Написать сочинение на английском языке на тему: I am happy when my family ( Я счастлив, когда моя семья ... )

The family is happy if with all in it respect each other, not rude and simply love. Pleasant trifles is sometimes very pleasantly. Do not forget about it, it always pleases and surprises. If the family is with a mode "Mutual understanding" in it there are no problems. Mutual assistance, the help each other - all that that does us happy. Including all family. Loving parents, cultural детки - that else it is possible to wish? And as it is pleasant to look at the happy family peacefully walking on park. Do all together and all will be fine. Sometimes It is useful побыть a little in separation will strengthen your feelings and will force to understand value of your attitudes. Speak about that More often that you love mum, the daddy, the brother, the sister. Prove it acts. And your favorite will love you. If they had difficulties do not dare to give up to them, help, understand a situation, and to all of you will return back, believe! Never conceal nothing from the relatives. All of them tell - can they will help you efficient advice and to them always give the necessary advice

"Убить паука - к несчастью" сочинение на английском языке.

A spider is an insect that brings good luck, and, no matter how disgusting or terrible for a person its large individuals are, you can never kill them. "You want to live, it’s healthy to be a spider, do not you dare kill," warns a well-known saying, which, presumably, has saved millions of these insects during its existence. In favor of preserving life, the spider is often led by the fact that he once protected the baby Jesus during his flight to Egypt. Legend has it that during this dangerous journey the Holy Family somehow took refuge in a cave. A spider came and covered the entrance to it with a thick web, and then a dove arrived and carried an egg into it. When the pursuers arrived, they saw the intact web and, concluding that no one had visited the cave for a long time, went on without looking for it. Almost verbatim the same stories tell both about Moses and about Mohammed, when they escaped from the pursuing enemies. But all these legends seem more consequence than the reason for universal respect for the spider, which is found all over the world, including those of its corners, where neither Christianity nor Islam looked. In pagan antiquity, as well as among the current African and Asian tribes, I perceive its perception as a hardworking insect, a wise I endowed with medicinal properties and, with the exception of poisonous individuals, a benevolent and useful person.

What make a happy family (что делает семью счастливой) МИНИ-СОЧИНЕНИЕ

Happy family is not a usual one. Many different things can make it happy. But the most important I think is the time people spend together. They can go for a walk, play board games or just watch a film all together. Understanding is also very important. Especially between parents and children. I think parents mustn’t be very serious and strickt to ther children. And children must respect their parents. I believe that if people do their best to make the family happy they will succeed.  

Сочинение на тему: Happines depends upon ourselves ( счастье зависит от нас самих)

And for each person the word happiness is something different. and rightly so. For example, take ice cream, car, school. all these words mean in their own way ( ice cream, drink, ice cream and so on). Ie, and happiness are all different things. Probably, all the concepts have something similar. Happiness for me is to be myself and enjoy life for what it is. And that the difficulties perceived as a process which is called Life. Happiness can be different, but in any case it must come from inside, not outside. I am happy because I live. But I’m not happy that I bought that and then, or something like that. Happiness is not coming and not leaving, it is always there within us - I know for sure. Any word, any action, any thought can make us happy. And happiness it’s given to us from God.

нужна ваша помощь Написать мини-сочинение на английском языке на тему: "Можно с друзьями сделать тебя счастливой? Сколько друзей может сделать вас счастливым?" Используя вспомогательные слова: I think, I’m sure that, I

... hope, First of all, It’s important that, In fast, Besides, The more, The better, What is more.

Can you be happy with your friends?
Well, I think that friends are very important part of a teenager’s life. Friends are people who you can have fun with. First of all, you can have same hobby or interest and discuss about it. In my opinion, people find friends when they discuss their hobbies and find those people interesting who have same interests. Second, friends are people who you can rely on. It’s important that your friend can help you in mean times. Besides, friends can morally support you. 
How many friends can make you happy?
I’m sure that lots of friends can make you happy. But the more you grow up, the more you realize that some friends can be fake. It’s normal to have less friends. I hope that 2-3 friends are more precious than 20-30. Those 2-3 friends can be your best friends.

