Придумать маленькое сочинение - Родина

Родина. У каждого человека она своя. Это твоя родная земля-это город и улица на которой ты родился и вырос. И когда  тебя манят звуки речки твоей, и сады, и поля с разных участков нашей огромной планеты-это Родина.

Родину не выбирают. Она даётся тебе один раз и навсегда. Родина это твоя ласковая мама, чуткая бабуля, заботливый папа, мудрый дедушка.
 Любить родных-значит любить Родину.

Сочинение на тему: "Россия родина моя" на английском языке. Минимум .

I was born in the most wonderful country in Russia. I’m a patriot, that’s why I love my country. For me, this is the best country, because it is in it that my parents live that gave me life, and in it I grew up. Russia is a big country with unlimited possibilities. I do not understand those who want to leave this place, as if in other countries life is much better. Our people can not win, because we are strong in spirit and never give up a comrade in trouble. Of course, in Russia, as in other countries, there are problems, but they are in all countries. Therefore, do not look for a better life abroad, because it’s not for nothing that they say that it’s good everywhere where we are not. There are foreigners who want to live in our country, so we should appreciate what we have. Such a beautiful and vast homeland there is no one, only the inhabitants of our country. We must cherish Russia and be proud that we were born here.

Написать сочинение на тему: "Моя родина - Алтайский край", на английском

Or West home is best. There is no place like home ( proverbs)
My native town Slavgorod differs a little from tens of other quiet provincial towns of Russia. It cannot boast any unusual sights or exotic landscapes. Everything here is simple and quiet. It is situated in Koolunda steppe among a lot of salt lakes. From childhood I associate it with windy and dusty storms, rainy pools, heavy snowfalls and frosts. It was founded in 1910 near salt lake Yrovoye in the north west of the territory. Its population is 41 thousand people.
It is necessary to say that it constantly changes, grows and develops from year to year. Now it is one of the main administrative, industrial, educational and cultural centers of the Altai Territory. It is clearly seen from the plane. Long, straight and wide streets are well planned.
It has got a Railway Station, banks, a hospital, three micro districts, a private sector, 3 markets and a lot of shops. People can get their education at 4 schools, 3 technical secondary schools and a branch of Altai State University. I think Slavgorod is an industrial centre too. We’ve got some small furniture factories, a lorry factory, a heavy metal equipment factory, a factory of plastic windows, meat, milk and bread factories. If you wish you can visit our House of Culture, a stadium, libraries, cafes, discos, a central park and Yarovoye lake beach and have a nice time there.
It’s difficult to picture the image of our town in future but this oasis in steppe must grow and develop. People must have higher standard of living. There should be not only a theatre, a beach, good roads but a hotel for homeless people in it too. People are the main value in any time in any country.

Сочинение на тему: что значит для меня моя Родина 4 класс короткое

Для меня моя Родина означает мой край, мой город, мою страну. Это и мой родной дом, где я вырос. Родина для меня это мама и папа, школа и друзья. Все то, что я так люблю и чем дорожу. Родину нельзя забывать и нельзя предавать. Ее надо любить всем сердцем и быть готовым отдавать ей самое лучшее.

Сделай сочинение по английский на тему: моя родина

My MotherlandМоя РодинаMy name is Maxim and I’m 14 years old. I’d like to tell you a few facts about my motherland - Russia. I was born in Atkarsk, but grew up in Saratov. My parents moved to the larger city when I was five years old. So, my school years are connected with Saratov. It’s a large city, which is a major port on Volga River. We have relatives in other cities of Russia, so we often travel around the country to see them. I’ve already been to Moscow, to Kursk, to Vladimir, to Samara and several other places. And I should say I liked all these cities. Once again they prove that Russia is a great country that offers a wide range of attractions. When I look at the map of our country, I understand that it is immense. To travel the whole country, to see its southern and northern parts, to explore its riches and sights one needs to spend years. Even Winston Churchill said about Russia that it’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery. I think he meant the charming nature and atmosphere that distinguishes Russia among other European or Asian countries. All in all, my motherland spans 11 time zones and has the population over 140 million people. The capital of the country is Moscow. It was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. Today it’s considered to be of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. I’m lucky to have visited it. There are many remarkable rivers in Russia, among them, the Yenisei, the Lena, the Angara, the Neva, etc. In fact the deepest freshwater lake is also situated in Russia. It’s the lake Baikal in south-eastern Siberia. My motherland gave the world lots of famous people, among them, Yuri Gagarin, Isaak Levitan, Alexander Pushkin, Georgy Zhukov and many others. I’m proud to be living in a country full of natural and historic wonders.

Our homeland! Mother! She is so beautiful. Shrouded seas and oceans. Dense forests and bushes. She has experienced a lot of things. For example: the second world war where Russia won. We all live in the beauty that kills the oil and gas. In our country we flew into space and explore new types of microscopic details.

Надо написать сочинение на тему: "Моя родина - Украина" на английском языке. Нужно . Надеюсь на вашу поддержку.

