Составте на английском языке небольшой рассказ об осени

 As to be honest - I love the autumn time very much. Though the weather becomes colder then it’s in summer we can find a lot of positive sides in it. First of all, the autumn season is a very beautiful one for it’s wonderful views created by bright colors of leaves and frequent rainbows. Also autemn is a very good time for work. It is not cold, it is not hot - just work and enjoy. Autemn is a romantic time as well. How cool it is - to sit in a warm home with a cup of hot tea and to relax, watching at the floods of water, pouring down otside the window 

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We all used to fall as getting used to something mundane. It comes every year after the Summer and quietly disappear, melting into winter. The bustle of life we stop paying attention to it: Fall is the Fall.
But she - LIVE! As a caring mother, she takes care of her children. Someone to cheer, encourage someone, and someone and spank, scold. And it is different. With wet snow, with gold falling leaves, with bright sunshine, a piercing wind and noisy rain. You can not say it is bad or good. She is, she is. And she loves us, even in their own way, but he likes.
I really wanted to look at it through different eyes, talk to her. And one day she said:
- I was born a long time ago and have just can not remember when. No, it’s not that I hide my age. Though - here she smiled coyly, leaving me with a pile of yellow, with red veins, patterned leaves, caught wind gust and swirl it in a slow dance - as any woman, and I have my secrets. Parents, I do not remember, and her older sister grew up. Yes, you know it! Her many expect and love, despite its severity and searing icy breath. Even written about it many tales. Snow Queen named her one of your writers. And except the eldest, I have two sisters, the middle - Beauty Summer, and the youngest - ever young Spring. Spring is really a girl, but she really has brought a lot of fans. But let’s not about them - it is a sad sigh, showering me fine cold rain. Oh, how I would like to see me all the love. She closed her eyes dreamily. For a moment, the sky cleared and the bright sun came out. Being the Queen of the Earth! Well, maybe not all, at least half of the. And while such an honor awarded to only summer and winter. They - mistress of his possessions, and with the spring we just have to wait in the wings. But one day will come and my time!
Autumn sternly frowned on his beautiful face. From the sky immediately poured heavy rain, and I quickly tried to hide under the nearest tree. Her Majesty said my flight, and, as if apologizing for the fleeting flash of anger, said:

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Меня зовут. Мне. Лет. Я хожу в школу. Мне нравится учить английский.
В году 4 времени года. И я люблю их все! Но больше всего мне нравится осень. Я люблю осень, потому что осенью всегда идет дождь, а мне нравится дождливая погода. Я люблю, когда идет дождь днем и ночью напролет.
Великолепны желтые деревья, кусты и трава. Мне нравятся осенние цветы. Я люблю собирать грибы и ягоды в лесу. Иногда мне попадаются поганки и я их выбрасываю. Потому что они ядовитые.
Я люблю осень, потому что осень - это пора возвращаться в школу. В школе у меня много друзей. И я люблю учиться. Больше всего мне нравится английский!
My name is. I am. I study at school. I like to study English very much.
There are 4 seasons in a year and I like them all! Most of all I like autumn. I like autumn because it is always raining and I like rainy weather. I like when it is raining days and nights long.
Yellow trees, bushes and grass are wonderful. I like autumn flowers. I like to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest. Sometimes I pick toadstools and throw them away! Because they are poisonous.
I like autumn because it is time to go to school. I have a lot of friends at school. And I like to study. Most of all I like to study English!

Park in autumn is very beautiful. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and brown. And when we walk in the autumn park, fallen leaves rustle under our feet. There are many beautiful autumn flowers - asters and chrysanthemums in the flowerbeds. I like to ride a bike or play with a ball in the park in autumn.  
Осенью в парке очень красиво. Листья на деревьях становятся желтыми, багряными, коричневыми.   И когда мы гуляете по осеннему парку, опавшие листья шуршат под нашими ногами. На клумбах зацветают осенние цветы – астры и хризантемы. Мне нравится кататься на велосипеде или играть в мяч в парке осенью.

Составить рассказ, по вопросам:
1. How the season change
2. What is your favorite season, why
3. What you enjoy doing in each season
И ещё надо начать с предложения:
I would

... bell you some wonds about (season).

I would bell you some winds about Summer.
1) how season change?
- In winter snow falls, it becomes very cold. Trees become completely naked. But despite this, for all changes in the weather and in nature, it becomes very beautiful!
2) what your favorite season, why? And 3)
- my favorite season it’s winter. Yes, it’s cold in winter, but beautiful! In winter they celebrate the New Year, they ride on sledges, they play snowballs! Very fun in winter! You always want to fall into the snow and do an "angel"! Waiting for gifts from Santa Claus also plays a huge role winter! Everyone loves the Winter!
Goodbye ! Haha!

Мне прямо сейчас нужен рассказ про Весну на английском Please

Spring is the best time of the year. In spring nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights shorter. The sun shines brightly and it seldom rains. The sky is usually blue and there are no clouds in it. Birds sing happy songs and build nests. The trees are in blossom and the air is very fresh. Spring brings warm days. In spring people begin to spend more time outdoors, go for long walks and play outdoor games. The ground is covered with fresh green grass and there are a lot of spring flowers everywhere. Spring makes people feel happy.

рассказ (описание) о осени

Осень чудная пора листья опали

Осень. Чудесная пора. Краски осени будто говорят, что слякоть и дождь совчем ничего не значат на фоне разноцветных развивающихся листьев. У каждого своя осень, она многогранна и неповторима, нужно лишь разглядеть в ней настроение. Для многиз осень всего лишь время года, но для некоторых это состояние души, противоречивое состояние. А цветовая гамма листьев не может не радовать глаз, ведь это оттенки солнца, которое греет подмерзающие лужи и, возможно, заледенелое сердце. У каждого своя осень.

Сочинить рассказ об осени

Вот и пришла долгожданная осень! Погода меняется, птицы улетают в тёплые края, а дети идут в школу. Ну и всё в таком  же духе)

Осень. Наступила унылая пора. Деревья сбросили свои ярко красные, и жёлтые листья. Птички улетели на юг. Слегка покрапывает дождик. Уныло светит солнце. Проявляется первые снежинки. Лужи. Потехоньку начинает-проявляться на мокрой травке, белый иний. На окнах-(в октябре-ноябре) появлюятся снежные рисунки. Ну как то так. Дальше сама*))

Сочинить рассказ на английском об осени

The sun is not so bright as in summer. The days become shorter. Often, the sky was wrapped in clouds and rain. Tree leaves change their color - they are yellow, red, gold and purple. Migratory birds fly south. The forest is in full swing preparing for the winter - beasts of the forest lay in store for the winter nuts, acorns, seeds and plants. People also harvest fruits and vegetables. Children in September, go to school. There, they make beautiful crafts from the gifts of autumn: cones, leaves, acorns

Colorful summer ends and begins the golden autumn. more often it rains, the days are shorter. but fashionable like in rubber boots through puddles, that’s great!

Рассказ : "Я люблю весну. "

I love spring because It’s never too hot or too cold. And when it is too hot, there is always a little breeze. The sky seems to always be blue. unless it is raining but then the sky is a really nice shade of gray. If it rains, you can go dance in it and put on a swimsuit and some rain boots and call over some neighbors. All the birds are tweeting in the morning, that’s the first thing i wake up to, and it makes my day off to a good start. You can sit outside and read a nice book while all the neighborhood kids play and people walk their dogs. You can open all the windows in your house, smell the freshness. I can take strolls to the park and walk around my small town with some friends. And the number 1 reason Spring is the best season is because all the flowers are blooming and all the trees and grass are green and everything is beautiful.