составить письменно рассказ о летнем лагере в прошедшем времени

Мой летний отпуск был фантастическим ! Я и мои родители ходили в парки, кинотеатры, рестораны. Я пошла гулять с моими друзьями, мы провели действительно хорошее время. Я была этим летом в лагере, это было потрясающе и очень интересно ! Я действительно наслаждалась   своим отпуском.  

Написать рассказ на по теме "Был ли ты когда-либо в подростковом лагере? Как там было?"

На летних каникулах я ездил отдыхать в лагерь «Солнечный». Находится он на берегу Азовского моря, в сосновом бору.

В нашем лагере было 12 отрядов, а я попал в пятый. Еще в «Солнечном» четыре смены, каждая по 18 дней. Я приехал как раз на самую лучшую: третью. Первые дни я еще скучал по дому, но скоро лагерные дела захватили меня целиком.

Каждый день у нас происходило много интересного: разные концерты и конкурсы. Например, мы отмечали «День Нептуна» и мастерили маски, шляпы и украшения из пластиковых оберток, старых блестящих дисков, цветной бумаги. Потом мы наряжались в русалок, рыбок, водяных, даже в «губку Боба», танцевали и пели.

Было очень весело на море. Жаль, что купаться долго не разрешали вожатые. Но зато мы играли в волейбол на песке. По вечерам мы ходили с вожатыми на дискотеку и вечно опаздывали на начало из-за девочек, которые долго собирались и красились.

Последняя ночь в лагере была «королевской». В ту ночь мы пошли мазать девчонок зубной пастой. А они нас ждали и как подняли визг! Вообще в лагере случалось много смешного. Например, однажды с нами в столовой обедал мальчик. А потом оказалось, что он забрел из соседнего лагеря.

Мы обменялись с друзьями по лагерю телефонами, а потом еще нашли друг друга в Интернете. И теперь общаемся, вспоминаем «Солнечный». Хочу туда снова!

Last summer I went to a summer camp. It was at the seaside. I went there together with one of my my classmates. It was very great there. I liked everything. The food was perfect, we had five meals a day. The accomodation was perfect, too. I shared a room with two other girls(boys). Our leaders were kind and nice. We played different games during the day and had discos in the evenings. I made a lot of friends there and I am looking forward to going there again.

Написать краткое письмо другу из Англии в котором рассказать про летний отдых в лагере.
- Рассказать о тематике лагеря
- Что понравилось и не понравилось
- Рекомендуешь ли ты этот лагерь своим друзьям

... Выручайте

Dear Paul, Thank you for your letter. I’m so glad to hear from you. It’s great that you’re vacationing in Italy. You ask me how I spent the summer. I rested at a youth camp on the shores of Lake CHebarkul it in the Chelyabinsk region. I can not say that the summer was very hot, but in the camp we had fun. We played games, played sports, went to the disco. As for me, I loved the big and beautiful lake. Moreover, I have made many new friends ! And you’ve got a lot of friends? And who is the best friend? Why are you friends with him? Sorry, I must go. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, your friend.

Английский язык. 3 класс.
Dave spent two weeks at the sports camp. What does Dave say about the camp?
Дэйв провел две недели в спортивном лагере. Что говорит

... Дейв о лагере?
Послушайте рассказ и соедините части предложений.
Last week I - near the river.
The camp was - a nice tennis court at the camp.
I liked - was hot and sunny.
There was - was at the summer sports camp.
I liked - I will go there next summer.
The weather - the camp very much.
I liked - fishing and swimming there.
I think - playing tennis with Tom there.

Last week I was at the summer sports camp.
There was a nice tennis court at the camp.
I liked playing tennis with Tom there.
The camp was near the river.
I liked fishing and swimming there.
The weather was hot and sunny.
I liked the camp very much.
I think I will go there next summer.

1) Last week I was at the summer sports camp. На прошлой неделе я был в летнем спортивном лагере.
2) There was a nice tennis court at the camp. В лагере хороший теннисный корт.
3) I liked playing tennis with Tom there. Я любил там играть в теннис с Томом.
4) The camp was near the river. Лагерь был недалеко от реки.
5) I liked fishing and swimming there. Я любил рыбачить и купаться там.
6) The weather was hot and sunny. Погода была жаркой и солнечной.
7) I liked the camp very much. Мне очень понравился лагерь.
8) I think I will go there next summer. Я думаю, что поеду туда следующим летом.

