1. Напишите мини-сочинение (маленькое) на тему: "Человек, которым я восхищаюсь-Джонни Депп", по плану: ⒈ Имя, дата рождения; место рождения; профессия....
  2. Написать сочинение на Английском тема: Любимый учитель (описать преподавателя, внешность, характер, почему вам нравится этот преподаватель)
  3. Написать сочинение на английском языке по плану 7 класс 1)в первом обзадце нужно написать название любимого фильма (Гарри Поттер...
  4. Здравствуйте Мне нужна помощь - сочинение на английском языке (7 класс) - по теме "Мой любимый герой". Характер,...
  5. напишите сочинение по-английски. Мой любимый фильм или актёр. Сочинение должно быть не больше . Мне....
  6. Сочинение на тему: мой любимый актёр. Дженсен Эклс
  7. Сочинение на тему:"мой любимый актер" На английском)
  8. Написать сочинение на тему: мой любимый актер про Марка Богатырёва(можно на русском сама переведу)
  9. Сочинение про любимого актёра?
  10. а написать небольшое сочинение на тему: "мой любимый актер" на английском языке вместе с переводом. Где то ....

Напишите мини-сочинение (маленькое) на тему: "Человек, которым я восхищаюсь-Джонни Депп", по плану:
⒈ Имя, дата рождения; место рождения; профессия.
⒉ Детские годы.
⒊ Поздние годы.
⒋ Почему я

... им восхищаюсь.

Jonny is the great (род деятельности. Он актер, значит, actor), that was born in (дата рождения).
Далее выбери ключевые моменты из биографии. Где родился, где учился и когда стал сниматься в кино (название кино лучше сюда включить) будет более чем достаточно.
He lived in Texas during all his childhood (но это все неточно, это просто пример). After taking part in the film (название первого фильма с ним) he decided to connect his life with it. Then he played (имя персонажа и фильм, откуда он. И так 2-3 раза. Бери более популярное, проще описать сюжет будет в случае вопросов)
Чем ты восхищаешься в нем я не знаю, но лично мне нравится его речь.
I guess his speech brings some sences to people. His voice sounds certainly, like he is sure what he says.
Предложений десять-двенадцать будет нормально

Написать сочинение на Английском тема: Любимый учитель (описать преподавателя, внешность, характер, почему вам нравится этот преподаватель)

My school is my favorite teacher. It Prishchep Tatiana Nikolaevna - teacher of foreign literature, which also is the homeroom teacher. She teaches us that discipline in the fifth grade, and her every lesson for all of us - a real discovery.
At its lessons it gives us magical world of literature teaches us to take out books all the good and eternal, teaches ponder read, think about the actions of the characters. It teaches us to analyze what they read, trying to understand what the author wanted to convey to the readers of his story. It teaches us to put ourselves in the place of heroes and decide for yourself, what would we do in a given situation. It is my favorite teacher opened for many of us the beauty of reading books, so now we read literature not only under duress, but also on their own to briefly plunge into the wonderful world that is hidden in them. I believe that such and should be a teacher. And if every teacher will genuinely love what he does, then we will love to learn Имя И фамилию исправь только

Написать сочинение на английском языке по плану 7 класс
1)в первом обзадце нужно написать название любимого фильма (Гарри Поттер и филосовский камень)режиссера фильма, в каком году был выпущен фильм и по

... какой книге был снят фильм
2) сюжет фильма ( пересказ фильма)
3) актерский состав ( главные герои и их характеристика( совсем чуть чуть) спецэффекты
4) рекомендации фильма

My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

At the beginning of the film, 1 November 1981, Professor Albus Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall meet at house number 4 Privet Drive, Little Uinging, on the outskirts of the county of Surrey, England. They discuss the latest developments of the wizarding world. Lord Lord Voldemort, the most powerful and sinister dark magician of all time is finally defeated, though not completely. Unfortunately, he took away with him to the grave of his two latest victims of Lily and James Potter. Their little son, Harry Potter, somehow managed to survive. In memory of the meeting with Lord Voldemort it was only a scar in the form of lightning. Harry is destined to become a legend of the magic world - a boy who survived, and Dumbledore says that Harry would be better to grow away from unwanted fame and attention that would have surrounded him in the world of magicians.

