Нужно написать краткое сообщение о театре или все что с ним связано(знаменитые актеры, режиссеры и т.п. ), либо рассказать о какой-нибудь знаменитом театре. От 15 до

Каждый человек на нашей планете любит развлекаться. Все мы развлекаемся по разному - для одних это дискотеки, для других прогулки и, в конце-концов, посещение театров или кино. Меня больше всего привлекает театр. < br /> В театре ты душевно разслабляешся и просматривая новую сцену всё больше увлекаешся спектаклем. Большинство людей считают, что театр- это интеллектуальное занятие. И наверное каждый из нас был в театре, но лишь единицы знаю откуда текут его вытоки. Одним из первых заведений был театр Диониса, что в Афинах. Раньше их актёрами могли стать лишь древние греки. И играли они превосходно. Но сейчас, к сожалению, театр находится в полуразрушенном состоянии. Там не играют спектакли и нет тысячи людей, собранных чтоб его посмотреть. Есть лишь огромное количество туристов которых манит история великого Театра, по образцу которого до сих пор строят современные театры. Я имею непреодолимые желание навестить театр и искренне верю, что моя мечта обязательно сбудется!< br />< br />< br /> every person on this planet loves to entertain. we all have fun in different ways - for some, it is a disco, other rides and, in the end, going to the theater or cinema. I was most attracted to the theater. < br /> In the theater, you’re mentally rested and looking new scene more and more fascinated by the performance. Most people believe that teatr- an intellectual exercise. and probably every one of us was in the theater, but few know where it Vytok flow. One of the first establishments was the theater of Dionysus, in Athens. before their actors could become only the ancient Greeks. And they played great. but now, unfortunately, the theater is in a dilapidated condition. They do not play shows and there are thousands of people gathered to watch it. There are a huge number of tourists which attracts the great history of the Theatre, for which the model is still built modern theaters. I have an overwhelming desire to visit the theater and sincerely believe that my dream will come true! Возможны ошибки, поэтому проверьте (на всякий случай)

написать рассказ о моем последний визит в театр

Недавно я ходил в театр и смотрел спектакль о Щелкунчике. Все было очень красиво, как в сказке. Красивые дикорации, особенно красиво летел снег. Артисты играли тоже очень хорошо. У них были красивые костюмы и они передавали своим лицом все эмоции. Даже мыши которые были злые, все равно мне казались добрыми и дружелюбными. Речь на сцене была тоже очень слышна, потому что у артистов были микрофоны. Сам спектакль был красиво поставлен, все было очень интересно, даже не оторвать глаз. Мне очень понравился мой последний визит в театр!

составить рассказ на английском ( предложений 20) на тему: Мой визит или посещение театра

Although I am not a theatre-goer, I never miss a chance to see a good play. There are a lot of theatres in Moscow. But even now it is very difficult to get tickets for really good performances. It’s next to impossible to get tickets to the Bolshoy Theatre on a Sunday night. The house is sold out in advance. But once I was lucky to get tickets to the Bolshoy Theatre. "The Sleeping Beauty" was on. I bought tickets at the box-office of the theatre. I knew that the best and most expensive seats were in the stalls and the dress-circle. The seats in the upper circle pit and gallery were cheaper. The seats in the stalls were sold out. I took box number six in the dress-circle. It was very well placed and we could have a good view of the stage. The Bolshoy Theatre is a magnificent building. We arrived at the theatre ahead of time. I hate coming at the last moment. Having produced our tickets, we passed through the entrance hall and went to the cloak room, where we left our hats and coats. The usher led us to our seats. At last the curtain went up. The scenery was beautifully set up. The Bolshoy Theatre is famous for its excellent performances. Its productions are always a success and have a very long run. We enjoyed "The Sleeping Beauty". Music and dances were perfect. The leading lady was marvellous. At the end of the acts the audience applauded the dancers. The theatre was full. There was hardly any vacant place. "The Sleeping Beauty" made deep impression on me. II Theatre has always played an important role in the life of the Russian people. People like to go to the theatres to see interesting performances, to enjoy beautiful architecture. A theatrical performance is always a mystery. Moscow is proud of the Bolshoy, Maly and Art theatres. The Bolshoy theatre is world-famous for its excellent companies and wonderful acting. Almost all foreign tourists, who come to Moscow, visit at least one of these theatres. The Bolshoy Theatre amazes us with its grandeur and splendour. I visited this theatre several times. I attended the Bolshoy Theatre for the first time when I was 10 years old. It made a deep impression on me. Recently I happened to hear two operas there. They were "Traviata" and "Aida". I liked "Traviata" best. The opera was in Italian and I could understand almost nothing. Moreover, I did not know the subject. But the music was so magnificent that nothing could irritate me. A visit to the theatre is one of the most popular cultural amusements in Russia.

. Составить рассказ на английском о своем посещении в театр 15предложений. .

I went to the theatre resently. It was a musical. All were singing and dansing. It was very funny. During the intermission I bought juice. My parents gave me a notebook and a pen. After the show we went for the jackets. On the street I saw a musical actor. I asked him for an autogroph. He smiled and signed it in my notebook. I asked him about his career. He said that he plays in other plays of this theater too. We talked a little bit and he left. It was the good day. Notebook just came useful.


Недавно я ходил в театр. Это был мюзикл. Все пели и танцевали. Было очень смешно. В антракте я купил сок. Родители подарили мне блокнот и ручку. После спектакля мы пошли за куртками. На улице я увидел актера мюзикла. Я попросил у него автограф. Он улыбнулся и расписался в моем блокноте. Я спросил о его карьере.  Он ответил что играет и в других пьесах этого театра тоже. Мы немного пообщались и он ушел. Это был хороший день. Блокнот мне как раз приголся.