Each person one Homeland. This is the place for its large territory, where he was born, grew up, which not once promeril their feet. My Homeland-Ukraine. I am very happy from what was born and live in Ukraine. I love her for her boundless, beautiful, immense expanses. Go out in the field-and you zalûbueš′sâ high rye fields, that is if two high walls. Enter into it-and you hide his ears. Only blue sky is your pointer. Caressing the soul of such beauty. This seems to be an eternity was walking trail, only it was not on its way out. And architecture of Ukrainian cities! Kiev, Kharkov, Lvov. It indicates a high level of culture of our ancestors. Who has not admired Sophia Kyivska and Golden Gate of the princely city Vydubytsky monastery and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra uspensky Cathedral, the ancient Podil venerable grey-haired Borisfeem Dnieper? All this spiritual symbols of the national history and culture, which is our Earth.

Нужно написать сочинение на тему: моя малая родина иркутск на английском

The homeland is Russia, but each of us has a place where he was born where all it seems special, fine and native. Anything on the earth can’t be closer, lovelier, than the small Homeland.
At one is a big city, at others - the small village, but all people love it equally. We grow, we mature, but here we will never forget the small Homeland. Each person has to love the small Homeland, know its history, remarkable people who were born here and grew.
For me my small Homeland is the small settlement - Nikitinsky where I live here 3 years where passes my childhood.
Our settlement is a small, cozy corner where is the much fine. Here all conditions for quiet and carefree life, far from vanity and problems of the city are created. Here people can have a rest and good time

Добрый день написать сочинение-описание по опере Бородина "Князь Игорь" на английском языке. Задание для 5 класса.

People don’t like the butterfly a one-day, fun flying in the sun, not knowing about what happened yesterday and what promises to her tomorrow. In his life are woven into a single node of the past, present and future. Man - son time, and the son of his country, a sense of home is always inseparable from a sense of history. In times of suffering, people are turning to the memorable pages of the past, trying to find in atsumasa centuries support the answers to the riddles of our time.
The most famous and glorious work of old Russian literature - " the Word about Igor’s regiment ". The real fame came to the Word. after it was published in 1800 And almost simultaneously work went into the art of music.
When I listen to Borodin’s Opera "Prince Igor", the first thing that you notice is its true national character. Listening to music, I clearly present and ominous Eclipse, and farewell Igor with people, and crying Yaroslavna. Change the music and I arise picture Polovtsian dances, folk celebration of the return of Igor from captivity.
I was drawn to the Aria of Prince Igor - deep concentration senses in a wide, sad-long melodies goes into the animation impulse, unyielding will to freedom.
Polovtsian dances animated fury, this movement, which seeks not to clear goals, and to chaos. How many here passion, energy, games, intoxication swirl motion! Rather, it is a movement for movement, passion for passion.
But sounds duet of Konchakovna and Vladimir cruelty Eastern world mitigated. I hear the breath of melodies, dilution in the sense of harmony. This is love. I imagine his son Igor, Vladimir, who married the daughter of Konchak, returned to Russia in 1187 with his wife and child and was married in the Church ceremony.
Happy listening to the music of Borodin, I can clearly distinguish two elements: the elements of Russian folk life and the elements of the East. I don’t want to say that everything is split, on the contrary, it seems to me that these verses combine the sounds of the bell, as if a reminder that all people are children of mankind, the children of one mother Earth.
After listening to Opera, I conclude: without the past may not be present and the future.
I like to call "Word." Overture Russian literature, because "the Word.", and Opera help me to find answers to the eternal questions: what is the meaning of life, what is the strength of spirit, a willingness to sacrifice, justice, goodness, humanity.

Написать сочинение о своей родине?

Напиши все что ты думаешь о своей родине достопримечательности опиши(если есть).

Я уже писала сочинение поэтому подскажу. Я живу в Казахстане поэтому пишу про свою республику.

Моя Родина-это мой Казахстан, мой дом, моя семья. Родина-это бескрайние степи во всем своём великолепие, запах сочных трав которыми питаются разнообразные животные. Это шум горных рек, чьи воды переливаются и блестят под тёплым солнцем. Голоса беззаботных, играющих детей под мирным небом моего родного края. Моя Родина чудесная, я восхищаюсь ею, люблю её и горжусь. Сейчас я стараюсь хорошо учиться, постигают разные науки, для того, чтобы в будущем быть полезной для своей Родины.

Написать н английском сочинение про памятник Волгоградская Родина-мать?

The Motherland Calls also called Rodina-mat zovyot, is a statue in Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia, commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad. It was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and structural engineer Nikolai Nikitin, and declared the largest statue in the world in 1967. Compared with the later higher statues, The Motherland Calls is significantly more complex from an engineering point of view, due to its characteristic posture with a sword raised high in the right hand and the left hand extended in a calling gesture. The technology behind the statue is based on a combination of prestressed concrete with wire ropes structure, a solution which can be found also in another work of Nikitin’s, the super-tall Ostankino Tower in Moscow.