по английскому напишите сочинение на тему: "Рассказ о Пушкине", биография, когда родился, когда начал писать, когда умер и т. д.,

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era  who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet  and the founder of modern Russian literature.
He was borned in 26 May 1799 in Moscow, Russian Empire.
Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. Нis father, Sergey Lvovich Pushkin, belonged to Pushkin noble families. His matrilineal great-grandfather was Abram Petrovich Gannibal. He published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.  While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar’s political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832.
Pushkin was fatally wounded in a duel with his brother-in-law, Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d’Anthès, also known as Dantes-Gekkern, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regimentwho attempted to seduce the poet’s wife, Natalia Pushkina.

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На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкThe Biography of Alexander PushkinБиография Александра ПушкинаAlexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is considered to be one of the greatest Russian poets of all times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin was born in 1799 and has lived a short but bright life. Many people regard him as the founder of Russian modern literature.
Pushkin was born in a noble family and his first poem was published when he was only 15. Although he was born in Moscow, he spent most of his youth in the village near St Petersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. As a teenager he was already a recognized by the literary establishment of his lyceum. Some of Pushkin’s famous literary works have been numerously screened not only in Russia but also in some other countries. For example, the drama “Boris Godunov”, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and several others. One of Pushkin’s main traits was bravery. In total he has had about 29 duels. The last one, when he was fighting with a French officer D’Anthes, who wanted to seduce his wife, brought him death. He was only 37. All in all, Pushkin managed to write more than 78 long poems, 1 novel in verse, about 20 novels and 20 fairy-tales, 8 dramas and 8 historic works, and countless articles and shorter poems. Among his most famous works we can find the tragedy “Motsart and Salyeri”, short stories “The Queen of Spades”, “Peter the Great’s Negro”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, also some famous fairy-tales, such as “The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and many other world-famous literature works. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин считается одним из величайших русских поэтов всех времен. Он был известным писателем романтической эпохи. Пушкин родился в 1799 году и прожил короткую, но яркую жизнь. Многие люди считают его основателем современной русской литературы. Пушкин родился в дворянской семье, и его первое стихотворение было опубликовано, когда ему было только 15. Несмотря на то, что он родился в Москве, он провел большую часть своей юности в деревне под Санкт-Петербургом, в Царскосельском Лицее. Будучи подростком, он был уже признан литературным собранием своего лицея. Некоторые из известных литературных работ Пушкина были неоднократно экранизированы не только в России, но и в некоторых других странах. Например, драма «Борис Годунов», роман «Евгений Онегин», рассказ «Руслан и Людмила», и ряд других. Одной из главных черт Пушкина была храбрость. В общей сложности у него было около 29 поединков. Последний, когда он боролся с французским офицером Дантесом, который хотел соблазнить его жену, принес ему смерть. Ему было всего 37. В общем, Пушкин успел написать более 78 больших поэм, 1 роман в стихах, около 20 романов и 20 сказок, 8 драм и 8 исторических работ, и бесчисленное множество статей и маленьких стихов. Среди его самых известных работ можно найти трагедию «Моцарт и Сальери», короткие рассказы «Пиковая дама», «Арап Петра Великого», «Капитанская дочка», а также несколько известных сказок, среди них «Сказка о попе и работнике его Балде», «Сказка о царе Салтане», «Сказка о золотом петушке», «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке» и многие другие всемирно известные литературные произведения.

Составьте рассказ на тему: "Минский на почтовой станции" от лица Минского (Станционный смотритель) Пушкина

