Once, in a lovely day, Maria was on the street next to a strange grandmother who was carrying apples. Masha, offered to help. The girl has brought apples grandmother’s house. Thank you girl! Accept my gift to you! Reached old Masha ball. This ball girl will show you the way the way home, where you were not. It will show you the way only true test. Thank you Grandma! Now I will never, never get lost! Mary cried with happiness.

The girl went home. Mom, Mom! I helped a grandmother on the street, bring the apples, and the grandmother with a good heart, give me the ball that helps me find the way anywhere and from anywhere! And the old one witch. She checked Masha. Masha is a very good girl!

Написать сказку на английском употребляя слова ran away, shouted, ran after him,help me please, saw the hunters, came and helped

Valery : Hello, Anastasia, we would like to asking you what do the students at the changes? Anastasia : Mmm. having fun, and someone repeats lessons. or there are such who can pass any job! Valery : And what you do at recess? Anastasia : Ah. I communicate with classmates! Valery : You списываете job with their friends? Anastasia :? No never, write everything myself. Valery : And what are your favorite subjects in school? Anastasia : My favorite subjects at school; English, physical education and English language! Valery : ! Thank you, Anastasia, that you have answered our questions!

Написать сказку на английском. 5-6 предложений

One day there was a boy, called Jim. He had a rich father. When he was a child, he didn’t study, as he thought, that he will have a lot of money. The years passed. Jim passed the exams, but couldn’t find a job and was a poor man. The idea of the story is that you have to study, even if you are rich

Once upon a time in a  land full of magic here was appeared an awful ugly witch. She was the oldest and the evilest witch in the whole world. And she said to people, who lived in this country: "You are all my slaves, and I'm your queen now". Poor people were afraid of her and agreed to be her servants. But one boy was the bravest boy. And he said "No, I pronibit you to be our queen. You are not ugly or evil, you are just a poor woman, and nothing more." And the witch suddenly realized, that these words were true. She apologised and dissappeared from this country. And this boy became the king. And he was the bravest and the most honest king in the world. 

Надо написать историю из жизни или какуюнибуть сказку на английском 80-120 слов

The tale of puppyThere were grandparents. They had a granddaughter Anna. And Anya was the beloved friend puppy Toshka. One day, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter Anya and puppy Toshka went into the woods to pick berries. In the forest was good and fun. Around singing birds, butterflies and dragonflies, jumping in the grass grasshoppers. Toshka was running with the grasshoppers and butterflies, smell the flowers and grass. Berries were many and she lost sight of the puppy. And Toshka was saegusa, tired and fell asleep under a Bush in the grass. When he awoke, however, he saw no grandmother or grandfather or Anna. In the forest it was dark, blew unpleasant damp breeze ran across the sky, gray clouds. Started to rain. Puppies become bored and cold. Meanwhile, Anna is upset that he lost Toshka. The grandfather with the grandmother tried to comfort her, but in the morning she was going to go again into the forest in search of a beloved puppy. After all, friends in trouble cannot leave. Night Toshka tried to find a way home, but unfamiliar smells prevented him. Suddenly from under a Bush jumped the rabbit. He was trembling from fear, because chasing him was a cunning Fox. Saucisse called Paw. Toshka figured it out and decided to help. They became friends. It turns out that the rabbit Foot, too, lost my mother. He also got lost and barely escaped from overtaking his cunning Fox. Suddenly out of nowhere, from behind the large oak jumped Fox. Toshka was not taken aback and began to bark. Surprise the Fox was frightened and took to their heels. The rabbit Foot from whole rabbit heart thanked Tosco for salvation. From the branch of a large spruce squirrel jumped Belek. He saw everything and was ready to help friends, and dress sharp fir cones, to cast aside their Fox. However, no assistance was required. Toshka himself. From under the stump to the noise got a hedgehog, bristling their barbed needles. The hedgehog was the name of Hermolaus and he wanted something to help friends. Toshka and Foot said that he was lost. Yermolai called the owl Katya and asked her to find Lapkina mother.