Сочинение про happiness

Happiness is hard to define. It means something different to every person. But for all of us happiness is a state of feelings when we are satisfied with ourselves, our lives, when we are full of energy. Perhaps, the purpose of our lives is to find those things that really can make us happy. If there’s a certain person that makes us happy, we need to find a way to spend more time with him or her. We need to do our best to get what we dream, what will make our happy.

So if you’re not happy, you should look at your life and find out why you aren’t feeling that amazing thing you want. If you know that, then it might be a short walk to your happiness. If you can find something that makes you truly happy, then life will be much better for you. It can’t be something that only lasts for a day or two. It’s something that affects your all life. That is happiness.

Написать сочинение по английскому на тему: Happiness
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What is happines? For every person it’s different. It can be waching film with your family, walking on the nature alone or with your friends. It’s also can be just a relax with your favoirte book with a cup of tea or hot chocolate and some cookies. On the other hand, we can think about happines not only as about actions, but also as about some things, like fiendship or love or health or peace in the world. In my understanding, happiness - is alive and healthy parents and people who close to me and the peace sky over my head. Everything else you can achieve by its own forces (financial well-being, all necessary items and things). If someone from the family is ill, is it possible to enjoy every day? My answer is no.
You can’t touch happines, can not feel it’s smell or taste it, but observe it isn’t difficult. Happiness - is the joy of a child, who gave little furry friend kitty, is the sparkle in the eyes of the newlyweds. Some people affirm, that they are not happy. And I think they are wrong and just don’t notice that happiness are near to them. For example, when the spring came, it blossomed with green leaves – is this not happiness? Or after a thunderstorm on the horizon we see the rainbow, is also happiness. And even what we live, every day we go to work or school, making plans for the future, is also happiness, because we are here, we leave.
In General, the question "What is happiness?" is more philosophical. And how much humanity continues to exist, so long it will look for the answer. I think that thee are no answer. This is one of the few questions that do not need to respond. I know that happiness are here, and it can not not to be.

Напишите сочинение на тему: что такое счастье

    Описать понятие "счастье" невозможно, можно описать ощущения, чувства, состояние. Ощущение счастья может выражаться едва заметно, когда посмотришь в глаза человека, а они излучают радость, восторг. Или же "откровенное" счастье, когда человек способен полететь, взмыть к облакам, обнять всю землю.  
    Бывает счастье, когда получил то, чего давно желал. А бывает, когда увидел закат невероятных красок или радугу в полнеба.  
    Человек — странное создание. Он может годами помнить плохое, а хорошее забыть на следующий же день. Тогда как такому человеку представляется история его жизни? Как сплошной кошмар, одни обиды и неприятности, разочарования и болезни. Зачем тогда такому человеку дана жизнь? Он "кузнец своего счастья", он создатель своей обители, он художник, который окрашивает мир своими красками, он создатель своего круга друзей. На что же он жалуется? 
    У другого человека, казалось бы, ничего нет, он не оброс материальными ценностями, не устроил свой быт, но душа его поет, он открыт, он вмещает весь мир и готов поделиться тем, что доступно всем, нужно только уметь видеть и чувствовать.  
    Почему, например, старость выглядит так по-разному? Один пожилой человек вечно в суете, заботах, ему интересно жить, он торопится обменяться с жизнью впечатлениями, он выглядит молодо, от него заряжаешься здоровой энергией. А другой — пенсионер, в вечной зависти к молодости, что ничего не успел, недоделал, недостроил, недолюбил. А кто мешает делать это сейчас? Ведь годы идут, и ты еще живешь! Ушла молодость и зрелость, пришла мудрая, добрая старость. Почему одних стариков любят, других нет? Одного увидишь на улице и влюбляешься, а от другого бежишь, сломя голову.  
    Счастье доступно в любом возрасте. Насколько богат внутренний мир человека, настолько и разнообразно ощущение счастья. Если малыш орет от того, что он хочет мороженого, в результате измотанные родители покупают ему вожделенное "Эскимо". Счастлив ли малыш? Нет, хотя на его лице читается явное удовольствие. Он просто получил тот сладкий кусочек, который хотел, а его родители будут впоследствии лечить его ангину или не смогут купить хлеб, так как деньги потрачены на сладость. Счастье должно быть объемным. Если оно касается тебя одним боком, то другим соединяет тебя с тем, что вызывает радость. Например, солнце — это счастье: оно обогревает миллиарды людей, показывает мир в своих лучах. Оно одно на всех. Поэтому чем больше людей охвачено этим невероятным ощущением, тем богаче они будут проживать свои жизни, делясь им с окружающими.

