написать ответное письмо, ответить на его вопросы, примерно 100-120 слов: I study in high school in Dresden. and Im thinking about going on an exchange trip to England. my marks in English
Dear Denis,
Thank you very much for your letter. Soory, i’ve not written for so long but i’ve been busy with my exam.
Well, i’ll try to answer your questions and help you. It’s cool idea that you’re planning of going om an exchange trip to England. If i were you, i wouldn’t thinking of it. Studyind at high school in England is a really good way to gain our knowledge, get primary education and find a good job. Education, getting in England, is considered one of the best in our world. In addition, you have enough good grades and know the English language verry well. You can get it if you really want! Good luck!
Best wishes,
ребят, написать ответное письмо на письмо Mary.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes.
А вот собственно и письмо Mary
Write a letter to Mary.
In your letter
- tell her about your journey to Italy
- ask 3 questions about her plans for the summer
Write 100-140 words
Hello Mary,
I was so happy to receive your letter. I haven’t heard from you for ages.
As for my journey to Italy, I enjoyed it greatly. I travelled for the first time in my life. I tried to visit all the famous places of interest there. For example, I visited Colosseum, Roman Forum and the most famous Trevi fountain. I even threw the coin there to come back. I was deeply impressed by the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It’s a marvellous building. But most of all I liked the hotel where I lived. My room was so cosy and spacious. I felt there like at home.
I’m so sad that you study hard at school. What are you plans for summer? Are you going to visit your granny in the village or go to the summer camp? What do you think about going abroad like me?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Помогите составить ответное письмо, спасибо! Dear Donna I was glad to receive your litter. It’s relly great that your parents let you have a pet. As for me, I’ve got a
Hello, my dear friend. I like pets so much therefore I persuaded my parents to take one pet. I don’t know what pet to take, because I like each of them. I would like to have a cat or a dog. And I don’t want to have any parrot, because I’m afraid of them. Also I don’t want to have a hamster, it reminds me a rat. The rats are nasty, I hate them. Now I want to answer your questions. Yes, my house is big. I’ve got my own room. There is a garden around my house too. I had thought a little time and then I decided to buy the kitten. They are very cute. I want to have grey kitten. I will call her Mashka. Hope, we will like to each other.
НУЖНО ОТВЕТНОЕ ПИСЬМО НА ЭТО. Do you up early in the morning?My day degins very early,at 7. I have a shover,dress,have dreakfast and run to school. My classes begin at 8
I go to school 5 days a week. My lessons start at 8 a. m. (sharp), so, I have to get up at about 7 o’clock in the morning to get ready for school. First of all I make my bed, do my morning exercises and have breakfast. Usually classes start at 8 a. m. and last till 2 or 3 p. m. so I have 6 or 7 lessons a day. At weekend I often get up at 10 a. m. then I have breakfast and do my homework. After that I can help my mum to cook or tidy my room. In the evenings I and all my family watch interesting films.
(What films do you like?)
Если это переписка, то принято поддерживать разговор )
Я хожу в школу5 дней в неделю. Мои занятияначинаются в 8 часов утра (ровно в 8), поэтому, я долженвставатьв 7часов утра, чтобы подготовиться кшколе. Прежде всегоя делаюмою постель, делаю зарядкуи позавтракаю. Обычнозанятия начинаютсяв 8 часов и длятся до2 или 3 часов дня, поэтому у меня6 или 7уроковв день. Ввыходныея частовстаюв 10 часов утра, затем язавтракаю иделаюсвою домашнюю работу. После этогоя могу помочьмоей маме, чтобы приготовить поесть или убираю мою комнату. По вечерам яи вся моя семьясмотрит интересныефильмы.(Какие фильмывам нравятся?)
Ребят, написать ответное письмо другу + ответив на вопросы: 1. Какие достопримечательности есть в Москве. 2. Мои любимые места? Что я посоветую ему посетить в первую очередь?
Hello, my friend!
How are you?
I want to invite you to Moscow! It is a great city and the capital of Russia! The most famous and interesting place that you should visit first is The red square. There you can see churches, the Kremlin, cathedrals, the Tsar bell, the Tsar cannon and so on. I like to walk there with my friends. In Moscow you can also visit different museums - The Tretjakov Galary, State historical museum, Central armed forced museum, old English court and so on. There are also a lot of parks! I advice you to visit Gorky Park - it is my favorite place! and VVTs. I think you will like it!
Sorry. I have to go.
Write me! I will wait.