Сочинение на , на английском, про Музей Некрасова в Карабихе

Karabikha is a village in Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia. The great Russian poet Nikolay Nekrasov lived and worked there for some time.  Now there is a Nekrasov memorial museum in the village. It is the only literary museum in the Yaroslavl region. It is located in the estate formerly owned by the poet and it has retained its original appearance of the 18th to early 20th centuries until now. 
Karabikha is a palace-type estate which is typical for this period of Classicism. The estate architectural ensemble includes residential houses and household building, beautiful regular and landscape parks and a cascade of ponds. The main architectural ensemble comprises one main building with two wings, which used to be connected by the two-storey galleries.
Nekrasov had visisted Karabikha in 1862 – 1875 in summer time. At Karabikha Nekrasov loved to hunt and swim, as well as write. There he wrote his famous poems "Russian Women", "The Contemporaries" "Grandfather Frost the Red Nose", "Kalistrat", "Orina, the Soldier’s Mother". There he also worked over his poem "Who Is Happy in Russia?".  His friends such as Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Alexander Ostrovsky, Dmitry Grigorovich, Ivan Gorbunov visited him in Karabikha summer residence. His lover Celine Lefresne, french actress also once made visit to Karabikha.
In 1921 the estate formally became Nekrasov memorial museum.  The memorial departure was opened in 1951.  The author of the exhibitins and founder of the museum is  A. F. Tarasov. Exterior and interior of the manor is restored fully in accordance with the XVII-XIX century, the exhibition presents the personal belongings of the poet. There are more than 15 thousand of rare books and magazines, a lot of portraits of the people who lived there,  a collection of  tableware and other interesting things.
The museum regularly becomes a venue for theatrical festivals dedicated to Nekrasov and Russian literature.

Сочинение о том, как я ходил в Планетарий ( или любой другой музей) на русском и английском

I would like to tell you about The Moscow Planetarium. I visited it this summer and was impressed greatly.
Ranking among the most modern planetariums in the world, reopened its doors in 2011 after a long reconstruction.
Today, the renovated Planetarium continues to amaze visitors, being a great source of fun and new information. The Big Star Hall
Russian: Bolshoy zvezdnyi zal or Большой звёздный зал
features Europe’s largest star projector dome with an area of 1,000 square metres, producing a stunning effect of total immersion into outer space.
Visitors of all ages will enjoy the Lunarium
, an interactive museum presenting the laws of physics and various natural phenomena in the form of games. Create artificial clouds and tornados, generate electricity, make electronic music, ride a space bike and find out how much you weigh on other planets, ‘protect’ the planet from asteroids, send a message to aliens, and much more. The exhibits – The Black Hole, The Hyperboloid Magic Wand, The Plasma Ball and Optical Illusions are enhanced with colourful plates with fascinating written information about each exhibit.

напишите, сочинение о Великобританском музеи и о дворце Хэймтон-Корт (на английском)

Очень надо

1)There are many interesting museums, exhibition halls and art galleries in the world and people love visiting them. They are especially popular among art lovers and people who prefer food for thought. Apart from art museums, there are many other types of exhibitions, such as historical, scientific, zoological, ethnographic, armoury, naval, etc. Museums of local lore are also interesting. They show how people lived and worked in this region. The most famous Russian museums are the State Tretyakov Art Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts named after Pushkin in Moscow, and the State Hermitage in Saint-Petersburg. The Hermitage houses more than 350 exhibition halls with a very rich collection of art works. The largest Museum of Great Britain is the British Museum, which is famous for its huge library. The most famous museum in France is the Louvre. I have once visited the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and it was an unforgettable experience. There I understood that art reflects life and appeals to our hearts and minds. This museum has one of the largest collections of the ancient, oriental and classical art in the world. Apart from paintings, I saw some outstanding sculptures there. The Pushkin Museum also holds one of the biggest collections of Ancient Egyptian Art. The Tretyakov Gallery is also huge and it contains mainly the works of famous Russian artists. One day isn’t enough to see all of its masterpieces. The museum has seven departments with portraits, seascapes, landscapes and other genres of painting. To sum up, I’d like to say that all museums are interesting and they give us an opportunity to learn something new about different nations and countries.
2)The magnificent Palace of Hampton Court (Hampton Court Palace) is located in the bend of the Thames in the west of London.
The palace, built in the beginning of the XVI century, for a century and a half was the favorite residence of the English monarchs.
At the end of the XVII century, King William III began the reconstruction of the palace, but did not have time to finish it, since during a horse walk through the palace garden, he suffered a great deal, falling from the horse.
From severe trauma the king did not recover and soon died. After that, the monarch’s love for the palace cooled, he came to desolation. Already in the XIX century, the legendary Queen Victoria ordered to renovate the palace and open it to the general public.
Visitors to Hampton Court have been admiring the magnificent palace garden for a century and a half. Ponds, trees, elegant French shrubs, hedges, graceful rose gardens. Especially beautiful in the summer. Also here it grows, and to this day the vineyard planted in 1768 is bearing fruit.
The famous site of interest is the Hampton Court maze. The labyrinth was designed and planted with hedges as far back as 1690 and to this day, it remains one of the largest labyrinths in Europe.
To us this ancient labyrinth of bushes is known, first of all, thanks to writer Jerome K. Jerome. It was there that Jerome’s characters wandered in one of the chapters of the novel "Three in a boat, not counting a dog".
The most notable objects inside the Hampton Court Palace are the chic Great Hall of Henry VIII, whose medieval interior is elegantly decorated with ancient tapestries commissioned by King Henry himself, the Royal Chapel, to which Anglican services are still held, and the room where the precious crown of the 17th century is kept.
 Special attention should be paid to the medieval toilet bowl of the same King Henry VIII. It is said that the king possessed an extensive collection of exclusive stools for this toilet bowl.
Despite the fact that Hampton Court Palace is located within the limits of London and is less than 20 kilometers from the center, it is best to get there by train.
Since there are no metro stations near to Hampton Court, and on the bus the road can be long and confusing. From Waterloo station, from central London, trains to Hampton Court depart every half hour.
The road to the Hampton Court station takes about 35 minutes. From the station you only need to cross the bridge, and you will find yourself at the front entrance to the famous palace.
The palace and its luxurious gardens open daily at 10 am. In winter they close at 16-30, in the summer at 18-00. Weekend at the Palace - only three days a year - 24, 25 and 26 December - Christmas holidays.
By the way, if you reached Hampton Court, then, after spending half a day in the palace and its gardens, you can also visit the nearby Royal Park of the Bush. This is the former royal hunting ground, where to this day, completely roam deer, roe deer, badgers, and also permanently live a lot of rare English birds
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напишите, сочинение о Великобританском музеи и о дворце Хэймтон-Корт (на английском)

