Ребята с английским языком мне нужно сделать проет. Напишите по русскии то что будет написано в задание а я переведу. Просто нечего в голову не лезет аа надо.

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Вот задание проекта:
1 Выберите спорт о котором хотите рассказать
2 обьясните почему вы выбрали этот спорт
3 узнайте основные даты в истории этого спорта
99 баллловвв только е

Хоккей. Из России много известных по всему миру хоккеистов+ обыгрывали родоначальников хоккея.

FOOTBALL I’m  fond of sports,  espeially football.  I know  the football is certainly the world’s most popular sport.
So I joined our school football club two years ago.  I best footballer in our class. I often take part in different sport competitions in our school. I wish to become a professional football player.
I suppose the finest player of all time is  Edson Arantes do Nascimento, nicknamed Pelé. He was  famed for his speed and strength on the ball. 
I always  watch a lot of reportage  filming of  football  matches.
Now the World Cup is the focus of football. The final match is watched on TV by almost half of the world’s population. Me too.
Я Увлекаюсь спортом, особенно футболом. Я знаю, что футбол, конечно, самый популярный вид спорта в мире.
Так что я вступил в наш  школьный  футбольной клуб два года назад. Я лучший футболист в нашем классе. Я часто принимают участие в различных спортивных соревнований в нашей школе. Я хотел бы стать профессиональным  футболистом.
Я полагаю, что лучший игрок всех времен это  Эдсон Arantes Насименто по прозвищу Пеле. Он известен за его скоростью и ловкостью с мячом.
Я всегда смотрю много репортажной съемки футбольных матчей.
Теперь чемпионат мира в центре внимания футбола. Финальный матч смотрят по телевизору почти половина населения земного шара.   и Я тоже

Напишите доклад по английскому на тему: "лыжный спорт" аа

Skiing includes cross-country skiing at various distances, jumping ski jumping, Nordic combined ( ski race and jumping ski jumping ), skiing and snowboarding. He was born in Norway in the XVIII century. The International Federation - FIS (FIS; founded in 1924) - is about 60 states (1991). In 1924 skiing included in the Winter Olympic Games, World Championships held in 1925 ( officially since 1937 ). In Russia, the Association develops skiing Ski Russia (RSA - Russian Ski Association), which is the only official representative of the FIS.

Подготовить рассказ - проект о популярном спорте в России
На английском языке, чтобы простые слова. Мне будет нужно это учить

Well, I want to tell you about the most popular sports game in Russia. It’s hockey, of course. 
Hockey is a game played only on winter. It’s an exciting game wherein play 2 teams. But remember, when you want to play it you need sharpened skates, pucks and hockey sticks, of course. Hockey players should be veri skilled. On the one hand it’s very traumatic game but on the other hand if you don’t like risk, you don’t play in sports game. The rules of the game are simple. The players try to score a goal into the opponents’ gate. The puck should completely cross the goal line and enter the net. 
You would probably agree with me that it’s very difficult and rough game. However, people love this game and enjoy watching it.

