Сочинение о профессии доктор на английском.

Perhaps, it is difficult to name a more fit, more heroic and responsible profession than the medical profession, since ancient times, inspiring reverence and awe of the extraordinary range of knowledge and a desire to do good.
The man in the white robe – this image evokes immense respect, his daily work is focused on relief of suffering and the saving of human lives, and one’s consciousness fills with admiration and gratitude.
 The one who made the decision to become a doctor, I will have to pass an unusually difficult period of learning that will continue throughout employment. Self-improvement, permanent and systematic expansion of knowledge and skills – these activities will accompany the doctor all my life, because without them even the most talented specialist will not be able to achieve the true heights of success and achievement. And the more important is the desire of the physician to self-development, that each of its reasoned decision affects the health and the lives of his patients.
 The one who dreams of becoming a doctor must be confident in own ability to work, willingness to sacrifice and ability to endure enormous mental and physical load.
But most importantly, what should possess doctor – love to the people. Learn to love people, to understand their problems, to listen and be very careful not just. This should be a really good and strong man, and then the good will return a hundredfold to him who every day devotes to help suffering people.

Сочинение "моя любимая профессия" (my favorite profession) на англ.

My favorite profession.
There are a lot of professions
And they are important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, Professor,
Engineer, acrobat and working.
All professions are very different-
It is difficult to make a choice sometimes.
Interesting and dangerous
Can become someone else’s fate.
Everyone in the school years thinking about his future. About who he will become. The choice of profession is not easy. There are a lot of different professions. Engineers and doctors, cooks and waiters, builders and sellers. All they really need people, each important in its own way.
But there is another profession, without which it can not do in the life of any one person. This, of course, teacher! And I like this profession. Teachers are the main guides in life. School is our second home and our second family.
When I was smaller, I used to play in school. Seedlings all their toys in front of him, I gave them notebooks, pens and pencils. And she was their teacher and dictated what to write. In my hand was the pointer, and on the shoulders of my mother’s stole (for importance). Often arranged dictations parents and asked them specially to make mistakes. I liked to correct them, to grade and sign.
The teacher is a very difficult profession. He should be kind, fair, hardy. Shall transmit to the students all their knowledge. The teacher teaches us not only to count, read and write. Not only to determine the case of nouns and fill in the missing letters. It teaches courtesy, respect, kindness, fairness, honesty and integrity. Teaches us to become human! It is very hard work and requires constant effort and perseverance. Not everyone can become a good teacher. The only one who loves children will achieve success and respect. Of course, each of us has a teacher who will support in difficult minute, will understand and help them believe in their strength.
I dream of becoming such a teacher! And I will always strive for this!

Моя будущая профессия - пилот. Сочинение

In a world of many different professions, but most of all I like the profession of a pilot. The pilot is a man who knows how to fly a plane, helicopter or other aircraft. Many had to manage a virtual plane to attack the enemy sitting in front of the computer. But it is a game, but in reality the profession of a pilot is one of the most technically difficult. The pilot, of course, should not be afraid of heights and be able to do in a critical situation to take responsibility, to make the right decision; therefore, it needs to be highly qualified and have excellent training. It is especially important to be proactive and remember that insecure in the sky doing nothing. Also needed a lot of willpower, endurance, good health is not only physical but also moral. This is especially important for pilots, since the normal everyday working day consists of stress of emergency situations. Перевод
В мире много разных профессий, но мне больше всего нравится профессия летчика. Летчик – это человек, умеющий управлять самолетом, вертолетом или другим летательным аппаратом. Многим приходилось управлять виртуальным самолетом, штурмовать противника сидя перед компьютером. Но это игра, а в действительности профессия летчика одна из самых технически сложных. Летчик, естественно, не должен бояться высоты и уметь в критическую ситуацию брать ответственность на себя, принимать правильное решение; следовательно, он должен быть высококвалифицированным специалистом и иметь отличную профессиональную подготовку. Особенно важно быть инициативным и помнить, что неуверенным в себе в небе делать нечего. Также необходима большая сила воли, выносливость, крепкое здоровье не только физическое, но и моральное. Особенно это важно для летчиков-испытателей, т. К. Обычный будничный рабочий день состоит из стрессовых внештатных ситуаций.

Написать сочинение о своей профессии. Я учусь на ЛОГИСТА.

