Небольшой рассказ "подростковая жизнь в Испании" на английском

If you want to go to work - make contact with local students. In Spain without friends it is difficult to find even the simplest job. At the same time much anyone not expect, trust but watch whom you trust. Very important: Recently arrived people can know our people very well. Can offer to find a job or an apartment for the money and throw. Never give away your passport! Send resume in accommodation in the season may be going to work, especially given the knowledge of the English language. A clear advantage of those who are fluent in the Spanish language, before by the Spaniards lies primarily in the fact that Spaniards very often have NO OTHER language besides his own, I don’t know. Speak English with the worst accent in French too. The closest language to Portuguese - most do not understand or want to understand. I say this from personal experience, as she can speak 6 (including Russian, which, in particular, is taught as a foreign language). Their own language, the Spanish know that, too bad. Russian speakers, who speaks Spanish, is very attractive candidates for the employer, provided that Russian, and Spanish they know WELL. Russian language is now highly prized in Europe, but not in itself, but as a complement to other skills and knowledge, including language. Courses generally taught to explain. To translate is another matter entirely, there is generally insufficient knowledge of one language. Need to be an EDUCATED person, or imminent incidents is at best ridiculous, usually dramatic.

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Violence Among Teenagers
Today teenagers are violent more than in the last generation. In the last few years the violence spread all over the country. In these days there are some external features that we can recognize violent people. Teachers, parents and teenagers report that violence increases every day. 

Alcohol today is more than just a problem among adults, but it has become a problem among teens. During the past ten years we had witnessed a steady decline in the number of alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths in the youth population, but there is a rise also in alcohol consumption overall. Alcohol is a main reason for violence whether it is growing up with alcohol users and abusers or the youth using the alcohol substance themselves. High school students who drink alcohol or use illegal drugs, including anabolic steroids, are more than twice as likely to carry a weapon or get into a physical fight than teenagers who deny drug use, according to a study in the August issue of the AMA’s Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
 The situation is dangerous. We must fight with this problem and involve teenagers into sport and other useful activities

Написать рассказ о подростке

В семье пятнадцатилетнего подростка, героя повести «Прощай, Офелия!», случилось несчастье: пропал всеми любимый, ставший родным и близким человек – жена брата, Люся… Ушла днем на работу и не вернулась. И спустя три года он случайно на толкучке, среди выставленных на продажу свадебных нарядов, узнаёт (по выцветшему пятну зеленки) Люсино подвенечное платье. И сам начинает расследование…

Во второй повести, «Ведьмины круги», давшей название книге, герой решается, несмотря на материнский запрет, привести в дом прибившуюся к нему дворняжку. И это, казалось бы, незначительное событие влечет за собой целый ряд неожиданных открытий, заставляет подростка изменить свое представление о мире, по-новому взглянуть на окружающих и себя самого.

составьте коротенький рассказ на английском про жизнь подростков в россии на уровне 6 класса

The life of teenagers in Russia is different from the lives of adolescents in England. At the school they go to 8.00 and 8.15 in England. In Russian schools in the dining room paid meals, and free in England. In England, there is a queen, and her name Elizavetta second, and Russia. Перевод: Жизнь подростков в России отличается от жизни подростков в Англии. В школу они ходят в 8.00, а в Англии в 8.15. В Российских школах в столовой платное питание, а в Англии бесплатное. В Англии есть королева, и её зовут Елизаветта Вторая, а в России нет.  

Короткий рассказ на английском про жизнь подростков в России, для 6 класса, на английском

Okay, and today I would like to tell you some sides of teenagers’ living in Russia.
There we have usual school, where we should wear our school uniform: black skirt and white blouse.
I like living here, because we have interesting language and unusual, drizzling, also exciting literature. Despite Russia haven’t so hi technologies like Japan or USA, we have a lot of places to walk, to spend our time, like cinemas, theatres, parks and shopping centres.
In addition, I can say, that living in Russia is very interesting and unusual, so, If you want to try, you should do it, it would be a good experience.

Рассказ об обычном дне подростка на англ. яз

Y daily routine starts pretty early, at 6 a. m. I get up and go outside to do some exercise or ride a bike. When I finish I go home, have a shower and get dressed. My clothes and my bag are always ready from the night before. Then I generally make a cup of coffee, check my e-mail inbox and have a look at the news in the Internet. I eat my breakfast. Sometimes I oversleep and if so – I skip my breakfast and rush to the university. I leave my home at half past 8, take a bus and normally get to the university at 8.50 as there are no traffic jams on my way. The lectures start at 9 in the morning, so I have some time to talk to my fellow-students. I like the atmosphere at my college: the teachers are cool and I meet my friends there. We go for lunch to our university canteen at 2 o’clock. I usually finish my studies at about 4 p. m. Though sometimes we need to stay late to do some laboratory research or work in the library. Then I go home, make myself some dinner, switch my laptop on and surf the net. I do my homework if I didn’t manage to do that during my free periods at the university. I also try to read for a bit every evening. I go to bed at about midnight. That’s my typical day. The best part of my day is the evening when I eat my dinner, watch TV, play computer games or go out with my friends, watch football at a sports bar and just relax after a busy day. That’s my favorite time of the day.