Сочинение на тему: " важны ли деньги в вашей жизни " по английскому языку
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Like most human inventions, money is a great good and evil at the same time. With money, a person can provide for himself with housing, food, clothing and other necessary things. People forget that money is good when they serve a person, and not vice versa. Money should be for a person, not a person for money! There is not only one material world. There is also a world of spiritual values. The world of kindness, faith, moral principles, love and respect for others. And I believe that these two worlds are equivalent. It is impossible to live without money in society. But to concentrate on money alone, greedy to row them at any cost is like cutting off one’s own hand or deliberately shortening one’s life by half.

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Like most human inventions, money is a great good and evil at the same time. With money, a person can provide...

Написать сочинение на 200-250 слов на тему: "Money is the best present"

Today is my birthday. My parents will take presents to me. I think the best present it is a money. I can shop with that money any thing. Because present dont no take and a money you can save any thingI dream about the laptop as this computer but portable. And if I was given money I’d probably be able to start saving for your dream. It is unlikely parents will learn about your dream and buy the laptop and they will not be asked about what you want for your birthday after all, a gift should be a surprise. Because money is the best gift. Everybody dreams about money. Because they much you can buy everything except love, hope and faith. But you can buy many necessary things. And I really want to get a present from parents for money.

Сочинение "Money can't buy you health and love" на английском

Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps. Money has become one of the main things in our modern life. Some people live their lives to earn money. They work hard, trying to earn as much money as they can. They don’t appreciate such important things as family, friendship, love and other feelings. Such people become greedy, they spend their lives in loneliness. I don’t deny that money influences our life a lot. A person can’t be happy if he has no money to satisfy his natural needs. But I think that money should have a limit. A person shouldn’t have too much money. The majority of all the crimes are made because of money. I’m among the people who consider that money is not all-powerful. Humanity, dignity, intelligence, kindness and other good qualities of a person can’t be bought for money. We’ll never be able to buy pure love, real friendship and loving and caring family.
За деньги не купить счастье, но это помогает. Деньги стали одной из главных вещей в нашей современной жизни. Некоторые люди живут ради того, чтобы заработать деньги. Они упорно трудятся, пытаясь заработать столько денег, сколько они могут. Они не ценят такие важные вещи, как семья, дружба, любовь и другие чувства. Такие люди становятся жадными, они тратят свою жизнь в одиночестве. Я не отрицаю, что деньги влияет на нашу жизнь. Человек не может быть счастлив, если он не имеет денег, чтобы удовлетворить свои естественные потребности. Но я думаю, что деньги должны иметь предел. Человек не должен иметь слишком много денег. Большинство из всех преступлений сделаны из-за денег. Я среди людей, которые считают, что деньги не всемогущи. Человечество, достоинство, интеллект, доброта и другие хорошие качества человека не могут быть куплены за деньги. Мы никогда не будем в состоянии купить чистую любовь, настоящую  дружбу и любовь и заботу семьи.

Сочинение на тему: деньги в моей жизни

Money in my life
1.  Money plays an important role in our life.
2.  We can buy a lot of nice things with it.
3.  Having money we can also travel to beautiful places and eat delicious food.
4.  I don’t have much money because I don’t work.
5.  My parents give me some pocket money.
6.  I try to save money because sometimes I want to buy something special.
7.  For example I buy  presents for my parents and my friends.
8.  If I want to buy more expensive things,  for example a computer or a mobile, I have to ask my parents about it.
9.  Sometimes they buy,  sometimes they refuse to do it.
10.  I am not angry with them because I understant that there are more important things to pay for.
11.  My parents have to pay a lot of money for the flat and food.
12.  We also try to save money for summer holidays.
13.  Money can buy a lot of things but there are things that money can’t buy.
14.  True friendship and love cannot be bought. 
15.  So money is not the most important thing in the world though it can make your life better and more comfortable.

Деньги в моей жизни сочинение, нужно 2 сочинения

Учитывая, что я живу в большой семье, а мои родители простые учителя,  в нашей семье постоянный дефицит денег.  От родителей я буквально постоянно слушаю то, что нет денег, как всё плохо и как отлично и здорово живется тем,  у кого  есть деньги. Все вокруг только  и говорят о деньгах. Часто, перед сном, я представляю, как я вдруг нахожу огромный мешок денег. Конечно, я бы их потратил на моих родных людей. Купил бы им всё то, о чем они так  всю жизнь мечтали. И может быть тогда бы они стали замечать ещё что-то вокруг себя кроме финансов. Ведь в мире так много прекрасного, а люди живут только разговорами о деньгах. Я всегда говорил, и буду продолжать говорить, что счастье – это не деньги, а родные и любимые люди рядом. Но для кого-то именно они - единственный путь к счастью. Речь идёт о больных детях, которым нужно сделать операцию, которая спасет их крохотную жизнь. И тогда, между жизнью и смертью, этого маленького человека разделяет только огромная сумма денег. Мне кажется, что для этой семьи самое главное счастье в этот миг – это деньги!  Только они могут спасти их ребёнка.  Возникает риторический вопрос, почему у этих родителей их нет, хотя деньги им так нужны? И почему  у других людей  их настолько много, что он ими просто постоянно кидаются? На это вопрос вряд ли мне кто-то даст убедительный ответ.

