Сочинение на тему: Масленица ( должно быть 3 абзаца ) (в первом где происходит когда происходит и в честь чего происходит) ( в втором что там делают какие занятия устраивают и

... сколько времени происходит) ( в третьем что едят как накрывают столы)

   Масленицу проводят в России в честь весны. Обычно в начале марта.
   Обычно на масленицу приглашают родственников на 7 дней (не обязательно чтоб они оставались всё это время). В конце масленицы сжигают соломенное чучело.
    На масленицу принято готовить блины. Едят их со сметанной, с мёдом.

На английском написать мини-сочинение про Беларусскую Масленицу,

Pancake Day celebrated mainly in the eastern regions of Belarus among Orthodox Christians (Catholics it starts in the last week of February). On the Saturday before Carnival commemorate the dead, to have their support and assistance in the future of agricultural work. Of great importance during this holiday was ritual food - pancakes. There was a ritual "Tsyagats kalodu". It was attended by all married women of the village. Festivities went on throughout the night. Women walked with songs, shouts, aukanem the village with the stump of a tree (a pack). If the road met a man, especially unmarried, throws him a rope and forced to pull the deck, and themselves clung to it to make it heavier. When a man wanted to get rid of the deck, he paid a ransom for women. In some villages, "spraўlyalі Ulas." The sleigh, adorned with flowers, sat the mistress of a yard, and the rest of the songs carried her through the village. All the men who met on the way, grabbed and started to throw up, while they did not pay a ransom. Member processions often dressed in costumes, "men", "elders", "Gypsy." To disguise joined musician (male). Entering the house, they turned the dishes, bed spreads, clothing, brawled until then, have not yet received a ransom from the owners. Going round the village, dressed went to someone’s house and a spacious walk there all night, singing, dancing. The elderly, the relatives, the friends, the two men traveled this week to visit each other on decorated carts. The children had their fun: sledging. Young people going when it was getting dark outside: singing, dancing. During a visit to the Pancake midwife were women and young men. After refreshments solemnly taken out of her home, they put into the sleigh, and themselves, vpryagshis them, drove through the village grandmother with jokes, songs. At last, on Sunday, the day of Carnival’s relatives went to visit each other, to the mother-in "pancakes" in-law came with his wife. In the evening in full family I had dinner together, as Monday was advancing Lent. We ate mostly milk. This evening was held extremely interesting and solemn ritual in many parts of Belarus. After dinner, the owner sat in a strict and pious mood. To him came the brothers and sons in turn, after the women bowed down to the ground and said, "Give, But father Rodney kalі Chym sagrashyў (-la) Peyrade taboy spravay tsі language." After listening to all the host, in turn, bowed to the ground before the whole family, so asking for forgiveness for all the sins and errors. In parting with Carnival usually fired effigy - a straw man or a woman. Ashes are scattered across the field for greater productivity. After the revolution and during the war did not officially celebrated Shrove Tuesday. In 1970-1980 gg. holiday celebrated "Farewell to winter". Since the 1990s. We began to revive the tradition of celebrating Pancake mostly in the villages, and in each locality, this holiday has its own characteristics. In the Belarusian city hosts farewell to winter holidays: march fairy-tale characters, attractions, sports, horseback riding, an entertainment pancakes. Children spend theater festivals in the street, riding a rollercoaster. In schools, many teachers spend talking about relationships in the classroom, where children ask each other for forgiveness, a teacher, and he in them.

Сочинение на тему: Масленица. На английском языке

First, on Shrove Tuesday already can’t eat meat food. Carnivore (between winter, Christmas post from the spring, the Great) comes to an end, and Sunday on the eve of the carnival is the last day allowed to eat meat. That’s why this day received the nickname of “Butcher’s eve”. On carnival you can have dairy products and fish. However, the main dish on Shrove Tuesday, we know, are the pancakes, which are baked every day from Monday, but many – from Thursday to Sunday. This time is called Maslenitsa.
The second rule, which should not be forgotten, is that the food on carnival is the most important form of life. This is why people said that at this time you should eat as many times as the dog wag the tail or how many times croaked the crow. Unlike many other celebrations on Shrove Tuesday, not only eat at home, in the family, but also often go to visit and invite yourself. “Residence” becomes rough character.
A lot of funny funny jokes, rhymes, songs, Preslav and sayings connected with these days: “No pancake is NOT a pancake week”, “On the mountains to ride, in pancakes to lie”, “Not life, but carnival”, “Even with all the lay, and to spend Shrove Tuesday”, “is Not necessary, and will be a Great Post”.
In the days of wires carnival on the main street of the town or village was taken a true celebration. From morning until late evening fun honest people. Went through the streets with costumed solomianik the Scarecrow (a symbol of winter, that is), dressed in women’s attire. But did you know that previously it was decided to dress the Scarecrow in the men’s Kaftan Yes bast, and certainly in the hands to give the dishes on which baked pancakes. It was decided to breed everywhere bonfires and throw into the fire the old genre, unnecessary utensils. In the center was set high on the pole with a wheel on top, symbolizing the bright glowing sun.
Carnival is a family event. Spring is associated with the beginning of a new life, procreation. So before particularly honored and congratulated the young people who got married last year. They rode on a sleigh in the entire village, but poor and scanty food would drop her in the snow. People of the Catholic faith, as well as in some Ukrainian villages it is the custom to punish any people who are not married. It is believed that they go against the law of God. Carnival bachelors feet privatively special shoes and had to wear that tag all day.
On the last day of carnival – Shrove Sunday – it is customary to ask forgiveness from all relatives and friends that usually respond, “God forgive me!

Сочинение на тему: масленица.