Музей изначально задумывался как собрание древностей Древней Греции и Древнего Рима. Вместе с археологическими находками и предметами искусства, которые свозили в Лондон со всех уголков колониальные агенты Британской империи, музей пополнялся рисунками, гравюрами, медалями, монетами и книгами самых разных эпох.
The museum was originally conceived as a collection of antiquities of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Together with the archaeological finds and objects of art brought to London from all corners by the colonial agents of the British Empire, the museum was replenished with drawings, engravings, medals, coins and books of various epochs.

Сочинение на английском " Мой визит в музей ".

The town I live in is not very large and there are no big galleries and museums in it. But we have a good Natural History Museum in our town.
Last week I was on an excursion there. First we listened to a lecture on the history of our region which was very interesting. Then a guide showed us the exposition of the museum. We walked through its halls looking at different stands with exhibits. There were ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls, tools and arms. The guide told us about the origin and the age of the exhibits and answered our questions. The girls asked questions about national costumes and dishes and the boys were interested in arms.
The next hall was even more interesting. There we saw stuffed animals and birds. It was a small zoo of the region nature. There was also an aquarium full of different fish, tortoises and shells. The collection of minerals was interesting, too.
I have learned very much from my visit to the museum.
Город, в котором я живу, не очень большой, и в нем нет больших галерей и музеев. Но у нас есть хороший музей естественной истории.
На прошлой неделе я был на экскурсии там. Сначала мы прослушали лекцию об истории нашего региона, которая была очень интересной. Тогда гид показал нам экспозицию музея. Мы прошли через его залы и смотрели на различные стенды с экспонатами. Там были древние вазы, монеты, посуда и блюда, инструменты и оружие. Гид рассказал нам о происхождении и возрасте экспонатов и ответил на все наши вопросы. Девочки задавали вопросы о национальных костюмах и блюдах, а мальчики были заинтересованы в оружии.
Следующий зал был еще более интересным. Там мы увидели чучела животных и птиц. Это был маленький зоопарк природы нашего региона. Там был также аквариум, полный различных рыб, черепах и ракушек. Коллекция минералов была интересной тоже.
Я узнал очень много интересного из моего визита в музей. The town I live in is not very large and there are no big galleries and museums in it. But we have a good Natural History Museum in our town.
Last week I was on an excursion there. First we listened to a lecture on the history of our region which was very interesting. Then a guide showed us the exposition of the museum. We walked through its halls looking at different stands with exhibits. There were ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls, tools and arms. The guide told us about the origin and the age of the exhibits and answered our questions. The girls asked questions about national costumes and dishes and the boys were interested in arms.
The next hall was even more interesting. There we saw stuffed animals and birds. It was a small zoo of the region nature. There was also an aquarium full of different fish, tortoises and shells. The collection of minerals was interesting, too.
I have learned very much from my visit to the museum.
Город, в котором я живу, не очень большой, и в нем нет больших галерей и музеев. Но у нас есть хороший музей естественной истории.
На прошлой неделе я был на экскурсии там. Сначала мы прослушали лекцию об истории нашего региона, которая была очень интересной. Тогда гид показал нам экспозицию музея. Мы прошли через его залы и смотрели на различные стенды с экспонатами. Там были древние вазы, монеты, посуда и блюда, инструменты и оружие. Гид рассказал нам о происхождении и возрасте экспонатов и ответил на все наши вопросы. Девочки задавали вопросы о национальных костюмах и блюдах, а мальчики были заинтересованы в оружии.
Следующий зал был еще более интересным. Там мы увидели чучела животных и птиц. Это был маленький зоопарк природы нашего региона. Там был также аквариум, полный различных рыб, черепах и ракушек. Коллекция минералов была интересной тоже.
Я узнал очень много интересного из моего визита в музей.