Написать сообщение про любой вид спорта в России

А:   Авиамодельный спорт, Авиационный спорт, Автоспорт, Айкидо, Акватлон, Акробатика, Акробатичекский рок-н-ролл, Альпинизм, Американский футбол, Арбалетный спорт, Армлестлинг, Аэробика спортивная
Б: Бадминтон, Баскетбол, Бег, Бег на коньках, Бейсбол, Бобслей, Борьба на поясах, Биатлон, Бильярд, Бокс, Борьба вольная, Борьба греко-римская, Боулинг
В: Велосипедный спорт, Водно-моторный спорт, Водное поло, Воднолыжный спорт, Волейбол
Г: Гандбол, Гимнастика спортивная, Гимнастика художественная, Гиревой спорт, Гольф, Горнолыжный спорт, Городошный спорт, Гребля академическая, Гребля на байдарках и каноэ, Грепплинг
Д:   Дайвинг, Дартс, Джиу-джитсу, Дзюдо
З:   Зумба
И:   Иайдо
Й:   Йога
К:   К-1 (японский кикбоксинг), Кайтинг, Капоэйра, Каратэ-до, Картинг, Кекусинкай, Кендо, Керлинг, Кикбоксинг, Кобудо, Конный спорт, Крав-мага, Крикет, Крокет, Культуризм и фитнес, Кудо, Кунг-Фу
Л: Легкая атлетика, Лыжные гонки, Лыжный спорт
М:   Маунтинбайк, Метание ножей, МиксФайт, Мини-футбол, Мотоспорт
Н: Настольный теннис, Ножевой бой
О:   Ориентирование спортивное
П:   Панкратион, Парашютный спорт, Паркур, Парусный спорт, Пауэрлифтинг, Пейнтбол, Пилатес, Плавание, Планерный спорт, Прыжки в воду,  Прыжки на батуте,  Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина, Пятиборье
Р:   Рафтинг, Регби, Роликовый спорт, Рукопашный бой
С:   Сават (французский бокс), Санный спорт, Самбо, Самбо боевое, Серфинг, Синхронное плавание, Скалолазание, Сквош, Скелетон, Сноубординг, Снукболл, Софтбол, Спортивные танцы, Спортивный туризм, Стрельба, Стрельба из арбалета, Стрельба из лука, Стрельба пулевая, Стретчинг, Сумо
Т:  Танцевальный спорт (Аргентинское танго, Бальные танцы, Брэйк данс, Восточные танцы, Зумба, Сальса, Танец живота, Хип-Хоп, Фламенко, Go-Go ), Тайский бокс (муай-тай), Теннис, Триатлон, Тэквондо, Тяжелая атлетика
У:   Ушу
Ф: Фехтование, Фигурное катание, Филиппинская борьба, Фитнес, Флорбол, Фрисби, Футбол
Х:   Хапкидо, Хоккей, Хоккей на траве, Хоккей с мячом
Ц:   Цигун
Ч:   Чирлидинг
Ш:  Шахматы, Шашки 

Доклад о любом виде спорта, на английском языке, на уровне 8 класса

Combat two athletes on certain rules called wrestling. This sport has come to us from ancient times.

Rules, of course, there were other then than now, but the principle is always a combative one - put an opponent on the shoulder or make him touch the ground hip or shoulder. The fight went the second number (after the race) in the program of the ancient Olympic Games. But in the beginning of the 20 th century in many European countries, especially France and Russia, has gained great popularity of Greco-Roman wrestling, which is also known as the French and which is now known as a classic. It prohibited steps and grabs the waist down. Victory goes on points for receptions, as well as if the opponent managed to get both shoulder blades touch the mat and he rolled over on his back, shoulders touching the mat turns.

Masters of this struggle was the Russian hero Ivan Poddubny. He won five times at the World Championships and his whole life wrestling (and played Ivan Maksimovic to 57 years) lost only two fights. The heroes of unprecedented power is now. For example, the light heavyweight Nikolai Balboshin. This classic style wrestler won at the Olympics in 1976, the five-times world champion and six - Europe. Gained enormous prestige and other athletes - Olympic champion Valery Rezantsev and Alexander Kolchinsky. At the Olympic Games in Seoul (1988) won the audience great force from Novosibirsk heavyweight Alexander Karelin. However, most titled in the wrestling world, is considered an outstanding athlete Alexander Medved - three-time Olympic champion, seven-time world champion. He - wrestler.

In this form of martial arts on the carpet is allowed almost everything - steps, sweeps, turnovers. In general, you are free to hold any appointment. In classical and freestyle all competitors are divided into ten weight classes, for example, the lightest athletes are in the category up to 48 kg, then, up to 52 kg, 57 kg and more. Heavyweight fighters - it heroes, weighing more than 100 kg. The competition adolescents (12-13 years) and boys of different ages has different weight classes. In freestyle wrestling are widely known names finest athletes - Olympic champion Ivan Yarygin Levan Tediashvili, exiled Andiev, Sergei Beloglazova. Magicians carpet called the Contest in Seoul (1988) Arsene Fadzaev, Maharbek Hadarieva, David Gobejishvili. But in judo - seven categories. But there is also the eighth - it is called an open or absolute.

In a dispute over the award of a tournament of any competitor - whether it lightweight or heavyweight - can get on the mat and try their luck in a hot contest. Yes, in judo wrestlers compete not on the carpet, and on the mat - rigid litter. All commands are given in Japanese. For example: "Hajime" - "Start", "Ippon" - "Total victory!" The fact that this sport was born in Japan and "invented" it was a school teacher rules Dzigaro Kano. Athletes compete in a kimono - jacket and trousers made of thick cloth. It used to be that fighting - a sport for men.