Сочинение на тему: "Money is the best motivator"

Everyone in the company knows that motivation is extremely important. it is no doubt, that the most common way to encourage employees to carry out their duties is money. To my mind, money is the most powerful instrument that influences on people’s attitude to job.  Money and monetary rewards are the best employment motivation strategies. Besides, money is the only thing that can motivate people working in the harmful conditions. I can say that money is definitely the finest motivator. To draw the conclusion, giving out monetary rewards is one of the oldest and proved motivation strategies for the staff.

Сочинение на тему: почему деньги важнее получения удовольствия от работы
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Каждый человек должен зарабатывать себе деньги на жизнь и прокармливать свою семью. Когда ты работаешь и получаешь от этого удовольствие это конечно хорошо. Но не у каждого человека есть такая работа. Самое главное что бы заработаных денег хватило для обеспечения детей и для себя.

Сочинение на тему: money talks

Nowadays money can solve any problem. Without them we would not be able to work in the household. Each service must pay to cure your doctors, tonsured in the Barber shop, have your dinner in the coffee. For all this you have to pay. You probably think, why pay so much money? To create a shovel, we need to get wood and iron, and to obtain this, it is necessary to grow a tree and buy a backhoe. All this is not easy, so the price of this shovel will depend on the quality of work done. Money talks.
В наше время деньги могут решить любые проблемы. Без них мы не сможем работать в хозяйстве. Каждую услугу надо оплачивать, чтобы вылечили вас врачи, постригли в парикмахерской, покормили в кофе. За всё это надо платить. Вы наверно подумаете, зачем платить так много денег? Чтобы создать лопату, надо добыть дерево и железо, а чтобы добыть это, надо вырастить дерево и покапать экскаватором. Всё это делается не так легко, поэтому цена этой лопаты будет зависеть от качества выполненной работы. Деньги решают всё.

Сочинение на тему: "How much I spend money a week?"

Hi, my name is. And want to tell you how much money I usually spend a week. Theree times a week I go to more classes in biology and geometry, and spend  approximate two thousand rubles. Also I am going to supermarket and spend a week there are two thousand. And, of course, almost every day I awl whit friends and spend a little bit of trivia. Still I go dancing every Tuesday and Thursday. Each lessons is approximately five hundred roubles, and in week one thousand. It turns out that a week somewhere with all my expense I spend four to five thousand.

нужно сочинение по английскому языку на тему: моё отношение к деньгам

People are always concerned about money and even to talk about it very emotional and biased. What topic is rarely in the world so much passion, how much money and their influence on our lives. Money fascinated people since ancient times. Magical property of money materialize passionate dreams and cherished desires encouraged people to compose stories about money. Well, as a miracle in the tales - the condition of the genre, the miraculous and instant enrichment was the favorite of their plot. But the details of the enrichment, again, under the terms of the genre, were absolutely not essential, therefore omitted.

Thirst rich quick move and world history, and the fate of its private members. That it makes people go to war, new lands, take their goods to distant lands and lead a successful trade, to leave the villages to the cities. What makes people spend abyss forces to conquer the capital? Of course, the desire for freedom and independence - because freedom of action in the world provide just the money. No wonder that their name is coined liberty.
On the other hand, people are often willing to part with a lot of money to suit his whims or ambitions. An elementary proof of this - Modern Auctions. At a London auction "Christie" was recently sold a small teddy bear, made in 1913, at a price of $ 40,000, and the $ 20 coin, known as the "double eagle", sold for 5,000 pounds.
Money is the power to awaken in people the whole range of emotions: they can turn into loyalty betrayal, love to hate, virtue into vice, and vice - a virtue. Man is such a way that his mind involuntarily calculates where more fun or less suffering, and makes in this direction. The only question in the subjective value system. Money in the wake of possible human feeling of pleasure - that’s the whole of their strength, all their magnetic power over man. It was in money matters to the surface creep deepest and sometimes most attractive human qualities. The source of 99% of the conflict, from interpersonal to the international, are also money. 1 Peter called money "artery war," because at the heart of most wars is nothing but a desire to get rich. What is the magic of money, why even when they are many, they are still not enough? The ancients called this hidden force selfishness. There is a growing level of needs - grow and satisfactions of selfishness. Human ambitions did considerable evolution - from the desire to comply with the needs of thirst to conquer the nature, the world, and now the master for their needs Space. At the heart of it - the indomitable human need to receive and own.
In fact, the desire to have money everyone has. Money has an amazing power over people, one of their kind often enslaves silence - just to show the required amount, and the issue will be resolved. Animals, for example, offer money is useless - they are easier to "buy" for the food. But people tend to exaggerate the money, consider their standard of public recognition, and even a measure of "self". It is a false and dangerous program. Money has really valuable feature: they can guarantee you the ability to overcome life’s challenges and freedom of action. And in this sense they are needed and simply necessary, and they should seek as a liberating force you. For freedom, devoid of tangible reinforcement frame narrows to cruel necessity. A financial trouble is almost always the cause of emotional discomfort. Take the example of Dostoevsky in his diary his wife said that the writer had dreamed as a great happiness, own little Mansion House, saying the money would bring him independence. Dostoevsky’s life - is a furious struggle almost a piece of bread: even a new pair of shoes for children became a problem for him. There is no doubt that, bear writer needs him the sum he would be happier and calmer, and probably would have lived much longer.
Money can provide you not only external but also internal freedom - if you have them, you can choose the way of life that is close to you, to do the thing you love. It is often said that health can not be bought. In fact, a few years of life, if you are sick, but you have the money, you can still buy. Money alone can not change the world by yourself - but they provide opportunities for this. And how do you manage them, depends on your value system