Напишите сочинение на тему- что лучше музей или кинотеатр и почему?

Иногда возникает вопрос что же лучше Кинотеатр или Музей.
Я думаю, что музей. Кинотеатр это место в котрое модно сходить на день рождения, провести Время с Друзьями. И я думаю что кино ре передает такие ощущения как музей!
В музее сохранины множество ортифактов раскопок. Котрыми можно любоваться и попробовать перейти в то время и фантазировать о нем. Думаю что кино не когда бы не передать такое. Потому что в нем не ощущить то что можно увидеть в Музее

Сочинение по английскому на тему: музей костюмов

Museum, what a beautiful word, naveivaet old. When you come back, if you sit down at times used a time machine. You sodesi the Museum, as for centuries look and absorb all the information created by the centuries. Paintings, coins, clothing all our history whatever it was we should be proud of it, you just came in and realize that it’s happiness. Various museums around the world keep so many secrets and mysteries all the time the exhibits are in place and carefully ohranyayut caretakers. But most of all I’m interested in books in museums, each page is, what I wanted to convey to us by our ancestor. A Museum is a place of accumulation of different stories, different people. If you really want to know more about them, take a picture of this item, unless allowed find in the sources about the subject. Understand all that surrounds us, everything has a past and every one of you at home a small muzeychik, there are things older, you inherited from your grandparents. Guys I urge you to visit the Museum in our city there are many interesting things and majutusega!

Напишите сочинение на тему: "Мой будущий поход в музей"

Yesterday our class went in a history museum. A museum building big, ancient and beautiful. In a museum lobby there was a fur-tree because there was winter vacation, there has just come New year. On a ladder we have risen in a hall telling about life of ancient people. On walls the pictures representing scenes of hunting of the ancient person on mammoths, bears, buffalo s settled down. And at stands spears, arrows, instruments of labour which people in the Stone Age used were shown. All it is very interesting, after all people had to struggle for the existence, to hide from a cold and predators in caves, to learn to use fire. The further we moved ahead on halls, the развитее there was a human society. Here already and XVI century. During this period people know a structure of the Installed and Solar system. Architects have learnt to build stone structures, in Russia appear пре the red temples painted with Feofanom by the Greek and Andrey Rublyov, annals start to be written in monasteries. Much you learn new dates and the facts, and halls all do not come to an end, them remains as much, how many have passed. No, at once it is impossible to understand and remember all. We still will come here, to learn all new and new facts of history. This beginning, we do not say goodbye to you, a history museum. We speak: “Good-bye, see you soon!” 

. Напишите небольшую сочинение на тему: "Британский музей" на английском языке И если можете напишите и перевод

The British Museum is a museum in London, founded in 1753. It contains one of the world’s richest collections of antiquities and (until 1997) one of the largest libraries in the world: British Library.

The British Museum’s collection of seven million objects representing the rich history of human cultures mirrors the city of London’s global variety. It includes monuments of primitive and antique culture, Ancient East culture, the richest collection of engravings, pictures, ceramics, coins. The British Museum library is now named the British national library. It was formed in 1973 from the British Museum library and other national collections. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there. They receive nearly two thousand books and papers daily. The British Museum Library has a very big collection of printed books and manuscripts, both old and new. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England. In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied. Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of ’David Copperfield’, ’Oliver Twist’, ’Dombey and Son’ and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library.

In no other museum can the visitor see so clearly the history of what it is to be human.

Напишите сочинение на на английском языке на тему: мой музей с переводом

Excursion to the Museum of Art, organized in the autumn vacation with our class teacher, personally was very useful for me. I learned a lot of new, interesting, and received great pleasure from communication with the beautiful. Before, I just never thought about the fact that the works created by artists, musicians, architects, too, as well as historical events can be a wonderful chronicle of the past and present of mankind, his thoughts, hopes, struggle for their future. How little I still know! After all, in order to read this record based on the works of various art forms, it is necessary to know at least in general terms, the history of art, to understand his expressive means. I really want to get acquainted with the architectural styles and learn more about what a painting, drawing and sculpture.
Экскурсия в художественный музей, организованная на осенних каникулах нашим классным руководителем, лично для меня оказалась очень полезной. Я узнал много нового, интересного и получил огромное удовольствие от общения с прекрасным.   Раньше я просто не задумывался над тем, что произведения, созданные художниками, музыкантами, архитекторами тоже, как и исторические события, могут быть замечательной летописью прошлого и настоящего человечества, его дум, надежд, борьбы за свое будущее. Как же мало я еще знаю! Ведь, для того чтобы читать эту летопись по произведениям различных видов искусства, нужно знать хотя бы в общих чертах историю искусства, разбираться в его выразительных средствах. Мне очень хочется познакомиться с архитектурными стилями и больше узнать о том, что такое живопись, графика и скульптура.