Чем знаменит город Краснодар. Рассказ на английском. Предложений 10.

Krasnodar is on the right bank of the Kuban. River like presses Krasnodar Caucasus Mountains. According to her name - is often called the entire Kuban Krasnodar region. Krasnodar - "border town". Just go Kuban - and you find yourself in the Republic of Adygea. Kuban River - a natural and ethnographic longtime abroad. Right Bank - dry, flat and steppe; Left Bank - is gradually rising in the Caucasus - a oroshёnny rivers flowing down from the ridge, over the forest. Krasnodar - the largest center of population "provincial" (excluding Moscow and the Moscow Region) of the Russian Federation. Under the direction of Krasnodar 5 million. People - the population of Norway, Moldova and Denmark. At the same time he is not even a millionaire Krasnodar (about 784 thous. Inhabitants). Krasnodar - industrial, transport and cultural center of the Kuban. Krasnodar controls the main sea gates of the South and the First All-Russian resorts. The city was founded in 1793 as a Cossack fortress on the frontier again and Living for a long time served as the main city of the Kuban Cossack Army. Krasnodar - the center of the most important agricultural region of Russia. The largest production of grain, sugar beet (a quarter of Russia), meat and poultry. Only Rostovites inferior (and only slightly) for the collection of sunflowers, providing more than 1/5 of the total Russian harvest. In fact, a monopolist in the country for growing rice and subtropical crops. You have arrived in Krasnodar and want one day to take a walk around the city and explore its attractions. To carry out this plan possible, though not easy. The town is famous for its wonderful parks with ever-green shrubs, squares. On its streets full of greenery, flower beds, picturesque corners. The decoration of the city are the building of the regional drama theater and operetta theater, circus, puppet theater, the cinema "Aurora", "Bulgaria". Krasnodar, Kuban as populous as a whole, for its 300-year history holds many dates and names associated with the history of the Russian state: in 2006. restored monument to Catherine the Great, rebuilt obelisk in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban before - Black, Cossack (noted in 1896.), a monument Cazacu (Kuban Cossacks) in front of the administration building, created a memorial to the soldiers of the Red Army and the White in the park to them. Gorky. Do not list all the historical and memorable places in Krasnodar, its attractions that attract people. Krasnodar today - it is a cultural and business center of the Kuban. At present, the volume of housing construction Krasnodar holds third place after Moscow and St. Petersburg. Planned reconstruction of the central part of the city. In Krasnodar is conducted share the construction of affordable luxury housing.

Нужен рассказ о сувенире ( об одном ) из любой страны, города

Матрешки символ России   -   Матрёна, переводится с латыни как знатная дама. Ее называли чудом света, потому что она являлась произведением человеческих рук. В виде сувениров, она перемещалась по миру Принято считать, что в Россию матрешки попали из Японии, и сделаны по образу японских кукол. Матрешка является куклой, изготовленной из дерева. Состоит из нескольких одинаковых кукол, которые различаются размерами, и вкладываются одна в другую. Матрешка была символом настоящей русской красавицы с округлыми формами и красными щеками. Зачастую такие игрушки были цилиндрической формы с закругленной головой. В дореволюционной провинции имя Матрена, Матреша считалось одним из наиболее распространенных русских имен  Это имя ассоциировалось с матерью многочисленного семейства, обладающей хорошим здоровьем и дородной фигурой. И по сей день, матрешка остается символом материнства, плодородием, поскольку кукла с многочисленным кукольным семейством прекрасно выражает образную основу этого древнейшего символа человеческой культуры. Матрешка считается традиционным русским сувениром, самым популярным среди россиян и иностранных гостей.   Матрешка стала одним из всеобъемлющих образов России и символом русского народного искусства

Английский соч. На тему рассказать про свой город Владикавказ

City. Noisy, dusty, bustling, suffocating exhaust fumesincessant and deafening roar of machinery.   It’s cold and dark. Thousands and thousands of people pass by, omittingeyes around and not seeing anything except their own problems. Userssleep, they have no time to wake up. And why? With sadness and hopelessnessThey met another gray morning. You walk down the street and think, if hundreds of people around, but it is not. You’re the one, the onlya tiny island in the cold ocean other people’s problems.   But you walk down the streets and you rejoice. What? I do not know. Probably, just the fact that you live in the heavens the sun is shining; rejoicewind, tangled hair, move his fingers, stroking, as a beloved puppy. You go, and time is flowing all around you, piercingevery cell of the body. And you feel that you belong to himIt exists not just in itself, but in time, dragsand a soft, as warm water.

