Написать рассказ о своём кумире, не раскрывая его имени. Мой кумир-Emma Watson.

British actress and fotomodel. rodilas in Paris in family Lyusbi Jacqueline and Chris Watson, English advokatov. Uzhe 6 years Emma firmly decided that would be an actress. [11] When Emma was nine, the head of her school’s drama club invited her to take part in the casting for the role of Hermione in " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ". [11] To his surprise, Emma won. [9] Since then, her whole life is inextricably linked with Harry Potter. Emma graduated Hidingtonskuyu school for girls (born Headington School) [ 12]. In 2008 she graduated from the summer acting classes academy RADA in London [13]Best known for the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, in which co-starred with Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grintom. poluchila this role in 1999, when she was 9 years old. Prior to that, she was involved only in school stage productions. Participation in this project has brought the actress a number of awards, as well as more than 10 million pounds sterlingov. Takzhe participated in the filming of " Ballet Shoes." The film was shown on the BBC in December 2007. Besides voiced princess pea, one of the characters in the animated film " The Tale of Despereaux," which was released in 2008. In 2009, was entered in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actress of the decade.

Можно мне рассказ Мой кумир

Под этим словом подразумевается человек, которого все ставят в пример, у него нет плохих черт характера. Почти идеальный образ, на него многие хотят быть похожими. Для любого человека образцом для подражания может быть, например, знаменитая личность. Но также это может быть и любой, кто находится с тобой рядом.

Мой кумир – это мой старший брат. Сколько себя помню с детства мы с ним всегда вместе. Сам он был всегда серьезным, его даже называли маленьким мужичком. Так как был уже в детстве умным не по годам, и имел определенные цели. Наши детские годы проходили в тяжелое время перестроечного периода. Но мы не унывали, брат постоянно что-то придумывал интересное. Поэтому детство наше прошло весело и ярко.

В шестом классе он решил построить шалаш. И сделал это, а мы ему помогали. Хотя свел с ума всех своим решением. Дедушка ругался, что гвозди и доски идут не знаю на что. Но шалаш был выстроен очень хороший и надежный, и долгие годы мы в нем играли. Когда мы стали подростками, брат всегда был серьезным. Он занимался усиленно спортом, стал побеждать на городских соревнованиях по самбо.

Целеустремленно шел к своей цели. Получил спортивный разряд. Даже, когда собиралась молодежь вечером на улице. С ним было не страшно, и нам он не давал делать глупости. Старался со всеми разговорить, хотя и мог применить силу. Сколько я его помню, он всего добивался сам. Даже в учебе старался доходить до всего самостоятельно, хотя мама нам всегда помогала, если что было не ясно. Закончил школу с серебряной медалью, поступил в институт на инженера ИКТ. Также с успехом закончил его.

Сейчас он успешно работает. Не забывает меня, родителей. Всегда помогает во всем, если это необходимо. Он всегда считал, что для человека важны знания, грамотность. Современный человек должен быть умным. Ему скоро 27 лет, он старается как можно больше достичь в своей деятельности. Он имеет много друзей, которые всегда прислушивались к его мнению.

Я сама по натуре не очень любила читать, сидеть за выполнением домашних заданий, но глядя на него не переставала удивляться. Когда он все успевает делать? Поэтому сегодняшние мои успехи в жизни, также произошли оттого, что я все-таки прислушивалась к его советам. А также старалась быть на него похожей.

нужен рассказ на английском про мой кумир криштиану роналдо и с переводом у сделайте так как будто бы я сам писал его

I am fond of football. Cristiano Ronaldo is my favorite sportman. He is famous footballer. Ronaldo was born in Portugal. I like Cristiano Ronaldo, because (напиши причину).
Перевод: Я хорош в футболе. Криштиану Роналдо мой самый любимый спортсмен. Он известный футболист. Роналдо родился в Португалии. Мне нравится Криштиану Роналдо, потому что (напиши причину). 