Моя будущая профессия - операционный логист. Эта профессия новая, появилась совсем недавно. Логистов на рынке труда мало, поэтому профессия востребована. Я считаю, что моя будущая профессия ещё не очень популярна среди населения. Многие люди просто не знают, кто такой логист. Логист – это сертифицированный специалист, окончивший специализированные курсы и получивший все необходимые теоретические знания о движении материальных потоков. Логист работает в разных сферах жизнедеятельности, торговля, таможня, медицина и др. В будущем я буду, управлять цепочкой поставок (её создание и дальнейшая оптимизация), организацией доставки и хранения товарно-материальных ценностей. Логист должен обладать следующими качествами: образование; организаторские способности; аналитические способности, для того чтобы анализировать свои действия; навыки межличностного общения, чтобы налаживать хорошие отношения между клиентами и партнёрами по бизнесу; внимание к деталям; коммуникативные навыки, для того чтобы понимать специфику требований, каждого клиента и подбирать решения; лидерские качества, для того чтобы полностью направлять деятельность тех, кто находится у него в подчинении; навыки разрешения конфликтных ситуаций; навыки работы с компьютером; самомотивация, для того, чтобы проявлять инициативу и быть нацеленным на результат. Сейчас я учусь на первом курсе, учится мне нравиться. Думаю и работа мне тоже будет нравиться.

My future profession is a logistician. Why I chose this specialty, I believe that this profession is very interesting and in demand. In the Russian labor market, the logistics profession appeared not so long ago. But that’s not the opinion this specialty becomes one of the profession of the century and is in great demand among employers. Specialty of the logisticist is in demand first of all in firms engaged in cargo transportation. In addition, they are needed by any manufacturing company. The history of the profession begins in the distant past. "Logistics" - the concept of ancient Greek, meaning literally "calculation, reflection." And in ancient Greece, and later in the Byzantine Empire, logistics was a way of organizing army supplies. Gradually, from the way of supplying the troops, the logistics passed "to a civil position". So, who are the same logisticians? In general, logistic is a person who must calculate the scheme that is most advantageous for the development of a particular project, and with savings wherever possible. Thus, the logistics manager must control all processes: purchase, supply, transportation, communication with the customs and state organization, packaging, sales. The profession of a logist is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is to a greater extent with the reception and processing of information. In the logist’s work, the results of his intellectual reflection are important. But, at the same time, physical work is not ruled out. Logist should have inherent qualities such as dedication, prudence, organization, organization, pragmatism, responsibility, high organizational skills. But first of all the logisticist should be excellent negotiators. In addition, the specialist must actively use information technology in their activities, professionally use the necessary software. As already mentioned above, the main goal of a logistics operator is to save the company’s money, Therefore, work on this specialty is not cheap valued and the demand for specialists in this field is growing.

Написать сочинение про профессию кондитера на английском

About that people need a profession, you know, of course, all. But still, no matter who you ask, they say that want to become teachers, doctors, managers, designers, lawyers. For some reason no one wants to work as a nurse, a mechanic or a seamstress. As if without such specialists can do. But I like the profession of a cook. Cook is, of course, not a scientist, not an artist, but he should be well versed in many things and to be a creative person. Need to know what foods to combine and which not. We must remember the technology of their preparation. And would it be nice to be able to bring a dish, because food should be not only tasty and useful, but also aesthetic. Even a delicious dish, served untidy pile in some ugly bowl, will not excite the appetite anybody. So the chef must have good artistic taste, to be truly creative person. Of course, many hide it, but in fact many people like to eat. They can’t always afford it, afraid to gain weight or ruin the stomach. So the chef needs to know how to make a tasty dish so that it was not harmful. And for this it needs to understand nutrition and even medicine. A good cook is familiar with many cuisines of the world and with their features, can cook Italian, French, and Georgian dish, not only Russian. All this proves that the chef is not only necessary, but very interesting profession.

Напишите (на английском) сочинение на тему: моя будущая профессия (тренер, 11 класс)

My future profession is trainer Although we are still children, we are often tormented by the question: who are we going to work with when we grow up? Someone wants to become a fireman, someone an engineer, and I dream of becoming a coach. "Why?" - you ask. That’s what I want to tell you about. Today, professional sports are not new for us - anyone can start to engage in the places allocated for this. But any novice sportsman needs an assistant and mentor at the same time - that is, the person who will help, support and teach, like a teacher in a regular school. For this purpose there is a profession - a coach. I really want to help young athletes achieve their goal, support them in difficult times, become their mentor, as if they were "the second father". And then watch as from awkward "teapots" in my eyes grow menacing muscular people, strong and spirit, and every cell of their trained body. But in order to become a coach, you must first pass this path yourself - from beginner to professional. Therefore, I plan to actively participate in sports, and I will be helped by my coach, whom I love very much. I really want to become a coach in the future. And I will strive for my goal!

