Напишите небольшой текст на английском языке про писателя по плану :
где он/она родилась
чем занимался дописьма произведения
какого знаменитого героя написал он/она написал
чо знаменитый герой любит

William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) - the great English poet, playwright, novelist. PLACE OF BIRTH England, Stratford-upon-Avon. William Shakespeare is often called the world’s greatest playwright. He wrote comedies, tragedies and historical plays in England in the last part of the 16th and the early 17th century. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the English town of Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was a businessman and the town’s mayor. His mother came from a family that owned land near Stratford. William had three younger brothers and two younger sisters. Like other boys of middle-class families, William attended a grammar school in Stratford where he got a good education and also learned Latin. When William was 18 he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children, first Susanna and then twins, a son named Hamnet and a daughter named Judith. Hamnet died when he was 11. We don’t really know what William did during the following years but in 1592 he went to London to work as a writer and actor. It was a difficult job and only the best found work in London. From 1592 to 1594 the Black Death spread across England. Many public places were closed and plays couldn’t be performed either. Shakespeare spent these years writing sonnets and poems. When the theatres opened up again in 1594 Shakespeare joined the best acting company of the country—Lord Chamberlain’s Men. It had the best actors, the best writers and the most famous theatre—the Globe. The Globe was a huge amphitheatre without a roof. The seats were curved around a stage that was built on many levels. Plays always started at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. People who didn’t have the money to buy a seat were allowed to stand in the front of the stage. All kinds of people came to see the shows– housewives, children, noblemen and even visitors from other countries. The company also presented special plays for kings and queens. Shakespeare and his fellow actors were responsible for everything in the Globe theatre. They owned the building and the costumes, they wrote the scripts and they also shared the profits that they made. The actors and writers of the theatre worked together successfully for many years. In the twenty years that he worked on stage Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. They can be put into three big categories:- Tragedies are plays that show the downfall of a main character. His most famous tragedies are Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth.- Comedies are funny plays that have a happy ending most of the time. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It and The Merry Wives of Windsor are among the most popular.- Historical plays are dramas about the lives of some of England’s most powerful kings like Henry IV orRichard II. William Shakespeare retired from the theatre in 1610 and went back to his home town Stratford, where he lived until his death in 1616. At that time the people of England did not know that their country’s greatest poet and playwright had died. They thought of him only as a popular actor and writer.

1-письмо адресованное ему 2-рассказы, написанные этим писателем 3-ключ, потерянный вчера 4-дом, построенный год назад 5-правила, объясненные нам вчера 6-слова, данные нам учителем 7-опрошенная девочка 8-человек говорящий по телефону 9-мальчик, написавший письмо 10-студенты,

... написавшие тест

1-письмо адресованное ему  A letter addressed to him 2-рассказы, написанные этим писателем the stories written by this writer 3-ключ, потерянный вчера  the key lost yesterday 4-дом, построенный год назад  the house built a year ago 5-правила, объясненные нам вчера the rules explained to us yesterday 6-слова, данные нам учителем the words given to us by the teacher 7-опрошенная девочка the asked girl 8-человек говорящий по телефону the man speaking over the telephone 9-мальчик, написавший письмо the boy by whom the letter was written 10-студенты, написавшие тест the students who have written the test

Напишите письмо на английском языке, соблюдайте правила написание письма. Ответьте на следующие вопросы: тебе нравится читать? Мой любимый писатель? Можете ли вы сказать, что вы и ваша семья любит читать?

Do you like to read? my favorite writer? can you say that you and your family love to read? I like to read. my favorite writer is Pushkin. He wrote many beautiful poems. in particular I like the poem: Poltava. Here is an excerpt. Kochubei is rich and famous. Its meadows are immense; There the herds of his horsesThey graze freely, they are not safe. Around the Poltava hamletSurrounded by its gardens, And there is much good in him, Fur, satin, silverBoth in sight and under the locks. My family reads books not infrequently, proving the evening evenings near the fireplace at the dacha.
воот )

Напишите письмо НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ!
Объём-около 100 слов. Английскому другу Вальтер(Walter) который живёт в Лондоне. А мы(писатель ) находится на борте аэрофлота самолёта(в Новосибирске). Описать впечатления. (чувства писателя

... когда он взлетел в Москве и как мы опускались, вид из окон, когда мы прибудем в место назначения. ).

Dear Walter!
In the first place, I will ask you: how are you? The weather in London is very sunny as usual, not?
Oh, Walter! You can’t imagine, but I’ve give you a chance. Guess what? Today my big dream came true! Yeah, dear Walter, I’m really flying in the sky like a bird but in plane, sitting in comfortable armchair in it. So it was so exciting from the moment we started in Moscow and to the moment we landing at Novosibirsk. How beautiful views I saw from the window! The city, streets, cars beeing like a toys! But why I talking about cars, it’s nothing comared with this clouds. I really feeling like a bird, can you imagine?
You must see them too,
Your friend.

написать на английском языке письмо отвечая в нем на вопросы: 1. Какой у вас любимый русский писатель 2. Сколько времени вы уделяете чтению? 3. Любите ли вы читать?

                                                                                                    24th November 2012

Dear, Jane

Thank you for the letter. It appears that we both have similar preferences in literature. I like classical literature, too. My favorite Russian writer is Nikolai Gogol. You know how much I love reading books. I’m reading Gogol’s ’Dead Souls’ now and I can’t tear myself away from the book. Every day I devote 3 hours to reading. So, I suggest to you reading this book.

Best wishes,


                                                                                                    24th November 2012

Нi. Ann!

Thanks  for you postcard. It appears that we both have similar preferences in literature. I like classical literature,  My favorite Russian writer is Aleksandr Pushkin. I’m reading his book Evgeny Onegin. I like it. I reading every day. I love reading books.

Take care,