Каждый год во время окончания зимы, мы встречаем весну. С прошлых времен проводы зимы стали называться масленицей. С тех времен пришли к нам традиции, обычай, как встречать и провожать масленицу. В народе принято почитать традиции прошлых и давних времен которые придумали люди прошлых веков. Все люди с нетерпением ждут  прихода весны и встречают ее с радостью. Людям нравится встречать масленицу потому что, принято печь блины всю неделю и каждая неделя по своему что-то означает. Всю неделю люди пекут блины, ходят в гости поздравляют с праздником желают пожелания. И когда наступает последнее воскресенье оно называется прощенное в это время надо просить прощения у людей у своих близких такая традиция была раньше она пришла к нам и мы должны ее соблюдать.     Люди провожают зимушку встречают весну с радостью и весельем, они поют песни танцуют водят хороводы играют на гармони. С ДАВНИХ ВРЕМЕН ВО ВРЕМЯ МАСЛЕНИЦЫ ПРИНЯТО делать чучело и в конце гулянья сжигать его и говорить прочь зима уходи мы ждем весну нам нужно тепло. Вот так вот мы провожаем зиму и встречаем Масленицу.

Сочинения на тему: масленица на англ. С переводом.

Mardi Gras - an ancient Russian folk festival, was transformed into a moment of pre-Christian times, remaining after the Baptism of Russia. Mardi Gras has been accepted by the church as their own religious holiday and renamed Cheese week. However, the essence of the carnival it has not changed. Mardi Gras falls on the week, the upcoming Lent. For this reason, at this time people were resting in front of a heavy and long Lent. Mardi Gras is always celebrated with a very abundant feast. During the celebration of the carnival was made to eat a lot. Some believed the people that whoever Carnival meet in sadness, boredom and spend the whole year until the next winter wires. Shrovetide uncontrollable eating all sorts of dishes and fun is a harbinger of prosperity and success in the home and business endeavors. Pancakes required "satellite" Carnival, symbolized the sun. Time passes, life, with the Baptism of Russia, new holidays, but continued to celebrate carnival. Shrove Tuesday met with the same irrepressible joy that in the Old Slavic century.
Mardi Gras - it’s not a day of celebration. This weekly ritual feast with driving round dances, dances, songs and merrymaking. An important element is the burning rag stuffed Winter. Farewell to the Carnival ended with the first day of the Orthodox Great Lent " Clean Monday, " is considered the day of circumcision. Clean Monday necessarily all residents washed in the bath, washed the dishes and cleaned utensils.

составить сочинение по английскому про масленницу 5 класс Сочинение не большое максимум . Зарание спасибо

Carnival merry holiday, longer spring. Well, that it invented.

By the end of winter, tired of being cold, bored gloomy days. And so healthy and happy, finally, to say goodbye to boring winter and meet Pancake as the first messenger of Spring is coming.

It so happened that from the Monday Mom baked pancakes and I ate almost exclusively pancakes. It came out not on purpose, but I liked it.

On Sunday, the whole family, we went to the park for a holiday wires Carnival.

In the park there was a concert and competitions were buffoons. After the concert, all were treated to pancakes and tea. The weather was not very good, and the people came to little. So it turned out even better, heartier, as a family.

Then we went to the hills. There was also a great and terrible to horror. Hills were steep and very fast. It has long been so long with slides not skated. Rode all who have come to the party. Squealing and squeaking was unimaginable.

Is closer to three hours went to burn an effigy. Clowns sang songs and danced. Bonfire Gras on top turned grandiose. And again, as I always felt sorry for fun painty doll. I held back the tears, and my sister was crying loudly, clinging to her mother.

Tired, smelling of fire, wet through, and even a little blubbered we returned home. Home to comfort her sister sewed her little rag doll - Shrove Tuesday and put her to sleep in a better doll crib. Sister calmed down and fell asleep too.

So we held a Mardi Gras this year

написать сочинение по английскому языку на тему: русский праздник (масленница на пример)

I would like to tell you about New Year (in Russia). It is the family holiday. The symbol is Cristmas tree. People decorate this tree with apecial toys. But i don like this holiday, because my parents and relatives live far away. I have my business and i can not go to to them. I like be alone. I like celebrate New Year only by myself. On New Year night there are many fireworks. People telephone one another and congratulate. People give and receive diffrent presents.

Если что скажи, что Русский Новый год отличен от других, Петр первый-ввел этот приказ.

Проверьте, сочинение по английскому на тему "Масленица"
I want to tell you about one of the Russian holidays about Maslenitca. It comes at the end of February at the beginning of

... March. On this holiday people cook pancakes, dance folk dances, sing folk songs and burn a scarecrow. In Russian cities you can find many areas there celebrate this holidays. There’s you can find many entertainment and restaurants there you can taste many different pancakes. This holiday celebrate in all the organizations of Russia. For example in the school there I studied was competition between classes. Each class prepares a dance or a song and each pupil brings pancakes, jam or other sauce. Class decorate the table with pancakes, show performance. After that determine the winners. And everyone starts to dance and eat pancakes. This is very cheerful holiday.

У тебя все правильно

about Maslenitsa. It comes at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

In Russia this holiday is celebrated almost everywhere. (вместо предложения In Russian cities  you can find many areas. this holiday.) You can find many entertainments and restaurants where you can taste a lot of different pancakes. This holiday  we celebrate in all the organizations in our country.

For example,  There was a competition between classes at my  school.  Not sauce ( Лучше other dishes)  Not class ( better Our pupils decorate or lay the table with pancakes. Then we show the performance. Два предпоследних предложения убрать. ) It was a pleasure to eat pancakes and to talk with each other. It is a very cheerful holiday and I really like it.