Рассказ о городе Кирове коробки на английском языке

Kirov is a large city in Russia, administrative center of Kirov oblast. The city forms an independent municipality with the status of urban district. The city lies on the river Vyatka, in 896 km from Moscow towards the North-East and is one of the oldest cities of Russia. The year of its Foundation is considered the year 1374. For nearly two hundred years the town was named Khlynov, then in 1780 was again renamed to Vyatka, and its present name was given in 1934. Since ancient times the city was known as a local center of crafts and trade. The economic basis before the revolution, on the Vyatka land was the production of agricultural products and their processing. A significant contribution to the economic potential of the Vyatka was made of fine leather, candle, fur-sheepskin, match the production, paper production. In 2012 the city of Kirov awarded the honorary title of the Kirov region "the City of labour glory". Kirov is a large industrial, transport and cultural center. Through it pass the main railway connecting the North-West and Centre with the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, and Northern regions of the country. Enterprises located on the territory of municipal formation "Kirov City", known in Russia and abroad the products of the aircraft industry, woodworking industry, machinery, building, light and food industries. Developed the production of Handicrafts: the famous Dymkovo toy, Souvenirs from kapoloma, bark. Kirov — developed cultural centre with a wide network of higher educational institutions, three theatres, numerous museums and libraries. A wide network of hotels with the highest level of service. The Charter of the municipality "City of Kirov" adopted by the decision of the Kirov municipal Duma from 29.06.2005 № 42/19 and registered by the Government of the Kirov region on the basis of an order dated 31.08.2005 No. 172-ol with the entry in the Register of charters of municipal formations of Kirov oblast No. 41. The coat of arms of the municipal formation "Kirov City", approved by decision of the Kirov municipal Duma from 27.08.2008 No. 19/4, submitted to the State heraldic register of the Russian Federation with assignment of registration number 4321. This is the historical coat of arms of the city of Vyatka, the highest approved may 28, 1781 the Empress Catherine II. The composition of the municipal formation "Kirov City" includes the city of Kirov and 134 rural settlements. The territory within the city limits is divided into 4 districts: Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaysky and Novovyatskiy.

Рассказ о городе Киеве

Kiev (or Kyiv) is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. The name Kiev is derived from the name of Kiy, one of four legendary founders of the city.
By the ancient legend Kiev was founded by three brothers Kiy, Schek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid. They were surprised by the beauty of Dnieper’s hills, stopped to settle here and called the town in honour of the eldest brother-Kiev. A monument to the founders was erected at the Dnieper embankment in our days. The town’s place was chosen succesfully, the high Dnieper’s slopes were perfect protection against the raids of nomad tribes.

Рассказ о городе реж

В 1773 году рядом с горой Орловой богатым купцом Саввой Собакиным-Яковлевым был основан чугуноплавильный и железоделательный завод, который и положил начало поселку Реж. За полтора десятилетия здесь появились двенадцать молотов для обработки чугуна и домна. Производство раскинулось прямо на берегу большого живописного пруда. В середине девятнадцатого века Режевской завод пополнился листоотделочным и прокатным цехами, а деревянные здания заводских цехов из деревянных превратились в кирпичные и каменные. В 1849 году завод вошел в состав Верх-Исетского горного округа и стал одним из самых больших и технически оснащенных предприятий. Режевские мастера производили листовое железо, которое славилось своим высочайшим качеством. После того, как был освоено Егоршинское каменноугольное месторождение,

Рассказ о городе ливерпуль на английском

Liverpool is a city in Merseyside, United Kingdom, the Britain’s second largest port after London.  The thousands of migrants and sailors passing through the city  resulted in a religious diversity that is still apparent today.  Hence, Liverpool is known to be England’s ’most Catholic city’, with a Catholic population much larger than in other parts of England. 
 Furthermore it is the birthplace of the famous Liverpool Four, a british rock group, The Beatles. Their first single Love Me Do was released there in October 1963. Liverpool is also famous because of its professional footbal clubs, Everton F. C. and Liverpool F. C.
In English natives of the city of Liverpool are called Liverpudlians and colloquially as "Scousers", a reference to "scouse", a form of stew.
Liverpool has the largest number of museums and galleries in the UK outside London. List of National Museums Liverpool’s seven venues includes Museum of Liverpool, World Museum, Walker Art Gallery, Lady Lever Art Gallery, Sudley House, Merseyside Maritime Museum and the International Slavery Museum. 
Ливерпуль — это город в Великобритании в графстве Мерсисайд, второй по величине английский порт после Лондона.  Тысячи мигрантов и моряков, проходившие через город, способствовали разнообразию религий, которое сохраняется и по сей день. Так, Ливерпуль известен как самый "католический" город Англии, с числом католиков, значительно превышающим другие её части.  
Еще это место рождения знаменитой "Ливерпульской Четвёрки" - британской рок-группы «Битлз». Их первый сингл "Love Me Do (рус. Люби же меня)" был выпущен там в октябре 1963.  Ливерпуль также известен благодаря своим профессиональным футбольным клубам -  «Эвертону» и «Ливерпулю». 
По-английски жителей Ливерпуля называют "ливерпудлианцами" или неформально "скаузерами", по названию лобскауса ("scouse") - разновидности рагу.  
В Ливерпуле расположено самое большое количество музеев и галерей после Лондона.  В список Национальных музеев Ливерпуля входят Музей Ливерпуля, Музей истории мира, художественные галереи Уолкер и Леди Левер, дом-музей Судлей, Мерисайдский Морской музей и международный Музей рабства.  