Сделайте рассказ о кумире-на английском Не очень большой. Лучше про Полину Гагарину. Плеез

The singer was born in the capital of Russia, March 27, 1987. As a professional dance teacher, actress mother decided to accept work in the company "Alsos" theater, which was located in Athens, and then moved with her daughter to Greece when she was only four years old. After 3 years of Pauline Pope dies. After losing her husband, Pauline’s mother and her daughter returned to Russia, but still through the time they got back to Athens. A few years later it took Pauline to move to the city of Saratov on-demand live there her grandmother, and her mother and remained in Greece. Polina on the instructions of his granny goes to study at a music school. Polina Gagarina
A little later, at the expiration of the contract, Mother Pauline returned home and together with her daughter moved to the capital. Catherine Muchkaeva - mother of the singer Polina Gagarina, held a high-class dancer, dancer, choreographer, head of the company, a successful producer girls modeling agency. Sergey Gagarin - Pope singer, during his lifetime he was a good doctor. He died in 1993

Polina Gagarina (1987) – singer, was born on 27 March 1987.
After graduating first class in Greece Polina moved to Saratov, where he went to music school. In the biography of Gagarin from childhood along with the passion for music was shown dancing talent. Not enrolling in a ballet school, after finishing 9 classes of the school, Paulina went to College Gnesin.
Victory in the "Factory of stars-2" has become a significant event in the biography of Polina Gagarina.
Biography Of Polina Gagarina
Polina Gagarina (1987) – singer, was born on 27 March 1987.
After graduating first class in Greece Polina moved to Saratov, where he went to music school. In the biography of Gagarin from childhood along with the passion for music was shown dancing talent. Not enrolling in a ballet school, after finishing 9 classes of the school, Paulina went to College Gnesin.
Victory in the "Factory of stars-2" has become a significant event in the biography of Polina Gagarina.
However, to the surprise of the producer Maxim Fadeev, she refused to record the album. But the music do not stop – I wrote and recorded songs in the Studio.
In 2005 he released the clip on the famous song Gagarina – "lullaby", also a nice hit of fans of the singer. In 2005, Pauline has participated in the contest "New wave". There among talented young artists, she took third place. Since then, the famous singer has released several songs which became hits. But on the "New wave" in 2007 Gagarin, honoured as singer of the contest, performed the song on the opening day. In the same year she recorded a soundtrack for the TV series "Daughters-mothers".
In 2006, in the biography of Polina Gagarina there was another important event – she entered the School-Studio of MKHAT. There Pauline met Peter Kislov, whom she married in August 2007. At the end of 2007 gave birth to a son.

Мини рассказ о своём кумире на английском

Everyone has a role model in their life. They could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, or a sports hero. They could be the D. A. R. E officer who works in your school. He could be someone you read about in a book.
A role model is hard to define, because it can be different for everyone. Who your role model is depends as much on you as it does on the person you admire. Often, it is someone you would like to be like when you get older, or someone who does something you find hard to do.
They might be somebody who performs outstanding volunteer work. They might be a community leader. They might be your mentor. Maybe they are generous and kind. Maybe they performed an extraordinary feat or accomplishment. They might be someone in your neighborhood, or someone in another country.
Typically, a role model is brave, smart, strong, kind, thoughtful and fun. Not that every role model is perfect. Unless it is someone out of a storybook, role models are people who might be outstanding in only one or two areas. Or maybe it is someone who is far less than perfect, but is working to improve himself or herself.
***My dad inspired me to write this. He has taken such a big role in my life. Whatever I needed even if it was on the other side of the world my dad would go get it. I love him with all my heart. He always makes sure I do my best in whatever I do. Even though it might be hard or tiring my dad makes me do it, I know it’s the best for me. My dad is the PERFECT role model because he is everything a role model should be, loving, funny, serious, nice to be around, and smart.
The person I want to be like is my counselor. She helps me work out my problems. When I am feeling down she helps me and talks things through with me. I love her and I will miss her next year when she is not my counselor.
Officer Corriveau wherever you are thanks for the inspiration and thank you Mrs. Claytor for being there for me.
My Role Model
My role model is not one person, but an entire group of people. My role models are the men and women of the Police Department of every country and every nation. I look up to these people because it is the fact that I long to be just like them. When I get older I want to be just like the men and women I so admire.
My love for the police force and all they do for us started when I was maybe 9 in fifth grade. An Officer by the name of Leone, came to my school and taught us all about how to stay away from drugs and violence and how Police Officers are more than what you assume just by seeing an Officer.
And that’s when it all started, my longing to be just like them, I think they are brave and strong and in all aspects Heroes and Heroines. I look up to them and want to be just like the strong, courageous people of the Force. They risk their lives for us everyday and selflessly give their lives trying to keep our cities and countries and our world safe.
So, that is my choice for my role model. They are more to me than the Officers you sometimes see behind the wheel of a patrol car, they are the men and women who keep us from harm and all of them are true heroes and heroines.