Daniel Alan Radcliffe was born on Sunday July 23, 1989 in the family of Marcia Gresham (Marcia Gresham) and Alan Radcliffe. He grew up in Fulhame (Fulham), the western district of London, and spent his childhood, attending a private school for boys only, while dreaming of the actor’s career. Daniel tried to convince his parents to allow him to play the role of Oliver Twist, but they did not give him the permission, because they think of the actor’s career is very fickle, and they do not want to see his son disappointed.

This is the first fiction film that I liked, and still like. Therefore, I recommend to watch it all fans of magic.

Мне нужна помощь - сочинение на английском языке (7 класс) - по теме "Мой любимый герой". Характер, особенности, история, сюжетная линия.
Наш герой - Том Сойер

I like the hero of the work of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain! How wonderful this writer was able to show the psychology of the boy, "his joys and experiences! Tom Sawyer lives in Aunt Polly, which brings it under the Puritan ethic. It is for him are her abuse, stick and back plate. It has repeatedly quoted a line from the Gospel: "Who grieved child, he loses it." And it is not only sorry Tom, because he - not as Sid. In this family double standard in dealing with children and this encourages Tom outrages, bad deal. And Tom does not care about the problems titchynoho education, he always finds a way. That aunt zahadala him to paint the fence. It also matched? Tom brats on this whole show organized and achieved desired: all friends stained with delight, and Tom got all sorts of "values."And the Sunday school is attending Tom, does not differ from the methods of education Aunt Polly. Here we cram Gospel texts - and all. Of course, Tom is not interesting, and here it is rampant in the school or not it wants to go. A comical end exams at all, from the attic to the head teacher Tom pulled the cat, who headed dryapalasya and screamed, grabbed a wig claws and tore her teacher, and under it turns out - bald head! Tom - good, very good, funny and witty boy. He is clever, romantic, with Bourne imagination which pushes him in search of adventure. In fact, most of Tom brings his friend Huck and the people with whom he met during his adventures. Sympathy, pravdolyubstva, kindness, fairness, he learns outside school and family. Is there is such boys like Tom? Of course there is. Almost all of us live merry mischief, restless dreamer, skillful juggler Tom Sawyer!

напишите сочинение по-английски. Мой любимый фильм или актёр. Сочинение должно быть не больше . Мне. :(

my favorite actor Charlie Chaplin. he was born in Britain in 1889. this actor, and composer, and screenwriter and producer. he is a versatile master of cinema, the Creator of one of the most famous images of world cinema, the image of Charlie the tramp appeared in short comedies. Since April 1914 Chaplin began to act as Director and script writer of most of the films with private participation, by 1916 he also produced the films, and from 1918 he wrote the music. I like his style and most importantly unique none gait. Charlie Chaplin is a genius. I learned about it when I read the famous story, when there was a contest for the best parody of Charlie Chaplin. he wanted to participate and lost. I laughed for a long time. Unfortunately, the Actor died in his sleep on December 25, 1977 at his home in Vevey and was buried in the local cemetery. In memory of Charlie Chaplin on the shores of lake Geneva is a monument.

Сочинение на тему: мой любимый актёр. Дженсен Эклс

I think, films or series are the best way to spend an evening after a hard day. I have some series that I enjoy most of all. For example, Doctor Who and Supernatural. And of course, I have a favorite actor. His name is Jensen Ackles. He plays one of the main roles in Supernatural. Actually, I think I have to say some words about the series. Two brothers follow their father’s footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth. I like the plot and the whole idea a lot. So, a few words about Jensen. He was born on March 1st in 1978 in Dallas U. S. He is 36 years old, very handsome and have a wonderful personality, great sense of humour and a talent in acting. Besides the series and films he has done some voice acting. As I said earlier, he is very talented. I hope that Jensen will continue surprising and delighting us with his new works. Also, It would be interesting to see him on stage.

Сочинение на тему:"мой любимый актер"
На английском)

My favorite actors are Alexander Jasini actor of theatre and cinema! He starred in the TV series "the Eighties"! His roles are always kind and helpful! In this series he had problems one by one! But he dealt with them all sorts of ways! He also starred in the TV series "Happy together"! Only there he was a loser. He’s a great actor and a good man!       Перевод: Мой любимый актеры это Александр Якин. Российский актёр театра и кино! Он снимался в сериале "Восьмидесятые"! Его роли всегда добрые и отзывчивые! В этом сериале у него проблемы одна за одной! Но он с ними справлялся всякими путями! Ещё он снимался в сериале "Счастливы вместе"! Только там он был неудачником. Он прекрасный актёр и хороший человек!

