написать рассказ про какое нибудь изобретение на английском языке

Once electricity was discovered, it was used as a "postman", transmitting information at lightning speed. By wire transfer electrical signals learned, transfer telegrams and live human speech. It was a victory over the space! But telephone and telegraph wires will not last for a ship or plane, the train or car. 
Bridge the space people helped radio (translated from the Latin word "radio" means "radiate", it has a common root with another Latin word - "radius" - "beam"). To send messages without wires need only radio transmitter and receiver, which are connected by electromagnetic waves, otherwise known as radio waves emitted by the transmitter and received by the receiver. 
The history of radio begins with the world’s first radio that was created by the Russian scientist Alexander Popov Popov in 1895 constructed a device which, in his words, "to replace the missing man electromagnetic sense" and react to electromagnetic waves. First, the receiver can "feel" the only atmospheric electrical discharges - lightning. And then learned to accept and record on a tape telegrams transmitted by radio. His invention Popov summed up the work of a large number of scientists from several countries.

Подскажите, мне по аглийскому задали написать топик ( рассказ) по тему ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ, . Тоесть нужно выбрать любое изобретение и написать про него.

Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. 
He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. 
He was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory. 
Edison is the fourth most prolific inventor in history, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. 
He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. 
These included a stock ticker, a mechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures. 
His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. 
Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. 
His first power station was on Manhattan Island, New York.

Нужно до завтра, составить рассказ на английском языке о любом техническом изобретении(микроскоп, печатная машинка и пр. ) обьём - (небольших).

War, the magnification obtainable with a microscope was limited by the wavelength of visible light. This is because two points on a microscope specimen cannot be distinguished from each other if they are not at least as far apart as half the wavelength of the light used to illuminate them.
By using a beam of electrons instead of light as the illuminant, virtually any wavelength can be used by controlling the velocity of the electrons electrically. Thus, by subjecting a beam of electrons to a potential of 10 000 volts, a wavelength of about 10-9 centimetres is obtained, compared to visible wavelength of the order of 5 x 10-5 centimetres.
Glass lenses cannot be used with electron microscopes, instead a system of magnetic lenses is used for focusing the beam, and the resulting image is photographed on a special type of photographic plate. With the tremendous magnifications possible with this instrument, objects as small as individual viruses can be clearly photographed and observed.

Teacher: Your time is up. Now let’s do some exercises. The first is to find English equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text. Correct your translation, if you have mistakes

Microscope - a device that is intended to increase the image, as well as measurements of objects or parts of the structure that are invisible to the naked eye. Is a set of lenses. The set of production technologies and the practical use of microscopes called microscopy.
First microscope invented by mankind, were optical, and their first inventor is not easy to distinguish and name. The earliest information about microscope referred to 1590 and the city of Middelburg, in the Netherlands, and is associated with the name John Lippersgeya (who also developed the first simple telescope) and Hans Jansen, who were engaged in the production of glasses. A little later, in 1624, the year of Galileo is a compound microscope, which he originally called "okkiolino» (occhiolino Italian. Small eyes). A year later, his friend from the Academy, Giovanni Faber proposed for a new invention, the term "microscope".
Microscope resolution - the ability to give a clear separation of the microscope image of two closely spaced points on the object. The degree of penetration into the microcosm, the possibility of its study depends on the resolution of the instrument. This characteristic is determined primarily by the wavelength of the radiation used in microscopy (visible, ultraviolet, X-rays). Fundamental limitation is the inability to get through electromagnetic radiation image of the object, smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. "To penetrate deeper" into the microcosm possible in the application of radiation with shorter wavelengths.
Depending on the required amount of permits considered particulate matter, microscopy, microscopes are divided into:
1. Optical microscopes.
2. Electron microscopes.

3. Scanning probe microscope.

4. X-ray microscopes.

5. Differential interference contrast-Mikros

Надо придумать изобретение и рассказать о нам. О его пользе и т. Д.

I would like to present to you the "Connect-A-Time". This is a machine that allows you to travel back in time. It looks like a time machine but the result is diferent. The diference between a time machine and the "Connect-A-Time" is the fact that with a time machine you can go back as a diferent person see yourself as a human ad change the cource of history just by being there and not doing anything. If you take the "Connect-A-Time" - you will be transported back in time in your own body. You are able to feel the emotions you were through before and maybe even do somethings diferently. It would depend on the time to go back to. 

Now I would like to explaine the reason for such a machine. I have heard many people say that they would like to go back to a certain time of their life and re-live it. Now change it but be able to go through the same motions and emotions. For instance, I would like to go a few summers back and re-live the time I spent with my friends again.