But women are also found in the struggle for themselves attractive hobby. Especially it has attracted to judo. Since 1980, the world championships and European championships in women’s judo. In our country, the sport also came the girls like. The first championship was held in the USSR in 1987 to take the girls’ section was 12. Well, this martial art called Sambo - self-defense without weapons, probably know all the kids. This struggle was born in this country, having absorbed elements of the national struggle of many peoples of the world. Sambo appear on the carpet in the jacket, they also have ten weight classes. But in Sambo so many clever tricks that they would be sufficient for all other types of combat excess. Sambo can use clamps and the belt, and in any part of the jacket above the waist. Also permitted seizure of arms and legs of the enemy and of the feet against his legs, arms and torso.

Напишите проект на английском на тему ragby вид спорта. В проекте должно быть написано где это происходит, правила игры, что надо использовать.

Rugby was born in England. In English the game is called "rugby football". 
In the middle ages in England, a huge popular ball game. However, in those days it was much different from today, football and Rugby. The ball drove through the city streets and country roads of a huge crowd of people without any rules. It was caught, thrown, kicked, did everything to get to the enemy. And they did it selflessly, that was the reason a single witness-the French to write: "If the British with such selflessness indulge in this sport, then here’s a scary thought about how they are doing serious business." Naturally, such "matches" usually ended in a General brawl. In the time of Edward II, Richard II and Edward III issued strict laws against the "football crowd", as they called this game as it is, in the opinion of the kings, the commotion and distracted the subjects from other classes. But gradually, the game consisted in a more or less organized framework and is firmly established in English schools, but played by its rules, which created difficulties in meeting teams from various educational institutions. 7 APR 1823, it was memorable for the history of the sport, when it comes to the field of the College town of Rugby on the anniversary of the victory at Waterloo a sixteen year old student William Webb Ellis (William Webb Ellis) seized the ball in his hands and rushed with him to the "city" rivals. It was a breach of the rules, the ball could only throw, but it was the impetus to the emergence of new games. And still the pride of the city in addition to Rugby, the highest in England the tower is a plaque on the wall of the College with the text: "Let this plaque recalls the glorious deeds of William Webb Ellis, the first who dared to break the rules, grabbed the ball with his hands and ran with it. So there was a Rugby game in 1823". 
Ellis also became the first man who attempted to enter the game in an organized way. For example, he limited the number of players in the team to ten people. And the first rules of Rugby were published in 1846. However, there was still a lot of opponents with his legs and hands. One was behind the game with the legs, other for game only hands. These disputes lasted until the 26th of October, 1863, when on a stormy meeting at the London tavern "Free man" there was a complete separation of supporters of football and Rugby. Nevertheless, in the first rules of football still allows the grips of the player with the ball and even hitting the legs below the knee. For this reason they even had written: "Men should play only such games that are accustomed to danger and pain." Until 1869, the players were allowed to catch the ball with his hands. Throw the ball out of the football with your hands, obviously, the last echo of the time. 
In 1871 was created the Union of Rugby football (Rugby Football Union), which United twenty one English club. He also composed the official rules of the game. In 1873, there was a Rugby Union Scotland (Scottish Rugby Union), in 1875 - the Irish Union. In 1890, they merged into the international Rugby Board (International Rugby Football Board), which later became the former British dominions - Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. There is still Rugby is the number one sport. 
Gradually the game spread to other countries, on other continents. In 1934 was created by the international Amateur Rugby Federation (FIRA).

Реферат на тему плавание как любимый вид спорта на английском языке

Может футбол подойдет? Про футбол вот.
Какой вид спорта мне нравится 
(сочинение-рассуждение) пишу про футбол
My most favorite sport - football. When I was small very much liked to watch on TV football matches. Has then grown up, itself began to drive a ball. At first this game involved me with a beautiful ball, the bright form. A bit later I have seriously reflected, the I like football. Probably, the that it is very mobile game, one person, and small collective participates in it not. The victory of the team depends on game of everyone. This game tempers health, brings up will, feeling of solidarity, helps to become hardy, strong. I wish all to fall in love with this sport