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вопросам защиты окружающей среды.
Проинформируйте участников о:
− глобальных экологических проблемах

... современности;
− том, как с этими проблемами справляются
в других странах;
− своих способах решения экологических

Hello, everybody!
Today, I will be talking about the global ecological problems of the modern world, how other countries deal with them, and my ways of stopping them.
Some of the global problems are global warming and pollution. Some countries stop the progression of these by limiting the production of paper and such. Some of the ways I would stop global warming and pollution would be to find a new way to make paper that brings less pollution into the world. Also, you could help stop these problems, too! One way is recycling bottles and paper. You could also use plastic reusable water bottles and write on both sides of the paper. Clearly, there are some problems, there are ways that countries currently deal with them, and you could help our environment, too!

Небольшое сочинение на английском языке про глобальные проблемы.

Scientific and technical progress. The consequences of the scientific revolution are varied. It is obvious that the technical power has opened opportunities for spiritual development in a variety of directions. However, it appears that technology by itself does not entail progress in the spiritual and moral and cultural fields. Of particular importance is the fact that technical progress is characterized by the property of the fundamental unpredictability of its effects, among which are those that have a negative value. Man, therefore, need to be in constant readiness, to be able to respond to the challenge of what has been created by him.

Написать сочинение(объем 100-120 слов) по одной из предложенных тем («Туризм», «Досуг», «Мы в глобальной деревне»)

Туризм становится все более и более популярным. Это один из лучших способов проведения каникул. В настоящее время это также хорошо-развитый бизнес. Существует так много способов путешествовать по миру, например, реактивные самолеты, экспресс поезда, круизные лайнеры, комфортабельные автобусы, легковые автомобили и т. Д. Мы можем выбирать, что лучше для нас. Я рад, что туризм стал более доступным, потому что я люблю путешествовать. Я уже посетил несколько близлежащих стран, таких как Украина, Абхазия, Турция, Беларусь, Польша и Чехия. Мои родители часто берут меня в другие страны и города во время каникул. Они также позволяют мне путешествовать со школьной группой в Европу на автобусе. В прошлом году мы посетили Польшу и Чехию. Я должен сказать, это была отличная поездка, и мы увидели много известных достопримечательностей. Я думаю, что люди путешествуют по разным причинам. Одни хотят посетить достопримечательности, другие хотят искупаться и позагорать на берегу моря. Одни хотят поехать в круиз, тогда как другие хотят работать или учиться в зарубежных странах. Есть люди, которые просто хотят завести новых друзей. Есть также случаи, когда больным людям требуется лечения в других странах. Туризм сделал все эти цели достижимыми. Большинство путешественников берут с собой фотоаппарат, чтобы запечатлеть памятные объекты или моменты. К интересным объектам относятся древние руины, старинные церкви и монастыри, замки, водопады, горы и другие интересные места. Имея такие фотографии, люди в дальнейшем могут вспоминать, как счастливо они провели время. Я тоже к ним отношусь, потому что я уже сделал так много фотографий различных достопримечательностей. Я думаю, что туризм практически не имеет недостатков, за исключением того, что делает людей менее патриотичными. С развитием международного туризма, люди стали меньше интересоваться культурой и достопримечательностями родной страны. На самом деле, в нашей стране огромное количество достопримечательных мест.

, Сочинение на английском на тему: "Глобальные проблемы в России")

Global problems of humanity - these are problems that affect all of humanity, affecting relations between the countries of the world community, the relationship between society and nature, issues of joint solutions of resource supply. Global problems do not respect borders. No state, however powerful it may be, is not able to solve these problems. Only broad international cooperation is needed to address them. Only awareness of global interdependence and highlighting the problems of society to prevent social and economic disaster.

