Сочинение по английском о том как вы провели лето

This summer I spent a lot of fun! I went to rest at sea, helped my grandmother in the village, played with friends, went to the beach and swam

In the summer I went to my grandmother in the village. I helped her in the garden to plant flowers and go home. In the afternoon I went swimming in the river. In the village, I made many new friends. I really liked my grandmother. 
А вот перевод : 
Летом я ездила к бабушке в деревню.   Я помогала ей в саду садить цветы и убераться дома. Днём я ходила купаться в речке. В деревне я завела много новых друзей. Мне очень понравилось у бабушки.

Написать сочинение на английском "как я провела лето", чтобы там было: ездила к бабушке в Абхазию, купалась на море, играла с котятами, гуляла и т.д.

 Summer holidays are the happiest days for me.

Every summer I go to the country to stay with my grandparents.

 They live in Abkhazia.

 I have many friends there. 

 We like to go to the sea.

 We swim in warm water, sunbathe and play badminton.

 We also  play different games, ride a bicycle, listen to music or walk.

 I like Abkhazia.

 It is a very beautiful country.

 I also help my grandparents in the garden.

 And I like playing with our kittens.

 I take care of them.

 Summer holidays are never too long for me.

 I hope that my next summer holidays will be the same or even better!

 Now I feel ready to get back to school.

Можете написать сочинение на тему: как я провел лето на английском. Я ездила в лагерь, была у бабушки, ходила на тренеровки и гуляла с друзьями на

In the summer I went to the camp, where I found many friends and girlfriends. but most of all I liked in the camp that every day we had gymnastics, because charging is a sport, and I love it. so I did not forget about my beloved grandmother, when I was at her I drank tea with delicious pies. Once it’s about pies, you do not have to forget and lose extra calories. In the summer, I maintained my weight through training. it was very difficult for them, but I was able to do everything that the coach ordered. I can not forget about my friends. in the evening I went for walks with boys and girls. I really liked to walk when it’s getting dark. check it out so cool! I really enjoyed the summer, it was not forgotten.

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This summer  all my family went  abroad. 

 We went to Bulgaria this year. 

Our vacation in Bulgaria was wonderful. 

We went to the beach every day, swam in the sea and in the pool, ate delicious food or drank cocktails. 

In the evening we went to parties or visited restaurants. 

I also played computer games or communicated with my friends in the internet. 

We also  played different games, listened to music or went shopping

During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful things.

I hope that my next summer holidays will be the same or even better!

I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.

Сочинение на английском как я провела лето

Как я провела лето Летние каникулы - это всегда приятно. Закончились уроки, позади остались звонки, переменки, а впереди - что-то очень хорошее. Вместе с сестрой я с удовольствием ухаживаю за нашими овощами. Мы поливаем, пропалываем нашу зеленую грядку, где растут редис, щавель, укроп, петрушка. " Летом есть время и с подружками погулять, и в игры поиграть, и в гости поехать. Но больше всего я жду, когда наши родители поедут с нами на море. Этим летом я научилась наконец-то плавать, и каждое утро прыгала от радости по дороге к морю и обратно. Мне очень нравится море. Оно широкое-широкое, глубокое-глубокое, такое неизвестное, что иногда даже чуть страшно становится, когда долго на него смотришь. Море - это что-то тихое и мягкое, близкое и далекое, теплое и прохладное. И как приятно окунуться в жаркий день в нежную прозрачную воду - и плавать, нырять, барахтаться. Сейчас на столе передо мной лежат морские раковины. Я прикладываю их к уху и слышу шум прибоя. Я как будто ощущаю, как морская волна летит и, натыкаясь на камень, бросает мне в лицо тысячи сверкающих соленых брызг. И я смеюсь, я радуюсь вместе с мамой, папой, сестрой, вместе с морем, чайками и солнцем. Быстро пролетает лето, вот уже и сентябрь. И это хорошо - можно поделиться с подружками своими летними новостями, хочется увидеть всех мальчишек и девчонок нашего класса, хочется начать учиться и радовать родителей своими успехами. Мне кажется, что следующему лету я тогда весело скажу: "Здравствуй! Давай будем отдыхать и радоваться вместе. Мы это заслужили! "

Сочинение на тему: как я провела лето, на английском языке

The whole June and half of July I was engaged in the hobby circle, walked and ran about the street with friends. From time to time I did the homework that teachers assigned for summer vacations. At the end of July we went to the sea with my parents. We sunbathed, made tours and talked with strangers there.