Сочинение на английском языке на тему: я буду счастлив если

In early childhood, to feel happy, I had enough to get a gift toy, which had long dreamed of. After a while, the joy gradually dulled received thing becomes a habit, and the happiness that overwhelmed me, somewhere disappears. It turns out that this was the standard version of my childhood dreams. Can happiness suddenly leave like that? Nevertheless, in my children’s perception of it was the largest, real happiness.
A little grown up, I start to understand that my state of mind depends on the attitude of those around me. That my friends, and teachers, and acquaintances. I do not want to do things on which I would be ashamed. I want to have true friends who will never betray me not, and I’ll never be a traitor against them. But most of all it concerns the parents. I want them to be proud of me, and never because of me, do not worry. That’s when I can be happy.
Understanding that I have happy, having a family, I came to me after watching a television broadcast of the children’s home. Children talked about his life, about dreams, about what they want to achieve in life. And one said that they want to have a family. For them, it was the most important, because this is what they are so lacking, all the rest of their plans were secondary. I probably will never forget the eyes of these children, they had so much sadness and sorrow adult. At such moments you start to think about what you already happy because I do not know how it is to dream of mom and dad, because parents are always there.
When loved ones die, it becomes very painful, not so long ago they lived a normal life, something happy or sad. After his death, they remain in our memory, but this does not become easier because they do not see how changing seasons as rain or thunder. From this, it becomes very scary. I understand that this is not possible, so that the life works, but I do not want to part with the native people, and if such a miracle would happen, I could be happy.
I understand that I am building the foundation of their future. I really want to get a good education, then to do what he likes. I know many people who work only in order to support his family, but the thing that they do, they do not bring pleasure. I feel sorry for these people, because they have not been able to find himself in his beloved profession. I do not aspire to power and unreachable heights, and just want to do things you love, and if I get it, I’ll be a happy man.
Now, many say that the need to protect nature, but most of it remains at the level of conversation. Woods is getting smaller, as they mercilessly destroyed, polluted waters, drinking water becomes scarce. I would like to see not only our generation, but also to the next, could breathe the fresh air, swim in the sea and see the blue sky. After all, this is happiness!
But most importantly, I want never been a war that is not killed innocent people in order to not lose the mother of his sons, and the children do not become orphans. Nothing is more valuable in our world, like life. After all, our Earth is so beautiful and generous, and I can truly be happy if I stay worthy of her son.

Написать сочинение на английском на тему: "Доверие является более важным для счастливой семьи, чем любая другая функция". Примерно 120 слов. Можно на русском

Порой люди часто задаются вопросом:, что такое доверие?" Казалось бы такое маленькое слово и так много значит. Ценить и верить - важно для человека. Потерпев неудачу раз, испытав на себе чувство обмана, вряд  ли кто-то сможет снова, как в омут окунуться и начать быстро доверять. Семья как и доверие - бесценные сокровища для человека. Семья строиться на доверии к друг другу- ибо 2 человека создают семью, зажигают семейный очаг - и делают это начиная именно с доверия к друг другу. Доверие - это то что является основопологающим в жизни. Как родившийся человек видит и доверяет своем матери, так и человек начинающий плавать в океане жизни все начинает с доверия Первый шаг, первый успех все начинается с доверия и веры