Friends said goodbye and went home. Сказка про щенка

Жили-были дедушка и бабушка. Была у них внучка Анечка. А у Анечки был любимый дружок – щенок Тошка.  Однажды дедушка, бабушка, внучка Анечка и щенок Тошка пошли в лес за ягодами. В лесу было хорошо и весело. Вокруг пели птицы, летали бабочки и стрекозы, прыгали в траве кузнечики. Тошка бегал за кузнечиками и бабочками, нюхал цветы и травы. Ягод было много и Анечка потеряла из виду щенка. А Тошка забегался, устал и уснул под кустом в траве. Когда он проснулся, то не увидел ни бабушки, ни дедушки, ни Анечки.  В лесу смеркалось, подул неприятный сырой ветерок, побежали по небу серые тучки. Начал накрапывать дождь. Щенок соскучился и замёрз.  Тем временем Анечка сильно расстроилась, что потерялся Тошка. Дедушка с бабушкой пытались её успокоить, но Анечка по утру собиралась снова идти в лес на поиски любимого щенка. Ведь друзей в беде бросать нельзя.  Ночью Тошка пытался найти дорогу домой, но незнакомые запахи мешали ему. Вдруг из-под куста выскочил зайчонок. Он весь дрожал от страха, потому что за ним гналась хитрая лиса. Зайчишку звали Лапкой. Тошка понял его и решил помочь. Они подружились. Оказывается, зайчонок Лапка тоже потерялся у мамы. Он тоже заблудился и еле-еле бежал от настигающей его хитрой лисы.  Вдруг откуда ни возьмись, из-за большого дуба выпрыгнула лиса. Тошка не растерялся и начал лаять. От неожиданности лиса испугалась и бросилась наутёк.  Зайчонок Лапка от всего заячьего сердца поблагодарил Тошку за спасение. С ветки большой ели спрыгнул бельчонок Белька. Он всё видел и готов был помочь друзьям, приготовив острые еловые шишки, чтобы закидать ими лису. Однако помощь не потребовалась. Тошка сам справился. Из-под пенька на шум выбрался ёжик, топорща свои колючие иголки. Ёжика звали Ермолай и он хотел чем-нибудь помочь друзьям. Тошка и Лапка рассказали, что заблудились. Ермолай позвал сову Катьку и попросил её найти Лапкину маму.  Друзья попрощались и разошлись по домам.

Составить сказку на английском 4 класс (С переводом)Только придуманую, а не скопированую

Давным-давно, когда на земле не было ещё людей, жили в океане рыбки, и у двух рыбок родился сынок, которого вскоре отправили в садик. Но он стал отбирать у других рыбок игрушки, дёргать их за плавники и всячески обижать их. Поэтому его потом назвали Рыбкой-Пиратом. И из-за этого он убежал из садика. Шли годы. Рыбка-Пират грабил у проплывающих рыбок сеточки с червячками, так он и кормил себя. И очень часто он грабил Золотую рыбку, которая жила недалеко от шалаша Рыбки-Пирата. И однажды, когда Рыбка-Пират плыл домой с чужим добром, за ним погналась зубасая акула, но до дома было ещё очень далеко. Как вдруг он услышал голос: "плыви сбда, плыви сюда" - его звала та самая Золотая рыбка, которую он чаще всех грабил. Рыбка-Пират заблыл в норку к Золотой рыбке, а акула злобно посмотрела в неё и уплыла. Так Рыбка-Пират стал другим: он защищал слабых, помогал стареньким рыбкам и многое другое, а ещё они с Золотой рыбкой стали жить-поживать и добра наживать.  
Very long time ago, when on the earth there were no people still, lived in the ocean of a small fish, and at two small fishes the sonny who was sent soon to a garden was born. But it began to select at other small fishes of a toy, to pull them fins and in every possible way to offend them. Therefore it was called then Rybkoy-Piratom. And because of it he escaped from a garden. There were years. Rybka-Pirat plundered at the floating small fishes of a setochka with worms, so he also fed himself. And very often it plundered the Goldfish who lived near a tent of Rybki-Pirata. And once, when Rybka-Pirat floated home with foreign good, the zubasy shark pursued it, but to the house was still very far. As suddenly he heard a voice: "float a sbda, float here" - he was called by that Goldfish whom it most often plundered. Rybka-Pirat заблыл in a mink to the Goldfish, and the shark spitefully looked in it and departured. So Rybka-Pirat became another: it protected weak, helped old small fishes and many other things, and still they with the Goldfish began to live-live and is kind to acquire.