In August, they bought me a summer camp voucher for 10 days. Camp is the most amusing place where I happened to stay. Every day we were doing something interesting and fascinating. We walked down the hills, went hiking, did rock climbing. From time to time we learned to draw, play the guitar and the synthesizer. But what I liked the most - gatherings around the campfire. We sang songs, told horror stories to one another and heated ourselves at the fire there.
Summer holidays are the longest and the funniest vacations in the year. We’re always looking forward to the summer vacations. And when they come, we put our school backpacks aside and completely forget about boring school life. It’s time to have fun and take a rest!

Сочинение на английском на тему: как я провёл лето

In June I took part in the rural sports festival as a cheerleader. The training took three weeks and was rather difficult but interesting. A lot of people gathered at the stadium to watch the opening ceremony. The celebration was shown on TV. I was brightly impressed by this festival. My granny visited us. I had missed her badly and was very glad to see her. We went sightseeing and I told her about the history of the town.

I spent July in a summer camp. Those were the best weeks of the summer. I met new friends. We went to the forest, sang songs, and went in for sports, swimming.

In August I and my sister visited our aunt. She lives in Orsk. We enjoyed ourselves at the recreation park, went to a picnic, and took a lot of photos. We also went in the cinema and saw the animated cartoon «Wall’e». We went sightseeing, it was very interesting to get to know about the other town.

My summer holidays were wonderful. I look forward to the next summer!


В июне я принимала участие в спартакиаде в группе поддержки. Тренировка заняла три недели, было немного сложно, но интересно. Много людей пришло на стадион смотреть церемонию открытия. Церемонию показали по телевидению. У меня остались яркие впечатления от этого фестиваля. Моя бабушка приезжала к нам в гости. Я сильно скучала по ней и была очень рада увидеть её. Мы ходили по городу и я знакомила её с его достопримечательностями и историей.

Июль я провела в летнем лагере. Это были лучшие недели лета. Я встретила новых друзей. Мы ходили в лес, пели песни, занимались спортом и купались.

В августе я и моя сестра поехали к тёте. Она живёт в Орске. Мы посещали парк аттракционов, сходили на пикник, очень много фотографировались. Сходили в кино на мультфильм "Валл’и". Мы пошли осматривать достопримечательности, это было очень интересно узнать другой город.
Мои летние каникулы были замечательны. Я с нетерпением жду следующего лета!

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After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy when hard and busy school year finished and summer holidays began. I started to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vocation. 
I was dreaming about visiting far south countries I always wanted to visit. For example, I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Spanish beaches. 
But it’s only dreams. I did nothing for the whole day. My summer holidays reminded me of my cat. Because I only did something that I ate, drank, slept and usually spent my time on the Internet.
I can say that this is the worst summer in my life. 
And so I came to school and my suffering began again

Сочинение на тему: как я провела лето 10 класс, на английском

This summer I spent with my grandmother in village. All the day I sit near rabbits. They need fresh green grass. So I’ll take it in the field and gave them. My rabbits more than happy and they grow big according to my help. The mom rabbit give me five small rabbits and I need to save them from the owl. That day owl flying near my small rabbits and want to eat them. Next day too. On the fifth day owl fly into forest and I never met she again. On the end of summer my grandmother thanks me and released me for Habarovsk. I spent few days in Habarovsk. One sunny day I walk quay. There are many ships and yachts near. What the nice view say my mother. So rest of the day we spent in quay. That was the nice summer holidays I ever spent.

