Напишите сочинение на английском языке, на тему: "why do conflicts happen in a family? ".

Конфликты в семье происходят мгновенно, например: мама часто ругается, потому-что в комнате не убрано, или она попросила вытереть пыль а ты этого не сделал. Конфликты случаются из за непослушания, а если ругаются родители значит есть на то причины, и лезть в их ссору не следует. Если ты будешь дарить маме улыбку и будешь помогать ей, никаких конфликтов не будет!
Conflicts in the family occur instantaneously, for example, my mother often complains, because the room is not cleaned, or she asked to wipe the dust and you did not. Conflicts happen because of disobedience, and if you scold parents so there is a good reason, and to go into their quarrel should not be. If you’re going to give her mother a smile and you will help her, no conflicts will not be!

Сочинение конфликт между одноклассниками

В процессе своей профессиональной деятельности педагогу помимо своих непосредственных обязанностей, связанных с обучением и воспитанием младших школьников, приходится общаться с коллегами, учениками, их родителями. При ежедневном взаимодействии без конфликтных ситуаций обойтись вряд ли возможно. Да и нужно ли? Ведь правильно разрешив напряженный момент, легко добиться хороших конструктивных результатов, сблизить людей, помочь им понять друг друга, прийти к прогрессу в воспитательных аспектах. Конфликт — враждебное, негативное противостояние людей из-за несовместимости интересов, норм поведения, целей.
, не забудьте правильно оформить цитату:
Попова О. С. Конфликт между учениками в классе. // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — №11. — С. 1765-1768.

Нужно написать сочинение. (На английском)
1 Как звали ваших родственников?
2 Когда и где они родились?
3 Что они сделали за жизнь?
4 Какие войны, конфликты и исторические события повлияли на

... вашу семейную историю?
5 Твои предки переезжали с места на место? Почему?
6 Существуют ли какие-нибудь семейные легенды в семье? Расскажите о некоторых из них, если хотите.
, сами без переводчиков.

My grandfather & grandmother are the best. Their name is Maria & Alexander. My grandmother born in Moscow, my grandfather in Australia. I think that they are legends. They are very strong people that I ever knew. My grandfather helped a lot of people; he was a doctor. My grandmother is very clever woman, so she was a maths teacher. She taught a lot of childrens and right now all of these childrens are famous for their works. When my mother was a child, she lost her brother into the war. It was very bad, because I lost a good uncle. It was very sad, so my mother re tell me that those days was the worst days ever. My grandmother and grandfather broke up. They said the reason, "We’re love each other, but witouht out son, we’re nothing." My mother left them. She went in other country, because she was a student. So a few years later my mommy met my father & they loved each other. I just can’t understand their love. Their love is very strong. I’m kinda jealous. We have a legends, but I can’t tell about them. It’s secret. Имена придуманы. Если ваших родственников так не зовут, то поменяйте, если же вам удобно оставьте.

Сочинение "Как я справляюсь с конфликтом? На английском

Do not accumulate negative emotions. Do not take an aggressive stance. Constantly return to the topic of conversation. For example, one of my restrictions is not to give others to read their books because they meant more to me than personal hygiene and I hate it when I bring them back in the battered form. However, I can not openly Express a claim to a friend who casually asked about my thing, just get worse to treat it.

I go to my teacher and tell her abaut the fight. My friends helps me to separate children. I deside all words beacose it is right. I dont worry. And my friends love me, and we are frendly.

Сочинение на тему: конфликт по английски

Try to imagine a situation assessment which will be the opposite, when viewed from two different points of view. Of course, conflict. Conflict — the word is Latin and means a dispute, conflict, disagreement, which may cause further complication in the relations of people and groups and even entire States, then the conflict is international. But I’m talking now about the ordinary case of school life. Having met at recess or after school classmate, who is still angry from yesterday (don’t gave to write the math problem), you take his leg, without hesitating for a second that this could lead to severe injury, even a fracture, concussion. It happens. But now he just stumbles and grasping the lapels of your jacket, shaking you. And it turns out that the advantage, alas, not yours, and on his side. The conflict ends with a bruise on one side and two scratches on the other. And all because you failed to extinguish a dislike, not critically evaluated their behavior, did not understand the true motives of a fellow student. Why should he give you his notebook? It is possible, even likely that he on that account their views, and he much rather would explain you the task, rightly believing that cheating is pointless, the real knowledge it will bring. Yourself you looked like a fighter for justice, like a bulwark of the principles of the partnership. And really? Actually showed himself to be lazy, quarrelsome, cocky, selfish, less caring about justice, comrades. And well, if in time you will be able to get rid of these shortcomings, will win themselves the harshness, intolerance, selfishness, which can serve you the best service in future life: in the army, the workplace. Not to mention the fact that the person with such character traits is hardly a place in the spacecraft.