Напишите сочинение по английскому "My Future Profession - economist". (желательно с переводом)

My name is Vita and I’m 13 years old. I’m often asked these days what I want to become in the future. It’s not an easy question to answer, because there are so many interesting professions. My parents tell me I should choose what’s best for me. At school I’m rather good at algebra, geometry, computer science and PE. Perhaps, computer programming would be a good choice in the era of computing, but I’ve decided to become an economist. In my opinion, it’s one of the most demanded and prestigious professions nowadays. It involves lots of self-education, research and analyzing, which can be interesting for me. Studying economics I can learn a lot about current state of our country in the world market. Things have changed in this field lately and I want to stay up-to-date and well-informed. Economists exercise many useful functions. For example, they can calculate costs and probable profits, provide business forecasts, monitor taxation levels, determine enterprise structures, investigate international economic situation, etc. All these activities seem to be rather exciting. I understand that I need some personal qualities to succeed in this profession, such as analytical mind, logical thinking, ability to be concise both in writing and speaking. Thus, I will work hard to achieve better results. If I get a chance, I will spend a year abroad doing the internship program. It can be good experience for me. Moreover, knowledge of foreign languages, especially of English is appreciated in the field of economy.

Написать сочинение на тему: профессии моих родителей 4 класс, мама бармен, а папа строитель)

Профессии бывают самые разнообразные, от сварщика до бизнесмена. У моего папы очень интересная професия. Он работает строителем.
На сегодняшний день профессия – строитель является одной из самых высокооплачиваемых профессий на всем земном шаре, и в тоже время она является одной из самых востребованных.
На сегодняшний день, большая часть наших соотечественников несет гордое название профессии строитель. И в большей части, именно строители имеют прекрасную возможность оставить, на долгие годы вперед, свой след, ведь в домах, которые строятся ими, будет жить еще не одно поколение людей.

Про профессии моих родителей. The profession of my parents. My mom works as a bartender at the club and my father was a Builder. Profession have interest. Mom pours delicious drinks, and dad builds a beautiful home! My mom works in a noisy place where everyone is dancing and having fun. At the time, she can also relax a bit! The father works very hard and he loves his job because it helps people!

Сочинение на английском языке с переводом про профессию пожарного

Firefighting as a career seems a little odd to most people. Little boys tend to say, “Oh, I want to be a firefighter when I grow up” but this usually fades away. Choosing a career in firefighting has many benefits if you enjoy doing it. It’s a unique job field and you must have a passion for it. Some benefits in choosing firefighting as a career include a steady job that will pay well, health benefits, and fulfillment and brotherhood to other professional firefighters.
Becoming a professional firefighter has a very positive job outlook now and will continue to be this way in the future. There is a zero percent unemployment for firefighters and “the demand for firefighting services is expected to keep pace with the population growth” (Firefighting, 2009, studentscholars. org). The job continues to increase wages that firefighters receive. The average hourly pay for professional firefighters is $24.47, compared to the average pay of $18.07 in fields that require the same amount of training (Firefighting, 2009, studentscholars. org). The median annual wage in 2008 was $44,260 for all professional fire fighters; this does not include the highest paying wage of over 104,000 for officers, such as the chiefs. (Firefighter, 2006, careerprofile. com). Firefighters work 24 hours on and 48 hours off. They tend to have to work overtime do to fire calls they receive. Of those firemen, 70% of them belong to a union or a union contract. Being part of a union, firefighters receive benefits including able to retire after 25 year in the service 
Пожаротушение как карьера кажется немного странным для большинства людей. Маленькие мальчики склонны говорить: «О, я хочу быть пожарным, когда вырасту», но это обычно исчезает. Выбор карьеры в борьбе с пожарами имеет много преимуществ, если вам нравится это делать. Это уникальное поле работы, и у вас должна быть страсть к этому. Некоторые преимущества в выборе огнестрельного оружия в качестве карьеры включают в себя устойчивую работу, которая будет хорошо оплачивать, пользоваться преимуществами для здоровья, а также выполнять и братство других профессиональных пожарных.
Стать профессиональным пожарным сейчас имеет очень позитивную перспективу работы и будет продолжаться в будущем. Для пожарных существует нулевая процентная безработица и «ожидается, что спрос на услуги пожаротушения будет идти в ногу с ростом населения» (Firefighting, 2009, studentscholars. org). Работа продолжает увеличивать заработную плату, которую получают пожарные. Средняя почасовая оплата профессиональных пожарных составляет 24,47 долл. США, по сравнению со средней ставкой в ​​18,07 долл. США в областях, требующих такого же объема обучения (Firefighting, 2009, studentscholars. org). Среднегодовая заработная плата в 2008 году составляла 44 260 долларов для всех профессиональных пожарных; это не включает самую высокую заработную плату более 104 000 для офицеров, таких как начальники. (Firefighter, 2006, careerprofile. com). Пожарные работают 24 часа и 48 часов. Они, как правило, вынуждены работать сверхурочно, чтобы уволить звонки, которые они получают. Из этих пожарных 70% из них принадлежат профсоюзу или профсоюзу. Будучи частью профсоюза, пожарные получают пособия, в том числе в состоянии уйти в отставку после 25 лет службы 