Повесть открывается авторским отступлением о судьбе станционных смотрителей – достойных сострадания чиновников 14-го класса, на которых каждый проезжающий считает своим долгом выместить раздражение. Сам повествователь изъездил всю Россию и знал многих станционных смотрителей. В память об одном из них, Самсоне Вырине, смотрителе почтённого сословия, написана эта повесть.
В мае 1816 г. Повествователь проезжает через небольшую станцию. На станции Дуня, красавица дочь смотрителя, подает чай. На стенах комнаты висят картинки, изображающие историю блудного сына. Повествователь и смотритель с дочерью вместе пьют чай, перед отъездом проезжающий целует Дуню в сенях (с ее согласия).
Через несколько лет повествователь снова попадает на ту же станцию. Смотритель очень постарел. На вопросы о дочери он не отвечает, но после стакана пунша становится разговорчивее. Рассказывает, что 3 года назад молодой гусар (ротмистр Минский) провел несколько дней на станции, притворяясь больным и подкупив лекаря. Дуня за ним ухаживала. Выздоровев, ротмистр собирается в дорогу, вызывается подвести Дуню до церкви и увозит ее с собой. Потеряв дочь, старик отец заболевает от горя. Оправившись, он отправляется в Петербург искать Дуню. Минский отказывается отдать девушку, подсовывает старику деньги, тот выбрасывает ассигнации. Вечером смотритель видит дрожки Минского, следует за ними и таким образом выясняет, где живёт Дуня. Заметив отца, Дуня вскрикнув, без памяти падает на ковёр.
Минский прогоняет старика. Смотритель возвращается на станцию и больше уже не пытается искать и возвращать дочь.
Повествователь третий раз проезжает через эту станцию. Узнает, что старый смотритель спился и умер. Просит показать ему могилу. Мальчишка-проводник рассказывает, что однажды на могилу приезжала красивая барыня с тремя детьми, заказывала молебен и раздавала щедро чаевые.

с помощью вопросов составить небольшой рассказ о Пушкине, чтоб был связный текст( (45б, кто сделает правильно)
1)What is Alexander Pushkin famous for?
2)When and where was Pushkin born?
3)Were did he

... get his education?
4)When did Pushkin begin writing?
5)When were his first poems published?
6) What are his most famouse works?
7)When and where werehis novels set?
8)What did he describe in his novels?
9)When did A. Pushkin die?
10)What was he honoured by his contemporaries for?
11)Are his works still popular today?

1. Alexander Pushkin was a famous Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
2 He was born in Moscow in 1799.
3 Alexander got his education in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint-Petersburg.
4 Pushkin began writing when he was a young student.
5 He published his first poem when he was 15.
6 His most famous works are "Ruslan and Ludmila", "Eugene Onegin", "Poltava" etc. 
9 Pushkin died in 1837.
10) Pushkin was honored by his contemporaries as a remarkable novelist and also considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet. 
11) Pushkin’s works are still very popular.

Написать рассказ про пушкина

Alexander Pushkin is a Russian poet. He is famous for his novels. He was born on the 6 of June in 1799 in Moscow, Russia. He got his educational at the Imperial Luceum in Tsarskoe Selo. Alexander Pushkin began writing in 1814, at the age of 15. His first poem was published in 1814. Alexander Pushkin’s famous works are Fairy Tales, Eugene Onegin and the Captain’s Daughter. His novels were set in Russia in 19 century. Alexander Pushkin described life of chrisians in his novels. He died on the 10th of Feburary in 1837 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. He was honoured by his contemporaries for his novels and his character. Also his works are still popular today. Вот)

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о пушкине на английском

Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow. He grew up with an older sister and younger brother Olga Levushka. Mother, Nadezhda Osipovna Hannibal, had the grand daughter Negro of Peter I, later Russian general Hannibal. Father, Sergei L. poor landowner knew literature, was acquainted with many Russian writers and wrote himself a bit. In the Pushkin family all interested in literature, poetry, even the children tried to write poems." Pushkin lived cheerfully and openly, and the whole house was in charge of old Hannibal, very smart, efficient and sensible woman - later recalled one friend Pushkin. Senior her grandson, Alexander, was a big goof and savage Kinky boy of nine or ten years old, with a dark face, I will not say to priglyadnym but with very lively eyes, from which sparks and fell. "Maria A. Hannibal loved smart precocious grandson. The boy was also fondly attached to her grandmother, she learned to read and write Russian, and when he grew up, the eagerly listened to her stories about the Russian past, of Peter I, about his great-grandfather Hannibal. Care Pushkin went nurse Arina - serf. She knew a lot of Russian folk songs, tales and was wonderful storyteller. Pushkin loved since childhood folk tales, songs, proverbs : all his life he collected, recorded, studied them. Already renowned poet, he had lived for two years in his father’s estate Pskov - village of St. Michael. Long winter evenings he spent with his old nanny Arina Rodionovna and as a child, listening to tales with passion and jokes." What a darling these tales ! Each has a poem "- Pushkin wrote to his brother. "What a luxury, what is the point, what’s the point in each of our saying ! As for the gold ! "- So said Pushkin writer Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, a great connoisseur of folk poetry. Life of the native people, nurse’s tales, stories grandmother - all deeply sunk into the memory and soul of the great Russian poet and became a source of their own creativity.