Написать сочинения на тему: как я провел лето на английском языке

Almost everyone I know looks forward for summer holidays. It’s the longest period of time during the year when people can do whatever they like. Some of them prefer to spend time away from the city in their country houses. Others choose to spend most of their summer at the seaside or travelling. Any of these holiday plans are suitable for me. Nearly every summer I spend a week or two at the seaside and about a month at my grandparents’ place. This summer was no different. After the term exams I went to the Black Sea shore with my parents and one family we are friends with. We had a great time there. I love swimming more than any other activity. Even in winter I visit our local swimming-pool and it gives me so much pleasure to spend an hour swimming. This summer at last I’ve learned some basics of wind-surfing. Other than that we rode on a yacht that my father rented. It was a fantastic adventure. When we returned my parents drove me to the grandparents’ country house, where I stayed for the rest of the month. My dad had some work to do in the city, so they couldn’t stay. Time passed quickly there. Nearly every day I went to the local lake with my country friends to swim and sunbathe. At the end of my stay my skin was so brown that my parents hardly recognized me. After all it was a great and memorable holiday. I wish summer was all year round and perhaps I’m not the only one.
Почти все, кого я знаю, ждут с нетерпением летних каникул. Это самый продолжительный период году, во время которого люди могут делать все, что им заблагорассудится. Одни предпочитают проводить время вдали от города в своих загородных домах. Другие предпочитают проводить большую часть лета на море или в путешествиях. Любой из этих планов для отпуска мне симпатичен. Почти каждое лето я провожу неделю или две на побережье и около месяца в доме своих бабушки с дедушкой. Это лето - не исключение. После финальных экзаменов я поехал на Черное море с родителями и с семьей друзей. Мы прекрасно провели там время. Плавать я люблю больше, чем любой другой активный вид деятельности.  Даже зимой я хожу в районный бассейн, и час плавания дает мне массу удовольствия. Этим летом я, наконец, усвоил некоторые основы виндсерфинга. Помимо этого мы катались на яхте, которую арендовал мой отец. Это был превосходный опыт. По возвращении, родители отвезли меня на дачу к дедушке с бабушкой, где я пробыл до конца месяца. У папы в городе было много работы, поэтому они не смогли остаться. Время пролетело быстро. Почти каждый день я ходил на озеро со своими друзьями из деревни, чтобы купаться и загорать. Под конец моя кожа была настолько загорелой, что родители с трудом узнали меня. Несмотря ни на что, эти каникулы были отличными и запоминающимися. Я хотел бы, чтобы лето длилось круглый год и, возможно, не только я.

I think that summer is the best season of the year! Because it is hot, sunny and beautiful. There are a lot of flowers, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. Nobody wants to stay indoors, because it is a great chance to go to the forest or seaside. Children especially like summer, because it is vacation!

I like summer very much, it is my favorite season. Every year I wait for it with a great impatience. I spent my summer holidays very interesting. In June I was in summer camp with my classmates. It was very interesting. We played tennis and football, went fishing. In the evenings we had theatre presentations on our stage.

After camp I visited my grandparents in the village. I went there with my parents. I have a lot of friends in the country. We went to the lake; we sunbathed and swam a lot. I and my friends went to the forest, there we picked mushrooms. My granny cooked something tasty every day, my granddad showed me all the interesting places in the country. We went fishing with him and with my father.

In July my family and our friends went to the seaside. The seaside is great! I had a lot of wonderful impressions. We swam in the sea, we sunbathed, visited a lot of places. We took a lot of pictures.

In August my family had an opportunity to go to the mountains. It was wonderful! The nature in the mountains was very beautiful, everything was green. Especially I liked the flowers, they were unusual.

Also this summer I managed to read some books. I played computer games with my father.

So, as you see, this was an unforgettable summer! I liked it very much, because we had a splendid rest. I want summer to come back.