Сочинение о конфликте в сирии

The civil war in Syria is an armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic between supporters of President Bashar al-Assad (Syrian Arab army) forces "moderate" Syrian opposition (Free Syrian army), Kurdish regionalista (people’s defence Units) and various Islamist terrorist groups (ISIS, al-Nusra Front, etc.).
Started the wave of Arab spring anti-government protests in March 2011 led to riots in various cities of Syria, as early as the summer of the same year escalated into full-scale armed conflict. The main demands of the opposition were: the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, the abolition (in effect since 1962) of a state of emergency and the holding of democratic transformation.
Initially the fighting was between the government army and militias of the "Free Syrian army" (FSA). Umbrella organization of the Syrian opposition was the Syrian national Council (SNC), which at the time consisted of all anti-government factions. Subsequently, however, the opposition was split — the first of its membership left the Kurdish organization, have formed their own government (Supreme Kurdish Council), and in 2013 the most radical Islamist groups formed the Islamic front.
However, in the future, because of the split in the ranks of rebel positions FSA has significantly weakened and secular opposition has faded into the background. A leading role in the confrontation with government forces, began to play various kinds of Islamist groups, among which are the most capable terrorist organization "Nusra Front" (the local branch of al-Qaeda) and the "Islamic state" (IG).
Rapid advance of ISIS and the terrorist takeover of large areas of Syria and Iraq in the summer of 2014 became an occasion to start military intervention, the U. S. and its allies since September 2014 air strikes on the positions of Islamists in Syria (without the permission of the Syrian leadership). From 30 September 2015 to 15 March 2016 a similar operation in Syria was carried out by the Russian VKS (according to the official request of the President of Syria), they coordinate with government forces and with some of the units, claiming to be FSA.
The parties to the conflict receive military assistance from other countries — support to the government forces have Russia and Iran, the Syrian opposition receives aid from the Western powers and the Gulf monarchies. On the government side are Shiite militias (in particular the Lebanese Hezbollah), as well as Pro-government paramilitary formations (National defence force). On the side of the opposition — sunnitskie Islamist groups such as Ansar al-Islam. In view of the considerable involvement of foreign powers and organizations, several experts characterized the conflict as a proxy war.
All, according to the UN, during the conflict killed 220 thousand people, the economy and the country’s infrastructure suffered enormous damage. The conflict, characterized by bitter fighting, indiscriminate shelling of cities and towns, mass murder and numerous war crimes against the civilian population. On the territories controlled by the Islamists, Sharia law, legalized slavery, persecuted religious minorities, but also destroyed the cultural heritage.

Напишите сочинение на тему:
описание войны или конфликта в стране ( на 1 страницу) на английском языке

There is an acquaintance of mine, Christoph, a writer and a teacher of foreign literature and philosophy at Humboldt University, Berlin. He is a great admirer of Russian literature, especially Dostoyevsky. He rides his bike from Berlin to Saratov every year, visiting his friends here in Ukraine. During his latest visit he came to see me and my family. We were talking a great deal at the table, discussing all sorts of things — from the books he writes to the global issues, when somebody suggested playing billiards. “Get ready! You will have to answer for the battle of Stalingrad,” someone said. Of course, it was a joke and everyone understood that, but there was silence. The German looked reserved and concentrated. He continued playing the game. I decided to break the ice and tell a story of a private who was actually my grandfather. I have never seen him in my life. I know him only from the story told by his friend who survived in the terrible battle of Kyiv in November, 1943. When rendering the events of those unforgettable days, I could vividly imagine the rockets flashing, the fire blazing and the bombs rumbling so loudly. I could smell the heavy and suffocating smoke and hear the cannonade. And the Dnipro. It was not the Dnipro people used to see with its deep shallow water, with wide, sunny banks, with steamers, ferries and barges. Its quays were wounded, torn by craters from missiles. The noise of the guns was incredible. Bombs were falling into the water making heavy water columns. Rafts and boats were floating on the surface. It was a decisive battle. Soviet soldiers were crossing the river. It was impossible to survive when the sky was burning, the ground was shaking and the water was red with blood. However, it was possible to live fighting for the city among the smoke, fire and blood. And if the death was over the heads, the fame was side by side. My grandfather lost his life defending our Motherland, our capital city together with other 500,000 soldiers. I am sure that each of them was bearing in mind the idea: “I would be glad when this damned war was over.” When I finished speaking, our German friend looked at me, tears in his eyes. “My grandfather died at Stalingrad. I am really sorry. He didn’t want that war either and the price he had paid for somebody’s cruel ambitions was too high. He became the victim of our common history. We should never forget our past in order not to let the war repeat. It’s our responsibility to tell the following generations the truth of the disastrous, destroying and devastating war. What I mean is WAR IS EVIL. It should be engraved on our memories.”

