написать не большой доклад на тему: красные и двухэтажные автобусы а я не знаю что про них написать. Скажите буду очень благодарна. Где они находятся почему двухэтажные почему красные

... и т. Д мне задали это по английскому но текст должен быть на русском

На русском В британской столице знаменитые "Рутмастеры" (Routemaster) - красные двухэтажные автобусы с открытой подножкой исчезают с 9 декабря с регулярных городских маршрутов.  
Последний маршрут - номер 159, где "Рутмастеры" ездили вплоть до последнего времени, теперь, как и все остальные, будет обслуживаться более современными машинами, сообщает РИА "Новости". 
На прощание сотрудники предприятия "Транспорт для Лондона" устроили специальный тур для иностранных журналистов, работающих в Великобритании, где рассказали об истории "Рутмастеров" и причине их "отставки". 
Первые "Рутмастеры" были изготовлены в начале 1950-х годов с использованием передовых на тот момент технологий - автоматической коробки передач, гидроусилителя руля, усовершенствованной подвески, новейших рессор и корпуса из алюминиевых панелей, который позволял легко ремонтировать поврежденные части.  
"Рутмастеры" были выкрашены в традиционный красный цвет, изначально принятый для автобусов, поскольку это символический цвет для Лондона - именно красными изначально были почтовые ящики и телефонные будки.  
Двигатель у автобусов находился спереди, сбоку от кабины водителя. Задняя площадка была открытой и позволяла запрыгивать на подножку прямо на ходу или во время остановок автобуса, причем не только в установленных местах. Билеты пассажирам продавали кондукторы. Парк "Рутмастеров" заменил выведенные из эксплуатации троллейбусы и трамваи.  
на англиском 
In the British capital’s famous "Routemaster" (Route) - red double-Decker buses with an open bandwagon disappear from December 9 regular city routes. 
The last route - room 159, where "Routemaster" went up to the last time, now, like everyone else, will be served by more modern machines, RIA "Novosti". 
Goodbye employees "Transport for London" has arranged a special tour for foreign journalists working in the UK, where he talked about the history of Rotmistrov" and because of their "retirement". 
The first Rootmaster" were made in the early 1950-ies using advanced at that time, technology - automatic transmission, power steering, improved suspension, new springs and aluminium panels, which allowed to easily repair the damaged parts. 
"Routemaster" were painted in the traditional red, originally established for buses, because it is a symbolic color for London - that red were originally mailboxes and telephone poles. 
Motor buses were in front, to the side of the cab. The rear area was open and allowed to jump on the bandwagon on the go or during stops of the bus, not only in specified areas. Tickets passengers sold conductors. Park "Rotmistrov" replaced decommissioned trolleybuses and trams.

Сделайте доклад о буквах HOLLYWOOD. Можно по русски, но буду очень признательна, если напишите по английски.

Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles, California. It is famous around the world as a place where movies and television series are made. It has many different attractions such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Universal Studios and the famous Hollywood Sign. The word Hollywood can also mean the movie industry that is in Hollywood.
On the mountain overlooking Hollywood, there is a sign that is made of very big letters, spelling out its name. It is called the "Hollywood Sign". The huge Hollywood sign was built in 1923.
Если этого мало то, можно немного дополнить о строительстве букв

Сообщение по англ яз на тему Школа будущего

The School of the Future

 Most educators and observers agree that the future school will go electronic with a capital E!

What shape the school of the future will take is amorphous, but most educators and observers agree that the future school will go electronic with a capital E.

"Next century, schools as we know them will no longer exist," says a feature in The Age publication, based in Melbourne, Australia. "In their place will be community-style centers operating seven days a week, 24 hours a day." Computers will become an essential ingredient in the recipe for an effective school of the future.

Students, The Age asserts, will see and hear teachers on computers, with "remote learning" the trend of tomorrow. Accessing "classrooms" on their home computers, students will learn at times most convenient for them. Yet some attendance at an actual school will be required to help students develop appropriate social skills.

At Seashore Primary School, an imaginary school of the future created by the Education Department of Australia, technology is the glue that holds classes together. At the imaginary Seashore school:

all teachers and students have laptop computers. teachers check voicemail and return students’ calls on a special telephone system. students use telephones to find information or speak to experts in subject areas they are studying. all lessons are multidisciplinary. all students have individual learning plans created by teachers.

As Seashore’s acting principal says, a laptop computer is the students’ "library, homework, data storage, and connection to the wider world. (Technology) has changed the emphasis to the learning of kids rather than the teaching of kids."


The Center for the School of the Future (CSF) is the brainchild of the College of Education at Utah State University. The center’s main goals involve the creation and maintenance of a U. S. educational system that improves by selecting the most effective teaching practices. The mission of the center is to:

identify the most effective teaching approaches, techniques, and ideologies, encourage innovations and their adaptation to specific circumstances, assist the creation of a community of parents and teachers who support each other in improving schools.

