Сочинение про поход в магазин что я там купила и т.п.

Совершенно обычный вечер. Я лежала на диване и вспомнила, что мама попросила меня сходить в магазин. Я быстренько оделась, нашла в ящике список, взяла деньги и побежала.
Я зашла в небольшое помещение с тусклым светом. Продавщица - моя соседка тётя Надя. Она улыбнулась мне. Я решила купить французский багет, клубничный йогурт, карамелек, печенья с шоколадом, а потом я хотела достать деньги, как вдруг в моей голове мелькнуло, что я покупаю еду совсем не по списку. Поэтому я взяла белый хлеб, масло, сыр и яйца. Но карамелек я всё-таки купила. Но на выходе из магазина, моя знакомая предложила забрать бесплатно и печенье, и йогурт, и батон. Я согласилась не сразу, но потом я прыгала от счастья!
Вот такой вот удачный поход в магазин.

Сочинение на тему: "Однажды в магазине". Оно должно начинаться со слов "Once upon in a shop.".

Once upon in a shop a little boy Tom was standing and looking at toys. He was fond of plane modelling. After school he always went to this shop and looked at planes. That day he bought nothing. When he was heading for the door of the shop, the security guard grabbed his arm. Tom didn’t understand why he did so, but he was scared. The guard made him show his pockets and didn’t find anything in them. Tom was upset. People who came in this shop looked at Tom. He decided not to go to this shop again.

Мини сочинение на тему: меню моего магазина с фотками на английском языке с переводом

I have got a very big shop. And I have got many departments(отделы) there. In the first department there are many fruits and vegetables, they are not very expensive. In the second department I have got everything for your house: many beautiful furniture, beautiful flowers and many other things. In the third department you can see every kinds of tasty meat. And my favorite department has many many sweets, cakes and many other deserts. If you want to buy something in my shop, you are welcome!

Сочинение на тему: поход в магазин супермаркет (на английском)

Today me and my mom went to the supermarket. It’s located in the center of the city. When we went inside the store, the first thing that I saw was cereal. It was a new kind that I never have seen in real life before, but saw a commercial about it on tv. Off course I asked my mom if we could buy it, but she said no, since she already got a list of the things that we have to buy. We bought tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, bread, flour, sugar, salt, and some toilet paper. When we were checking out, my eye caught the cereal again. So I decided to ask my mom once again. She rolled her eyes and said, “ Fine, but when we get home, you have to help me cook.”

To day is sunny. I and my mother go to the shop. We go to toys shop. We pay a new doll for my sister. My we pay a car. The car is a special.

Написать мини-сочинение как я пошёл в магазин по английски

Every day in the stores you can see a lot of people! Because everyone needs to buy something for life or just to meet their needs. Me, mom, dad, and all my relatives also go for the store. My mom almost every day going to the grocery store. Because food is always needed. I can walk to the shops for trinkets, jewelry, or just to walk around, to see what’s new in stores.
Everyone can’t live without to go take. Shopping everyone!
The biggest purchase was recently. My mom took a lot of money and went shopping. I bought a lot of clothes, mom bought a phone and decorations for the home and for yourself. Then we went over the products and bought 2 packages! This was the best purchase!
I think you’ll like it!
   ПЕРЕВОД: Каждый день в магазинах можно увидеть множество людей! Ведь каждому нужно что то купить для жизни или просто для удоволетворения своих потребностей. Я, мама, папа, да и все мои родственники тоже ходят по магазина. Моя мама почти каждый день ходит в продуктовые магазины. Ведь еда нужна всегда. Я могу ходить в магазины за безделушками, украшениями, ну или просто чтобы прогуляться, посмотреть что нового в магазинах.
Каждый человек не может прожить без того, чтобы не сходить в магазн. Магазины нужны каждому!
Самая большая покупка была недавно. Мы с мамой взяли много денег и пошли за покупками. Я купила себе очень много одежды, мама себе купила телефон и украшения для дома и для себя. Потом мы пошли за продуками и накупили 2 пакета! Эта была самая лучшая покупка!
Думаю тебе понравится!

Помогитерации написать сочинение на тему: "Мой магазин"

Когда я выросту я хочу открыть свой собственный магазин Мебели. Там будет самая красивая мебель, для всего дома. Когда мы с мамой и папой пошли выбирать мебель для своей комнаты, я увидел(а) такие красивые диваны, кровати и т. Д. Мне захотелось тоже открыть магазин чтобы продавать разные мебели.