Небольшой рассказ на тему: лагерь

My summer camp.
Last summer I had a rest in the camp.
This camp is situated on lake Taimyr.
To Krasnoyarsk by cars.
Here we expected the mail plane. And when the plane landed then boarded the bus. After eight hours of travel, the road ended. But travel Agency expressed concern and next we went on a dog sled.
2 days later we arrived on the scene. When we went, it was very cold. to warm us immediately gave red wine and beer. But I have a beer headache. So I took the bottle of "Stolichnaya".
In the camp I met a boy. His name is Alex. This is a very good boy.
We never parted. He confessed that he loves me. But I said nothing. I just got a tattoo on my left breast. Now 2 of the dove and the inscription "Always together" remind me about last summer.

Понятный небольшой рассказик на тему: лагерь

Two weeks of this summer I spent in the camp. I liked this place so much!
We swam in the swimming pool and played in the different games. We danced and ate very tasty food!
There I became friends with a lot of children.
I want to come back to this place!

Все дети летом едут в лагерь. В лагерь ездят для того что бы отдохнуть. Каждый человек хочет отдыхать летом. Не правда ли? Чтобы отдохнуть от домашних дел. К тому же почувствовать себя взрослым. Многие дети в лагерях скучают по своим родителям, порой даже плачут. Ну как же не вспомнить про любимую мамочку которая сейчас убирает за всеми готовит покушать, стирает, убирает. В лагерь ездить надо, но нельзя забывать про своих родителях!

Рассказ на английском языке как я собираюсь ехать в лагерь

Camping is an experience living in the wilderness, surrounded by god’s nature, to find adventures and excitements or peace and tranquillity to each individual. It is also about acquiring the independence, self-reliance, and satisfaction that come from knowing how to take care of one’s own daily needs and the needs of companions in the deep woods. How do we get these benefits mentioned about camping? We get it by doing activities that are available during a camping trip such as rock climbing, canoeing, exploring the woods or having a swim by the waterfall. Communication between each camping member is also vital for a successful camping trip. Even though if we did all those things mentioned earlier, it would not be as enjoyable as to be well prepared before going for a camping trip. Thus, to prepare for a camping trip, we must plan our camping trip before going, know some basic guides for camping, and our body must be in good shape.< br />< br /> To start off, we must plan our camping trip before going to the woods. We have to decide with whom we are camping with. This is a vital step because we don’t know whether we are camping with our family that have a lot of little children or with friends which is mostly female. By knowing whom we are camping with, we can easily be aware if they are prone to danger in the wilderness. We also have to plan how long to stay and which location is the best for camping so that we can maximize the viewing point and the safety of the location. Bringing the right type of food and packing the appropriate amount of food is also crucial. Bring less perishable food such as chicken, cheese, and milk because it can be easily spoiled and always bring a lot of water when camping since it is hard to find water that is safe to drink in the woods.

Рассказ про летний лагерь

Summer is a fine season. The days in summer are long, the nights are short. The weather is fine. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it is hot.
Summer brings holidays to schoolchildren, they do not go to school. In summer some schoolchildren will go to summer camps, others will stay in town or in the villages.
Those who go to summer camps will have a good time. They will live near a forest or a river. They will go for walks in the forest, fish and swim in the river, play games, sit by the camp-fire in the evening and sing songs.
In the day-time they will help the collective farmers on the farms, in the fields and gardens.
Those who stay in town will help their parents, look after small children, read books, play games, go for walks in the parks, go to the cinema and theatre.
All the children are happy to have summer holidays.

В летнем лагере очень весело Я играю в игры сижу у костра и пою песни еще купаюсь в речке там очень весело я познакомился там с новыми друзьями там очень солнечно, жарко следующим летом я обязательно поеду в этот удивительный лагерь своими одноклассниками и буду там опять Веселится играть и резвится

Вы тоже можете поехать в международный детский лагерь
О чём бы вы расспросили своих новых друзей? Что бы вы рассказали им о себе?
How old are.
I am.
how old is.

... My father/my mother is.
my grandpa/my grandma is.
what is. name?
His/her name is.
What. on Sundays?
I. on sundays.
My parents and I. on Sundays.
What games.
i like.
i play.
what sports.
i like.
i play.

How old are you?
I am 15
how old is you mother/father old?
My father/my mother is 42/38
my grandpa/my grandma is 78/76
what is his/her name?
His/her name is Anton/Marie
What do you do on Sundays?
I go with my friends to the cinema, cafe and park, museum on sundays 
My parents and I visit my grandparents on Sundays.
What games do you like?
i like football, my friends think that football is not for girls, but i don’t care
i play football, basketball
what sports do you like?
i like golf
i play golf=)