Сочинение на тему: мой любимый мультигерой. Какие у него глаза, руки, ноги, волосы

Всех есть любимая сказка и любимый сказочный герой. Для меня это Карлсон. Он является персонажем сказки известной шведской писательницы Астрид Лингрен «Карлсон, который живет на крыше».
Карлсон – это маленький весёлый человечек с пропеллером за спиной. Он живёт на крыше и обожает сладости. Он жизнерадостный, остроумный и находчивый человечек. Он чуточку самоуверен и может пошалить, но при этом ценит дружбу и никогда не бросит друга в беде.

Сочинение на тему: Мой любимый мультяшный герой, на английском

My favorite cartoon character is a bear-cub Paddington.

Paddington came from Peru. He was single and hungry. Mr. and Mrs. Brown found him at the railway station. They spared him and took him in their family.

Paddington is kind and funny. He is inquisitive and industrious. But everything he does is really very funny!

The bear-cub showed me a recipe for a real English marmalade of oranges, grapefruits and lemons. I knew about the life of a simple English family. I travelled to London with Paddington. The Bear-cub showed me how green and sunny the city of London is! Paddington became a real Englishman in the end!

I began to love England with Paddington.

Мой любимый мультипликационный герой – медвежонок Паддингтон.

Он прибыл из Перу. Он был одинокий и голодный. Мистер и миссис Браун нашли его на железнодорожном вокзале. Они пожалели его и взяли его в свою семью.

Паддингтон - добрый и забавный. Он любознательный и трудолюбивый. Но все его дела превращаются в смешные выходки.

Медвежонок показал мне рецепт настоящего английского мармелада из апельсинов, грейпфрутов и лимонов. Я узнал о жизни обычной английской семьи. С Паддингтоном я путешествовал по Лондону. Медвежонок показал мне город зелёным и солнечным! Паддингтон стал настоящим англичанином в конце!

Вместе с Паддингтоном я полюбил Англию.

My favorite character is Shrek. it’s green big monster with donkey(осел). He live in litlle house and scare(пугать) people. He has bright(яркий) and busy(насыщенная) life. He likes me because unusule and somewhre deep down he is goog. He has wife, she is green, too. but long ago she was usule women then she loves Shrek. They live long and happy and they was three green little monster.

Нужно написать сочинение при любимого киногероя на английском (женщина-кошка)

A female cat is one of the most popular female comics characters in the DC universe. Complex character, outstanding abilities and sexual appearance make her one of the brightest representatives of superheroes and supervillains. The Catwoman debuted in 1940 in the first issue of the Batman comic book as a negative character. Inspired by Batman’s example, she leads a double life. In the first - she Selina Kyle, a girl from the shelter, living with her friend Holly in the poor area of ​​Gotham and pretending to be a prostitute. In the second - she is a clever thief and a mercenary in a cat suit, cleaning the houses of wealthy people.

Сочинение, небольшое для 8 класса по английскому, на тему: мой герой (желательно из какого то Фильма)

My Favourite Hero. Every person, I think, should have a favorite literary hero, which he constantly remembers, tries to be different. Talking about your favorite hero is best when he made an unforgettable impression, left a deep mark in memory. I believe that my favorite hero is a person who treats people kindly, with kindness and understanding, and acts fairly and honestly towards them. All these qualities have existed for a long time, therefore they can not bypass my hero, because they do not know either love, friendship, or understanding. So, my favorite hero is a principled, honest, open and kind person. Vladimir Ustimenko I consider my favorite hero. I learned about it in detail from the first book of the trilogy
J. Herman "The case that you serve." The author showed in the novel disturbing pre-war years, about the main hero Vladimir Ustimenko, about choosing his path. In addition, Yu. V. Herman told about Volodya’s older friends who suffered from this wonderful doctor and man. My favorite hero is my ideal, a spiritual mentor who mentally supports me in various
Delah. Vladimir was such a man for whom medicine was in the forefront, in the first place among other sciences. For him, apart from the "business to which he served," nothing more existed. Without medicine, his life would be boring and meaningless. It all began as a child. Volodya first began to master knowledge of medicine. He studied biology, chemistry, collected anatomical atlases, and tried to buy in the store
Human skeleton. In his room hung the picture of Rembrandt "The lesson of anatomy." Visiting an anatomical circle, Volodya cognized all the secret secrets and secrets of this science. Gradually accumulated knowledge he managed to apply in one terrible situation. Volodya had to provide medical assistance to the shepherd dog. "He tore off his shirt and began to clumsily put a tourniquet on the culture." This act required great courage and ingenuity, because not everyone could

Сочинение на тему: мой книжный герой написать на английском.

The historical story "Taras Bulba" I really like. She talks about the past of our country. I like to read about those heroic times when Russian statehood was developing. And the characters of the people at that time were special, selfless, purposeful.
Men were engaged in military exploits. The goal was not more important than to defend the freedom and independence of the country. Gogol shows in his story of the remarkable heroes: Taras Bulba, Ostap, their comrades in arms.
I really like the main character of the story - Taras Bulba. He is a strong, brave, resolute warrior and father. Honestly fulfilling his duty, Taras Bulba is smashing the Polish invaders. But he falls to the lot of a great test. His youngest son, Andrius, is a traitor. And Taras finds the strength to execute the traitor. See his old eyes and the death of his son-hero Ostap. What remains for him to die for his homeland, this is what the colonel does. He does not just die, but rescues his comrades. Not thinking about himself, that the fire is already licking his legs, Taras screams, helping fellow fighters to escape from his pursuers. Yes, he died a martyr’s death, but his squad that will beat the enemies before the victory did not perish.