Напишите(на английском) рассказ про любое изобретение(не компьютер) спасибо заранее

The last decades into life of many European cities included the XIX century electric lighting. Having appeared at first on streets and the areas, it got into each house soon, to each apartment and became an integral part of life of each civilized person. It was one of the major events in the history of the equipment, having huge and diverse consequences. Rapid development of electric lighting led to mass electrification, revolution in an energy drink and to large shifts in the industry. However all this could not happen if efforts of many inventors didn’t create device such ordinary and habitual for us as an electric bulb. Among the greatest opening of human history it, undoubtedly, possesses one of the places of honor.
In the XIX century two types of electric lamps gained distribution: incandescent lamps and arc. Arc bulbs appeared a little earlier. Their luminescence is based on such interesting phenomenon, as вольтова an arch. If to take two wires, to connect them to rather strong source of current, to connect, and then to move apart on distance of several millimeters, between the ends of conductors something is formed like a flame with bright light. The phenomenon will be more beautiful and brighter if instead of metal wires to take two pointed coal cores. At rather big tension between them light of dazzling force is formed.
For the first time the phenomenon of a volt arch was observed in 1803 by the Russian scientist Vasily Petrov. In 1810 the same discovery was made by English physicist Devi. Both of them received вольтову an arch, using the big battery of elements, between the ends стерженьков from charcoal. Both that, and another wrote that вольтова the arch can be used for lighting. But before it was necessary to find more suitable material for electrodes as cores from charcoal burned down in some minutes and were of little use for practical use. Arc lamps had also other inconvenience — in process of burning out of electrodes it was necessary to move constantly them towards each other. As soon as the distance between them exceeded a certain admissible minimum, light of a lamp became rough, it started flickering and died away.

Подготовить реферат о важнейших изобретениях 20 века. Расскажите своим товарищам: - какое изобретение Вы считаете самым главным; - какими устройствами Вы часто пользуетесь и для чего; - почему людям трудно обойтись без

... компьютеров и мобильных телефонов.
Рассказ должен быть на английском.

10 inventions of the 20th century that turned our lives
People from ancient times have tried to realize dreams and fantasies in order to simplify and diversify their way of life. We list a few inventions of the 20th century that have changed the habitual outlook on life.
1. X-ray beams
KVNovskaya joke says that the X-ray invented by the deacon Ivanov, who told his wife: "I see through you, bitch, through and through." In fact, electromagnetic radiation was discovered in the late 19th century by the German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen. Turning on the current in the cathode tube, the scientist noticed that a nearby paper screen, covered with crystals of platinocyanide barium, emits a green glow. According to another version, the wife brought dinner to Roentgen, and when she put the plate on the table, the scientist noticed that her bones were shining through the skin. It is well known that Wilhelm for a long time refused to receive a patent for an invention, not counting his studies as a full-fledged source of income. X-rays can be safely attributed to the discoveries of the 20th century.
2. Aircraft
Since ancient times, people have tried to create an aircraft and rise above the ground. But only in 1903, the American inventors of the Wright brothers managed to successfully test their "Flyer-1" equipped with an engine. He was in the air for 59 seconds and flew over the Kitti Hawk valley 260 meters. This event is considered the moment of the birth of aviation. Today without airplanes it is impossible to imagine either the development of business or leisure. "Steel birds" are still the fastest mode of transport.
3. Television
Not so long ago the TV was considered a prestigious thing, emphasizing the status of the owner. At various times many minds worked on its development. Back in the XIX century, the Portuguese professor Adriano De Paiva and the Russian inventor Porfiry Bakhmetev independently advanced the idea of ​​the first device capable of transmitting images on wires. In 1907, Max Dieckmann demonstrated the first television receiver with a screen size of 3x3. In the same year, professor of the Petersburg Institute of Technology Boris Rosing proved the possibility of using a cathode ray tube to convert an electrical signal into a visible image. In 1908, the Armenian physicist Hovhannes Adamyan received a patent for a two-color apparatus for signal transmission. In the late 20-ies of the 20th century in America, the first television set was compiled by the Russian emigrant Vladimir Zvorykin. He managed to break the light beam into blue, red and green colors and get a color image. He called his model "iconoscope." However, in the West, the "father of television" is the Scotsman John Logie Byrd, who patented the device, creating an image of eight lines.
4. Mobile phone
The first phone was demonstrated at the end of the XIX century, and the first mobile phone appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century. When Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee from the department for the development of portable devices, showed colleagues a kilogram tube, they did not believe in the success of the new invention. Walking through Manhattan, he called from his "brick" Joel Engel, the head of the research department of the company-competitor Bell Laboratories, and was the first to apply new technologies in practice. For 15 years before Cooper, the Soviet scientist Leonid Kupriyanovich also successfully carried out such an experiment. Therefore, the question of who owns the palm tree in the field of portable devices is quite controversial. Anyway, "mobile phones" became a discovery of the 20th century, and already firmly entered our life.
5. Computer
Today it is difficult to imagine life without a computer, laptop or tablet. But even recently such devices were used exclusively for scientific purposes. In 1941, the German Konrad Zuse created a mechanical computer Z3, which possessed all the properties of a modern computer, but worked on the basis of telephone relays. A year later, American physicist John Atanasov and graduate student Clifford Berry began developing the first electronic computer, but they did not finish the project. In 1946, the relay was continued by John Mokley, and introduced the first electronic computer to ENIAC. The decades passed before huge machines occupying entire rooms turned into compact devices. The first personal computers appeared only in the late 70-ies of the last century.