Сочинение на английском на тему: «Моя будущая профессия (врач)»

The medical profession is one of the oldest and most respected professions. In ancient times people respected and appreciated those who were able to relieve the pain, knowing the cure for diseases. In Russian literature the image of the doctor occupies a prominent place. A particularly deep impression the stories of Anton Chekhov. The moral fall of a young man A. P. Chekhov told readers in the story "Ionych". What noble intentions, high aspirations arrived in the provincial capital S. young Dr. Elders! At first he was afraid, even for a short time to leave the hospital. But gradually, under the influence of a vulgar narrow-minded environment, it has changed. The desire for money, greed ruined it all human. He forgot about the doctor’s duty to help people selflessly. The purpose of his life was the money. In another Chekhov story, "the Grasshopper", we see another doctor. Dr. Dymov in the opinion of the companions, a great scholar, the future luminary of science. However, it was important for him not only the science itself, but the life of a particular person. Rescuing a seriously ill boy, the Fumes from it were infected, became ill and died. It is perfect in its noble effort to save the man. So was Chekhov himself, the Holy taken the title of doctor until the end of his life. The names of many doctors have become truly legendary. A man dedicated and loyal to their cause was a Polish doctor and educator Janusz Korczak. In 1940, together with his pupils he was in the ghetto. Friends tried to arrange his escape, but Korczak refused. As a true educator and teacher, he chose to share the fate of their Pets and stayed with them until the end. Going one last time through the streets of Warsaw, he was carried on the hands of the weakest child. Janusz Korczak died in the gas chamber. Your duty as a doctor and educator he has performed to the end and died along with those who were treated and educated. During the great Patriotic war, our nation showed heroism. And how many doctors gave their lives helping the wounded! Under enemy fire, risking their own lives, medical corps, young nurse carried the wounded from the battlefield. But doctors are under enemy fire performed a complicated operation. Many doctors were awarded state awards. In the story of M. A. Sholokhov "the Destiny of man" is an episode. Andrey Sokolov, the driver carrying the shells to the front, came under fire, was wounded and lost consciousness and when I woke up, I was surrounded by Germans. It, along with other prisoners of war were driven to the West. The night they were locked up in a dilapidated Church. Andrew ached sprained hand. And suddenly he heard in the darkness the question: "was anyone Injured?" It was a doctor. He set the shoulder to Andrew, and the pain receded. And the doctor went on with the same question. And in captivity in terrible conditions, he went on "its a great thing to do."The heroism of the doctors who performed the international duty in Afghanistan, says the book of Oleinik, "a Monument in Kabul." In difficult conditions they had to work to Soviet doctors. Field hospitals were shelled by the spooks. Saving the soldiers, the doctors gave them their blood, and sometimes life. They’re in the days of peace became heroes. That they get letters from former soldiers-"Afghans" with the words: "Thank You for the fact that I’m alive!"About the complex the doctor tells N. M. Amosov in his book "Thoughts and heart". His skilful hands have returned to normal life, hundreds of people, including children. How many happy children’s eyes and watched this wonderful surgeon! Everyone knows the name of a wonderful ophthalmologist Fedorov. How many people has he returned able to see! It is wonderful when after the darkness forming in his eyes again to see bright sun, blue sky and the whole world. The mind of a scientist and sensitive hands the doctor can work wonders. But not only the joy of victory experienced by the doctors. Unfortunately, medicine is not omnipotent. It’s tough looking into the eyes of loved ones of the patient, who was not rescued, to say: "We did everything we could, but." it is Difficult to admit his impotence to the disease. Ancient scientist Avicenna said: "the Doctor should have eyes of a hawk, the girl’s hands, the wisdom of the serpent and heart of a lion". These words can be attributed to many doctors in our time. The dedication and selflessness, love for people and desire to help them - an essential quality of the modern physician. Throughout his life he must carry the words from the Hippocratic oath: "whatever house I entered, I will enter there for the benefit of the patient".