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Pushkin’s father, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848), was descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility that traced its ancestry back to the 12th century.[8][9]

Pushkin’s mother Nadezhda (Nadya) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) was descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility.[10][11] She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife, Maria Alekseyevna Pushkina (1745–1818).

Ossip Abramovich Gannibal’s father, Pushkin’s great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), a Black African page raised by Peter the Great. Abram wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great’s daughter, that he was from the town of "Lagon". Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a nation with Orthodox Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, when researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. In 1995 Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined a strong case that "Lagon" was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence for either theory.[8][9][11][12][13][14]After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia.

Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished school as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, his talent was already widely recognized within the Russian literary scene. After school, Pushkin plunged into the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, amidst much controversy about its subject and style.

Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenkaand Chişinău, where he became a Freemason.

Pushkin’s married lover, Anna Petrovna Kern, for whom he wrote the most famous love poem in the Russian language.

Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow Ottoman rule in Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary recording the events of the great national uprising.

He stayed in Chişinău until 1823 and wrote there two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim, The Captive of the Caucasus and The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile on his mother’s rural estate of Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826.[15]

Напишите рассказ о А. С. Пушкине на английском

In one of his estates lives Cyril P. Troyekurov rich noble lord, an arrogant tyrant. Neighbors around him and cater to fear. Sam Troyekurov only respects his poor neighbor Andrew Gavrilovic Dubrovsky, formerly a fellow at work. Troyekurov and Dubrovsky both widowers. We son, Vladimir Dubrovsky, I Troekurova daughter Masha. Once Troyekurov shows guests, among whom was Dubrovsky kennel. Dubrovsky disapproving speaks about the living conditions of servants Troekurova compared to dogs. One of PSARA, offended, said that "another gentleman would be nice to exchange the manor at the dog kennel" in Troekurova.

Outraged Dubrovsky leaves Troyekurov sends a letter demanding an apology and punishment huntsman. Troekurova do not like the tone of the letter. The conflict exacerbated by the fact that Dubrovsky finds in his domain Troekurova men who steal forest. Dubrovsky takes away their horses, and tells the peasants to carve. Short stories Pushkin hearing this, Troyekurov enraged. Using the services of assessors Shabashkin, Troyekurov claimed by the (non-existent) to own Kistenevka, Dubrovskikh estate. It awards the estate Troyekurov (Dubrovsky burnt paper, and to confirm their right to own Kistenevka he can not). Troyekurov signs the document of ownership Kistenevka when asked to sign the same document Dubrovsky, he goes crazy. He was sent to Kistenevka that he no longer belongs.

Dubrovsky is fading fast. Baby Sitter Egorovna letter notifies the incident Vladimir, Cornet, a graduate of the Cadet Corps. Vladimir gets leave and goes to his father in the village. At the station, he meets a coachman Anton, who assures his young master, that the peasants will be faithful to him, because they do not want to go to Troyekurov. Vladimir’s father is seriously ill and asks the servants to leave them a

В одном из своих поместий живет Кирила Петрович Троекуров, богатый знатный барин, надменный самодур. Соседи во всём ему угождают и боятся. Сам Троекуров уважает только своего бедного соседа Андрея Гавриловича Дубровского, в прошлом своего товарища по службе. Троекуров и Дубровский оба вдовцы. У Дубровского сын Владимир, у Троекурова дочь Маша. Однажды Троекуров показывает гостям, среди которых находится и Дубровский, псарню. Дубровский неодобрительно отзывается об условиях жизни слуг Троекурова по сравнению с собаками. Один из псарей, обидевшись, заявляет, что «иному барину неплохо было бы променять усадьбу на собачью конуру» у Троекурова.