Сочинение на тему: какой я хочу магазин

Once I dreamed that I was in a large hotel room. I walked through the unfamiliar streets, looking at nice houses and storefronts. My attention was drawn elegant colorful house. At the entrance hung a sign: "Shop" All for happiness. ’ " Intrigued, I climbed the steep stairs and entered the room.
Inside was a lot of shelves, from top to bottom cluttered bubbles, jars and bottles with any liquids. Behind the counter stood a smiling saleswoman.
- What do want, young man? She asked me.
I am confused and do not know what to say.
- Let me see - she stared into my eyes - I think, for the happiness you lack a little courage, a little hard work and a bit of optimism.
I nodded. It is the lack of these qualities kept me to be more successful.
- But first you have to pay. No, no - it stopped me as I reached for my purse - here we have other prices. Instead of qualities that will make you happy, you give me something that interferes with your happiness.
The saleswoman took three empty bubble and came out from behind the counter.
- You must fill these bubbles cowardice, laziness and pessimism.
She waved her hands over the bubbles, and I was surprised to see how the bubbles are filled with colored liquids. The clerk told me that the purple liquid - it’s my cowardice, blue - laziness, and black - pessimism.
- But why do they tell you? I asked.
- We redesigned cowardice in care laziness - in the ability to relax, and pessimism - in prudence and put them up for sale. Some people need to be happy these qualities.
The clerk went to the shelf and pulled out a bottle, bottle and bag.
- This flakonchike - optimism. Spray it around twice a day. The bottle - courage. Before going to bed, take one teaspoon. In no event shall not exceed the dose, it is necessary to be careful with boldness. And in the bag - hard work. Every morning, eat a single pellet.
The saleswoman wrapped my purchases in beautiful paper and handed me a bundle. I thanked her and left the store. and woke up.
What a pity that the shop "all for happiness" exists only in a dream!

с английским нужно написать сочинение на тему: плюсы и минусы обычных магазинов
нужно как минимум 3 плюса и 3 минуса

The main advantage compared to small shops - a huge range of products on the shelves. No need to run to the shops and idle for several bursts in different departments - choose the products you like and pay for all at once. Leisurely strolling through the maze of the many windows with a basket or cart, you choose whatever you want, well, or whatever you ordered his wife.
2. Another advantage of the supermarket - due to the large volume of sales prices for many types of goods in them, tend to be lower, not to mention the permanent discounts, promotions and sweepstakes prizes. It turns a double saving: time and money. What is not a good incentive to look at the light?
cons supermarkets
But there is such stores and disadvantages, which show not only the complaints of customers, but also the results of numerous tests. Due to the large quantity of goods, sellers do not always have time to change price tags on them, and the prices in our time as the weather - things are very volatile. So, sometimes, gaining to cart items by one value at the checkout you can get a surprise, and not always pleasant.
2. One of the downsides of supermarkets - always visnuschie computers on hand, which does not care, you are in a hurry to work late or on a date. They irritate both the buyers and sellers. The author of this article, and once she became a member of such a battle the computer in one of the supermarkets. It turned out that the price of the cake, which I chose the long and hard, was not entered in the computer. To resolve the issue, I was offered either to wait until the correct error, or take another cake.
Select the first option, I had to wait about twenty minutes before slow seller to repair a technical misunderstanding. But the mood was pretty spoiled.
Here is another case, narrated by one of the supermarket buyers, whose name we do not articulate. A woman came to a large supermarket to buy bread. At the same time I decided to buy biscuits and sweets for tea. Choosing the right products, it is, as a good buyer went to the cashier to pay. When the seller has announced her fabulous for such a modest amount of purchases, she was surprised, but did not argue, paid, and went to check a broken home. In what kind of a shock threw her what she read later on the check: it turns out, in addition to the above mentioned products, it has become even packing sardines and squid. However, as the poor woman did not look for them in my bag, but to find and could not.


The day was sunnу and I decided to take a walk. Walking the streets, I saw a beautiful doll in a shop window. Her curly blond hair and clear blue eyes combined with its pale skin and luxuriant dress. I liked it very much and I decided to buy her younger sister. Pay the cost of dolls, I went home. On the way, my eyes fell on the girl sitting on the ground. She pressed the photo to her and cried. What happened to you? Where do you live? I asked.
The girl said that she was an orphan and lives in an orphanage. She said that she missed her parents. I felt sorry for her and I decided to give her the doll, which wanted to give my sister.
The girl took the doll and stop crying, thanked me. I was pleased with his action.

, напишите сочинение на английском что я купила в магазине и что не купила с переводом

Today, Mom sent me to the store. I need to buy bread, butter, yogurt, milk, tea, some cookies and juice. Surrender I can spend. The shop, which I’ll go across the road. It is very comfortable. I waited for a green light at the traffic lights, carefully crossed the road and went into the store, holding the door for a grandmother. She took the basket of products. I chose the fresh bread and dairy products. She took a big package of orange juice. I paid, carefully counted the change on the counter and folded products in the package. It turns out that going to the store is not so  difficult.
Сегодня мама отправила меня в магазин. Мне нужно купить хлеб, масло, йогурт, молоко, чай, какого-нибудь печенья и сок. Сдачу я могу потратить. Магазин, в который я пойду, находится через дорогу. Это очень удобно. Я дождалась зелёного света на светофоре, осторожно перешла дорогу и зашла в магазин, придержав дверь для одной бабушки. Взяла корзину для продуктов. Я выбрала свежий хлеб и молочные продукты. Взяла большой пакет апельсинового сока. Я расплатилась, аккуратно пересчитала сдачу на кассе и сложила продукты в пакет. Оказывается, ходить в магазин не так уж и сложно.