1. написать сочинение-историю. Это относиться к рассказу The Cantervill Ghost. написать как Вирджиния рассказывает эту историю, то-есть что с ней...
  2. Придумать рассказ или сказку или историю на Present Simple настоящее время.
  3. Написать историю с заголовком “Очень странный рассказ”
  4. Составьте рассказ(историю) из этих слов :movement,swathed,clearly,adult,gun,shot,disappeared,could,centimeters,whoever,cut,panic,knocked,answered,thought,empty,cosy, brightly,delicious,upstairs,hour,would,season,terrible,reply. Можно использовоть и свои слова.
  5. Напишите рассказ на английском языке - выдуманную историю
  6. Написать историю от первого лица. Девушка уехала на выходные к подруге, по дороге чуть не сбила кого-то на дороге (...
  7. 6 класс. Напишите небольшую сказку, рассказ или историю про кого угодно используя 4 прошедших времени Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past...
  8. Подготовить рассказ - историю из прошлого, используя Past Simple (7 - ) Только чтобы было не слишком умной...
  9. Небольшой рассказ или историю на англ. языке, ужастики

написать сочинение-историю. Это относиться к рассказу The Cantervill Ghost. написать как Вирджиния рассказывает эту историю, то-есть что с ней приключилось. Как-будто ей сейчас 25 лет, а тогда ей (по настоящему было

... 15). написать на английском языке

I watched a cartoon film called "The Canterville Ghost" - quite funny, but I do not know what it was based on the story of Oscar Wilde. So it was interesting for me to read the story that I already knew.
The story of the ghost of Sir Simon, who killed his wife, Lady Eleanor, 300 years ago and pursued the Canterville Chase for all the grievances that he committed in life.
Those who live in the house, scared him to death, he scares everyone. But in the end the house was sold to the US, Mr. Otis, who is not afraid of ghosts. His wife and his four children are not afraid, either. They all speak a ghost, as if he were an ordinary person, they give him advice, and they are worried about his health! Children play jokes on him! Sir Simon feels so depressed that he starts hiding from the family. Mr. Otis daughter of Virginia regrets the ghost and she helps him to find peace.
This is the first story that I read Oscar Wilde, and I must say, I’m very impressed with his writing. It makes me think that ghosts, if they exist is not scary and mean. They are simply unhappy. I sympathize with ghosts!
Another thing is the story that he holds you, wanting to learn more and more.
I liked how Oscar Wilde writes. There were phrases that I wanted to remember.

Придумать рассказ или сказку или историю на Present Simple настоящее время.

В некотором царстве, в некотором государстве под названием зэ презент симпл тэнс жил- был король глагол и было у него много поданных. Служащие ему вспомогательные глаголы DO и DOES работали на короля и были довольны своей работой. Платил король им хорошо. А стоило- то всего каждому из вспомогательных глаголов заниматься своим делом. Работой DO было сопровождать каждый раз местоимения I YOU WE THEY до дворца для царских переговоров. Тогда как в обязанности DOES входило доставлять местоимения HE SHE IT. Всякий раз как у горожан появлялись жизненно важные вопросы, на помощь непременно приходили DO и DOES и каждый со своей собственной свитой местоимений. И стояли вспомогательные глаголы на страже каждого вопроса во главе. Каждый знал свои обязанности. Оттого королю было легче управлять и жизнь казалась сказкой. Но вот однажды когда все живущие в царстве научились правильно задавать вопросы, научились рассказывать о себе, согласно принятым законам, людям захотелось научиться рассказывать не только о себе, но и о своих друзьях, знакомых. Но они не знали как и тогда на помощь из соседнего городка на постоянное жительство приехало оканчивающееся существо оно было огромным и в виде буквы S несмотря на его странный вид, жителям стало намного легче каждый раз как они рассказывали о своем соседе или друге, они ставили S после глагола короля, а когда требовалось, то и просили помочь букву E и заговорили
без умолку. Жители царства ВСЕГДА могли себя чем- то занять. КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ царь устраивал пир, сзывал честной народ со всего городка. Люди
отличались простотой характера. Жили всегда настоящим. У
многих из них была ПОСТОЯННАЯ работа. Жили они долго и счастливо.
( несостыковка с окончанием S, ES тк у глаголов не бывает окончаний, не знаю как правильно назвать, вот вам хотя бы пример. Там сами переделайте или додумайте, все в этой же песне )) желаю удачи! И понятливых учеников