Составить рассказ про театр


Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music or dance. Elements of design and stagecraft are used to enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience.

Word theatre - the Greek origin. In the Greek language it meant a place for a show. The theatrical art has arisen very much for a long time, during immemorial times, at the beginning of human culture. Also developed together with a life of the mankind.
And still the theatre is born for each of us as though anew. If girls transplant the dolls and long conversations have with them - whether small it is private theatricals, where at everyone - the role?
One of the main elements of a theatrical art - game. All also has begun with it.
The beginning of theatre of a steel of game and ceremonies of the primitive people. In these games there were also first "characters" - kind and malicious forces. They were expressed not by people, and deities, spirits, the natural phenomena which sense people then yet did not understand. In games dialogues were born. It is possible to consider as the birthplace of drama theatre the Ancient Greece. Greeks have presented to the world and a new kind of the literature - dramatic art, the literature for a scene.

Напишите рассказ про большой театр по английски.

Grand Theatre began as a private theater of the provincial prosecutor of Prince Peter Urusov. March 28, 1776 Empress Catherine II signed the prince "privilege" for the maintenance of performances, masquerades, balls and other amusements for a period of ten years. This date is considered the founding of the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre. In the first phase of the existence of the Bolshoi Theatre and opera drama troupe were a single entity. The composition was the most diverse: from serf actors - to guests from overseas stars.
In the formation of opera and drama company played a major role Moscow University and founded by him at the gymnasium, which was given a good musical education. Theatre classes have been established at the Moscow educational house, which also supplied the footage into a new troupe.
The content of the performances and the "amusements" was a matter of the financial burden, and Prince Peter Urusov divided his "privilege" with a companion - Russified Englishman Michael Maddox, equilibrists, theater mechanic and "lecturer", display all sorts of optical instruments and other "mechanical" miracles.

. МНЕ Можно на русском, переведу сама.
Представьте, что Вы - Призрак. Напишите рассказ о своей жизни в театре и что Вы видите и делаете там.
Предложений 10-13

Привет я призрак живу я в театре он очень красивый и большой! Каждый раз когда идёт представление я любуюсь талантливостью этих людей. Когда театр закрыт я сам играю и представляю буд-то я на сцене. Триста тридцать восемь лет я живу в нём. И мне очень нравится! Как-то триста тридцать лет назад я помню мы с мамой ходили в этот театр! И в те года мне хотелось побывать на сцене. Но моя мечта не сбылась. Но всё не так плохо! Я побывал в театре на сцене хоть и не живым но побывал. Вот такая у меня история. Ну всё досвидания мне пора идти скоро театр начнётся!

Рассказ про театр оперы и балета Новосибирск на английском

The theater building - the largest in the Russian theater building [1]. It is located on the main square of Novosibirsk. After reconstruction in 2005 the Novosibirsk Theatre - the most modernly equipped in Russia.
The building consists of six volumes: the body, which are located on the first floor of the ticket hall and lobby, and the second and third - a concert hall, a cylindrical volume of the auditorium (with a circular lobby); Stage unit to the scene depths of 30 m and a height of 29.5 m grate. For a scene adjacent side wings, which house a lobby scene, administrative offices, rehearsal rooms, costume shop and dekor. By the scenic box rear half cylinder adjacent warehouse of scenery. The main structure of the building - a large dome with a diameter of 60 m and a height of 35 m, unique design, without buttresses, trusses or columns, supporting herself. The average thickness of the dome - 8 cm and a radius to thickness ratio of less than chicken eggs.

Рассказ на английском на тему: театр и кино

1) Do you like to go to the theatre?
2) Which kind of film do you prefer?
3) Do you like to go to the cinema with friends or alone?
4) Do you like to watch different comedies?
5) When is it better to go to the cinema?
6) Do your parents go with you to the cinema or you watch films at home on TV?
7) With whom you prefer to go to the theatre: with your friends or with your parents?
8) Do you like to watch new films?
9) Which theatre do you usually visit?
10) Do you buy food and drinks in the cinema and in the theatre?

Рассказ на английском про кинотеатр в Украине

Cinema building was built v1903 year. Then on the street in Kiev Nikolaev (now - street name architect Gorodetsky) by architect VP Bradtmana was erected circus "Hippo-Palace» («Hippo-palace»). He belonged to the famous all over Russia Krutikova horse trainer. At that time it was the only one in Europe, two-storey circus that could seat 2,000 spectators at the same time. In addition, the circus building has unique acoustics and is often used for recitals and concerts. On the stage were great opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin, Leonid Sobinov and Titta Ruffo, and Vladimir Mayakovsky iAleksandr Kuprin.
April 20, 1918 this building was held the election of Hetman Pavlo Skoropadsky.
In late September 1941 the building was blown up by the retreating circus Soviet troops, and in 1945razobrano until the foundation, as the ruins were not subject to restoration.
May 26, 1964 the opening of the cinema "Ukraine" - the first large-format theater in Kiev. The authors of the project were the architects of the cinema building LV Dobrovolsky, A. Ya Kosenko, engineers MB Greenwald and FM Beilin. He has two rooms: large and small for 700 220 seats, one above the other. The first was designed to demonstrate large-format, widescreen and normal films, and the second - for widescreen and normal. From the foyer of the second floor and two streams for 3-4 minutes take place in the auditorium. Box office lobby isolated from the main entrance, which allows not to create a crossing streams spectators.
In September 1965, at the cinema premiere of the film "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors", which Vasyl Stus, Vyacheslav Chornovil and Ivan Dziuba came on the scene with a public protest against the policy of the USSR, to make public information about the secret arrests of Ukrainian intellectuals.
Modern cinema was opened after reconstruction February 6, 2001.