Напишите сочинение про любимую группу.

My favorite music style is alternative rock. I can listen to it as loud or as background. This music makes me cheerful, but sometimes sad. I used to think that alternative rock includes only heavy and loud music, but it wasn’t quite true. Alternative rock can be a slow and very beautiful.
My favorite band - One Direction. I think she’s fantastic. This popular British band. She plays an original and interesting alternative rock. One Direction - a very successful group. Their concerts are always visited by many people, and concert halls almost no free space. Her songs are touching and meaningful. The guitar player sometimes plays a very strong and complicated stuff on the guitar
I’ve never been to a concert of this group, Poteau that she never came to my town. But I really want to see her. And I hope that soon I’ll go to a concert One Direction, the best band in the world

Сочинение о своей любимой группе

Для одних слово "НИРВАНА" означает приподнятое состояние сродни озарению, для других-место окончательного успокоения, что-то вроде чувствительного Рая. Но миллионы поклонников рока понимают под этим только одно - название группы, которая перевернула представление о статусе рок-звезд в 90-х. NIRVANA была одной из уникальных представительниц сцены андеграунда, которая нашла своих фэнов как среди любителей альтернативной рок-музыки, трэшевиков, мошеров, панкеров так и среди приверженцев традиционного рок-мейнстрима. Гитарист и вокалист будущей супергруппы Курт Дональд Кобэйн(Kurt Donald Cobain) родился 20 февраля 1967 года в небольшом портовом городке Хокуаим, штат Вашингтон. В расположенный по соседству Абердин семья переехала когда Курту было от роду всего шесть месяцев. Этот маленький захолустный городок находится в милях ста юго-западнее Сиетла и знаменит своим гигантским трэйлерным парком, а также многочисленными борделями. Абердин середины шестидесятых-город повальной безработицы, унылого дождливого климата и самоубийств. Деревообрабатывающая фабрика являлась единственным местом, где можно было заработать, но устроиться туда было нелегко. Курт рос в многочисленном семействе, находясь под присмотром восьми тетушек и дядюшек, которые постоянно его баловали.  

НАПИСАТЬ СОЧИНЕНИЕ ПРО ЛЮБИМУЮ ГРУППУ Моя любимая группа Arctic Monkeys.

Arctic Monkeys - British indie rock band formed in 2002 in High Green, a suburb of Sheffield. Currently, the group consists of vocalist and guitarist Alex Turner, guitarist Jamie Cook, drummer Matt Helders and bassist Nick O’Malley, who replaced the previously played in a band Andy Nicholson. Arctic Monkeys have achieved major success in the charts ( especially in the UK ) are already with their first single «I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor»; their debut album, «Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not», went on sale January 23, 2006, became the best-selling debut album in British music history. Such a success, given the skeptical attitude of group members to the music industry and their unwillingness to enter into a contract with a major label, largely due to the active dissemination of their demos fans via the Internet, especially through P2P and social networks. Arctic Monkeys became one of the first groups that have achieved great success without the support of traditional media such as radio and television, thus demonstrating effectiveness of this method of promoting new music. Currently, the group publishes a record on an independent label «Domino Records».

Сочинение по Английскому, 50-100 слов, написать письмо своей любимой группе

Dear Christina
I visited London last week. It*s a beautiful city. London have 4 parts East End, West End, The City and Westminster. The City is financial and business centre. The Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral are situated in the City. Westminster is administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. West End is the richest part of London. It is full of cinemas, shops, restoraunts, concert-halls and comfortable cafes. East End is an industrial district of the capital. Many parks are situated there. My favorite part of London is West End. There i can spent my time all day.
Write me soon, i am waiting for your answer

Ну ты наверное знаешь группу эту и любишь ее:
Dear One Direction,
Thank you for putting a smile on my face every time I hear your songs. I love your two albums and listen to your songs everyday on my way to school or home. They brighten my day. You guys have inspired me to stay true to myself and never give up on my dreams. Please promise me that no matter how famous you get, you will never forget your fans who love you with all their hearts. I wish I could thank you in person or go to one of your concerts, but it is only wishful thinking. I hope you will go to Ukraine someday. I have more to live for now, thanks to you, guys. 

Можете написать сочинение на английском языке на тему моя любимая группа(если что моя любимая группа ’’ каста’’).

Music is a source of good mood for me. I like almost all kinds of music including rap, rock, disco, techno, drum & bass, hip-hop, alternative and more. I also admire many famous singers and musical groups. But most of all I love "Linkin Park". Is an American rock band that formed in California. This group is now very popular among teenagers. What I like about them is that they sing in different styles. Some of their songs are alternative, some metal, some rock. They have intelligent lyrics and unusual musical decisions.
Ну как

My favorite band is Casta. Kasta "- Russian rap group from Rostov-on-Don, artists of the label Respect Production. The group includes Vladi, Shym, Khamil, Serpent. They sing in the genre of rap. They sing with many other Russian rappers. Sami write songs and very often give concerts. Some of the songs are movie soundtracks.