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1) Гарри Поттер
2) Том Сойер
3) Алиса в стране чудес.
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Га́рри Джеймс По́ттер (англ. Harry James Potter) — вымышленный персонаж, главный герой серии романов английской писательницы Джоан Роулинг. В серии романов известен как волшебник, дважды одержавший победу над Тёмным магом Волан-де-Мортом. Персонаж приобрёл большую популярность во всём миреГарри Поттер был магически защищён благодаря самопожертвованию его матери. Защита действовала с того момента, когда мать пожертвовала собой, чтобы спасти Гарри, до момента, когда он навсегда покинул дом её сестры. Если бы Гарри Поттер остался жить в этом доме, защита бы действовала до его семнадцатилетия.
Harry James Potter (eng. Harry James Potter) is a fictional character, the protagonist of series of novels by British writer J. K. Rowling. In a series of novels known as the magician, twice had defeated the Dark magician Volan de mort. The character has gained great popularity throughout melegari Potter was magically protected by his mother’s sacrifice. Protection operated from the moment when the mother sacrificed herself to save Harry, to the moment he left the house of her sister. If Harry Potter stayed in this house, the protection would act before his seventeenth birthday.

Опишите Алису в стране чудес только Алису не сказку там должно быть имя, внешний вид, характер, что в ней особенного Можно на русском

Главная героиня повествования. В книгах ей около девяти лет, Алиса предстаёт в качестве школьницы с причудливо-логическим складом ума, чьи прямые волосы «вечно лезут в глаза», она нежная, учтивая, доверчивая и любознательная. В фильме Алисе уже 19 и она не знает, какой жизненный путь ей выбрать. Она самостоятельная и независимая, что совершенно не совпадает с тем образом, в каком ее хотят видеть все окружающие — в аристократическом Лондоне викторианской эпохи. После смерти отца Алиса отправляется на садовую вечеринку, на которой занудный и надменный Хэмиш Скотт делает ей предложение, но. Алиса замечает Белого Кролика в камзоле с карманными часами. Она сразу же бросается за ним, проваливается в кроличью нору и попадает в Нижнекрай, место, в котором она побывала ещё ребёнком (и называла его Чудокрай) — однако у неё не осталось ни единого воспоминания об этой стране и её жителях. Алиса встречается со своими давними друзьями — Гусеницей Абесоломом, Чеширским Котом, Тра-ля-ля и Тру-ля-ля, и конечно же с Безумным Шляпником — и они помогают ей выбрать правильный путь.

Написать описание Алисы из сказки "Алиса в стране чудес" на английском. Не менее 8 предложений.

Alice was a little girl who lived with her sister. She was kind and lighthearted. She believed in miracle and wanted others to believe. She was really creative and imaginative, she made another world in her mind. 
I reckon the fact that she is strange has a big advantage : she can stay calm in all situations. She was in the world full of strange things. She didn’t panic she became a part of that world, I don’t think that ’’normal" person will able to do this.
Alice is a fantastic character. I really liked reading about her adventures. 
Надеюсь, что подойдёт.  

Написать рассказ об Алисе из сказки "Алиса в стране чудес" на английском. Описание ее

Alice, the little beauty, once decided to go on a trip to a beautiful valley nearby. There she roamed and played the whole day. When she got tired, she fell asleep in the shadow of a tree. All of a sudden, Alice saw a rabbit running. He was carrying a big watch in his hand. "He is smartly dressed. I think he is going to a party. Let me follow him," said Alice to herself. Alice followed the rabbit, without coming to his notice. He continued running for some time. Then, he reached a tree which had a big hole in it. He entered into that hole. Without any hesitation, Alice followed him into the hole. As soon as she stepped in, she began falling down deep. Alice followed the rabbit, without coming to his notice. He continued running for some time. Then, he reached a tree which had a big hole init. He entered into that hole. Without any hesitation, Alice followed him into the hole. As soon as she stepped in, she began falling down deep. After some time, she found herself standing in a beautiful garden where flowers could speak. "Have you seen a rabbit coming here?" asked Alice. "No!" replied the bright flowers. Alice went ahead. Shortly, she met the March Hare and the Mad Hatter. They invited her to their place. She accepted the invitation because she wanted to take some rest. They served her hot tea and tasty dough- nuts. After taking tea, Alice asked them if they had seen the rabbit round there. They replied in the negative. She said "good- bye" to them and went in search of the rabbit. She foumd him running towards a house made of playing cards. She chased him saying, "I shall not let him slip away now." Alice saw the rabbit entering into that house. She also went in, chasing him. In the house, she found strange people surrounding a queen. She was the Queen of Hearts. The rabbit was also there. When he saw Alice there, he was alarmed. The Queen was angry at the sight of Alice. She shouted to her servants, "Arrest this girl and turn her into a playing card." When she heard the order of the Queen, Alice was frightened. She began to perspire. She moved with a jerk… and she was wide a wake. She found herself sitting where she had been before she fell asleep. Though she was nervous, yet she was happy that it had been a dream only.

ДАМ 18 БАЛОВ! Нужно составить описание Алисы из сказки "Алиса в стране чудес" На английском языке

Alice - seven year old girl who dreamed of adventures in underground Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, where she met with a variety of fabulous and fantastic characters living in their particular logic and reasonable at all times perplexing young viktorianku. As the embodiment of all the children of Victorian virtues: politeness, friendliness, modesty, moderation, seriousness, self-esteem, while A. saves himself the spontaneity and emotional openness that are so valued in their little girlfriends timid, stuttering Oxford professor of mathematics Dodgson. The world of nonsense, which falls A. often irritates her, strange characters she meets, as a rule, picky, irritable and touchy, but it lacks the common sense to come to terms with the situation, be able to turn the conversation to another topic, marveling at the strangeness of opening before her world, at the same time to take him as he is. After all, despite its seeming strangeness and inexplicable, in the world of Wonderland and the Looking-Glass reigns its impeccable logic.
It is a world where everything is taken literally, where the metaphor loses its figurative meaning, where between homophones no semantic boundaries, resulting in such a pun not even there, where the paradox is the result of a perfect logical construction. At the same funny parody poems, abundantly found in the text, according to the original in familiar logical and grammatical connections are suddenly very different, and sometimes just meaningless words. (For example, instead of the well-known lines: "You are flashing, star night / Where are you, who you are, I do not know!" - We read: "You flashes, owl me, / I do not know what’s wrong.") Mathematics and logic K. was very close look at the reality of children, not burdened by cultural tradition, creating a complex system of ellipses, omissions, conditional constructs, historically acquired values, conclusions long ago lost touch with their parcels. The ambiguity of the living language, the fact that the statements of various judgments of many must be kept in the "mind", relating to the whole system of cultural conventions and unwritten rules, not once, as we have seen from numerous records of children’s conversations "two to five" includes in the child’s mind. A. located halfway between the children of the state of primordial chaos, held a bizarre logic to cultural orderly cosmos adults is due to open, and the first (after all, Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - it’s still just a dream of her), and the second (their judgments about an event she says from the point of view of the generally accepted norms of his time).