напишите рассказ на тему: the carnivals and festivals.

Festivals in England
The more eccentric the festivals in England, the greater the fervour with which we embrace them. St George’s Day is celebrated at concerts and creative events around the country with parades, maypole dancing and thrilling enactments of St George slaying the dragon. May Day fêtes on village greens mark the start of summer. Be entertained by a Morris dancing troupe and the crowning of the May Queen. On Bonfire Night, join a parade through towns where effigies of the traitorous Guy Fawkes are held aloft and eventually burnt. Cheer as the fireworks light up the smoky November sky.

Рассказ на английском языке о каком-нибудь фестивале (Можно о придуманном)

Maslenitza is one of the most favorite holidays in our country. It lasts from Monday till Sunday.
   It comes either at the end of February or at the beginning of March, this is so-called movable festival. In 2002, Maslenitza took place in March (from 3d up to 9th).
   This holiday means the end of winter and the spring coming. It has pagan origin. During this holiday people visit each other, children play snowballs, light bonfires, enjoy horse-sledging.
   During these days people should avoid eating any kind of meat, but they are to eat much butter, cheese, sour cream, lots of pancakes.
   Lent follows Maslenitza, it is the strictest and long holiday, it lasts 7 weeks. During these weeks people avoid eating fat meals, meat and there are few entertainments.
   People must work hard, pray and clean their soul.
Масленица — один из самых любимых праздников в нашей стране. Он длится с понедельника по воскресенье.
    Он проходит либо в конце февраля, либо в начале марта, это так называемый праздник непостоянной даты. В 2002 году Масленица проходила с 3 по 9 марта.
   Это праздник перехода от зимы к весне. В это время люди ходят в гости друг к другу, жгут костры, капаются на санях, запряженных лошадьми.
   В эти дни люди должны избегать употребления в пищу любого мяса, но могут есть много масла, сметаны, сыра, блинов.
   После Масленицы наступает Великий пост, самый строгий и длинный, он длится семь недель. В это время люди не едят жирной пищи, мало развлекаются.
   Люди должны много трудиться, молиться, очищать свою душу.

Надо написать рассказ о фестивале Белые Ночи в Перми.

Instead of a set of last year’s sites now for most events chose a single place — the festival town on the Esplanade. Within the overall program — many festivals, concerts, contests, competitions, a total number of more than 750 cultural and sporting events. They will collect only some of the participants about 6.5 thousand.
As planned, the festival will visit 350 thousand inhabitants of Perm and the Perm edge will arrive 30 thousand tourists from different cities of Russia.
Even the festival itself is a miracle-a town worth a lot: dozens of huge sand sculptures, three scenic areas, two swimming pools and the beach, cardboard city Cartones, ancient ship - Oskui, Udmurt wood sculpture, sun and rain of the alley and much more. But a bit further sports area with an outdoor ice skating rink.
The city is waiting for the world giants street theatre and contemporary circus, United by the project "Wonder Bomb", gala concert of the Maestro Vladimir Spivakov on the stage of the festival, performances — winners of the national theatrical award "gold mask", "Book fair", traditional festival "Perm Alive", a dance contest "ЯDance" and more. The majority of the festival events is free.

Нужно написать небольшие рассказы по вопросам по учебнику за 9 класс Spotlight Рассказ на каждую тему рассчитан на 1,5-2 минуты(темы для экзамена)
1.Celebrations and festivals (Pp.10,16,18)
Tell : 1) What popular celebrations and

... festivals you know in Russia?
2) Which of them you like most. Why?
3) What popular celebrations and festivals you know in other coutries. Tell about one of them.

Russia is a very conservative country. Since a long time ago many traditions and celebrations were created and still remain the same.

My favorite celebration is New Year. Whole family groups together at one table, and we are chating with each other in wonderfull atmosphere. Everyone enjoys appeareance of each other.

In Italy Pasha is one of most important celebrations in that country. Once when I was during that holiday I was embarased by atmosphere. Everything was so wonderful that I can’t even express it in words. To sum up I’d like to say that for every person different hollidays may be favorite ones.

Напишите рассказ на тему: Street festivals in America

This is an incomplete list of festivals in the United States. This list includes festivals of diverse types, among them regional festivals, commerce festivals, fairs, food festivals, arts festivals, religious festivals, folk festivals, and recurring festivals on holidays.

Festivals unique to the United States (and Canada and Mexico in some cases) include pow wows, Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, blues festivals, county fairs, ribfests, strawberry festivals, and state fairs. The first U. S. state fair was that of New York, held in 1841 in Syracuse, and has been held annually to the present year.[1] The second state fair was in Detroit, Michigan, which started in 1849.[2]

Напишите рассказ на английском о традициях и фестивалях в Великобритании и США

Every nation has different customs and traditions, its own way of life. 
In Europe there are people who have lived in the same house and been in the same job for 20, 30 or more years. That’s not the American way of life. The Americans love change, they call it the spirit of adventure, a spirit that they think is more characteristic of America than of Europe. They like to move away, to change houses and jobs. 
While the Englishman thinks it is ill mannered to ask private questions, the American doesn’t feel that at all. He will tell you all about himself, his wife and family, and ask where you have come from, what your job is, how you like America and how long you are staying. The American prefers sociability. In his home he doesn’t object to being seen by everyone — he actually likes it. 
With this sociability goes overwhelming hospitality. A national Thanksgiving Day is perhaps the only holiday spent by the Americans at home. Table decorations follow a traditional pattern — a harvest of Indian corn, apples, oranges, walnuts and grapes. Flowers also bring the fall scene indoors. The centrepiece is the traditional roast turkey. 
Still another American tradition concerns Halloween. Its origin dates back hundreds of years to the Druid festival. The Druid New Year began on November 1, marking the beginning of winter and the reign of the Lord of Death. The custom of telling ghost stories on Halloween comes from the Druids. On this occasion children usually wear ghost costumes or false faces. They also carve out rounded eyes in pumpkins and put burning candles inside them to make them visible from far away. 
In Texas, where the West begins, the biggest annual festival — the Fat Stock Show — is held. Its rodeo, hold together with the stock show, is the biggest indoor rodeo on the earth. 
And, of course, no nation can exist without humour. As they themselves say, an American must have one wife, two cars, three children, four pets, five suits, six acres, seven credit cards — and is lucky to have eight cents in his pocket. 

Рассказ про фестивали на английском

The festival in our city is not so frequent. But I still know about the festivals. For example, in Brazil girls wear very bright clothes. And at us the festival is an important event. We wear traditional clothes and we go together to cheer on tasty ice cream, or just to be restored. Everyone has a picture in his heart that helps to realize everything. Therefore, everything that we think it will always translate into life. And in Germany there is a very big beer festival. How funny it sounded, but it’s true. All people from all over the world come here to this festival. But I am more interested in alcoholic beverages and a calm and cheerful day in a friendly circle.

Рассказ о каком -либо фестивале на английском языке - для 5 класса

There are many different festivals and everyone can find the most exciting and interesting for himself. Some people like music, some sport games, and some really enjoy watching films. 
Film festivals are the events I am unterested in a lot. 
This year I watched all the movies from the 4th Odessa Internationa Film Festival. Festival is usually held in mid-summer. It becomes more and more popular every year. It takes abou a week and  they show a lot of movies from different countries and domestic obversiously too. You can take part in the festival as a visitor or as a volonteer and to help the organizers and to enjoy the atmosphere. You can see there a lot of famous people, politicians, celebrities, show-men, and directors and eve take photo with them and communicate a little.
At the end of the week the audience chooses the best fils they liked and get their prises.
I really like this festival and hope to come there next year.