Напишите сказку на английском языке про крокодила и обезьянку.
Вот эти фразы вам помогут:
a little monkey
wanted to eat
a green crocodile
was hungry
many hunters
yellow banana

... Сказку желательно с переводом.

The Little Monkey and the Crocodile
Once upon a time on a tree there lived a little monkey. It was very funny. The monkey was brown. Its name was Cheeta. Cheeta liked bananas. But the monkey didn't have friends.
One day Cheeta saw a crocodile. It was green. The crocodile was hungry. The monkey was kind. The monkey gave the banana to the Crocodile.
The Crocodile was happy. And they made friends.

Давным - давно жила-была на дереве маленькая обезьянка. Она была очень забавная. Обезьянка была коричневая. Её звали Чита. Чита любила бананы. Но у обезьянки не было друзей.
Однажды обезьянка увидела крокодила. Он был зелёный. Крокодил был голодный. А обезьянка была добрая. Чита дала крокодилу банан.
Крокодил был счастлив. И они стали друзьями.

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The sky glowed an asterisk
bright as a spark. Stepan viewed
at her, mesmerized.
- Mom, Dad, look! Tap Dance
turned. But mom and dad are not
there were. Stepan were people around, but
parents were not among them.
Stepan darted into the crowd. He saw
the happy faces of people hurrying
for Christmas dinner. To
square of light colored
Christmas tree lights, pour
illumination around trees
rebyatnya had fun. Stepan again
looked for mom and dad. Their
nowhere to be found. Degree was
scared of what he lost,
and from the eyes of a child to tears.
"Is it possible to get lost in
Christmas? "- Thought Stepan. He
went to look for the parents. Now and
area with colored lights
behind. In front of some dark
alleys and courtyards unfamiliar.
The boy began to cry loudly. He
huddled in the snow and repeated:
"Mommy, where are you?"

Написать небольшую сказку на английском языке об музыкальном инструменте - укулеле(маленькая гавайская гитара)

Once upon a time, there was an old man. He was very kind. But he was very poor. The only one thing which he owned was the "ukulele" He kept it carefully because he his father gave it to him. He played the "ukulele" very seldom. One day he decided to play the "ukulele". He took it out of the box and began to play. The ukulele sounded irresistible charming. There was a fairy atmosphere around an old man playing the ukulele. Birds were singing while he was playing. At that moment the carriage of rich merchant was passing by. The merchant ordered to stop. He left the carriage came to an old man. He liked the way it played. So he decided to buy it. An old man didn’t want to sell it. But the merchant insisted. So he had to sell his ukulele. An old man got a lot of money and became rich.

Напишите сказку на английском языке, 10 предложений, сеазка долдна быть очень, , простая

                                               and a Dog
Once upon a time there was a horse whose name was Reginald. Every morning he was delivering milk, he usually met his friend Blackie, who was a little black dog. 
 Reginald didn’t want to be a milkman’s horse. He wanted to be a racehorse and win the Derbi.  And Blackie, who had rather short legs, wanted to be able to run very fast, like a hound. 
 One afternoon they were sitting in Reginald’s stable. Suddenly Blackie said that he had, an idea.  
«Why do we not eat coal?» — he said. «Trains eat coal a run fast.»
They thought about this for a long time, and at last Reginald said: «Let’s try it,» 
 So they went down to the coal cellar. They were going to take some some coal, when Mrs Marry, the landlady, came in.
  «What! You are stealing my coal!» —  she began to cry, and she picked up a piece of coal and threw it at them. They ran away. They had never run so fast in their lives before.
 Just then the Mayor was looking out of the window.  
«Oh, that horse can run fast I’m sure it can win the Derby, look at the dog; it’s a real hound I’ll give them each a medal.» And he did. 

соченить сказку на английском языке 80-100 слов.

There was a little boy. His name was Tony. One day Tony was walking along the forest when he see a stange house. Tony decided to go back home. When he was at home his girlfriend Jane with her kitten Grinny decided to visit he.
- Hi, Tony! she said. Do you want to go for a walk with us?
- Yes, of course!
Tony showed Jane a strange house. Jane opened the door and they saw two little rabbits. They were white and grey.
- They are so cute- said Jane- I think, I can take this white rabbit and you can take a grey one, yes?
- Yes, of course!
-So, my rabbit’s name will be Harry and you?
- It’s name will be Judy.
- So nice!
And they all went home.