Написать историю с заголовком “Очень странный рассказ”

One in an unknown city was a very strange abandoned school. In this school, no one went. Everything about her was silent and didn’t want to remember. If you remember the school, said she will dream of you every night, and who is this school not know it was forbidden to enter it. Once in the school there was a young teacher. She taught not the best way. It would have long since expelled, but the principal and teachers were afraid of her, like fire. If anyone dared to betray her, then that person was waiting for painful death. Time one of the bravest students tried to yell at the teacher that didn’t understand from her lips. The teacher turned around and said to his disciples: "Look, this student is my first victim who dared to yell at me. Today it is waiting for death!" She looked into the eyes of the boy, and his eyes began to darken, and then he fell to the floor. The children sat quietly. If they gave a sound, they would have been convicted. The next day came the father of this young man. He did not look her in the eye, and only destroyed her. The teacher died. Since the school closed, saying that it is cursed. But one day this city came a strange girl. She worked as a Museum employee decided to know what is in this school. She approached this building, but, unfortunately, the door wouldn’t open. She stood outside the school for long. Suddenly, the door suddenly opened by itself with power, and from it wafted a light wind and with the wind phantom of the same teacher. He ran to her and killed her.

Составьте рассказ(историю) из этих слов :movement,swathed,clearly,adult,gun,shot,disappeared,could,centimeters,whoever,cut,panic,knocked,answered,thought,empty,cosy, brightly,delicious,upstairs,hour,would,season,terrible,reply. Можно использовоть и свои слова.

Once in my apartment, someone knocked. Was a late hour, and I was alone at home, the apartment was empty. I went to open it, but first looked through the peephole. There has been some movement, and I saw an adult, wrapped in a cloak. I was panicking because I did not know who it is. I had the idea that a thief. Man pulled something from his pocket, and I thought it was a gun. I imagined the shot. It was awful. But it turned out that instead of a gun man had keys. Front door opened a few inches. I hid. And my dad went flat. The street was rain, so he wrapped himself in his cloak. My fear was gone. With dad was immediately comfortable. We together with dad laughed at my fear.
Однажды в мою квартиру кто-то постучал. Был поздний час, и я был дома один, квартира была пуста. Я пошёл открывать, но сначала посмотрел в глазок. Там было какое-то движение, и я увидел взрослого, закутанного в плащ. У меня была паника, потому что я не знал, кто это. У меня появилась мысль, что это вор. Человек вытащил что-то из кармана, и мне показалось, что это пистолет. Я представил себе выстрел. Это было ужасно. Но оказалось, что вместо пистолета у человека были ключи. Входная дверь приоткрылась на несколько сантиметров. Я затаился. И в квартиру вошёл мой папа. На улице шёл дождь, поэтому он закутался в плащ. Мой страх исчез. С папой сразу стало уютно. Мы вместе с папой посмеялись над моим страхом.

Напишите рассказ на английском языке - выдуманную историю

 In a very distant land once home to the little prince. He was very lonely. He really wanted to have friends, but the prince was ugly, so no one wanted to be friends with him. One day, the prince walked through his garden, where roses grew. These roses are loved by all because they were beautiful. The Prince is very jealous of them. Every day he came into the garden and thought how he become the same edge.
 -Prince, you come every day for a long time and look at us, what do you want? Asked once rose.
- I want to be as beautiful as you, I’m ugly, and because of this no one is friends with me, said the little prince.  
- You’re ugly and now you’re doomed to perpetual loneliness? Said Daisy, she looked out from the midst of roses.
- Here, too, believe me ugly, come on, you’re my friend, and I yours?
- Is it possible?
- Of course. 
Since then, every time the prince came to the garden and talked with her new friend.

Написать историю от первого лица. Девушка уехала на выходные к подруге, по дороге чуть не сбила кого-то на дороге ( призрака ). Приехала к подруге, рассказала ей всё, подруга сказала, что это

... значит что будет авария, девушка не поверила. Спустя несколько дней вернулась домой, а её дом разрушен, её мужа и сына нету. Что это за призрак? Детали придумайте сами.

