, she was so angry at Peter, she took the doll and dropped it into the fire in the fireplace. The doll wanted to cry but couldn’t. The doll was destroyed - her real brother was burnt, but she didn’t know about it. Peter, why you didn’t burn that doll? she asked Peter (the real Doll), when she saw him. You should know, now I love dolls, my darling, but more than dolls I love you - said Peter in a strange dry voice. Nobody saw that little girl anymore.

сочинение на тему: страшная история с текстом

Этот монолог полон невысказанных вслух диалогов. С одной стороны, пес постоянно в мыслях обращается к отсутствующему собеседнику: «Не били вас сапогом? Били. Кирпичом по ребрам получали? Кушано достаточно», – и, конечно же, не получает ответа. С другой – лишенный возможности высказываться понятно для людей, пес мысленно отвечает на их слова: «– Фить-фить, – посвистал господин и добавил строгим голосом: – бери! Шарик, Шарик!» – «Опять "Шарик"! Окрестили! Да называйте как хотите. За такой исключительный ваш поступок. ». Все эти особенности текста не случайны. Булгаков применяет эти приемы, чтобы размыть объективное повествование, чтобы создать не одну, а множество оценочных позиций.
Вспомним также, что пес с неприязнью воспроизводит воображаемую речь любовника барышни, а уже после операции сам хочет занять его место. Здесь связаны отрывки текста, расположенные далеко друг от друга, и, пожалуй, это все к той же теме добра и зла, которые меняются местами.
В повести авторская оценка рассредоточена между несколькими персонажами: Преображенским, Борменталем и Шариком. Таким образом, существует конфликт между мировоззрением Преображенского, который стремится к научному постижению мира, и мировоззрением Шарика, в мире которого науке нет места.
Добрейший профессор Филипп Филиппович Преображенский проводит эксперимент по очеловечению милого пса Шарика. Однако эксперимент оканчивается провалом. Шарик воспринимает только худшие черты своего донора, пьяницы и хулигана пролетария Клима Чугункина. Вместо доброго пса возникает зловещий, тупой и агрессивный Полиграф Полиграфович Шариков, который, тем не менее, великолепно вписывается в социалистическую действительность и даже делает завидную карьеру: от существа неопределенного социального статуса до начальника подотдела очистки Москвы от бродячих животных.

Шариков становится общественно опасен, науськиваемый председателем домкома Швондером против своего создателя — профессора Преображенского, пишет доносы на него, а в конце даже грозит револьвером. Профессору не остается ничего другого, как вернуть новоявленного монстра в первобытное собачье состояние.