Написать сочинение на английском языке.
а) Выразите свою согласие или несогласие с идеей.
b) Приведите аргументы в поддержку вашей точки зрения.
Друзья могут иметь различные интересы и ценности

... и не иметь конфликтов между собой. Конфликты случаются не потому, что люди разные, но потому, что они не слушают друг друга.

What is it “generation gap”? Generation gap is a conflict that arises between one generation and the other. For example, many grandparents don’t approve of their grandchildren’s manners of behavior and clothes styles. The thing is, every generation has its stereotypes and standards of the world perception. Generally, parents don’t take their children for granted and don’t turn the blind eye to their rudeness that takes place on the onset of children’s puberty. They just don’t understand that this rudeness comes from the painful transformation of the kid from a “caterpillar” to a “butterfly”. Parents don’t want to realize it, but on the contrary they want everything to be according to their demand – as they wish. Parents usually try to impose their will on a juvenile and in the long run they regret doing it. As a rule such situations happen in all but (almost) every family. A teenager wants to break free, whereas a parent is anxious to protect his or her offspring from a dangerous and ruthless world. It is so and it will be so because “leaving a nest” is no mean feat for both parents and children.

    Friends may have different interests and values, without encountering any conflicts. Conflicts happen not because people are different, but because they do not listen to each other.
Friends are those people who know what means to be together, to stand for a person, to share everything they have, starting from happiness to sadness, or from food to clothes. Usually true friends are people that have common interests, love the same things or go for the same values. However it is generally known that the two different parts of a magnet always attract to each other, and this statement doesn’t make an exception in the case of friendship. 
   Having different views on life doesn’t necessarily mean that they will never understand each other and will have a lot of conflicts. People need to be original, need to have something that only belongs to them, which means that everybody is different and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In my opinion conflicts should never start from this point, of having different interests, because in this case we will never be able to make friends. There is another true cause of any conflict, and that is: not listening to each other. As much as people need communication in their life, they also need someone to hear what they have to say and to understand them. At this point a true friend is needed. As long as we have someone ready to listen to us we shall be happy. 
   On the other hand, if we consider having a good friend a person who doesn’t ever listen to us then we have a problem. Of course between two such people, that only care about their own life, being unwilling to invovle in someone else’s, there cannot be any friendship. They will always argue namely because of this issue. Of course they might be similar in behaviour, interests and values, but as long as they cannot learn to listen to each other they cannot consider being freinds. 
   In a nutshell, conflicts are a wide topic to speak about. They have multiple origins and different endings. The important thing to understand here is that we will only find a common language with a persons that can hear what we say, can understand and help us. And it doesn’t matter how different this person might be. As long as he knows how to be a good friend, his race, gender or age should mean nothing to you.
                                                                  Literary property: hellenetk

Составить сочинение про военный конфликт в какой то из нижеперечисленных стран
(Албания, Босния, Китай, Индия, Индонезия, Испания, Франция, Россия, Сербия, Нигерия, Непал, Египет) на английском языке примерно

The Boko Haram insurgency began in 2009 when the jihadist rebel group Boko Haram started an armed rebellion against the government of Nigeria. In 2012, tensions within Boko Haram resulted in gradual split of the group between Salafist conservative faction led by Abu Usmatul al-Ansari, and the more dominant, violent faction led by Abubakar Shekau. In 2013, more than 1,000 died in this conflict. The violence escalated dramatically in 2014, with 10,849 deaths. The insurgency spread to Cameroon, Chad, and Niger thus becoming a major regional conflict. The insurgency took place within the context of long-standing issues of religious violence between Nigeria’s Muslim and Christian communities. Boko Haram has been called one of the world’s deadliest terrorist groups.

Рассказать о семейных проблемах и конфликтах маленькое сочинение

People do fight with each other. But it’s a lot painful when people that you love fight with each other. Now a days there’re many families where members interfere with each other. Due to family fights people get easly depressed, they start think home isn’t nice place. But why do these things happen? When people stuck in a rut they don’t notice loved ones around them, they just forget about thier feelings but they’re focuse on their own thoughts. So they stop to listen each other. So that’s how we get a problems inside of the family. Why just we don’t start to listen each other? By this way anyone can solve any kind of problem. So let’s stop spending our energy on negative things and let’s start a new page of our lifes.