I was driving to my friend’s place, when I saw a person, fastly crossing the road. I pressed the brake, but a person fell over. I was worried that I could have hit him and climbed out of my car to look, but there was nobody on the road. Suddenly I realised that I have hit a ghost.

When I told it to my friend, she became serious. She claimed that it means that there is going to be a catastrophy. I didn’t beleive her.

When I came home, I saw that my house was burned, and I couldn’ t find my husband and son. Was my friend right?

6 класс. Напишите небольшую сказку, рассказ или историю про кого угодно используя 4 прошедших времени Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous по порядку
(Всего примерно ). Не будте равнодушными,

... людии ^^

In 1999, on Halloween, I and my friends decided to go to an abandoned house at the end of the street. The owner of the house had died long ago, so the house was ramshackle. We had been planning to go there when we were kids but we were afraid. It was fascinating for us to visit it because it had been said that there was a ghost. At 3 a. m, when everybody was sleeping, we escaped from our homes and rushed to the house. The front door was crumbling, so it wasn’t hard for us to open it. When we entered the house, we saw tremendous stairs. It seemed it didn’t have an end. At the end of the stairs, there was an old man. We couldn’t see his face due to darkness. He asked what we had needed and we told him that we had come for sweets. When he was going down the stairs, we saw who he was. It was a ghost. 

Подготовить рассказ - историю из прошлого, используя Past Simple (7 - )
Только чтобы было не слишком умной и не слишком сложно

Present Perefect.
1. I’ve just taken my breakfast.
Я только что принял свой завтрак.
2. She’s seen that movie twenty times.
Она видела тот фильм 20 раз.
3. I think I’ve met him before.
Я думаю, что раньше встречалась с ним.
Past Simple.
1. They went to that festival last year.
Они были на том фестивале в прошлом году.
2. I tried sushi for the first time yesterday.
Вчера я в первый раз попробовала суши.
3. My uncle was born in 1969.
Мой дядя родился в 1969 году.

Небольшой рассказ или историю на англ. языке, ужастики

It was an ordinary day, a little girl named Isabella and her mother was walking to the shops. Mom said sternly to her that today she made her can not buy.

They walked past the toy store, in the window of which was a beautiful porcelain doll, Isabella said, "Mommy get me, please, this doll!" "Isabella, remember what I told you, no shopping."

Isabella was disappointed until they came across a second store, backed goods. "Mom let’s go in here? PLEASE! "Mother agreed and after a few minutes in the hands of Isabella was smiling doll, doll face close to squeezing the cam, which had six fingers. Isabella ran to her mother and said, "Mom, can we take this doll? Please, please? "Her mother looked at the doll, and said," Do not you think that this doll is a bit spooky? "Isabella replied:" No ". "Good" - my mother said, and bought the doll.

Isabella lost all day with a doll on the stairs in the house until her mother called her to dinner. "Do not forget to pick up your doll at bedtime, Isabella" recalled the mother. "Okay Mom." But Isabella was so keen that I forgot to raise the doll down the stairs.

That night, Isabella woke up because someone was whispering her name. "Isabella. Isabella. I’m on the stairs. " She opened her eyes and asked, "Mom? Is that you? "No answer. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. She heard someone once called her name, "Isabella. Isabella. Look around you. " Of surprise, she released a glass of water from the hands to the floor. Turning around, she saw the doll on the table.

She took it and said, "You surprise me, Dolly," and went up the stairs, holding hands the doll to her chest.

The next day, the mother woke up early in the morning and went to the room of Isabella, to wake it up. Going into her room, she saw that the bed was empty, Isabella, and from the bed to the closet were small traces of blood. Mother carefully opened the cupboard and from what he saw screamed in horror. Isabella was in the closet, her eyes were gouged out, his throat slit, and her mouth was closed and sewn up. A small note was attached to her chest, where Isabella was written in blood, "Look." Isabella’s mother turned and saw a doll. Isabella doll sitting on the bed covered in blood, and now she was holding the cam next to the face, which had seven fingers.