Нужно написать рассказ на английском
Тема: Какой мой любимы канал. Какие телевизионные передачи я смотрю. Ю Какие не смотрю и почему? Какие программы считаю бесполезными, Что хорошего и плохого в

... телевидении.

My favorite channel is cartoon network. I watch it almost every day after I have done my homework. My favorite cartoon is ’Adventure Time’ and I find it very interesting. Also sometimes I watch Animal Planet because I love nature. Usually I don’t watch news because I find it boring and agressive. There are only sad stories about war and politics. I find them useless beccause newspapers and magazines are better for news. Also if all news will be in newspapers, people will start reading much more than now! In general television is good because everyone can find something interesting there, but there is the dark side of television - it can became addictive because some people watch it too much.

Нужно написать маленький рассказ из 7-и предложений (на английском) Начинать так: Я люблю смотреть телевизионные программы, но больше всего люблю читать книги, а дальше развить текст на и закончить тем,

... что мне нравится читать книги, потому что.

Я люблю смотреть телевизионные программы, но больше всего я люблю читать. Люблю читать приключения, фантастику, детективы  многие другие жанры. Когда я читаю  проникаю в ту атмосферу, который  изобразил автор.  Если  много читать, то у тебя развивается интуиция. В интернете есть много книг, которых даже нет  библиотеке. Я люблю читать, потому что можно чему нибудь научиться или узнать.

I love to watch television programs, but most of all I love to read. I love to read adventure, science fiction, detective many other genres. When I read in penetrating the atmosphere, which is portrayed by the author. If you read a lot, then you develop intuition. On the Internet there are many books that do not even have a library. I love to read, because you can learn something or what to learn.
(смогла  только 6)

составить небольшой рассказ на английском языке о любимой TV программе позжалуйста тольеко не кабельный канал(например россия2), перевидите свой рассказ.

My favorite TV programme is Pro news. I like it because I am interested in new invents which have happened all over the world.

I love watching nikateve on it are always interesting movies or cartoon serialy. on I really like it because I watch it not only one but with roditelimi. ya most love to see him after school because it is my favorite all serial. ya porkomendovalby this is a very wonderful TV I like him more than all the others!                                 перевод////    я люблю смотреть никатеве по нему всегда идут интересные фильмы или мульт сериалы. Он мне очень нравиться потому что я его смотрю не только один но и с родителими. Я больше всего его люблю посмотреть после школы потому что там идёт мой любимый сериал. Я поркомендовалбы всем этот очень замечательный телеканал он мне нравится больше всех других!

Рассказ о телевизионного семья на английском

На английском языке
Перевод на русский язык
TelevisionТелевидениеSince the times of its appearance television has played a very important role in people’s lives. It’s considered to be one of the most powerful media sources. The first sketches of moving objects in electronic devices were made in 1878, later in the 20-s and 30-s of the XX century the first real television appeared. Television has consequently become a cheap form of entertainment for people worldwide. The first TVs were white and black, and only in 1967 the citizens of our country saw colour television. Nowadays television has progressed and changed a lot for the better. Nearly every family has one or two TVs in their homes, and these TVs differ a lot from the past ones. Contemporary TV sets offer digital television (DTV), high-definition television (HDTV) and other new technologies. There are also hundreds of thematic channels instead of two and three, which were back in the 60-s. Television has lots of advantages, for example, keeps us informed, entertained and in some cases even educated. It can also get the family together in the evenings. However, there are also some disadvantages. It cuts people from the real world. Some people get addicted to it and can’t stop watching. Another disadvantage is the content sometimes shown. First of all, there is so much advertising, that it occupies the majority of television time. Secondly, there is lots of violence and cruelty on TV nowadays. It gets difficult to find something neutral to watch. Nevertheless, television has obviously changed the society, and it’s probably used more than any other type of mass media.

Рассказ по английскому про телевизионные каналы

There are many TV programs. My favorite TV programs are. (любимые каналы, если один канал, то My favorite TV program is. ) I like watching. (cartoons, news и т. Д. ) on it (they, если много перечислил(а) ). When my friend come for me, we always watching. TV programs are different. On one show cartoons on other news and films. Ну все. У меня фантазия неочень) лучше было написать, что ты хочешь показать на Русском, а я перевела! :3

Мне нужен рассказ про канал бибиси в Британии Например что он очень популярный, потому что по нему много чего интересного идети тд, только что бы он был не очень короткий

       The BBC channel is quite popular all over the world. But lets see why the BBC channel is so vogue.
First and foremost that we need to get a mention is that English is the language of international communication. So according to this fact we can make a conclusion that this channel is for definitely wide auditory. Secondly, most of you my dear classmates saw interesting programmes about travelings or animals produced by the BBC channel, didn’t you?
Have you ever tried to copy British accent? As for me I try to improve my pronunciation. Accent is extremely important part of each language especially if this language is English. There are 26 letters but above then 44 sounds. British accent is a classic which will never be out of fashion. BBC channel’s announcers have utterly correct accent. Even Queen speaks with such accent as the BBC channel’s announcers do speak. So, watching BBC channel perhaps you will refine your accent and pronunciation. I do hope so!
As we can see there are quite much reasons which make the BBC channel so demand, well-known and popular.

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