. Нужен рассказ на на английском языке. На тему : " Мой родной город". Про Иваново. С переводом. Заранее большое спасибо

Ivanovo is a small, picturesque town located on the river Uvod. Located in the Central part of Russia, the administrative center of Ivanovo oblast. Population - 418,6 thousand people. the Distance from Moscow is 275 km 
The history of the city of Ivanovo
The first settlement was mentioned in the ancient books in 1561. According to historians the village was donated by Ivan the Terrible to the relatives of his second wife, princes Cherkasy, people from the North Caucasus. It is believed that in the village there was a Church or chapel in the name of John the Baptist. So the village got the name Ivan. According to another version, the village was named after its founder or perogies Ivan.
The city was founded in 1871 by the merger of the village of Ivanovo with Voznesensky Posad. And until 1932 was called Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
As many of you know this is the city of brides.
Ivanovo, centre light industry, became known as the "city of brides", as the manufacturing and processing of fabrics worked great number of women. A certain role in promoting the expression played a song Andrei Mironov, "Well what we do not pair"made in the 1981 film "Honest, intelligent, unmarried". In each of its three verses are these lines:
Love all telling you again,
But when nothing saying you’re tired,
And know that I will be leaving in Ivanovo
And Ivanovo - town brides.
But not only.
Ivanovo is a city with numerous symbols of the revolution. The birthplace of the First Council, the Third proletarian capital.
The revolution of 1905
The monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905 Revolution square.
In the first decade of the twentieth century weavers and other workers were dissatisfied with their conditions of life and work, which has often led to the local strike of the proletariat. During the First Russian revolution in Ivanovo was formed by the city Council of workers ’ deputies, which was the first in Russia (hence the name "city of the first Council").
In Ivanovo is the number of objects of cultural heritage. The town is primarily known architectural monuments of the epoch of constructivism: home "Ship" (1930), architect D. F. Friedman; the house of the "Horseshoe" (1934), architect A. I. Panov. Ivanovo is a city of bold architectural solutions!

Рассказ об городе Гродно на английском языке.

In a city with such a rich historical heritage, as Grodno, can not be born urban legend. Probably the most famous myth in the modern history of Grodno is a story about the homeless, allegedly living in the tank-monument in the heart of the city, between the Soviet area, and drama. The legend appeared at the end of the last century through the efforts of one of the journalists, who in the summer season, when nothing interesting usually happens, came up with such a "sensation". Violent fantasy cost the journalist work, but the "duck" was tenacious – many still repeat this legend. There is only one "but" related to the design of the tank, the hatch welded shut, so it is impossible to get inside. Many store visitors and tourists are confident that the building of the anatomy building on the corner of Sovetskaya square and streets Marx was the first in Eastern Europe anatomical dissection – dissected body of king Stefan Batory. In fact, to the Batory today’s housing medical University is irrelevant, as the autopsy was held in the building opposite, on the other hand today’s Soviet area. Now there is the Soviet House of culture, but even before the war Among the Grodno long the story goes that the House of culture, built on the site of this Batareevka", allegedly built with a serious mistake. It’s all in the rear facade, facing the House of life, — it seems many beautiful main emerging in the Soviet area. Hence the legend that the building is built "backwards". Buried Stalino times of Stalinism in Grodno put not one monument to the leader. One of them in the early 50’s was on the site of today’s bust of Marshal Sokolovsky, next to the house on Sovetskaya street, 8. According to urban legend, the dismantling of the monument was very original monument just threw in dug in advance the hole and quickly buried on the spot. So, there it is "buried" and is still. They also say that another Stalin monument lies at the bottom of the Neman. Underground jodidio allegedly existing in the center of Grodno underground passages, the conversations are very long. According to one version of the course exists from prison (the former Jesuit monastery) in the parish Church or somewhere on the territory of modern Soviet area. The other passages are connected to all the main churches in the city: the Cathedral, Bernardine, and not preserved Headlight Vytautas and monastery on the site of the drama. Another version says that an underground passage connects the two banks of the Niemen. Evidence of the existence of no such move. The legend could arise when someone in the postwar period came in the cellars of non-preserved old houses.
I’m sure many know Grodno and other urban legends. Looking forward to your stories in the comments under the material. there was rebuilt the Castle yard is a three – storey residence, where from the castle moved the body of the king. There was held an autopsy. The confusion has arisen because of an error of the Polish historian, who mistook built Bathory stone Faro Vytautas and later parish Church.

рассказ о городе Курске в пяти предложениях на английском языке

Город Курск находится в западной части Центрально-Черноземного района, на берегах реки Сейм. Автомобильные трассы соединяют Курск с соседними областными центрами - Воронежем, Брянском, Белгородом и Орлом, а также с нашей столицей и Харьковом. Через город проходят два важнейших железнодорожных пути: Москва - Харьков и Воронеж - Киев.

Город Курск находится в западной части Центрально-Черноземного района, на берегах реки Сейм. Автомобильные трассы соединяют Курск с соседними областными центрами - Воронежем, Брянском, Белгородом и Орлом, а также с нашей столицей и Харьковом. Через город проходят два важнейших железнодорожных пути: Москва - Харьков и Воронеж - Киев.