Рассказать о семейных проблемах и конфликтах маленькое сочинение

People do fight with each other. But it’s a lot painful when people that you love fight with each other. Now a days there’re many families where members interfere with each other. Due to family fights people get easly depressed, they start think home isn’t nice place. But why do these things happen? When people stuck in a rut they don’t notice loved ones around them, they just forget about thier feelings but they’re focuse on their own thoughts. So they stop to listen each other. So that’s how we get a problems inside of the family. Why just we don’t start to listen each other? By this way anyone can solve any kind of problem. So let’s stop spending our energy on negative things and let’s start a new page of our lifes.

Написать рассказ на тему: Конфликт.
1)Объясните что такое конфликт. Почему они возникают?
2)Дать пример конфликта. Между одноклассниками, в семье, в политике.
3)Объяснить почему мирное решение конфликта очень важное.

... 4)Дать совет если у людей конфликт.
5) Прокомментировать книгу о мирном исходе конфликта и объяснить почему она полезна.

Конфликт - это острый способ разрешения противоречий в интересах, взглядах, целях и т. П. Причинами большинство конфликтов являются следующие: личная неприязнь; неопределенность; противоречивость целей; социальное неравенство; несовершенство человеческой психики; религиозные различия; эгоистичность людей. Ситуация на Украине тоже является примером конфликта. Именно там людям не хватает мирного урегулирования вопросов, ведь пока одни люди воюют, пытаясь отстоять свою точку зрения, политику, другие люди гибнут просто так! Нахождение компромиссов, на мой взгляд - важный элемент избавления от конфликтов. Ну а по сути конфликты лучше не начинать т. К. Люди тратят своё время, нервы и порой даже силы. Нужно уметь сдерживаться, быть толерантнее и тогда жизнь будет более спокойнее

Напишите рассказ на тему: "what can we do about conflicts?"

Many people ask questions about conflicts. They want to know why conflicts happen in a family. They want to know why political parties and states have conflicts. They ask me what they can do about conflicts.
Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas and their values are different. Very often people have conflicts because they do not listen to each other well. They think about what they want to say and don’t really hear what the other person is saying.
Conflicts may lead to fights, bad relations and violence. If conflicts happen between parties or states, they can lead to war. That is why people should try to prevent conflicts.
But it is impossible to prevent all conflicts. Every day you are in contact with people whose values are different from yours. And you have the right to disagree with their values. But you should understand that other people also have the right to be different from you. You must respect the right of other people to have ideas that differ from your ideas. People who respect each other’s ideas can resolve conflicts in a peaceful way. If people resolve conflicts peacefully, they will have better relations in the future. That is why many people want to learn about conflict resolution.

Конфликт человека и природы рассказ по английскому языку

People are the part of nature. As our civilization develops, people become stronger than nature.
But it’s not so simple. People learned to influence our environment. They create different household items, medicines, food… So, they pollute the atmosphere. There are even ozone holes. People are not careful. They burn forests, pollute rivers. But nature doesn’t forgive it: a lot of incurable diseases appeared. There are also typhoons, tsunamis, acid rains.
But I think nature won’t destroy all of us (though… dinosaurs disappeared). To my mind, people should think of the future because our planet is in our hands!
Люди - это часть природы. В результате развития цивилизации человек стал сильнее природы.
Но не все так просто. Люди научились изменять окружающую среду, создавая предметы быта, лекарства, пищу… Таким образом, они загрязняют атмосферу. Появились даже озоновые дыры. Люди неосторожны. Они сжигают леса, загрязняют реки. Но природа не прощает этого: развиваются неизлечимые болезни. Появились тайфуны, цунами, кислотные дожди.
Я думаю, что все-таки природа не уничтожит нас (хотя… динозавры-то вымерли). Людям стоит задуматься о будущем, ведь наша планета в наших руках!

Переведите. Complex object.
1. Бабушка хочет, чтобы мы помогли ей по дому
2. Мама не разрешила ему смотреть телевизор
3. Не заставляя ее идти туда, если она этого не

... хочет
4. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочитали этот рассказ
5. Наш учитель хочет, чтобы они
решили конфликт мирным путем
6. Учитель хочет, чтобы родители предотвращали конфликты в семье
7. Я хочу, чтобы мы решили эту задачу вместе
8. Не позволят ему идти туда
9. Ему разрешили пойти на дискотеку. Спасибо огромное, заранее

1. Grandmother wants that we helped it about the house.
2. Mother didn’t allow it to watch TV.
3. Without forcing it to go there if she doesn’t want it.
4. I want that you read this story.
5. our teacher wants that they solved the conflict peaceful manner. 
6. The teacher wants that parents prevented the conflicts in a family.
7. I want that we solved this problem together.
8. Won’t allow it to go there.
9. To it allowed to go to a disco.

1. Grandmother wants to we help her with house.
2. Mother has not allowed him to watch TV set.
3. Without making her to go their if she doesn’t like.
4. I want you to read this story.
5. Our teacher wants them to solve a conflict by peace.
6. A teacher wants to our parents prevent conflicts in family.
7. I want to solve this task together.
8. He will not be allowed to go their.
9. He is allowed to go to disco. 

I believe that the most common reason for conflicts between teachers and students is the difference in understanding of life's values. Teaches believe that what they think and what they were taught

... - are the only right things and there should be no discussion about that. Students have different point of view, which are rather modern and unacceptable by teachers. WE CAN AVOID THIS CONFLICT (ПРОДОЛЖИТЬ РАССКАЗ НА 2-3-4 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ) if you have not managed to avoid the conflict you should try to resolve it as soon as possible. The most effective way to a teacher -student conflict resolution is (продолжить на 2-3-4 предложения)

We can avoid this conflict if we learn to respect values of older people. We should listen their point of view carefully and then, having taken all into account, answer what your generation think about this problem. I think, if we say about all pluses and minuses of our point of view, they can hear us and agree in some way.

The most effective way to a teacher-student conflict resolution is talking after classes. We can remember all books and films which can help us to support our point of view. A good teacher should pay attention and know about views of modern people. At first you can agree with teacher, not shout and be nervous. Take it easy and calmly talk about advantages and disadvantages of both points of view.