Мини сочинение на тему: "глобальное потепление"

Now over all the Earth faces the critical problem of global warming. This is due to the large emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere and accelerate the greenhouse effect.
Harmful gases emitted by factories, cars and other equipment. These gases accumulate in the atmosphere and do not allow reflected by the surface of the Earth the sun the light to leave the atmosphere, which causes the warming. Because of global warming catastrophically quickly glaciers melt, the water level in the seas and oceans is growing rapidly and threatens imminent flooding of the entire island and coastal countries. Also is facing a huge number of icebergs in the oceans, which means greater danger to navigation. Which in turn can deliver a crushing blow to the economy of many countries, since most of the goods exported and imported by sea. 
Warming also dangerous for wildlife, with many species of animals and plants adapted to low temperatures, and if it goes up, the plants that eat animals may die out and they will die animals that fed on them, and behind them - those who eat these animals, and so on.
I want to live in a country with a strong economy, a rich flora and fauna, cool climate!
Let us keep our planet together!
Say "No" to the pollution!
Let us turn to alternative sources of energy!
Restore forest!

Напишите небольшое сочинение (7-10) предложений о глобальном потеплении (На английском языке).

Global warming has become a serious problem in modern world. It is referred to potential changes in climate, which can lead to the rise of global temperature. This term has been presented by scientists. They work hard trying to solve the problem. Otherwise, global warming can produce really dangerous climatic changes apart from a rise in temperature. For example, over the past 100 years the average temperature rise was about 1 degree. According to some scientists global warming is the result of the industrial revolution. If it continues, it can destroy our civilization. One of the most important reasons of global warming is the air pollution. More and more factories are being built in different countries. By burning oil, coal, gasoline, even natural gas, they add more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Cars also influence the atmosphere badly by burning many liters of oil and releasing harmful gases into the air. As a result the ozone layer of our Earth is being destroyed. All these activities unfavourably change the Earth’s heat balance. This is what we get in return: the ground becomes very dry, a lot of rivers and lakes dry up, the forests start burning, the glaciers melt, people and animals start to faint. And these are not all the outcomes of global warming. Nature becomes really angry with us. We need to become more attentive and caring to it if we want to save our planet. There are several ways to do it. At first, we should start saving natural resources, such as water, wood, land and air. It would be a good idea to recycle the things that we don’t use anymore. Cars should switch to electric refueling, while factories shouldn’t isolate carbonic gas. We should also reduce the use of different sprays and lacquer, which destroy the ozone layer. If we take these simple measures, we might save our planet.

Nowadays we are living in the time of rapid scientific and technological progress, which results in an increasing effect on the biosphere of Earth.
   I consider that the most destructive problem of nature is global warning. This phenomenon causes the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans in recent decades.
   Today the issue of global warming has become a question of vital concern. The global average air temperature near the Earth’s surface raised 0. 742C during the 100 years ending in 2005. Moreover, the global warming is a terrific climate change, which will cause the global cooling in future. Increasing global temperature will increase the intensity of extreme weather events and change the amount of precipitation.
   However, not all of the reasons that cause global warming are of human nature. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes probably had a small warming effect.
   The Earth’s climate changes in response to variations in its orbit around the Sun, volcanic eruptions, and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. People are responsible for the latter and have to take serious measures as increasing global temperature will cause the level of world ocean to rise. Other effects of global warming include the changes in agricultural yields, species extinctions of flora and fauna and increases in the range of disease vectors.
   Global warming could also affect human health, harm wildlife and damage ecosystems. Warming may enhance air pollution, particularly in urban centres, increasing the incidence of respiratory diseases. Asthma and allergic disorders result from climate changes too. Health risks can be solved through various scientific strategies which may include improved and extended medical care services, better housing and air conditioning, water purification and public education.
   Most national governments have signed the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, I don’t think that is enough to lessen the negative influence of global warming. The next way out would be to stop using fuel and start exploiting alternative natural resources like water, solar and wind power that may provide us with the necessary amount of energy.
   We all have to remember that this planet is our home. It gives us so many resources to live on so we have to take care of it as well.