The CSF is forming a Research and Best Practice Clearinghouse, a Parent Academy, and a Teacher Academy. Those organizations will contribute to the creation of model schools. Such model schools, according to the CSF, will stand for:

"equity and excellence,"teaching of basic skills combined with creative problem-solving, respect for individual values as well as diversity, preparation for democracy as well as a world economy.

Whatever the configuration of a school of the future might be, technology is always a huge part of it. Ginger Howenic, a consultant and director for The Classroom of the Future Foundation, recently made a presentation in the Lake Washington (Washington) School District. She was joined by Robert Clarke, executive director of the National School Co. Both emphasized technology.

Howenic formerly headed Clear View Elementary School, a charter school, in Chula Vista, California. At the presentation, she played a video from the school in which two boys studied bee anatomy with the help of an electron microscope and two professors. At the school, Hovenic says, kindergarten students use spreadsheets to track their height and weight through sixth grade.

Clarke’s company offers SONY Web TV packages to school districts for $207 per unit. The packages provide Internet access through regular televisions, assisting students whose families do not own computers.

The school days when computers meant word processing or playing games are already behind us. Yet no matter how great a part computers and other technologies play in the school of the future, it is only a means, advocates of technology say, to the greater end of enabling students to learn through interaction with various aspects of life.

Сообщение на тему "Моё будущее", я хочу работать в гостинечном бизнесе

I have many plans for my future. One of them is my future job. I would like to work in the hotel industry. In the increasing development in the field of tourism, business persons are motivated to establish hotel industries and accommodate travelers and their personal needs. The growth of hotel businesses seems a whirlpool where many business persons unexpectedly establish hotels in various regions in the country and around the globe. In various places in the country, a number of big and small hotels offer exciting treats and amenities towards their customers. As the competition rises, most hoteliers are forced to search for current trends in the business including its effective business strategies and techniques. Many hoteliers, indeed, search for marketing strategies to sell their hotels and services so that they can stay in the business. 

The adoption of the new trends in the hotel industry ensures its optimum service and efficiency. The use of social media to promote hotel services and promotions essentially facilitates effective business. Speed and precision are imperative to provide fast services towards the customers. Most hoteliers embrace technological trends such as social media sites and Wi-Fi to offer good services such as fast bookings, fast customer service responses, and fast check-ins. It is true that effective accommodation services require steps to improve the hotel industries. Once the customers are satisfied, they return to patronize the products and services. In a nutshell, the growth of tourism in most countries is noticeable. Numerous tourists around the world will love to spend their time traveling to various destinations. Paris, Istanbul, London, Walt Disney, Bangkok, and many others are among the places for travel, enjoyment, and relaxation. It can be true that traveling around the world is fun, exciting, and interesting and that it makes life even worth-spending. Because there are a number tourists around the world traveling, many hoteliers engage in businesses and integrate diverse strategies to serve customers effectively. It is important that hoteliers will focus on the new developments in the hotel businesses so that they can compete with one another. Once they are embracing up-to-date hotel trends, they can succeed to win over customers’ opportunities.

Реферат на тему: прошедшее, будущее и настоящее время.

Согласование времен в английском языкеХарактерная особенность английского языка заключается в так называемом согласовании времён: время глагола придаточного предложения зависит от времени главного предложения. Правило согласования времён представляет особую трудность, когда сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени. В этом случае в придаточных предложениях не могут употребляться формы настоящего и будущего времени глаголов, хотя речь идёт о действиях, которые совершаются в настоящем или будут совершаться в будущем. Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из прошедших времен, то и глагол придаточного предложения должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен. В таких случаях правило согласования времен допускает три основных варианта: Если действие в придаточном предложении происходит одновременно с действием в главном предложении, то нужно использовать Past Simple или Past Continuous: They told us, “We are going to the library.”
Они сказали нам : «Мы идем в библиотеку».
They told us they were going to the library.
Они сказали нам, что идут в библиотеку. Если действие в придаточном предложении предшествует действию в главном предложении, то глагол в придаточном используется в Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous: We were told, “It was raining a lot.”
Нам сказали: «Было много дождей».
We were told that it had been raining a lot.
Нам сказали, что было много дождей. Если действие в придаточном предложении следует после действия в главном, то нужно использовать одно из времен Future-in the-Past: She said: “I will try to get the highest mark on the exam.”
Она сказала: «Я постараюсь заработать на экзамене лучшую оценку».
She said she would try to get the highest mark on the exam.
Она сказала, что постарается заработать на экзамене лучшую оценку.