Оскорблённый Дубровский уезжает, посылает Троекурову письмо с требованием извинений и наказания псаря. Троекурова не устраивает тон письма. Конфликт усугубляется тем, что Дубровский обнаруживает в своих владениях мужиков Троекурова, ворующих лес. Дубровский отнимает у них лошадей, а крестьян велит высечь. Короткие рассказы Пушкина Узнав об этом, Троекуров приходит в бешенство. Воспользовавшись услугами заседателя Шабашкина, Троекуров заявляет свои права (несуществующие) на владение Кистенёвкой, имением Дубровских. Суд присуждает имение Троекурову (бумаги Дубровского сгорели, и подтвердить свое право на владение Кистенёвкой он не может). Троекуров подписывает документ на владение Кистенёвкой, когда предлагают подписать тот же документ Дубровскому, он сходит с ума. Его отправляют в Кистенёвку, которая ему уже не принадлежит.

Дубровский быстро угасает. Нянька Егоровна письмом уведомляет о случившемся Владимира, корнета, выпускника Кадетского корпуса. Владимир получает отпуск и отправляется к отцу в деревню. На станции его встречает кучер Антон, который уверяет молодого барина, что крестьяне будут ему верны, так как не хотят переходить к Троекурову. Владимир находит отца тяжело больным и просит слуг оставить их наедине

Рассказать о своем любимом писателе на английском

I would like to speak about my favorite writer. His name is Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin. Alexander Pushkin was a Russian poet, novelist, playwright of the Romantic era. One of Russia’s greatest poets, he is known as the father of modern Russian literature. He was born  in Moscow on May 26, 1799. He attended the Lyceum from 1811 to 1817 and received the best education available in Russia at the time. He was first published in the journal The Messenger of Europe in 1814. Pushkin was married to Natalia Goncharova on February 18, 1831, in Moscow. She was very beautiful. Alexandr Pushkin’s most popular book is Eugene Onegin. He had written so many books such as "The Captain’s Daughter", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Ruslan and Ludmila", "Fairy Tales". 
Я хотел бы рассказать о своем любимом писателе. Его зовут Александр Сергеевич Пушкин.  Александр Пушкин был русским поэтом, романистом, драматургом романтической эпохи.  Один из величайших поэтов России, он известен как отец современной русской литературы.  Он родился в Москве 26 мая 1799 года. Он посещал Лицей с 1811 по 1817 год и получил лучшее образование в России в то время. Он впервые был опубликован в журнале «Вестник Европы» в 1814 году. Пушкин был женат на Наталье Гончарова 18 февраля 1831 года в Москве.  Она была очень красивой.  Самая популярная книга Александра Пушкина - «Евгений Онегин». Он написал так много книг, таких как «Дочь капитана», «Сказка о царе Салтане», «Руслан и Людмила», «Сказки». 

сообщение про Александра Пушкина на английском и описание любой книги(рассказа) тоже на английском языке.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a Russian poet, playwright and prose writer who laid the foundations of the Russian realistic trend, a critic and theorist of literature, a historian, a publicist; One of the most authoritative literary figures of the first third of the XIX century. Pushkin worked on this novel for over seven years, from 1823 to 1831. The novel was, according to the poet, "the fruit of the mind of cold observations and the heart of woeful notes." Pushkin called the work on it a feat - from the whole of his creative legacy only "Boris Godunov" he characterized the same word. In the work on a broad background of paintings of Russian life, the dramatic fate of the people of the noble intelligentsia is shown.
The plot of Pushkin’s novel AS. "Eugene Onegin"    Young provincial girl Tatiana Larina fell in love with Petersburg’s "secular" Lion "by Eugene Onegin, extremely disappointed And indifferent. Love is provincial The naive girl did not provoke a reciprocal feeling in Onegin. Duel with Friend, Onegin’s journey separated Tatyana from her beloved.    Tatiana married and became a brilliant socialite. Returned From the trip Onegin, seeing Tatiana at the ball, fell in love At once, but alas. Tatiana is faithful to her husband, she can not sacrifice Love the happiness and peace of her husband. Onegin suffers. The novel ends The hopelessness of the main character’s love.    This is the content, but on this simple storyline.