Adam Lambercie was born on 29, January 1982, in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from the Carmel High School, where she studied theater arts, he sang in its choir, played in a jazz orchestra. Adam was ten, when he first appeared on the scene. In 2005 year, Adam sang the hymn to the world with Noa Dori and Maya Hadi. When Adam was 27 years old, he took part in the most popular in America program, American Idol, and he immediately was interested for jury and spectators. In fact, he was special and very talented. Since 2004 Lambert, together with Carmit Bachar, the member of the band the Pussycat Dolls, regularly appears in the popular project of the Zodiac Show. The debut album "For Your Entertainment" appeared on November 23, 2009. Achievements and awards: Victory on the prize "Molaoi Hollywood" in the category "Artist of the year (2009) The award "Teen Choice Awards" in the category "Star of the reality show" (2009) The victory in "MuchMusic Video Awards" in the nomination "the Most viewed video for the clip "Whataya Want from Me" (2010) Finalist in the eighth season of the reality show American Idol.

Написать сочинение на тему: мой любимый актер про Марка Богатырёва(можно на русском сама переведу)

Мой самый любимый актер это Марк Богатырев. Он родился 22 декабря 1984 году. Ему сейчас 30 лет. Он снимается в сериале : кухня;.                                                  Парень родился в столице, но детство и первые студенческие годы его, прошли в 100 км от Москвы, в городе Обнинск Калужской области. Отца он никогда не знал. Маме, личности творческой, было не до воспитания мальчика. Богатырева воспитала бабушка, о которой он всегда говорит с теплом.  
Марк, к 29 годам, прошел длинный путь. От строителя до актера, от провинциального городишки Обнинск до столицы. Целеустремленный, талантливый парень знает цену успеха, потому что заплатил ее сполн

Сочинение про любимого актёра?

Михаил Ульянов 20 ноября 1927 Родился в селе Бергамак Омской области. Окончил Театральное училище им. Б. В. Щукина (1950). С 1950 — актер (впоследствии — режиссер, с 1987 — художественный руководитель) Академического театра им. Евг. Вахтангова. Совместно с К. Лавровым завершил работу над фильмом И. Пырьева "Братья Карамазовы" — 1968. Лауреат Ленинской премии (1966, за участие в фильме "Председатель"). Народный артист СССР (1969). Заслуженный деятель культуры Польской Народной республики (1974). Лауреат Государственной премии РСФСР им. К. С. Станиславского (1975, за театральную работу). Приз "За художественный и личный вклад" Венецианского кинофестиваля за 1982 год. Лауреат Государственной премии СССР (1983, за участие в фильме "Частная жизнь"). Премия "Кинотавр" в номинации "Премии за творческую карьеру" за 1997 год.

I want to tell you about my favorite actor. My favorite actor is Jensen Ackles. Jensen has been an inspiration to me. He plays "Dean Winchester" on the CW show "Supernatural", and has been in movies like My Bloody Valentine, Ten Inch Hero etc. Generally, Jensen is one of the best actors I have ever seen. He is such an emotional and passionate person, so he can play so many different characters seamlessly. He’s also a vocalist, and he has a very unique voice. At the moment he’s not in a band since he’s been so busy with Supernatural. Jensen is the type of guy that has every quality of a good husband and friend. He has a big heart. I think he’s amazing person and I really like him.

а написать небольшое сочинение на тему: "мой любимый актер" на английском языке вместе с переводом. Где то .

Hello! My name’s Vera. I live in village Hadgoh. I have a big family of 9 members. I have three sisters, three brothers and parents. We are very friendly. Our family have a small farm with hens,6 goats, a cow and a lot of rabbits. My mother is a vet. It’s a very usefull profession on our farm. My father is a builder. He built our nice farm. 
I wish, I will have my own garden when I’ll be older.
Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Вера. Я живу в посёлке Хаджох. У меня большая семья из 9 человек. У меня три сестры, три брата и родители.  Мы очень дружная семья. У нас есть небольшая ферма. Мы держим кур, 6 коз, корову и кучу кроликов. Моя мама ветеринар. Это очень полезная профессия на нашей ферме. Мой папа строитель. Он построил нашу хорошую ферму.
Когда я вырасту я хочу чтобы у меня был свой собственный сад.