Сочинение про мульт героя пикачу по англ. знаю много но мне коротко

It is in a series of games, manga and anime "Pokemon", owned by Nintendo and Game Freak. Pikachu, one of the characteristics of the existing fictional universe - Pokémon was created by Japanese game designer Sugimori Kenom together with a team of developers Game Freak and first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and the Blue, and then in subsequent sequels. Pikachu is one of the most recognizable and popular Pokémon, as it is the official mascot of the franchise, and in recent years he has become an icon of Japanese pop culture.
Pikachu evolves from another Pokémon, Pichu, Pikachu and he may later evolve into Reitsch. In the fictional world of Pokemon Pikachu often live in houses, forests, plains, sometimes in the mountains and on the islands, as well as disused power stations around the world. As a Pokémon of the electric type, Pikachu can store electricity in its schёchkah and attack with it, if necessary. In-game Pokedeks claims that Pikachu is a Pokemon-mouse.

Сделайте сочинение. Почему хочется перечитывать раман, герой нашего времени’’

Главная проблема этого романа — судьба мыслящего, талантливого человека, который не мог найти себе применение в условиях общественного застоя. Белинский назвал его “умной ненужностью”, “нравственным калекой”.

Образ Печорина “как героя своего времени” раскрывается во взаимоотношениях с другими персонажами, которые не похожи ни по характеру, ни по положению на Печорина. Особое значение имеет и смена лиц, ведущих повествование. Сначала о Печорине рассказывает Максим Максимыч, “проезжий офицер”.

Потом о нем говорит автор-рассказчик, а дальше Печорин раскрывается в своих

дневниках. Уже сам портрет Печорина характеризует его как незаурядную личность.

Глаза у него “не смеялись, когда он смеялся”. Он словно соткан из противоречий: то он смел, энергичен, настойчив, то тих и кроток, углублен в себя. Так же неровен он в

отношениях с людьми, и эти отношения еще больше подчеркивают противоречивость

натуры Печорина.

Сочинение на английском на тему: личность или герой которым я восхищаюсь

A man that I admire, Lermonotov.
His life was short-lived, but the dazzling like a bright ray of sunshine on a stormy sky, after which is sure to be a rainbow. This rainbow is a work created by them. It is so beautiful and true that compared with him, many works seem pointless and uninteresting; it inspires our hearts, filling them with love and purity of mind and soul. The poet does not leave a lot of products, but they are gorgeous and delicious. Lermontov Life was difficult, full of sorrows and disappointments, loneliness. It is in these moments and it was produced the best works, which later became the masterpieces of Russian literature. Not everyone can find meaning in the read, but I’m sure that any person acquainted with the work of the poet, effortlessly find the truth, to find the essence of what is built on the plot, and that is the most important in the work. In my opinion, more important of all written is a "hero of our time." This is the first in Russian literature, the realistic novel in prose, showing the real life of Russian society, which has many flaws and so little good and noble. Reading this novel, I forgot about everything and created a whole new world for himself with his life, unlike ours, with the characters, strange and mysterious, whose actions are not always understood by the reader. This wonderful work has left an indelible mark in my mind. I was never so nothing exciting, and I never with such interest is not indulged in reading. "The hero of our time" - this is the most beautiful thing I’ve read ever book that I truly admire, few in number, but this novel is the first among all the read me. Many critics have predicted the historical immortality and glory of the poet.
It took a long time, but today my generation admired your creations. Many have called you one of the best, and that’s it.
It is a pity that your life has been so short. How many more wonderful works could used to appear in the Russian literature, but this fact and fear! No one wanted to read to himself the truth, to know the real situation in Russia. You were courageous, be strong in spirit, and wrote that they thought fit. We express our deep gratitude for the work that cost you your life, for all the best that was created by you.

Сочинение по теме "Понравившейся герой в рассказе Дубровский"

Мария Троекурова. Девушка нежная и красивая. Ей 17 лет. Отец ей не уделял времени, а проводила она его за книгами. Увлекалась девушка музыкой и романами. Осталась рано без матери, а воспитанием девочки занималась Мадмуазель Ми-Ми. Мария выросла в деревне, в уединении не имея подруг. Так же девушка умеет вышивать на пяльцах. Отрицательно относилась к пирам и застольям, которые часто устраивал ее отец Кирила Троекуров. Обладает силой воли и влюбчивостью, но и гордость дает о себе знать. После того, как Маша узнала, что отец хотел выдать его за Верейского, она решила бежать с Владимиром Дубровским, так как тот был влюблен в нее. Конечно не безответно. Девушка была не в праве бежать после помолвки и отказала Дубровскому, когда тот подъехал к Маше. Она была верна. Эти качества воспитывает Пушкин в читателях(читательницах). Он ценил верность в женщинах

Напишите сочинение на тему: Герой. (из жизни или выдуманное)

Daily from TV or radio we hear about various heroic acts. It may be an ordinary man who by chance someone saved, or a professional who does this kind of many years. One of my friend’s father is a fireman. On his strong shoulders constantly is a huge responsibility for human life and safety. Often he saves hundreds of people, risking, their health. His loyalty to his work is a real consideration. He’s a stranger to fear, laziness, confusion and cruelty. I would like to such men, brave and good, the world was much more. Such a person I can proudly call a hero!